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Flag Domination

A New Sort of Game.

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 03:05 AM

(First off, I'm not sure whether this is a well known game or not. I personally haven't seen it played before, but sorry if it is.)

Anyways, I'm starting this topic to share my experiences with a new gametype I recently played, in hopes that it's popularity spreads among wars and is a fresh option for hosts looking something new to organize. The name of the game is Flag Domination, and at its foundation is quite a simple game. (Think Territories is Halo 3, people.)

The Flags: The game itself revolves around the idea of non-moving, interchangable flags. At any chosen flag location (Known as a Base) there will be a set of flags, with number and color of the flags depending on the teams. (For example, if there is a Red and Blue team, at each flag location there will be both a red and blue flag) Next to each set will be a flag post, in which the flags are easily set into to signify control of the Base.

The Bases: The Bases with the flags should be set at equally spaced, strategic points amongst the field, with no two Bases being too close to one another. There is no set number of Bases required by this game, as it really depends on the number of people playing. A rough rule-of-thumb would be 3 Bases for 10 or less people, 5 Bases for 20 or less, etc... It is just important that the number of Bases be kept odd so as to prevent ties.

The Players: Dividing up players should be nothing new to anyone thats hosted a Nerf war. The players should be divided up into 2 teams, although it is fine to make more teams as necessary if the number of players is high. It is highly important to divide up skill levels and gun strength an evenly as possible, so that no team has a distinct advantage over another. (Probably wouldnt be the best of ideas to have a Mavericks vs. Titans game...)

The Game: If you've read this far, you can start to see how this game is shaping up. Once the playing field is set with the Bases, both teams should be placed on opposite ends of the field. (This is where the equal spacing of Bases comes in. If the Bases are clustered close to Red's starting point for example, it will be far easier for Red to capture them. So obviously, try to get them well placed.)

When the game starts, both teams will try to capture as many Bases as possible by switching the flag to their color at each Base. However, once a team captures a Base, it is NOT permanently stuck on that color. It can be changed by the other team at any point during the match. Also, It is VERY important to set a timer that will end the game at an agreed upong time (10, 20, 30 minutes). When the timer goes off, ALL movement must cease, and no additional flags can be turned over. Whichever team with the most flags is declared the victor.

As for the players, everyone playing has an infinite amount of lives; however, once a player is hit, he or she must return to their starting point and remain there for a slow count of ten (Or however long you want it) Then he or she is free to return to the game.

So as you can see, the object of the game is simple; try and capture as many Bases as possible, while holding Bases that have already been captured. The best part of this game is that it keeps all the players constantly moving, and forces teams to rely more on communication and strategy rather than run-off-and-take-down-as-many-people-as-you-can-before-being-shot.

And thats it. I've played the game myself with insane results, so I know that it can sucessfully be done. If you have any questions or comments (Or flames if you feel like it) just post and lemme know.
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#2 xbox180



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Posted 19 October 2008 - 04:43 AM

Cool, so you are changing call of duty domination into nerf domination, Cool B)
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#3 Wes7143



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Posted 19 October 2008 - 09:39 AM

Sounds fun. Almost like battlefront. Seems like it would take alot more "purpose" or concentration or strategy than your normal team deathmatch.
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#4 Pokechan



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Posted 19 October 2008 - 12:26 PM

As you said, im thinking of Halo when I see that. Nice though!
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#5 Groove


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Posted 19 October 2008 - 01:41 PM

Adaptations from video game rule sets into the world of Nerf rarely work in an actual organized war scenario. There's a lot of gray areas & variables you run in to. Furthermore, and most importantly in my opinion, there are very few places that will accommodate or allow for a set of equally-spaced bases that you suggested in your outline. This just seems like it would become bland and uninteresting to me. Perhaps in a stock environment it might be fun.

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 01:47 PM

Yah, like you said, a lot of FPS games like Halo and C.o.D. have gametypes like this. I just thought I'd bring it up as something people will definitely want to try out.

I actually tried this game last night at an office building, and it was absolutely frantic. I was recruited into a team of three who had slightly stronger weapons (A modded Diskshot, Maverick, and a Doubleshot) against a team of four with slightly weaker weapons (A Maverick, blowdart, stock BBB, and stock NF). And no matter how thought you'd put into your initial planning before the start of the game, none of it ever was able to keep up with how rapidly this game changes and moves. It really came down to on the spot decisions and team control. I'd highly advise to anyone trying this game to have a strong leader for your team that is rapidly adaptable, because otherwise, your team ends up just breaking up and achieving nothing.

