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Favorite Yano Moment

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#1 StillBurningF5



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Posted 17 February 2003 - 12:37 PM

Alright everybody has a favorite moment at YANO so what was everyones?

My favorite moment was in capture the flag when Kevin was coming in to get our flag sort of like a kamikazee type thing to get our flag. He ran in and took a dive for the flag and he did a pretty funny roll. He would have gotten it except for the fact that Spoon, myself, and a couple other people were there.

Another one of my favs was in the first CTF war with those two grassy nulls as the bases. We yelled go and everyone on the orange team ran up to the grass hill in between the two bases and got on their stomachs. It was so funny because every single person except spoon went over to the hill and got on their stomachs at the same time. lol kevin just started cracking up when he saw it.
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#2 Spoon



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Posted 18 February 2003 - 03:56 PM

All I know is, the "Chapman Defense" was rock fucking solid....
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#3 NerfManiac



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Posted 18 February 2003 - 06:45 PM

My favorite moment was when I think Spoon said "Toj is completely useless."
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#4 superadaquabat



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Posted 19 February 2003 - 12:50 AM

That spot was great unless your shot from behind! But i think i missed or she didn't come out from the corner. I really need a longer barrel on that thing!
Anyways I don't have a favorite part really, it was all foamy blissfulness (not just bliss). I rarely have favorites though. I wish i could've gotten there earlier/left later, but at least I got to go!
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#5 silent mercenary

silent mercenary


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Posted 22 February 2003 - 06:28 PM

My favorite moment was in the first capture the flag round and the blue team did a five man rush, steve grabbed the flag, i shot him in the back, and then bad stuff happened to me.
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#6 neonerfer



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Posted 23 February 2003 - 03:47 PM

Yeah, that one was great. We had like three rushers and Kevin was kicking ass on support. Support held off long enough for me to get the flag out of the base and run it a few yards before I got hit. It was just as we had planned it. I think Mark grabbed it after me and support took out most of the enemy's defense. And yes, Sam was impaled by many a dart at once. The CTF grassy hill wars were great. It's been said before but the last war was just beautiful. Spoon was shooting from behind a bush and I snuck up behind him and tagged him with a Lock 'n' Load a point blank. Kevin asked Spoon if he was in and he wasn't, and I shouted to Ray and he wasn't in either. Then blue team just exchanged glances and Kevin shouted, "Blue Team, CHAAAAAAARGE!" I took out one man at the base and grabbed the flag. Blue team took out just about everyone else. I ran it to about 10 feet from our base and somehow got hit but the rest of my team was mostly in and near. Toj grabbed the flag as soon as I dropped it and capped it. Hey, what are useless clan members for, eh?

Another memorable moment was when Toj went akimbo in the grassy hilly CTF with dual LnL's. He ran up to a smaller hill and was flanked by two orange. He dove, LNL's ready in almost a swan dive and dodged both their shots. He shot at both of them, and I think got them both. I saw the whole thing and it looked
really damn cool.
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