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Nerf Switch Shot Ex-3 Reviewed At Gamecyte

Win a Pre-Release Nerf Switch Shot EX-3!

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#1 Sean Hollister

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Posted 26 October 2008 - 07:24 PM

I'm a long-time Nerfer but a first-time poster...

Just thought you guys would like to know that we've got what I believe is the first-ever review of the Nerf Switch Shot EX-3, complete with pics of the internals and a hands-on analysis of its potential as both Nerf gun and Wii blaster. To be honest, it's not much of a Nerf gun. But if you'd like to get your hands on one before anyone else, we're giving away our very own slightly used review unit at GameCyte.

Evaluation as Wii Blaster + Giveaway
Evaluation as Nerf gun


Edited by Sean Hollister, 26 October 2008 - 07:25 PM.

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#2 Split



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Posted 26 October 2008 - 07:37 PM

Awesome dude. Both are very well written. I love the comparison to the NF. Quality pics and details. Very good work. :D

Edited by Splitlip, 26 October 2008 - 07:38 PM.

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#3 TantumBull



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Posted 26 October 2008 - 07:37 PM

Nice man, that's a good review. I had a feeling this thing would suck balls. A barrel replacement would definitely help, but getting a straight barrel on wouldn't be easy with the whole assembly glued together.

Edited by TantumBull, 26 October 2008 - 07:38 PM.

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#4 TimmyTown



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Posted 26 October 2008 - 07:38 PM

: (

Thats really all I can say. Thanks for contributing something valuable on your first post though, its a nice change.
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QUOTE(rork @ Mar 16 2009, 05:30 PM) View Post

I, too "have recon," as they say. I get him in old country. Then I realize he sucks like bog. So I trade him for potato.

#5 nerf mafia

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Posted 26 October 2008 - 07:53 PM

My local game store forgot to pre order these so that sucks, but you can already get just the blaster on hasbro.com for 14.99. I still think they show potential though.
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#6 shoeshine5



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Posted 26 October 2008 - 07:57 PM

I still think it shows a lot potential for integrations, especially now that we see it has a flat bottom and a simple trigger mechanism.

I don't think anyone was planning to use this as a dedicated sidearm.
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#7 Galaxy613



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Posted 26 October 2008 - 08:14 PM

Very VERY good review. :D You address alot of things that were concerns for us in one fell swoop, and got good pictures to boot!
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#8 Captain



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Posted 26 October 2008 - 08:40 PM

It's great that it makes a good light gun, but looking at the weak spring and the heavy restriction along with the whole thing being glued made me really sad.

This gun really should have been better. From the description of the range, it sounds like it would perform similarly to a stock recon.

Edited by Captain, 26 October 2008 - 09:03 PM.

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I don't care what anyone else says, Atom Blasters are fucking awesome.

#9 Lion



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Posted 26 October 2008 - 09:58 PM

Sounds like if you get a night finder and switch out the plungers it could be alot better, and drill out the AR and post.
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#10 CrazyIvan VI

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 10:54 AM

If the plungers are about the same diameter, you could just use a Nite Finder or a Disc Shot plunger, then you could just saw the barrel off and coupler it, or just sand it down and then and there attach your barrel material, and drill out the AR. Shouldn't be too bad.
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#11 Blasphemy



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Posted 27 October 2008 - 02:20 PM

Why are you guys all whining and saying it sucks when it can provide tremendous integration opportunity. Everything he pointed out can be fixed with some modification. The stock barrel restrictor assembly can be cut and replaced with a new barrel or a coupler, the airflow hole can be widened with a drill with an appropriately sized bit, the spring and o-rings can be replaced, and the plunger can be lubed more adequately. After that not much will set it apart from a well modified Nite-Finder and you can use it in a neat little package which makes integrations galore possible.
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#12 akmetan



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Posted 28 October 2008 - 01:40 PM

I guess I haven't paid attention enough, but I was surprised when the review stated that it came out in late November because at least here in Toledo, Ohio we have them in stores and in stock at TRU.

In fact I already have one.

The stock blaster was pretty weak (estimate 20-25ft ranges, sorry for the lack of measured ranges.) However removing the AR and putting in a 3" barrel of 17/32" brass. I'm also mounting it to a tactical rail taken from the Recon's tactical light a la the tactical shot.

I haven't used it yet for my wii (though I look forward to it), but the blaster itself isn't bad. After removing the AR and replacing the barrel it seems to get better ranges then my NF (which is a 1st gen. NF with the AR removed and a 4.5" PETG barrel, but is getting a little beat up over all). Again nothing measured, I've been too busy.

