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Twilight Review.

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#26 biofreak2



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 06:26 AM

*high fives anyone who made a referrence to bionicle* Bionicle is much better I have been with it since the beginning. Off topic: what did you bionicle fans think of how the 08 story ended. On topic: sorry I am not a big fan of Twilight, simply because; 1 he is a pedophile and 2 they dont die in the sun. What happened to the old idea of a vampire?
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#27 TED


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Posted 19 December 2008 - 06:35 AM

You guys need to stop comparing Twilight to Bionicle.

From the trailers I've seen it looks like a modern day "Interview with a Vampire", but super lame.
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#28 TheNERFArmageddon



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 10:13 AM

Twilight review:

Vampires aren't real. The books and movie suck. Go read the god damn zombie survival guide and grow up.

With honesty,

Agreed. Any self respecting guy who goes without a girlfriend has issues. Though, if the Twilight movie had super nerf guns blasting off the heads of vampires... I just might change my mind.
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#29 Langley


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Posted 19 December 2008 - 10:41 AM

hay guyz, i'm asserting my dominance and heterosexuality by bashing a movie marketed towards angsty teen girls - on a forum full of belligerent teen boys!

Sorry. I don't know what came over me.
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#30 silentsnipe



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 11:50 AM

Ok, let's get this straight. Bionicles are gay, and are for gay nerds, except for you imod, your cool. Legos are gay. Zombies are cool, but not as cool as werewolves or vampires. Who dosen't agree can suck my big dick.
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And it's absolutely rated R for the violence. Also boobies. And pee pees.


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#31 Firefox551



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 11:54 AM

I'm going to see the movie this weekend with my girlfriend and some other people this weekend. I'm also planning to read the books.
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#32 silentsnipe



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 12:06 PM

I'm going to see the movie this weekend with my girlfriend and some other people this weekend. I'm also planning to read the books.

Good, glad to here it.
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And it's absolutely rated R for the violence. Also boobies. And pee pees.


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#33 Foamfoot



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 12:52 PM

This is turning into a patriotic nigra shitfest. Someone please close.

But, how could you think legos are gay? In fact, how can a plastic object like other plastic objects. As far as I know, only piping materials can do that. (male and female connections)
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Damn it Foamfoot. Why is it that you kill every good topic with a retarded response a few days late.

#34 Ubermensch



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 01:03 PM

Obviously, his childhood was ruined in some way, and he has decided to insult a toy line by saying that it is "gay'" which makes no sense. Maybe his parents never paid attention to him, or something.
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#35 OfAllTheNerf



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 03:12 PM

Lets get a few things straight.

The Movie was shit.

The books were good.

In Breaking Dawn the author sortof threw stuff in randomly, but it's still a good series.

Pretty much.

So, I know there's got to be a ton of people who hate the books and the movie, but I mainly hate the movie because the books were better. I doubt there will ever be a girl alive that will not like the books or the movie, but that's just me.

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#36 hereticorp



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 03:21 PM

So, I know there's got to be a ton of people who hate the books and the movie, but I mainly hate the movie because the books were better. I doubt there will ever be a girl alive that will not like the books or the movie, but that's just me.

My wife hates the books because the author is pretty much the epitome of an anti-feminist who thinks that all women should sit at home, cook, clean and have babies. And that the goal of every woman should be to find a rich man who will take care of her, even if he's an abusive, manipulative, sadistic bastard.

So I wouldn't make blanket statements about women if I was you. Or are you simply referring to teenage girls between 6 and 16? Because I do know a few of those who hated the whole Twilight series with a passion.

These books represent everything that feminists and advocates for equal rights have been fighting against for centuries. The repression of women, the dominance of men, and the perceived right of men to behave any way they like towards a woman without any consequences.

To be fair, I enjoyed the first book, and the second and third were iffy, but the fourth one was quite possibly the worst piece of shit Mary Sue/Gary Stu fanfic shit that I have ever seen come out of a publishing house. The book completely reversed the personalities of at least five of the main characters, putting them so out of character as to be completely laughable. It shredded any hope that Bella could become a strong and real character instead of a Mary Sue with no real personality, and it make the underlying pedophile storyline of the werewolves LEAP off the page and into stark relief.

The whole series is one huge train wreck that I hope will disappear under the rug of time sooner rather than later.
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#37 Captain



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 03:41 PM

HEY! silentsnipe,

Legos are most certainly not gay. I don't really like Bionicles anymore, but Legos are generally good. You just have to look past the marketing that is targeted at young boys and you'll see that it is something anyone can enjoy, regardless of age. Besides, "gay" is not a synonym for "stupid."

Edited by Captain, 19 December 2008 - 03:42 PM.

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#38 imaseoulman



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 04:38 PM

The books are horribly written and filled with nothing but cliches. There are a few interesting, imaginative moments, but the writing style is so horrible I wanted to tear my eyes out. The dialogue is wretched and none of the characters were at all believable.

However, many girls and women find them entertaining for one simple reason- they are romance novels. The only difference is that instead of having a man with unbuttoned shirt and woman holding his ripling chest on the cover, it has hands holding an apple. Women get to read these books without feeling like they're being silly by reading 'romance novels' (which carry negative associations in many circles). They get their romance novel fix without the negative social stigma.