EDIT: Just to answer to Groove, this game wasnt actually taken from a video game, but rather from an airsoft field I play at often. And although I don't necessarily agree that there are grey areas that will make the game impossible to play, youre quite right when you say that some fields won't be able to get equally spaced Bases. And since the Bases are the backbone of the game, bad Bases=bad game. And bland and uninteresting? Perhaps. If it turns out that its not a viable option at wars, then no harm done.

Edited by CROW, 19 October 2008 - 02:25 PM.

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"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."

"ah man, I would give you so much for one of those NIB crossbows or one of those crossbows on the floor. The ones on ebay have gone up to $59 and the shipping alone is $12." -Rip32

#7 Secret Assassin

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 02:05 PM

AWESOME! I love when people bring COD4 playlists into nerf!
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#8 TantumBull



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Posted 19 October 2008 - 02:31 PM

Wait a sec, I'm a little confused. How does recapturing work? For example, if blue team is holding Base A, how will red team ever have control of it? Is it basically whoever switches the flag without getting shot first?
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Posted 19 October 2008 - 03:23 PM

All right, I'll go with your example of Blue Team holding Base A. Once Blue Team has captured that Base and switched the flag to signify Blue, it is their Base to count for as a point if they still hold it by game's end. However, if Red Team is able to eliminate all the Blue Players guarding the flag (If there are any) they are then free to switch the flag to Red.

This is were the dilemna of balancing your players comes in. If you leave many players at a Base, the likelihood of it being taken is greatly diminished. However, it also leaves you much less people to capture other Bases with. I've found the best strategy for winning rounds is to capture one more than half the bases (If there are 3 bases, try to hold 2) and then heavily defend those bases, instead of trying to get as many as possible.

Hope that answers your question Tantum. If theres any more, feel free to ak.

Edited by CROW, 19 October 2008 - 03:24 PM.

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"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."

"ah man, I would give you so much for one of those NIB crossbows or one of those crossbows on the floor. The ones on ebay have gone up to $59 and the shipping alone is $12." -Rip32

#10 Ambience 327

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 08:44 AM

I have the youth at my church play this as a game of "Territories". We play indoor and basically in the dark, so to add a bit of visual appeal to each "territory", we use red and blue Glow Sticks. Both Glow Sticks start out under a piece of black cloth at the start of the game, and when a team reaches the "territory", one person has to put down all of their guns, then pull out their team's Glow Stick and put it up on top of the cloth for all to see. In order to switch colors, a player has to again lay down all of their guns, then switch the two glow sticks.

The extra requirement of laying down all of your guns before swapping the flag/Glow Stick makes for an even more frantic game, as the players have to protect the person switching control of the "territories", all of which are placed out in the open, but with plenty of places to hide nearby. You have to make sure the area is secure before converting the "territory" over to your color, otherwise you'll just get wasted once you put down your guns.
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#11 VACC


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Posted 20 October 2008 - 10:53 AM

Adaptations from video game rule sets into the world of Nerf rarely work in an actual organized war scenario. There's a lot of gray areas & variables you run in to. Furthermore, and most importantly in my opinion, there are very few places that will accommodate or allow for a set of equally-spaced bases that you suggested in your outline. This just seems like it would become bland and uninteresting to me. Perhaps in a stock environment it might be fun.


With large enough teams, a long enough duration, and a big enough venue, a territories game could be quite Effeminate (well, in theory). I would kind of like to try something similar using several battlefields at DEAL simultaniously. I'd probably make a team have a certain number players occupy a certain zone for a certain period of time in order to take it over. I'd also like to add death tallies to the scoring mic. The problem is that you would need a fairly detailed infrastructure of rules, timers, and balances to confirm territories are occupied correctly. Could be interesting. It would take several hourse to play it properly. We tried something similar at DEAL years ago and we simply were not adequately prepared. It was fun, but the outcome was muddled.

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#12 Shadowblade



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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:09 PM

You would need a well-defined zone, marked off with flagging tape or cones or something. Building on what everyone has posted -----v

Idea: When a team is attempting to capture a base, one person must put all of her weapons down, and count out loud slowly to a set number (10-15 seconds will do). This indicates that the base is being captured. At the end of the count, he/she is allowed to change the base's color. If the counter is eliminated, someone else must start the count over in order to capture the base. Doing so adds a time factor, meaning the rest of the team must defend the counter for a certain time limit while he/she is capturing and gives the other team a chance to hold the base.

I agree with VACC, this would be pretty Effeminate on a large scale (sounds like it would take over an hour to play).
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#13 VACC


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Posted 20 October 2008 - 12:56 PM

I agree with VACC, this would be pretty Effeminate on a large scale (sounds like it would take over an hour to play).