A note though, and maybe Norther_of_Heaven or anyone else who has a tactical shot can comment on. While I thought having an additional blaster mounted to the weapon, but in an impermanent manner would be extremely useful, but it's not really proving to be. due to the length of the plunger handle, it can't be mounted to the underside of the Recon extension barrel. Mounting it to the top obstructs cocking the gun. Mounting it to the top of the LS obscures aiming. In fact the only gun it really felt comfortable on was the NF and with that it's some what inconvenient to fire! Still, some more research and work may prove it to be useful.
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#13 tennis8668



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Posted 04 November 2008 - 09:25 PM

This topic's not yet a week old since the last post, so even though this is on the second page of General Nerf, I hope this isn't considered necroing. I tried to write a helpful post nonetheless.

Why are you guys all whining and saying it sucks when it can provide tremendous integration opportunity. Everything he pointed out can be fixed with some modification. The stock barrel restrictor assembly can be cut and replaced with a new barrel or a coupler, the airflow hole can be widened with a drill with an appropriately sized bit, the spring and o-rings can be replaced, and the plunger can be lubed more adequately. After that not much will set it apart from a well modified Nite-Finder and you can use it in a neat little package which makes integrations galore possible.

I completely agree here, this thing looks VERY integration-friendly. Honestly, the review was a bit harsh, it simply appeared to be from a stock nerfer's perspective. The only actually annoying thing for me to fix would be removing the plunger head. I made a little list of all the issues the review pointed out, and I've written a fix / solution alongside it.



...we liked the overall look and feel of the blaster (save its undersized handle — a far cry from the ergonomics of guns like the Nite Finder)

FIX: Doesn't matter, the beauty of this gun is the removable plunger and it's integration potential, not the body that the gun comes with. Very few (if any) of the experienced modders who own this gun will use it in the regular body.


The barrel was too short to hold the entire length of the foam dart, possibly shortening the gun’s range

FIX: Barrel Replacement.


The rail system that allows the gun to add accessories and/or attach the weapon to other guns had been mounted on the bottom, making most useless.

FIX: Who needs / uses the N-Strike rail anyways? This isn't really a big deal.


Where the Nite Finder’s air restrictor is easily removable, and in fact slides right off, here we can see that the Switch Shot’s entire barrel assembly has been permanently bonded together. To add insult to injury, Nerf has also drilled holes on both sides of the barrel.

FIX: Even though this is technically listing 2 issues, I decided to put it together. The drilled holes on the side are a quick, easy fix - duct tape. The site that did the review says that they added duct tape and it proved to be very effective. The other issue is a bit harder. Although the review site said that they weren't able to open the barrel by cutting it, akmetan was able to open the barrel with a saw in his Switchshod Mod.


Where the air traveling from the Nite Finder’s plunger courses through three wide slots to the removable air restrictor, all the Switch Shot’s air has to travel through a single tiny hole.

FIX: As proposed by Blasphemy, it would be easy to drill the hole out completely with sufficient drill bits.


The Nite Finder has a nice heavy spring and well-lubed plunger, the Switch Shot does not.

FIX: Get some lube and do an O-Ring replacement. As for the spring, this is discussed in the next issue.


Furthermore, Nerf doesn’t want you to trade that spring for another one — though the plunger tip is held on by a screw, Nerf has also taken the trouble of gluing the assembly together.

FIX: Unfortunately, this seems to be the one major issue that lacks a reliable, simple fix. However, it should be noted that it definitely can be done, because the review shows a picture of the plunger with a stronger spring. If I were to try something, I would probably end up cutting it off and gluing the head back on.


And even if you did somehow manage to remove the plunger head, you can’t just drop in a Nite Finder spring, either — the plunger arm on the Switch Shot is just short enough that when a Nite Finder spring is fully compressed, there isn’t enough leeway to cock the gun.

FIX: Hello, cut the spring, maybe? And it'd be better to use an industrial grade spring anyways, not a stock NF one.

Well, those are the major complaints that I found in ToyCyte's review. Practically all of them can be easily fixed with a little bit of effort, and it seems to me that although the Switchshot may very well be "nerf's weakest weapon" STOCK, it offers great potential as a compact integration when modded. Again, read akmetan's Switchshot Mod - it's very helpful.

That's my two cents.
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#14 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 10:16 PM

To the above post, why use all those fixes when you could just go out and buy a fucking NF?
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#15 Ambience 327

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 09:28 AM

Well, some people might buy this for the Wii aspect, since the other review says that it is one of the best Wii Zapper shells available. That being the case, finding a way to make the Nerf portion better without spending too much money would be useful in that it would add another decent gun to a person's arsenal.

Also if, like me, you happen to be the guy who won the giveaway mentioned here and in the review, you really want to be able to use that Nerf portion to its fullest. :mellow:
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