The movie was good for being based on a romance novel, but compared to other 'good' films, it pales in comparison. Like the books, the characters were flat and shallow and the dialogue was jus BAD!

"Hold on spider-monkey!" What is that?
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#39 Vistagecko



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 04:38 PM


Edited by Vistagecko, 19 December 2008 - 04:39 PM.

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#40 death by cheez

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Posted 19 December 2008 - 04:41 PM

The biggest disappointment since Eragon in my opinion. The books were addicting, the movie failed Effeminateally (sp?).
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#41 TantumBull



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 05:00 PM

I'm just going to resurrect the previous discussion of zombies for a second. Anyone here seen The Outpost? Best fucking movie in existence. I didn't know who I was until I saw that movie. I don't think anything can quite top how awesome Nazi zombies are.
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#42 nerfsharpie6



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 05:05 PM

Vampires don't fucking glitter or glow or what the fuck ever they do. Silentsnipe fails for waving his small e-dick around trying to get every ones attention. As for anyone who "loved" the movie go see something bad ass like James Bond, or Pulp Fiction. Until then, Twilight can fuck off and die for all I care.

Bionicles=win. I had some but I lost them when I was going to move, but never did.
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#43 rork



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 06:03 PM

Hereticorp & Imaseoulman: Exactly. Formulaic teenie/chick lit follows the exact same narrative conventions as porno and bad musicals. It's all about a cheap emotional high without having to engage your brain.

As for vampires: get your mythology straight, fellas. In Bram Stoker's original "Dracula," the Count can walk around in the sun all he wants; he just can't shapeshift and what-not. The sunlight thing is probably a derivative of the old Hammer "Dracula" films starring Christopher Lee; correct me if I'm wrong. And when it comes to zombies: George fucking Romero. The first, and still the best. Day of the Dead is one of the most brutal films I've ever seen, ever.
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#44 Carbon



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 06:16 PM

The sunlight thing is probably a derivative of the old Hammer "Dracula" films starring Christopher Lee; correct me if I'm wrong.

Actually, it comes from the old silent Nosferatu (which is still an awesome flick). It's public domain, track it down and download it.

And when it comes to zombies: George fucking Romero. The first, and still the best. Day of the Dead is one of the most brutal films I've ever seen, ever.

If you want the first Zombie Apocalypse, you have to credit the Smurfs.

"The Smurfs started out as a French comic book, and in the first issue, "The Black Smurfs", a Smurf is infected by a disease that turns him black, violent, and unable to speak. He then spreads the disease by biting other Smurfs, and Papa Smurf and the few other remaining normal Smurfs have to find a cure. This story, despite having nearly every element of the modern Zombie Apocalypse, predated Night of the Living Dead by nine years."
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#45 Icespartan 1114

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Posted 19 December 2008 - 06:31 PM

In my opinion, this movie sucks period. There is no such things as vampires many people have already stated and there probably will be such a thing as vampires. I read about a chapter of the book cause I was bored, they suck as well. I don't understand why every fucking girl is so obsessed with this book series and movie.

Edited by Icespartan_1114, 19 December 2008 - 06:54 PM.

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#46 Echnalaid



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 08:14 PM

In my opinion, this movie sucks period. There is no such things as vampires many people have already stated and there probably will be such a thing as vampires. I read about a chapter of the book cause I was bored, they suck as well. I don't understand why every fucking girl is so obsessed with this book series and movie.

Yes! Good eye Mike! And what Langley said was true. We're bashing a movie and book not even targeted to us. it's funny what they can pass off as entertainment these days.

silentsnipe is on my not shit list!

Edited by Echnalaid, 21 December 2008 - 12:15 AM.

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#47 TED


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Posted 19 December 2008 - 09:07 PM

My recommendation is to skip Twilight and go see Delgo.
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#48 silentsnipe



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Posted 19 December 2008 - 09:32 PM

i honestly messed up on my sentence. Legos are cool, twilight is better though, bionicles are cool, but gay. I mean, I used to love bionicles. I just don't play with them anymore. I didn't mean to offend anyone, especially you echnalaid. Sorry.
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And it's absolutely rated R for the violence. Also boobies. And pee pees.


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#49 rork



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Posted 20 December 2008 - 12:59 AM

Carbon: Crap! I totally forgot about Nosferatu's ending, which shames me deeply. Thanks. Also: that Smurf thing is cool, in a horrifying sort of way. However, if we start tracing zombie-dom back past Romero, it gets a bit hairy, as he took it from the ORIGINAL, pre-Stoker vampire myths; his "zombies" are in fact Eastern European-derived, predatory, undead upir, rather than Afro-Caribbean mind-slaves. Anyone interested in the latter class of zombies should read Neil Gaiman's short story "Bitter Grounds," from his collection "Fragile Things." A truly beautiful bit of fiction.
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#50 MercenaryXero



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Posted 20 December 2008 - 01:15 AM

A large section of posters here just got my respect. Bionicle was the shit, up until '06. Those fucking inika with their light up swords and gay ass masks kinda made me lose interest. I'm still around in the community to be awesome though. Echnalaid gets bonus points for being a BZP member. (Although he joined in november lol)

Anyway regarding sparkling vampires, uh, lol fagets

also fuck you silentsnipe
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