If you own a PS3 and have a PlayStation Network account, you can share your account name here and friend other members of the NIC on your PS3. While I'm sure that more people here have a 360 than a PS3, hopefully this will offer PS3 owners a chance for similar interactivity with NIC members through video games. If enough people share their account names, we can hopefully organize similar events that Xbox 360 owners can currently enjoy, such as Call of Duty: World at War battles against other members of the NIC.
If you have a PS3 with Playstation Network, you can share your information and connect with others in this topic.
Playstation Network account name: tennis8668
Games I play / have:
-Call Of Duty: World at War
-Rock Band (I don't usually play it, but post other owned games anyways in case someone wants to organize an online gathering of that game)
•tennis8668: PSN ID: tennis8668 - Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty: World at War, Rock Band;
•CrooKeD: PSN ID: Crooked - "Any game really";
•Applefury: PSN ID: Grotak - Call of Duty 4;
•Sputnik: PSN ID: LORD_SPUTNIK - Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty: World at War, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Lego Batman, Assassin's Creed, EchoChrome;
•Keef: PSN ID: Keefles - Call of Duty: World at War, Little Big Planet, Army of Two, Pain;
•Axelion_burnout: PSN ID: Axelion_burnout - Burnout Paradise, Rock Band, Rock Band 2, Little Big Planet, Mortal Combat vs/ DC Universe;
•Nerfnut23: PSN ID: canyondude - Call of Duty: World at War, Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, Guitar Hero 3;
•Natbeanz: PSN ID: Natbeanz - Call of Duty 4, Pain, WipEoutHD, Burnout Paradise, Assassins creed, Skate, Prince of Persia, Dynasty warriors 6, Star wars force unleashed, Little Big Planet, Naruto Ultimate Ninja STORM;
•Nerfboi: PSN ID: pH_Boi - Call of Duty 4, NFS Carbon
•-=VINDICATOR=-: PSN ID: coolbeans007 - Call of Duty 3, Battlefield Bad Company
•joeyaglr444: PSN ID: Joeyaglr444Call Of Duty: WaW, Call Of Duty 4, GTA 4, Fight Night Round 3, Socom: Confrontation
Popular Games:
-Call of Duty 4 (6)
-Call of Duty: World at War (5)
-Little Big Planet (3)
Thanks to everyone who has posted here! It looks like the Call of Duty series is pretty popular around here; with a few more people I would be able to organize nerfhaven CoD wars. With 6 members who own either CoD4 or CoD: WaW, we can have a 3v3 deathmatch. Or play has together with [nh] as our clan-tag in the same party. Would people be interested in doing either of these suggestions?
Also, it seems that some people only play on weekends, so if this happened it would probably be around then.
One last thing that I forgot. If you have/use a mike for the PS3, please let us know, as it will come in handy if we organize multiplayer events.
Edited by tennis8668, 12 January 2009 - 09:18 AM.