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Fps Games

PC gaming anyone?

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#26 CrazYFisT



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Posted 13 February 2003 - 11:38 AM

Ok, now if Counter-Strike isn't your cup o' freakin tea.... that's cool. But Tac Ops?? I respect Rainbow 6 fans.... they are excellent games that deliver solid action and they actually require thinking and planning, I personally prefer the more immediate action of CS but the Rainbows are nice for change. SoF? Ok... you like the gory stuff... personally though I wouldn't consider SoF to be Team Based or Realistic at all so it kinda turns me off. But Tac Ops?? Dude... Tac Ops blows... hard.. I played a demo once, it looked nice but it's a ping-based game. No skill, no thought, no planning, lowest ping wins... period. And if you say CS is the same I'll fuckin kill you. I'm a 56k man and I still consistently rank in the top 40%. Now some people bitch and moan that they always die as many times as they get a kill. Well guess what? It means you're perfectly average. Not everyone can be of some amazing caliber that you can go 20 and 5... the ODDS are that you're just not that good. Now if I can go 15 and 8... I'm happy... the rare occassion that I go like 20 and 6... I just assume that everyone else on the server blows.

I dunno, maybe you're all about the twitch games.... so yeah, UT and UT2k and all that shit is great for you. But Tac Ops is a twitchers BS excuse trying to pretend that they like strategy too. Every game you said is crap requires thinking... .. just wanted to point that out.

Rainbow 6 was good, but there's better out there, like Op Flashpoint. Yes, all the games i said were crap require thinking, i've thought, and i've experienced better, but i refuse to give in to the majority (not aimed at you) of gun-nut, sad-act, SAS wannabe brain-boxes. I like being challenged, and making plans, but when theres more bugs in the game than Hitman: Codename 47, i tend to get rather bored, cos i'm tired as FUCK trying to outwit some retarded buggy A.I. that uses a pea-shooter as a rifle, and a railgun as a sidearm, or in the case of Cs, some asshole hacker; and at least i based how much i liked Cs on a full version, after playing for about a month, unlike you who played but a DEMO for how long? not long enough. Still, shoulda been more accurate. besides the hackers, I've tried to play Cs, and it just doesn't like my machine. The HL Engine hates me. TO isn't just about low ping, I've been owned by guys with 300+ ping, and slapped T1 bitches all round the fuckin show. No tactics? Thats just bullshit, JOLT and Gameserver.net servers give everyone a ping of less than 150. So how do you out "twitch" people who are running at the same speed as you? and I'm talking bout clan matches, not Publics in which some people excell, and others do better in wars. TO is a mod, just like Cs, i like TO because it uses the U engine, and therefore the HL engine based Cs, is not worthy in my eyes. and, i shit you not, EVERY single game i've played on Cs has had hackers, every fucking one. 56kers are usually the best out there, protected by lag, and they are dedicated. if a 56ker was so pissed off with their gameplay, they wouldn't bother playing at all. I was better on ISDN than on my 1MB as of now. when was the last time you played, even your DEMO of TO? I played Cs 4 days ago. I'm STILL trying to get better at it, after a year of trialing and upgrade, to no avail. And on top of that, with my latest upgrade, I'm gonna try it again after doing rather well in an internet cafe yesterday. Ya ya, blow me my opinions change, least i'm willing to make compromise and try again. 5/13 on de_dust :D i own.

Ugh. i think thats what i mean.
[eats cookie]

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#27 Dan Cromer

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Posted 13 February 2003 - 12:11 PM

No matter where you go, peope debating games have no communication skills what-so-ever and don't make an ounce of sense. I mean, look at this:

If I was talented at writing I would creat an "Ode to the Mac Gamer", but I am not so I wont try. You Wintel people have you CS all the mac has is Tac-Ops... unless you count that Global Ops. game comeing out. Any one played that? Other Fps... Deus Ex! and when it comes out Deus Ex II... now that is gonna be sweet. Probably the best Physics engine seen to date. And the graphics could be clamed to rival Doom 3(did I just say that! I think that coment will get some nasty replys). But I would have to say that we are in a famin of new FPS, but the Horizon looks good!

