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What Inspired You To Nerf...

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#1 BustaDartInYOurAss



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Posted 08 November 2008 - 10:26 PM

What inspired you to nerf. My inspiration was this man right here -----> . After that I searched nerf on youtube untill i stumbled upon Forsaken Angel, and thats how it all started. anyway, the main reason of this thread is becuase I want to know how it all started for you.
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#2 CaptainSlug


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Posted 08 November 2008 - 10:39 PM

I had completely forgotten about Nerf until I saw this online somewhere in late 2005.
Posted Image

Edited by CaptainSlug, 08 November 2008 - 10:42 PM.

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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#3 Aimless



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Posted 08 November 2008 - 10:40 PM

It started when I found a Buzz Bee RFR in my friend's room, after which, I bought a few of my own along with a Doubleshot. Then it really started picking up, as we had our first foam-war, 4 RFR's and 2 DS's in play, it was fun but we spent more time clearing jams and chasing shells than shooting at each other. That's when I started acquiring more conventional blasters.

Edit: That first war took place indoors in a 15'x30' room which is HUGE considering the craptastic ranges of the shell based guns. Luckily, the room was barren except for 3 couches which were used as forts/walls/cover. The hard vinyl floor also made things very slippery.

Edited by Aimless, 08 November 2008 - 10:53 PM.

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It makes the world go round.

#4 Kyrativ



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Posted 08 November 2008 - 10:40 PM

I was having a get-together with my friends and we found my old ping-pong ball shooting crossbpw. I said "hey we should get some nerf guns and have a war with them" I picked up a maverick then later a long shot and nitefinder, I was disappointed with the ranges so i searched how to make them better and found the haven. Since then we've lightly modded guns and have wars occasionally to "blow off some steam"
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The only nerfer who could kick your ass with a dart tag gun but not with a xbow


#5 Swords



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Posted 08 November 2008 - 10:53 PM

My friend sent me a nerf gun when we were little. We shot at each other around the house. Then one time we were playing, and pwnchu (don't know if any of you still remember him) had a modded BBB. I saw that and became inspired to mod my guns.
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#6 rork



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Posted 08 November 2008 - 10:57 PM

Boltsniper's FAR. I then challenged a friend of mine (brilliant, not on these boards) to a Nerf gun build-off, which led to the SNAPbow, as well as my current project. Homemades have really been my main interest from the get-go, but I am currently prepping for SENO and organizing a HvZ game.
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<a href="http://nerfhaven.com...howtopic=20296" target="_blank">SNAPbow Mk. V</a>
<a href="http://nerfhaven.com...howtopic=20409" target="_blank">Make it pump-action</a>

#7 Wes7143



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Posted 08 November 2008 - 11:10 PM

I got a twin pack of Tek 10s and had lots and lots of wars, leading to more and more Nerf guns. My scout broke one day and I looked up how to fix it, and stumbled upon Youtube videos of how to mod them. A few people like Forsaken_Angel24 and ice had links to nerfhaven. And now I'm here.

Edited by Wes7143, 08 November 2008 - 11:10 PM.

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Posted 08 November 2008 - 11:35 PM

Well a few things got me into nerf the fact that it didnt hurt like paintball or airsoft, you could play it inside... and OH YEA YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(bustadartinyourass)

Edited by FERD, 08 November 2008 - 11:37 PM.

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Im not nice...................... I KICK BABIES

#9 deadshooter711



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Posted 08 November 2008 - 11:43 PM

It started when my friends showed me their nerf guns, and then my brother bought me two mavericks on my birthday when I was 9. I started modding my guns from stumbling across ice's videos in June on my search for random nerf war videos.
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My Nerf War Pictures


#10 Doom


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Posted 08 November 2008 - 11:44 PM

People at the old (now defunct) Super Soaker forum Aquatica talked about Nerf every once and a while and linked to NerfOnline. This was back when NerfOnline was just that, online, though not in it's prime. Because I've used Nerf guns before and enjoyed them, Nerfing on occasion made sense.
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#11 nerfnut23