It took 6 hours....with preperations. The 6wP is Legend!!
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#14 angelof DEATH182

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Posted 20 October 2008 - 03:07 PM

I'm disappointed, CoD4, Halo, Battlefront, but not one mention of Battlefield 1942, the inventor of "Territories" and the game that brought online play to the masses.
So much disappointment in all of you.
(Except VACC because I like being alive.)
EDIT: This post is a bit offtopic, so I'll throw in an idea.
Instead of one person counting, for every person trying to capture an area, 1 second is skipped, and for every person who leaves/gets out, a second is added.

Edited by angelof_DEATH182, 20 October 2008 - 03:09 PM.

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#15 TantumBull



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Posted 20 October 2008 - 05:06 PM

All right, I'll go with your example of Blue Team holding Base A. Once Blue Team has captured that Base and switched the flag to signify Blue, it is their Base to count for as a point if they still hold it by game's end. However, if Red Team is able to eliminate all the Blue Players guarding the flag (If there are any) they are then free to switch the flag to Red.

This is were the dilemna of balancing your players comes in. If you leave many players at a Base, the likelihood of it being taken is greatly diminished. However, it also leaves you much less people to capture other Bases with. I've found the best strategy for winning rounds is to capture one more than half the bases (If there are 3 bases, try to hold 2) and then heavily defend those bases, instead of trying to get as many as possible.

Hope that answers your question Tantum. If theres any more, feel free to ak.

Yeah, thanks. That clears it up. Sounds fun to me.
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#16 TED


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Posted 20 October 2008 - 06:07 PM

I'm disappointed, CoD4, Halo, Battlefront, but not one mention of Battlefield 1942, the inventor of "Territories" and the game that brought online play to the masses.
So much disappointment in all of you.
(Except VACC because I like being alive.)

You are dumb.
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#17 CROW



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Posted 20 October 2008 - 10:12 PM

Adding a count to flag switching would definitely add another strategic element into the game, because now you have to make your way to the flag with at least one person to guard your back while you switch. I think I"ll personally stick with instant switches just because of how fast it keeps the game moving (or maybe its just because I like running around without caring about the fact that the entire team is around the corner, haha) , but other people will like different varieties.

To VACC: The only two problems I can see with adding a death tally are that it would be difficult to get all your players to understand and follow the tally, and that it would promote players to move more cautiously out of a desire not to lose more lives, which I think might cut down on the fast-paced aspect of the game. But then again, I've never tried something like that, so it could make the game better by tenfold for all I know.
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"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."

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#18 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 21 October 2008 - 09:41 AM

I'm disappointed, CoD4, Halo, Battlefront, but not one mention of Battlefield 1942, the inventor of "Territories" and the game that brought online play to the masses.

BATTLEFIELD 1942 FTW!!! I fricking love that game.

Anyways, on topic I think its something to try out on an outdoor field and see how it works. IMO I think that it would work, but its something to be field tested.

Edited by Renegademilitia15, 23 October 2008 - 09:35 AM.

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#19 VACC


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Posted 21 October 2008 - 10:59 AM

Anyways, on topic I think its something to try out on an outdoor field and see how it works. IMO I think that it would work, but its something to be field tested, not speculated about.

I'm sorry, were we annoying you? I'll never discuss actually shooting people with the nerf guns we modify ever again! How could I be so fucking stupid!?!?!
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#20 CrazyIvan VI

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 12:57 PM

Anyways, on topic I think its something to try out on an outdoor field and see how it works. IMO I think that it would work, but its something to be field tested, not speculated about.

I'm sorry, were we annoying you? I'll never discuss actually shooting people with the nerf guns we modify ever again! How could I be so fucking stupid!?!?!

Haha. I agree. Seriously, this is much different than a gun speculation thread. This isn't really 'speculation' but more or less a sort of planning.
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#21 Ambience 327

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Posted 21 October 2008 - 01:25 PM

Not to mention that fact that some of us, including CROW, VACC and I, are talking from experience gained by actually playing this gametype (or something quite like it). I don't think you can call it speculation once people start laying down "This is how I've done it, and this is how well it worked."

Renegademilitia15 - feel free to playtest this game type, and relate your experience, but leave the moderation to more qualified (and empowered) hands.

Edited by Ambience 327, 21 October 2008 - 01:26 PM.

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#22 Blasphemy



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Posted 21 October 2008 - 03:25 PM

This is nothing new, we did this at BFNY II with relative success, it was very fast-paced and certainly required a lot more moving and team coordination than the other rounds.
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#23 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 23 October 2008 - 09:34 AM

Sorry guys, I didn't mean to offend you all.
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Singled RFS
FA_24's response to Ice's back pain thread:

I used to have that problem until I got circumcised. 15 pounds later I was able to stand up straight.

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