I can't understand a damn thing he's saying. Something about pineapples and cactuses--WHICH, I might add, are suspiciously similar in structure! A fruit conspiracy? Perhaps the pineapples are in cahoots with the oranges.
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#28 Death


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Posted 13 February 2003 - 08:59 PM

If I was talented at writing I would creat an "Ode to the Mac Gamer", but I am not so I wont try. You Wintel people have you CS all the mac has is Tac-Ops... unless you count that Global Ops. game comeing out. Any one played that? Other Fps... Deus Ex! and when it comes out Deus Ex II... now that is gonna be sweet. Probably the best Physics engine seen to date. And the graphics could be clamed to rival Doom 3(did I just say that! I think that coment will get some nasty replys). But I would have to say that we are in a famin of new FPS, but the Horizon looks good!

Actually, best FPS physics engine I've seen to date came in the form of a little undersung game a few years ago; went by the name of Jurassic Park: Trespasser. AMAZING physics engine, for the time. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, in the game is ragdoll physics. The dinosaurs actually had to push themselves with their feet and legs in order to move; none of that animating-a-walking-sequence-but-really-just-gliding-around stuff, they had to walk in the same manner you and I do. If you shot them in the legs, that leg would lose strength and make it harder to walk (a very nice limping effect). You could pick up anything, so long as it wasn't too heavy, and swing or throw it. The more speed in the swing, the harder it hit. Unfortunately, this altogether breathtaking physics engine was spoiled by a crappy gameplay value and more-than-poor item placement and puzzle design. But still, I have not seen its equal as far as physics.

And you're right: here's a reply about the graphics engine. Though DX2 is very pretty in its own right, with stencil shadows, a nice lighting system, and a bit of pretty bumpmapping, it cannot compare in the slightest with Doom 3. Doom 3's shadows and lighting are much better looking than those of DX2. Not to mention the level of character detail far surpasses that of DX2. I mean, just compare screenshots. EVERYTHING in Doom 3 possesses normal-maps for bumpmapping effects. Characters, walls, placed items, EVERYTHING; this is as opposed to only walls being bumpmapped in DX2. And I guarantee that even with all that, Doom 3 will pump out better framerates than DX2, due to the fact that John Carmack-- God of Video Game Programming-- is personally designing the engine.
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of a spear on the way without.  --Hávamál 38

#29 superadaquabat



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Posted 13 February 2003 - 11:25 PM

I get real tired of most FPS that are "realistic". They are not realistic nor interesting to me. I find me fun in Tribes because it is so much more dynamic than most FPS. The ability to fly adds seemingly infinite dimesions to the generally flat FPS. Iceworld in Counterstrike has to be one of the worst maps I've ever played at. Honestly it is the same thing [I]every[I] time! Sure there are slight differences in whethe you win or die right away, but its basically all just reaction to who shoots first when comming around a corner. Tribes has slow ammo which you dont expect to hit the enemy but rather just try to get the enemy to land in the blast radius. Duels can last for over half a minute rather than Counterstrikes half second shootouts. The best part about tribes is that there are so many different roles to play, such a variaty of weapons and armor classes and everything that team effort is actually used, whther you think it or not. In counterstrike its basicall' there's autos, awps, and shotguns, take your pick, you can carry one. And then you get this lame "No AWP!" crap. I really hate then in any game. AWPs are not cheap, they just own autos in the right setting. I like to say, "if they're so cheap, come and kill me" And i'll get kicked or something. Oh well, I don't have counterstrike anymore since i reformatted my computer, and I've yet to miss it one bit. But tribes i continue to play since i started three years ago.
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#30 Cadmond



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Posted 17 February 2003 - 03:10 PM

God.. I remember tribes.. I loved that game. Hey, how many people still play it? I might go buy it .. with my.. MONEY! hooha.

Jesus christ, they don't even make it anymore, do they.. grrr.. anger rising, I need to bash flimsy cardboard boxes with my foot.
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#31 Devil Halo

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Posted 17 February 2003 - 08:34 PM

I like everything crazy fist likes.
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#32 Sacapuntas Cabesa

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Posted 17 February 2003 - 10:02 PM

Iceworld and it's kin are the only maps on CS worth playing. The rounds end quick enough so you never have to wait much, and people don't camp too much.

There is no strategy in any multiplayer game I have played. The only strategy is the strategy you make of it. Even in a game like Natural Selection, there's no strategy 9/10 of the time. Unless you are in a clan, or can easily communicate with each other, there's not a lot of strategy going on.

Strategy is for LAN parties.
Twitch is for sitting in your basement by yourself.
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If the world is so unfair, why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?

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#33 GunnedDown



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Posted 18 February 2003 - 12:28 AM

Iceworld and it's kin are the only maps on CS worth playing. The rounds end quick enough so you never have to wait much, and people don't camp too much.

There is no strategy in any multiplayer game I have played. The only strategy is the strategy you make of it. Even in a game like Natural Selection, there's no strategy 9/10 of the time. Unless you are in a clan, or can easily communicate with each other, there's not a lot of strategy going on.

Strategy is for LAN parties.
Twitch is for sitting in your basement by yourself.

Nothing beats a good old knife war!

de_rats_2001 is a fantastic map. I'm hoping for a bathroom version. Flushing people down the toilet.. 1337!
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#34 MissouriKid



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Posted 18 February 2003 - 04:31 PM

I've recently found myself to be playing a hell of a lot of First Person (and occationaly third person) Shoooter games for PC. There have been so damn many good ones out lately, and there are more on the way, so I was wondering what everyone's favorites are, and which ones they are looking forward to?

I've played Medal of Honor: Allied Assualt lately. I got it for Christmas and hove been playing since then. I want Splinter Cell, and Ghost Recon.
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#35 Devil Halo

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Posted 18 February 2003 - 05:07 PM

Splinter cell is very good. Ghost recon is getting a little outdated though.
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#36 MissouriKid



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Posted 18 February 2003 - 07:40 PM

Splinter cell is very good. Ghost recon is getting a little outdated though.

I know Ghost Recon is getting a little outdated, but I still want it. I also want Medal of Honro: Spearhead. It is probably the best world war 2 game ever!
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#37 Devil Halo

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Posted 18 February 2003 - 07:53 PM

Ya. Sometimes I play old games. And if I didn't use to play this. I would get it. If you can get it pretty cheap that is :D
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#38 Sacapuntas Cabesa

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Posted 18 February 2003 - 08:23 PM

Quake 2 rocks.

We used to have Q2 LAN parties every friday in my programming class last year.
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If the world is so unfair, why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?

Dinobot smash!!!

#39 merlinski



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Posted 19 February 2003 - 11:14 AM

Splinter Cell came out yesterday and I can't wait to get it. I played the demo level, which takes about 5 minutes, for about 3 hours. And I did it a different way every time! If there are that many ways to dispatch or sneak by 6 guys with just a pistol, then think about the possibilities with the loser rifle, sticky shockers, distraction sticky cameras, tear gas, airfoil rings, and all the other good stuff. I also can't wait to rappel (sp?). Swinging through a window looks like possibly the coolest thing you can do in any game I've ever seen. And on top of that, the graphics are completely insane, probably better than any pc game out there. I want this game.
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#40 Sacapuntas Cabesa

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Posted 19 February 2003 - 03:30 PM

Yes, it's a great game. My friend got it for the Xbox for Christmas, and we have had loads of fun hiding bodies in the dark and trying to split jump.

Oh yeah, remember to save your game A LOT.
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If the world is so unfair, why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?

Dinobot smash!!!

#41 SnIpErX125



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Posted 19 February 2003 - 11:39 PM

Is Battlefield 1942 a FPS? Like cs or is it like GTA? Cause I've heard it as a good game; though I have never played it. Is it good?
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#42 Inlitned1



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Posted 28 February 2003 - 08:39 AM

Its an FPS if your in infintry mode, But in tanks and plains make it 3rd person. As for cool, I thought it was. I played it on a friends comp. and got a kick out of it. And with a server that suports a 64 player game, and the fact that you can do any thing with the enviroment(I.E. use the Artilary and the big boats) I think its gonna be played for a while.
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