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 12:31 AM

I found my cousin's Nitefinder and started shooting him for no reason (I was only 10 when this happened) and he pulled out another, and ran about shooting each other, My first Nerf war. When I pulled one apart to fix it, I noticed it had air restrictors in, so I pulled those, rebuilt it and it shot a bit harder, so I started to gut all my guns I had accquired over time, and obtained a formidable arsenal. But due to 5-year-old-related accidents, my 15-gun arsenal of modded guns dwindled down to 2 modded, 2 stock, 11 broken. And Forsaken_Angel24's Youtube vids that explained certain mods.
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#12 analogkid



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 12:34 AM

It started with a first gen NF that I forgot I had. My good pal biofreak2 was into unmodded nerf, and when I found my first gen, realized how freakin' lame it was, and google searched how to make it better, I found this site. From then on, me and biofreak2 battled to have the fastest, strongest , and most powerful nerf blasters. This war for ranges is pretty much over at this point, its more a battlefield rivalry now.
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#13 k9turrent



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 12:58 AM

Well I started with marshmallow guns, then I was going to make a BBB shoot mashmallows. Then a Double Shot, then a RFR, then the...You get the idea
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QUOTE View Post

That's about it. And thanks Angela who helped me with these pictures.. It looks huge in her hands.



#14 laxtk88



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 01:10 AM

I got into nerf last year. After football ended I was really bored for about a week straight. Then I found my maverick and read the side. It said a bunch of BS about not modding and stuff and I thought "you can mod these?". A quick Google search later and I discovered Nerf Haven.
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QUOTE(Sleebo @ Jun 12 2008, 07:23 PM) View Post

Just for the record, my mother is the most beautiful women in the world.

#15 Kid Flash

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Posted 09 November 2008 - 01:17 AM

My friend showed me a powerclip, longshot, and nightfinder. I then bought a modman nf off of ebay. That's what got me started. (that thing left welts on my friend but eventually weakened)
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#16 AssassinNF



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 01:27 AM

I just arbitrarily bought a maverick one day. I saw it on the shelf at TRU, and remembered some fond memories of me messing around with a Wildfire I had when I was little. So I bought it, brought it home, and messed around with it a little. Then 3.5 years and 50-100 guns later, here I am.
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Probably dead by now, or something.

#17 imaseoulman



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 01:28 AM


Well, let me explain (here comes the nostalgia). I started collecting/building up a formidable arsenal around '98. I already had a few odds and ends, but this is when I started buying one NERF gun with each paycheck from my part-time job @ McD's (back when I was in high school). The main push to build up my arsenal was to be able to "host wars." For me, this was group dating. We'd have anywhere from three to six couples armed with BlastFires, PowerClips (the three of these I had were the pride of my arsenal), my trusty SF, and many other 'Classics.' We'd all pick up our dates and then carpool over to a nearby elementary school that had a LARGE playground (actually named 'Fantasy Fortress') with a park next to it and we'd play for an hour or so. After that we'd go back to someone's house and make treats/dinner or watch or movie or play a game or some combination of the above. We had a lot of fun.

This continued through college and that's when things really took off. We had bigger dates with more people and for a while, my "NERF dates" were all the rage. Eventually modding the blasters became more and more exciting and I eventually moved to outdoor wars with all modified blasters. At first a couple girls still came along but eventually it became an all guy thing.

So that's the short version of why group dating led me to have hundreds of NERF guns and lots of ideas for improved foam flinging.
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#18 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 09:26 AM

I had a SM750 when I was like 6. Then, I got a BBB from a friend for my 11th birthday. I had it for a few years, but I lost all the arrows. Then I went on google to search how I could make it shoot darts, and I found nerfhq. I found a link from there to here, realized here was better, and joined up. FA_24's LS mod also really got me interested.
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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#19 Captain



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 09:34 AM

Well, I had like 2 Nerf pistols (Hidden Shot & Range Shot) when I was growing up, I got a Sharpshooter II at a yard sale also, but it had no ammo so it barely counts.

Then I probably got serious when I went to my friend's house down the street. He had a Unity Power System, a Maverick, and several Nitefinders, and we had a war. I was fascinated, especially with the maverick, and then I went to target and found a Maverick and Nitefinder on sale.

