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You Might Be An Aussie Nerfer If...

Inspired by the original.

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#1 The Inventor Guy

The Inventor Guy


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Posted 03 November 2008 - 03:17 AM

So a fellow Nerfer and I compiled this list today.
It really only applies to Aussie Nerfers, but it's fairly entertaining. Enjoy.
Oh yeah, and actually most of this has happened with us. Haha

You might be an Aussie Nerfer if…

- You’ve ever killed a spider that’s bigger than the gun you killed it with
- You killed that spider with a Titan
- The spider fought back with an NF.
- Your local Kmart thinks you’re a really crap fisherman
- When you talk to American Nerfers, you tell them you have a trained Kangaroo that collects ammo for you in the heat of battle
- You got a headshot at over 60m
- Because of the deficiency of Nerf blasters in stores, you pretended to be a Magstrike
- The best modification for a RFR involves a hammer
- You wonder why the FBR you left in the sun to straighten is trying to bite you
- You’re immune to snake bites from retrieving darts lost in bushes
- You clean your cuts and scrapes with Beer. Water is a precious thing.
- You drank said beer after.
- You fired a Stefan through a beehive.
- The scars are still there.
- You can no longer use Hot Glue to hold anything together. It will melt.
- More than one gun has melted during prime Nerf season.
- You make random people Nerf with you.
- You know who made a Stefan by looking at it.
- Your excuse for buying Nerf guns from America is “So I can fend off the Drop-bears”
- A Dingo took your Crossbow…
- You use the cracks in the dry ground as cover.
- After extensive use of the RF20, you must cool it down with water. Or beer, if you’re not a millionaire.
- You Nerf while wearing thongs. The kind that is not underwear.
- You wear a Stefan Hat as opposed to a Cork Hat.
- Your stubby holder is made out of FBR.
- You did a drive-by from a XB Falcon. Aka Mad Max’s Interceptor. Aka Road Warrior.
- You did a drive-by from a Commodore.
- You use Vegemite as war paint.
- You have a tattoo of a Kangaroo with a Crossbow in its pouch. This is called the Southern Cross.
- It’s a FUIC Or it’s nothing.
- You know what I just said. And live by that philosophy.
- When a member of the opposing team is “built like a brick shit-house” that just means they’re a bigger target to hit.
- People are surprised when they are hit in the face with a titan rocket moments after commenting on you having an English accent.
- Or asking if you were related to a convict.
- Or a New Zealander
- Or if you have indoor plumbing
- Or if you have a pet kangaroo
- Or say they’re from “Radelaide”
- Then ask where you got that Titan
- You get excited when you think you see a SuperMAXX at a garage sale but were disappointed when you found out it’s a super soaker.
- “SuperMAXX” was in your MS Word dictionary already.
- The local Lyre Birds sound like PowerClips
- When you find darts the day after a war, they’re full of ants.
- You re-use the darts anyway, what’s a little extra pain?
- When someone gets shot and complains that it hurts, you reply by saying “Take two shots of concrete mate”.
- You then force them to skull a full can of VB
- You mistook a white foam Stefan for a witchetty grub during an endurance war.
- Going for a war "down the street" means you may actually be a few suburbs away
- You love caining noobs with your fully sick foam boomerang
- The local park rangers think that stefans are the droppings of some unknown introduced species.
- You showed up to a war in full camouflage fatigues
- You use plumbing materials to make a homemade rather than for something illegal, like watering the garden.
- The local fuzz are still having fun with your home-made
- You were willingly shot it the genitals with a titan, you think you should quit drinking…so much.
- You fired fire-cracker stefans out of a cross bow.
- you considered making a movie of Ned Kelly’s life but with nerf instead.
- You’ve spent AU$400 or more on importing nerf guns.
- You made a nerf grenade out of a cooper’s bottle
- You see parties as opportunities to mass produce it.
- Hot glue is liquefied before the gun is even plugged in
- You wrapped a PowerClip, splitfire, SuperMAXX 750 and more in camo duct tape.
- You lost those guns the next day.
- You have fired many things that the gun wasn’t supposed to including, snails, cockroaches crickets, grasshoppers, gum nuts, batteries of varying sizes, tennis balls, cricket balls, small lizards and the neighbour’s son.
- You made a loudener for the scout
- You were a member of the AusNerf forum
- You use your High School teacher’s photos as avatars
- You use a Foam Cricket bat as a Melee weapon in wars
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Also active on NerfHQ as Tidge.

#2 fatboy



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Posted 03 November 2008 - 06:48 AM

all very very good stuff :D... though why drink VB in South Aus why not something a bit more..."local"?
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#3 The Inventor Guy

The Inventor Guy


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Posted 03 November 2008 - 07:04 AM

Well, the point of forcing them to drink it is because it tastes like shit :P
Coopers ftw. :D

And yes I am legal to drink lol.

Some good times were had, memories revisited while writing this. Any other Aussies feel free to add.
Or if there are any foreigners with stereotypes to add, feel free lol.

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Also active on NerfHQ as Tidge.

#4 boisie



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Posted 03 November 2008 - 10:43 AM

They yell out "Crickey!" when they see pictures of Chubbs.

[start of flames]


[continuation of flames]
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QUOTE(One Man Clan) View Post
You understand what you just did posting a picture of 4 girls on a message board chock full of nerdy virgins, right?
QUOTE(Foamfoot) View Post
Maybe if we download Ubuntu Christian edition, God will help us install it.

#5 TheNerfLoki



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Posted 03 November 2008 - 08:16 PM

Funniest post I have read in a long time. I especially liked the thing about drop-bears.
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Am I the only one who uses the sig function for a sig?

#6 Icespartan 1114

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Posted 03 November 2008 - 09:12 PM

This was just overall very funny. I especially like the part, "A Dingo took your Crossbow…". That made me laugh my ass off. Nice post.
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QUOTE(Zaxbys @ Mar 2 2009, 02:08 PM) View Post
I won't be there til about 1-2...

Church... gotta soak up that Jesus!


#7 Bomberman



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Posted 03 November 2008 - 09:19 PM

This is hilarious. I especially like the Kangaroo that gets your ammo. :lol:
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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#8 Aj



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Posted 03 November 2008 - 11:37 PM

I am a magstrike... Tidge knows what I'm talking about....

Great list mate.. very funny, I'm sure some more will get added to it after the next war

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#9 g-force



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Posted 13 November 2008 - 05:19 PM

They yell out "Crickey!" when they see pictures of Chubbs.

[start of flames]


[continuation of flames]

Steve Irwin killed chubbs from the grave. :o
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QUOTE(Carbon @ Jul 28 2008, 03:25 AM) View Post

My god, you actually built it. To that, all I can say is, "bravo".


#10 rork



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Posted 13 November 2008 - 05:29 PM

I demand Southern Cross tat photos. If it was merely a joke, your clan must draw lots, and the winner (?) shall proceed to acquire this wondrous tattoo, so you can post pics of it. Huzzah!
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<a href="http://nerfhaven.com...howtopic=20296" target="_blank">SNAPbow Mk. V</a>
<a href="http://nerfhaven.com...howtopic=20409" target="_blank">Make it pump-action</a>

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