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Singled Longshot/ At2k Integration

In a front gun shell

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#1 Coop



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Posted 16 October 2008 - 02:38 PM

I singled my Longshot a while back, and had a need to put something in the large empty area below the barrel. So, I came up with an idea to integrate an AT2K into the empty area. My original idea was to have the barrel exposed, and the pump on the outside, but I changed my mind for a cleaner look and feel.

This write up will not go into detail on how I did things that have already been posted, such as singling the Longshot and painting the gun. Quite a few of my pictures are too blurry to post, so there ARE some holes in the write-up. Sorry.

First, cut up the front end and the front gun and integrate the shell. There is a nice write up somewhere, so I'm not going to explain it.

Then, you need to clear out all the plastic in the front gun shell, and a bunch in the magazine well. This will make room for the AT2K tank and pump. (the second picture isn't cleared out, that was the "before" picture)

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Now, take out your AT2K pump and tank. Get a new tube to connect the tank and pump. I used one from an AT3K.

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Get the desired length of barrel. I used CPVC.

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If you've ever tried this, you know the CPVC has too small of an inner diameter to fit over the tank lip. You need to dremel out the inside of the CPVC for it to slide over.

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Once it fits, Goop it on. I added e-tape after just to make it cleaner.

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Test fit the pump and tank in the shell. It took a while of fitting, but it will go in.

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Then, hot glue everything down. Also, add a wire to the firing pin, and pop it out the hole where the magazine release used to go. Tie a key ring on it, and you're good to go.

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Now, cut the head off the pump, and glue it to a metal rod. I got mine from an old airsoft gun, but I'm sure you can find something that will work. Glue the head to the rod.

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Now's the time to plug your pump.

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Drill a hole in the end of the rod for the priming handle to fit. I didn't want to glue this on, just in case I have to open the gun again.

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The picture of all the internals was too blurry to show, and I really don't want to open the gun again. I also added cardboard in the magazine well and under the bolt for looks. Then I painted it.

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Ranges: Flat, in grass. very little dart skip. Average range, measured quickly from strides.

Longshot- 80-90' flat
AT2K- 60' flat

Demo video:

Edited by Coop, 16 October 2008 - 04:27 PM.

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On the other hand, the guy who posted before me used the word 'fuck' a lot so he probably knows what he's talking about.

#2 slowguitarman



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Posted 16 October 2008 - 03:04 PM

Looks very nice. Good job, dude. I don't like how you have to fire the AT2K, but I have always loathed keyring triggers that aren't setup like an actual trigger.
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#3 Ambience 327

Ambience 327


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Posted 16 October 2008 - 03:37 PM

Agreed - very nice and clean, and the paintjob is well done (though too close to "realistic" for my tastes).

I'm wondering why you chose the priming handle for pumping the 2K? In my experience, that thing is a pain in the rear to use (and others seem to agree by the proliferation of "shotgun foregrips" attached to these things). It seems to me that, if you are going to the trouble of throwing the front gun shell on there, why not put the pump there and use the front gun slide for the pump (in the same manner you are using the priming handle now)?
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#4 Natbeanz



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Posted 16 October 2008 - 04:03 PM

NO WAY!! I was doing the exact same thing! But its extremly different B) So i do a writeup later.
But good job, Like the way you pump by using the pull back thing .

Edited by Natbeanz, 16 October 2008 - 04:07 PM.

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QUOTE(Groove @ Jan 8 2009, 05:11 PM) View Post

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#5 Coop



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Posted 16 October 2008 - 04:07 PM

slowguitarman: I don't like the keyring loads, but connecting the triggers would eliminate the option of firing the two guns at separate times without leaving the AT2K un-pumped.

Ambience 327: I thought of putting the pump in the front gun, but the stroke of the cocking handle is very small. Plus, it would be an extremely tight fit (the pump in the front gun shell). I would have to pump it like 10 times. The priming handle now is already a shorter stroke than the normal pump, I don't want to sacrifice any more.

I will upload a video on YouTube of my using it, showing it's quite comfortable after you get used to it.

Natbeans: How is it the same thing yet completely different?


Edited by Coop, 16 October 2008 - 04:27 PM.

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On the other hand, the guy who posted before me used the word 'fuck' a lot so he probably knows what he's talking about.

#6 slowguitarman



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Posted 16 October 2008 - 05:53 PM

Sorry, I didn't mean to link the triggers. It would just be awesome to make a separate trigger. Even if the keyring was just setup more like an actual trigger rather than just hanging on a string.
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Your dreams were tight like a baby

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#7 Mepain



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Posted 16 October 2008 - 06:01 PM

You could try something like this.
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#8 Coop



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Posted 16 October 2008 - 07:41 PM

slowguitarman: If you look in the picture, you can see the key ring is not "hanging". The wire is quite firm and keeps it still. It doesn't dangle or get in the way at all. It stays right where it was put.

A whole trigger system would be kinda over board considering the keyring gets the job done pretty well, and doesn't require too much work. If you did something with a trigger and made it cheap and easy, I'd be willing to try it!

Mepain: That is extremely ugly. I would never cut into the shell for no reason. The key ring looks nicer than that. And, considering the firing pin has to move about half an inch fairly quickly to get a nice shot off, that system wouldn't work effectively.
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On the other hand, the guy who posted before me used the word 'fuck' a lot so he probably knows what he's talking about.

#9 Mepain



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Posted 16 October 2008 - 08:20 PM

Mepain: That is extremely ugly. I would never cut into the shell for no reason. The key ring looks nicer than that. And, considering the firing pin has to move about half an inch fairly quickly to get a nice shot off, that system wouldn't work effectively.