I bought them, and had a lot of fun using the almighty (back then, at least) Maverick as my primary. My friend always liked using the Nitefinder to shoot people in the face. We had lots of wars in my finished attic which,
back then had no furniture, just nooks that made great bases.

After I had those 2 guns, I got a Longshot. That thing was so awesome back when I had nothing else but a few pistols to compare it to. I liked using it as a super-awesome turret for defending bases (of course, now there's the vulcan for that) and it was just like, the ultimate weapon. Then I was hooked, and I got a Titan, which was awesome.

After that, I'm not sure what order I obtained them in exactly. I got a Dart Tag gun, a BBB, and a Firefly around christmas time last year, then I got a Tommy 20, a RF20, a Doubleshot, and more. So that's how it happened. Wow, it's just so nostalgic to look back on all this, it seems like it was just yesterday...
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I don't care what anyone else says, Atom Blasters are fucking awesome.

#20 Salmon



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 10:10 AM

I heard about the Longshot somehow (can't remember) so I looked it up. I found it on Amazon.com and read the reviews, and one of them said something like "...these are cool, but it's really not worthwhile unless you modify them. You can learn how to modify them on www.nerfhaven.com." I tried to get one, didn't find it, got the Disk Shot set instead. I went to Nerfhaven, modified my DSP (with my dad, who was extremely fascinated with the workings of the gun) simply at first, then built up, and got more blasters, and got more tools, and got more skill and fascination with the hobby all the while. And here I am today.
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Welcome to I-dont-care-isburg, population: me.
We're located in I-Don't-Give-a-Damn County, in scenic Shut-the-Hell-Up-achussets.
Maybe you're familiar with our annual charity drive where we ask for shit, and no one gives any.

#21 veginator



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 10:19 AM

I had been building spudguns for a couple years then there was a topic on one of the forums I was on. The topic was "Do you nerf?" At first I thought it was stupid little toy guns but when I followed the link it led me here then I quickly became facsinated with the hobby and here I am today.
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#22 atomatron



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 10:20 AM

For me it started when I bought an old bbb from a friend of mine, then later I discovered the Mav which I shot those annoying boxelder bugs with. Years later after I had worked all of them to destruction. I left nerf.
That was untill last year when guys at school began talking about nerf wars (basicly assasin) and I got involved. Then I began to see pictures of painted guns from this site and I began too look for ways too make my third mav better than theirs. Soon after painting and modding it I bought more guns, and again turned to NH for tried and true mods.
I disliked my anonymity and inability to post so I applied for membership, and thats how it all started.
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Perche Germolgi. [Because it shoots]

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#23 Icespartan 1114

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Posted 09 November 2008 - 10:36 AM

My main story was I oust to play paintball with my freinds often. Then I realized that it was way to expensive, then I meet one of my good friends named Ice. He was the main inspiration for getting me into the sport, I then say Forsakenangel_24's videos and I saw Nerfhaven.com in the tags, looked it up, registrated, and here I am today.
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QUOTE(Zaxbys @ Mar 2 2009, 02:08 PM) View Post
I won't be there til about 1-2...

Church... gotta soak up that Jesus!


#24 s3an967



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 10:43 AM

Ummm well I used to have some gun 4 or 5 years ago then I never played with that then I got a Longshot like when they first came out then I never thought of modding back then because I was like 9 or 10 years old then over the summer of this year I picked up a Maverick from Wal-Mart and then I watched some of Ice's videos and he got me started on modding

Edited by s3an967, 09 November 2008 - 10:44 AM.

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Watch this- I can tip-toe while you take a piss.

#25 death by cheez

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Posted 09 November 2008 - 10:55 AM

My uncle gave me a gyro strike (long gone) when I was about 6. When I was 11 it was a maverick and a nite finder. I discovered them on my last birthday hidden in my LEGO box, and to make a long story short the nite finder sucked, I wanted it to shoot farther, and found the haven and nhq. Then I proceded to break a multitude of guns for parts and pieces.
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Great game, zombie apocalypse MMORPG. I'm acer34p3r on there.

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