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Help With Goop

I used too much I think...

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#1 Galaxy613



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Posted 22 December 2008 - 11:36 AM

Ok, so those at DCNO saw my Super Salvo. (Supermaxx 1.5k + Marvelous Salvo) Well, near the end of the day the hot glue keeping the Marvelous Salvo on was finally breaking down (I blame the rain) and the only thing keeping them on was the zip ties I had on it. Soooo when I got home and dried it off, I gooped the HELL out of the 2 chambers that were on the left side.. now I want them off. I've tried all sorts of things. Prying them off with the reverse side of a hammer, using my hands... nothing is working. I DON'T want to damage the airtanks. I just want them off. :wacko:

I haven't tried using a hair dryer on high to heat up the goop, I didn't think it'll work so I haven't tried it yet. But I'm all out of ideas. I'm going to try to take a flat head to goop I can get to right now, but it seems to have bonded directly to the plastic. >.<
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#2 Connor



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Posted 22 December 2008 - 11:45 AM

Sometimes when I want the hot glue/Goop off, I use the Hot glue gun. You put the hot end on the goop and it heats it up. Sometimes this works other times it fails.. Just trying to help.
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#3 rokor



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Posted 22 December 2008 - 11:45 AM

Really hot boilling water might loosen it up. After that just use something like an x-acto blade to run through it.
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#4 flashflint



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Posted 22 December 2008 - 11:45 AM

Try submerging it in boiling water. That has gotten off most things I needed off. Also, for goop, a twisting motion works best to get it off. As in twisting the tank on an axis parallel to the surface it is bonded to.

EDIT: Damn, two people beat me to it

Edited by flashflint, 22 December 2008 - 01:52 PM.

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#5 Split



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Posted 22 December 2008 - 01:02 PM

Don't listen to these three, but I'm sure you know that. How long has it been since you gooped it? After extended periods of time it will bond to the actual materials and squeeze them. In my "Modular Manta", when I closed up the sides and used goop, it actually warped the plastic inwards after a week or so. Looks pretty cool, but it's definitely irreversible in my case.

To remove it, using a layer of silicone lube, soaked in over a few hours has worked well for me. Other than that, can't you just knife it off?
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#6 Galaxy613



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Posted 22 December 2008 - 01:18 PM

To remove it, using a layer of silicone lube, soaked in over a few hours has worked well for me. Other than that, can't you just knife it off?

I actually don't have a proper knife, I could try my brother's swiss army knife. I'll first use my silicone lube before I knife at it, so it'll be easier. I NEVER thought about using silicone lube to help.

I'll be back in a hour or two with the results.

Thanks for everyone. :wacko:
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#7 flashflint



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Posted 22 December 2008 - 01:56 PM

Don't listen to these three, but I'm sure you know that. How long has it been since you gooped it? After extended periods of time it will bond to the actual materials and squeeze them. In my "Modular Manta", when I closed up the sides and used goop, it actually warped the plastic inwards after a week or so. Looks pretty cool, but it's definitely irreversible in my case.

To remove it, using a layer of silicone lube, soaked in over a few hours has worked well for me. Other than that, can't you just knife it off?

You don't have to diss my advice in order to give yours, but since were telling each other off. You should not soak the plastic in silicone lube if you ever want to glue, or paint, it again. You may not notice it directly, but you will never be able to glue or paint those surfaces as well again.
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#8 Norther of Heaven

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Posted 22 December 2008 - 02:04 PM

X-acto it off. Its just goop.
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#9 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 22 December 2008 - 11:55 PM

I just dremel the crap off. It heats it up, and then you rip it off.
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#10 Galaxy613



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Posted 23 December 2008 - 12:07 AM

I waited a bit and then broke out my bro's knife. Worked very well. After awhile I could just twist it off.

Renegade, I don't have a Deremel, but hopefully by Thursday I will. ;)

Thanks for everyone in this thread for their input. Crisis over. ;)
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#11 BustaNinja



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Posted 23 December 2008 - 12:10 AM

Cut, then go in with pliers and pull off the thin layers of goop. It works. Trust me.
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