It is a lot more effective than you might think, and certainly can be made to look better. The reason I did this is mainly because I don't want to have a keyring randomly coming out of the side, and when the firing pin is pulled at the slightest angle, it starts to leak. Besides that, I made this for war purposes, not to sit around and look pretty.
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#10 Coop



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Posted 16 October 2008 - 08:26 PM

Mepain: That is extremely ugly. I would never cut into the shell for no reason. The key ring looks nicer than that. And, considering the firing pin has to move about half an inch fairly quickly to get a nice shot off, that system wouldn't work effectively.

It is a lot more effective than you might think, and certainly can be made to look better. The reason I did this is mainly because I don't want to have a keyring randomly coming out of the side, and when the firing pin is pulled at the slightest angle, it starts to leak. Besides that, I made this for war purposes, not to sit around and look pretty.

Yeah, and the trigger pull couldn't be that great without hacking a huge hole in the side of your gun. I built mine for efficiency as well. That's why it's not hidden, it's out in the open and easy to get to.

The key ring is not "randomly coming out of the side", it's out a pre-cut hole (magazine release slot), and stays right where I put it. I can pull it straight without hurting the firing pin at all. I did this modification to another Longshot a while back and still use it without any problems at all. No leaking, no nothing.

I'm not here to argue over your idea. I don't like it, I'm not going to be trying it. I'm all about efficiency and neatness.
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On the other hand, the guy who posted before me used the word 'fuck' a lot so he probably knows what he's talking about.

#11 Mepain



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Posted 16 October 2008 - 08:50 PM

Yeah, and the trigger pull couldn't be that great without hacking a huge hole in the side of your gun. I built mine for efficiency as well. That's why it's not hidden, it's out in the open and easy to get to.

The key ring is not "randomly coming out of the side", it's out a pre-cut hole (magazine release slot), and stays right where I put it. I can pull it straight without hurting the firing pin at all. I did this modification to another Longshot a while back and still use it without any problems at all. No leaking, no nothing.

I'm not here to argue over your idea. I don't like it, I'm not going to be trying it. I'm all about efficiency and neatness.

I said "randomly coming out of the side" for lack of a better way of wording it. I just would think that it'd be kind of fidgety unless you've continuously got your finger in it during use.

Of course not, I was simply making a suggestion. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for neatness, but given time a gun used for war purposes is going to get fucked one way or another.

On a separate note, I do like the way the 2k pump uses the original LS priming handles. I saw this modification in your original thread, and I'm still curious about one thing. Why single the 2k?
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#12 Coop



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Posted 16 October 2008 - 09:19 PM

Yeah, and the trigger pull couldn't be that great without hacking a huge hole in the side of your gun. I built mine for efficiency as well. That's why it's not hidden, it's out in the open and easy to get to.

The key ring is not "randomly coming out of the side", it's out a pre-cut hole (magazine release slot), and stays right where I put it. I can pull it straight without hurting the firing pin at all. I did this modification to another Longshot a while back and still use it without any problems at all. No leaking, no nothing.

I'm not here to argue over your idea. I don't like it, I'm not going to be trying it. I'm all about efficiency and neatness.

I said "randomly coming out of the side" for lack of a better way of wording it. I just would think that it'd be kind of fidgety unless you've continuously got your finger in it during use.

Of course not, I was simply making a suggestion. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for neatness, but given time a gun used for war purposes is going to get fucked one way or another.

On a separate note, I do like the way the 2k pump uses the original LS priming handles. I saw this modification in your original thread, and I'm still curious about one thing. Why single the 2k?

I tried putting the turret on, but it is pretty weak. It's awkward to hold, and to fire that is the same time as the Longshot. I built the AT2K in there as an emergency shot. The Longshot's ROF is higher than the AT2K, and it shoots much further. I like the shell as a nice comfortable grip, too.
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On the other hand, the guy who posted before me used the word 'fuck' a lot so he probably knows what he's talking about.

#13 Guest_fadinglight4_*

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Posted 17 October 2008 - 06:13 AM

Nice. I love the paintjob. Great idea. Looks awesome.
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#14 Natbeanz



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Posted 17 October 2008 - 09:54 AM

Natbeans: How is it the same thing yet completely different?

Different design
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QUOTE(Groove @ Jan 8 2009, 05:11 PM) View Post

Do me a favor, take a deep breath, and get some of that sand out of your vagina.


#15 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 17 October 2008 - 09:56 AM

Wow, that is really nice. I do have a suggestion though. Couldn't you cut back the pump length on the LS front gun to make it able to have a farther pumping stroke? I kinda agree with Ambience that moving the cocking bolt back and forth would seem kinda awkward.
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#16 Coop



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Posted 17 October 2008 - 10:25 AM

fadinglight4: Thanks

Natbeanz: Then how is it "the exact same thing"?

Renegademilitia15: Yeah, I could get the stroke to be further, but it would pretty hard/not possible to get the pump in there with room for the tank and barrel. If you look in the picture, you should be able to see there isn't enough room for the barrel/tank to be in there with the pump. That's why I put the pump above it and out of the way.

It's a good idea, but the priming handle isn't that awkward, so it's not worth the hassle.

You should watch the short video at the end of the write up, it shows it's not annoying.

Edited by Coop, 17 October 2008 - 10:49 AM.

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On the other hand, the guy who posted before me used the word 'fuck' a lot so he probably knows what he's talking about.

#17 themasterofsomething



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Posted 18 December 2008 - 08:19 PM

Thats a cool paint job and the at2k in it is awesome!
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