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#1 ohiost13and0



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 09:05 PM

Never was real deep in this site, so I doubt anyone knows me but about a week ago I saw this new nerf gun the vulcan, and was like hey have to see what nerfhavens saying about it. Havent played nerf in a while, starting to get more into paintball actually, but if i had money I would deffiently buy nerf stuff again. Me and my friends dont really have a spot to play anymore because of a few broken pictures in someones house lol. But I played a lot for a while and learned everything here, including modding, all the guns, and how to make your own darts. (still finding them at my house) Lot of my guns are gone and broke, pretty sure I still have a tommy gun that was battrey powered (Sucked in my opinon) and like 3 nite finders. Maybe a ligtning blitz which I thought was so cool cause it was the first gun I modded. I was wondering if their are any nerf tournments that happen around Columbus ohio. Or anyone that lives near their incase I happened to get the urge to buy some guns again once christmas comes around.

Just saw the winter war in ohio, dont put me down on the list, but I might try and go. would give info on it soon.

Edited by ohiost13and0, 09 November 2008 - 09:19 PM.

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#2 Captain



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 09:14 PM

Ah, the Vulcan? Well, we first saw pictures a few months back, there was a huge thread with like a million pages full of speculation and BS. It made the Admins/moderators kind of angry, so it's closed now. If you want to know more, here's a commercial I made for it on youtube. It's kind of informative, I guess.

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I don't care what anyone else says, Atom Blasters are fucking awesome.

#3 Jedijoe9



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 09:39 PM

Ohio actually has a fairly active amount of nerfers and at least a one war a year happen at Whetstone park, which is smack dab in the middle of Columbus.

I'll send you a message the next time we have a war in Columbus (which will most likely be in the spring or summer)
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"If you watch jaws backwards it's about a huge shark that throws up so many people that they need to open a beach."

I nerf like a four year old.

#4 Lynx



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 10:07 PM

Winter Ohio War.

Hello. Happy you're back.

Lets Nerf.
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Columbus' original crazy asshole now comes with:


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