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Nerf Gun Science Projects

lol...might sound stupid, but can be fun

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#1 super geeK

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Posted 11 October 2008 - 04:54 PM

hi, im in 7th grade and im a Nerf fan. i was thinking of doing a science project on a projectle or nerf gun. have any ideas of a legit project?
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#2 deaddumpster



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 04:57 PM

7th Grade?

Exactly how old are you? Last I checked, the vast majority of people in 7th grade are under 13.

Edited by deaddumpster, 11 October 2008 - 04:58 PM.

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QUOTE(VACC @ Jan 15 2009, 01:55 PM) View Post

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. A good nerf gun is like a good woman. It shouldn't require extra lubrication.

#3 Echnalaid



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 04:59 PM

hi, im in 7th grade and im a Nerf fan. i was thinking of doing a science project on a projectle or nerf gun. have any ideas of a legit project?

A homemade blaster. Try a SNAPbow.
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#4 super geeK

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Posted 11 October 2008 - 05:03 PM

its called being a retard and getting left back lol...anyway got any idea?

hi, im in 7th grade and im a Nerf fan. i was thinking of doing a science project on a projectle or nerf gun. have any ideas of a legit project?

A homemade blaster. Try a SNAPbow.

i was thinking more along the line with like bullets and comparing..or anything that does NOT have to do with building a gun..lol

Edited by super_geeK, 13 October 2008 - 10:07 AM.

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#5 TheNerfLoki



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 05:19 PM

hi, im in 7th grade and im a Nerf fan. i was thinking of doing a science project on a projectle or nerf gun. have any ideas of a legit project?

I recall something in our school hand book about no projectile launchers. Of course that's my school, but most schools I know of are anti-gun/anything resembling a gun. So you might want to go with something about stefans and avoid the gun aspect all together. Like if rifling would work on stefans. You could finish your project and lay an argument to rest.
Edit: To give you an example about how anti gun my school is, one of my my friends was wearing a shirt with a gun on it, and the principal yelled at him and made him turn it inside out.

Edited by TheNerfLoki, 12 October 2008 - 11:08 AM.

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#6 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 05:23 PM

How about using that gray mush in your cranial cavity to search for a mod to do?

i was thinking more along the line with like bullets and comparing..or anything that does NOT have to do with building a gun..lol

You know what, never mind. Your in 7th grade for fricks sake, you shouldn't be doing something this complicated.
Go watch some more of your spongebob and come back when you actually have intelligence.
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#7 aamiller321



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 05:49 PM

I'm not buying into the held back part but just perform a range test to see what angle makes the nerf dart fly farthest. *cough* 45 degrees *cough*
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QUOTE(sidamazo @ Nov 20 2008, 03:51 PM) View Post

y the hell r u here?
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QUOTE(CoasterDynamix757 @ Jul 5 2009, 11:29 AM) View Post

Ice, is it your time of the month again?

#8 UpperHand



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 06:24 PM

If you really are a super-geek then doesn't this line seem a little contradictory?
"Its called being a fucking retard and getting left back lol...anyway got any idea?"
Anyways, a Snap is pretty easy to make, and with all of the concepts, such as dead space, friction in the barrel,
draw length, I'm sure you could come up with a science project. