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Nerf Rad Teams

Spoon, not me...

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#1 Arcanis



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Posted 16 January 2004 - 09:05 PM

I was wondering, does anyone use the RAD team method? I do, it works great. I have 2 guys with autos storm an area, with the Long-Rangers providing cover fire. We train in my yard, it's just so much fun.
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#2 Ranger



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Posted 17 January 2004 - 10:43 AM

What does RAD stand for? But the poeple I Nerf with, combined, don't have alot of automatic guns, so our wars are pretty much insanely huge guns. Like Super Soakers, long PVC barrels and what not.
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n00bs with n00b t00bs.. You'll know what I'm talking about if you play Enemy Territory.

#3 Lemmypoo



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Posted 17 January 2004 - 12:12 PM

What does RAD stand for? But the poeple I Nerf with, combined, don't have alot of automatic guns, so our wars are pretty much insanely huge guns. Like Super Soakers, long PVC barrels and what not.

Dammit, I wanted this topic to die!

Something spoon came up with, Rapid Attack and Deployment... somehow I think the early '90s styling of coming up with a word then turning it into an acronym after finding 3 loosely connected words inspired this.

Concept is basically a philosophy based on hit first, hit fast, and hit hard. Spoon could explain it better.

If you want a good playbook, pick up any book on General Lee's or Grant's maneuvers during the Civil War. Or the Mexican-American war when Lee was a little pup. 19th century tactics work great for nerf. Flanking was in big style back then and has proved itself in nerf time and again. Get the enemy squished between one of their flanks and your front line and you pretty much have that squad dead. The open-field combat style of nerf also works with the countryside fighting done in the Civil War.

Reading modern military history/strategy books is not the best for nerf. While it works for airsoft, assault rifles and mechanized warfare have obviously not hit nerf yet. Submachine guns are not even completely in nerf, the Powerclip and RF20 are about the only submachine gun like things in nerf, so stick to litterature from BEFORE Teddy Roosevelt was in office.
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Conner MacManus: Jesus! He brought a six-shooter!

Murphy MacManus: There were nine of them, you retard! What were you going to do with the last three, laugh them to death? Funny man?

-brothers Macmanus, Boondock Saints

#4 NinjaBob



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Posted 17 January 2004 - 02:14 PM

You know, I never thought about it. But yeah, civil war tactics would work really well. The South first started using concealed sharp shooters in the civil war. From that came the modern American losers.What can I say? I'm a proud rebel. And remember kiddies, it's heritage, not hate. ;)
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#5 Lemmypoo



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Posted 17 January 2004 - 04:17 PM

You know, I never thought about it. But yeah, civil war tactics would work really well. The South first started using concealed sharp shooters in the civil war. From that came the modern American losers.What can I say? I'm a proud rebel. And remember kiddies, it's heritage, not hate. ;)

Yeah, hate wasn't a one sided thing, people in the north didn't particularly like black people either, Quakers excluded.

Not just the sharpshooting, but Lee's habit of flanking damn near won him the war. Not to say that flanking is the only way you can win, but it works very well in Nerf. (Last two sentences were built on the same structure for tax purposes)
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Conner MacManus: Jesus! He brought a six-shooter!

Murphy MacManus: There were nine of them, you retard! What were you going to do with the last three, laugh them to death? Funny man?

-brothers Macmanus, Boondock Saints

#6 taita cakes

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Posted 18 January 2004 - 06:39 AM

modern American losers

American??? Amerrrrrriiiicaaaaannnnn???? since when did America have the only losers in the world. All right, not the best way to start a reply in an all american forum [well, mainly all american]

I've been reading a book series labelled as the best in Australia and i damn sure agree, its called the Tommorow Series and its by John Marsden [if your libraries have it, GET IT] and its a really good series about how Australia is invaded by a not-named race [which is hinted to being the Indonesians] and yeah, all hell insues and they capture a lot of people but not all, so there are renegades, guerilla groups, so on, so forth and its really interesting...

it got me thinking, so i downloaded all these word doc's on guerilla warfare and all thought a lot of it involves electrocuting lorries of troops wiht tram lines it has a lot useful stuff like techniques on clearing rooms with set numbers of people, you guys should really read up on some of this.... and yes, you could call some of these guys, 'RAD' teams, but these guys fire REAL GUNS

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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#7 NinjaBob



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Posted 18 January 2004 - 08:32 PM

:lol: I never said that losers didn't exsist in other countrys. I can't very well say that sharp shoots in the US civil war led to the divelopement of losers in other countrys now can I?
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#8 Spoon



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Posted 20 January 2004 - 05:04 AM

Ok, RAD teams went something like this.....

The whole thing is based on aggression, going at the enemy FAST, NOT stopping, just charging in and using fear tactics to your advantage. Avoiding stand-offs and stalemates at all costs. Also, you use long range single shot guns to "hold" the enemy. Basically if a guy is up against another guy with a more powerful gun, the first guy will NOT usually advance on the loser. This way you can use two or three long range shooters to "trap" an enemy in place while the assault people with multi-shot guns or autos charge in fast and hard without stopping. Now the enemy is trapped because they don't want to risk charging the losers and getting picked off, but the assault force is NOT stopping and when someone charges at you screaming people will USUALLY miss, even if it's an easy shot. That's where the fear tactics come in. If you show any hint of hesitation then it won't work and it'll just turn into a stand off.

There were more complicated sets of tactics that I came up with but they all worked off of this double-sided concept of extreme aggression and using long range shooters to "hold" the enemy (kind of like in Ghostbusters) while assault forces stormed in for the kill.

What I'd call "RAD" style tactics are rarely employed in nerf wars, but whenever I've used them in conjunction with a couple other people they've worked really well.
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#9 Nerfer16



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Posted 20 January 2004 - 01:02 PM

Those are some great tactics Spoon! I can't wait to try them at a nerf war. :D
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Nerfer16 of the Seattle Tactical Nerf Team
Nerf on!

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