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April Yano Planning Thread

2003-04-12 Book it, Bizotch!

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#51 cxwq



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Posted 05 April 2003 - 11:49 PM

1 week till the war.

Let's get an updated headcount so I know exactly how irritable I'll be on the 12th. <g>

Is anybody coming from Santa Monica this time?
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#52 neonerfer



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Posted 06 April 2003 - 04:05 PM

I'm not totally sure if we can make it. As of now, I don't know if we have a ride because my fam and I are staying at a beach house on the weekends and the week of spring break. I don't think my mom would be too excitied to spend the day in Irvine, when she'd rather be enjoying the beach. I'll try my best to make it, I'll give Sam a call to see if we can bum a ride from him. Toj can't drive, his 'rents are busy, but we'll see what we can do. My BBB is alright as of now, I was really hoping to telescope brass it, but I can't find it anywhere around here. I tried a PETG/Brass telescope type deal but it didn't work to well. I guess I'll just rebuild the stock and tune it up a little, it was less than satisfactory at the last YANO, cause I tried to epoxy the coupler on, and I guess the seal wasn't the best. Hotglue gives me a great seal, but isn't too sturdy or reliable. Do you guys know of anything that has the seal of hotglue, but the strength of epoxy? Also, I may try attaching the coupler to the air chamber this time, cause I'm sick of the barrel being crooked. Anyways, I hope we can make it to the YANO, hope to see you all there.
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#53 ShortShit



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Posted 06 April 2003 - 10:55 PM

1 week till the war.

Let's get an updated headcount so I know exactly how irritable I'll be on the 12th. <g>

Is anybody coming from Santa Monica this time?

Well, here is the deal with the SM crew:

Today I contacted Barney as a reminder, and hes game; he is going to remind Nick and Paul (who he goes to college with) and under the best circumstances, we should all make it up! So thats a big YES for 4 SM'rs! (hopefully)
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#54 Spoon



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Posted 06 April 2003 - 11:51 PM

Including me, I'll be bringing 6 people. Me, Jordan, Hubbard, Steph, Matt, and Jason (his first war). Should be rockin dude.
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Two roads converged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled......and now I don't know where the hell I am.

#55 superadaquabat



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Posted 07 April 2003 - 12:07 AM

I'm there, as well as my dad. So that makes two of us.
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Happiness is a foam gun.

#56 Sandman



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Posted 07 April 2003 - 12:31 AM

Well, I'm down here in San Diego... It's depressing knowing that I won't be making it up to the war this weekend. Oh well, I'll be back down again in the summer, so maybe I'll be able to come to one then. Have fun, you guys, and shoot Steve a few times for me. :D
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#57 rawray7



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Posted 08 April 2003 - 09:12 PM

alright, i'm sorry to dissappoint everyone, but it doesn't look like there is going to be much barricade action this saturday. i've only finished one. it will be a miracle if i can get more than that before saturday. the most i could possibly do would be three, that's all the material i have. they really don't take that long, but my agenda this week is about as busy as it gets. i have baseball and fencing 5 days a week, i was sick yesterday so i have a lot of make-up work, i have an alumni concert at my old school, a baseball game friday, and yeah. i'm sorry i hyped it all up and never really delivered. hopefully i will be able to make them by the next YANO.

secondly, this is the week of tragedies. not only did my wonderful sunglasses break, but i think i broke my thumb today, up at the plate in baseball practice: inside pitch going about 87 right into my left-hand thumb. i doubt i will be able to use my sidearm. oh well, you guys won't mind, it will keep alive the short lived tradition of "when ray fires, i want everyone on our team to rush their base".
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#58 cxwq



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Posted 08 April 2003 - 09:33 PM

Ouch... sorry to hear about your thumb.

You fence! What weapon? Do you compete at the regional events?
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#59 rawray7



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 12:52 AM

i fence foil. i started this december, so i haven't really been at it all that long, but i am decent. um...regional events: i fenced a Y14 tournament in sacramento with 67 people. last weekend i fenced a Y14 tournament at beverly hills fencer's club, i did about as well as i would have expected. The only other regional thing i have done was a pre-tournament warm-up at something like southern coast fencing down in tustin. the club i am with is Fortune Fencing, in pasadena. their website isn't that great, but i really like the club environment.

well...anyhoo, aboot YANO. one more update if anyone cares: i will probably be bringing either 3 people or 5. all depends, again, on my friend's planning skills. all of the littlier ones i have brought in the past (i.e. Paul, Luke etc..) aren't going to be able to make it, because they all have Baseball games and team pictures. it will probably just be Me, casey (can't find a pic. ski goggles and 5k) and Kevin (valiantly charging with Spoon and I)(i think we re-named him Ted at the last YANO)

boy, digging up those pictures has got me hyped!
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#60 cxwq



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 01:11 AM

Tres cool. Too bad you don't use a man's weapon though... I was going to bring my epees on Saturday to see how good you are! <g>

I actually haven't fenced much in the last decade or so. 10 years ago I qualified to go to Colorado to fight for a spot on the US Jr. National team. Unfortunately, Colorado wasn't within my fencing budget. I've let my ranking slip since then. I used to fence for Salle Borracho (San Bernardino division) before the club died. Do they still have unranked tourneys at Chaminade HS?
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#61 Hal



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 03:03 AM

Being that I've been in this totally nostalgic mood lately, and I'm out of shape, and as of now (save for any last-minute emergencies) I don't think I have any plans for Saturday, I'm going to make an apperance.

I'll need to borrow some guns, though. Mine stopped working long ago.
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#62 cxwq



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 11:27 AM

I'll need to borrow some guns, though. Mine stopped working long ago.

I think I can help you out there.

Glad to hear you're going to make it!
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#63 mason



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 07:37 PM

count me and two friends in. (you will probably hate us though because we're kids, and that hurts my feelings :alien:
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#64 rawray7



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 08:25 PM

Do they still have unranked tourneys at Chaminade HS?

yeah, my mom has fenced a few epee tournaments over there.

you will probably hate us though because we're kids, and that hurts my feelings

mason, chill out. we haven't even started hating you, and your sad.

and on a side note: in a perfect world with less to do, i could have 2 AT3K's modded and in use for people without guns. possibly an AT2k or two. oh, and guys: please make some decent ammo!!!!!! i am pretty low, and the only other people i can look to for good ammo are CXWQ and Spoon. and i am sick of being shot with darts i can't use. stop with the 400-stefans-per-hour quality level.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#65 mason



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 09:20 PM

i'm not sad, its just that paul said that you guys get mad when kids shoot you, and I thought the point of nerf wars was to have fun , not cusing and calling the people that shot you names, unless thats just messing around. I mean, this is going to be my first real nerf war, and I don't really feel like being called a fucker a million times, i am kind of a sensitive guy. (i'm serious about being sensitive, i am not trying to be funny, or make you guys be all super nice to me, i just sometimes hurt feelings when being called names, and I thought that you guys want kids to nerf and have fun with it, and grow up and still nerf, and i am pretty sure that calling kids names, making fun of them, and hating themis the best way to do it, and, on the forums you guys seem pretty nice.) (Oh, and ray, you don't really hate me do you?)
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#66 mason



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 09:31 PM

o also i just wanted to say that i'm really excited about meeting spoon, cxwq, vacc (if he is coming) and any of the other veteran nerfers
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#67 GunnedDown



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 09:35 PM

i'm not sad, its just that paul said that you guys get mad when kids shoot you, and I thought the point of nerf wars was to have fun , not cusing and calling the people that shot you names, unless thats just messing around. I mean, this is going to be my first real nerf war, and I don't really feel like being called a fucker a million times, i am kind of a sensitive guy. (i'm serious about being sensitive, i am not trying to be funny, or make you guys be all super nice to me, i just sometimes hurt feelings when being called names, and I thought that you guys want kids to nerf and have fun with it, and grow up and still nerf, and i am pretty sure that calling kids names, making fun of them, and hating themis the best way to do it, and, on the forums you guys seem pretty nice.) (Oh, and ray, you don't really hate me do you?)

Hey dude, I know just how you feel. When I was getting ready to go to Reckoning, I thought everyone hated me (Twins, etc.), and they were all going to kill me. Just take my advice. Be friendly, and hang low. Don't jump out and act all cocky and loud, but just slide by at your first war. Don't follow older people around like you idolize them, either. Lil' kids do that to me all the time, and it really pisses me off.
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"The occasional hell or damn is ok,
but we do sh*t and F---"

~Webbster, Foam Improvement.

"I got four points... I sackled you"

#68 mason



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 09:42 PM

thanks for the advice gunneddown, i won't follow any veterans or people for that matter around
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#69 cxwq



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 10:22 PM

Dude, relax. I don't know of anybody who gets mad when kids shoot them. Hell, most everyone who comes to the war will be a kid. Here are some reasons people might get mad at you:

You don't count hits.

You run around screaming instead of listening to what I'm saying.

You don't count hits.

You shoot people in the face at close range.

You don't count hits.

Now aside from people getting mad at you, there is a lot of trash talk. Just let it go. Nobody means to hurt anyone's feelings, we're all just out there having fun.
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#70 mason



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 10:28 PM

alright thanks
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#71 rawray7



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 11:34 PM

(Oh, and ray, you don't really hate me do you?)

No, i don't hate you. you are a cool guy. i've known you since forever, you are a cool guy, i was just annoyed at your posts. chill out about the war, don't be nervous, if you are really nervous about it, you can be on my team for the first few, and stick around me if you want. paul won't be there, but it'll be fun.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#72 mason



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Posted 09 April 2003 - 11:50 PM

ok thanks
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#73 Spoon



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Posted 10 April 2003 - 01:08 AM

Hal: DUDE! Glad to hear you'll be able to make it!

Mason: Seriously man, don't worry about it. We all want to have fun too. Cxwq makes a good point though, none of us "hate" anybody just because they're younger, and none of us make fun of other nerfers. However some of us DO trash talk quite a bit. I, for instance, am notorious for yelling "FUCK!" or "Son of a BITCH!" after getting shot. It doesn't mean I hate you, or that I'm mad at you at all, it just means I can't control what I'm saying during moments of extreme activity. :alien: Don't worry about it, it'll be awesome. People keep coming back for a reason, and it's NOT because of me, I assure you....
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Two roads converged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled......and now I don't know where the hell I am.

#74 mason



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Posted 10 April 2003 - 09:19 AM

ok cool, but there is a chance of rain, so what will we do if it is raining.
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#75 cxwq



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Posted 10 April 2003 - 10:45 AM

High in the 60's, 30% chance of showers in the afternoon.

Sounds perfect to me.

If it rains, we NERF!
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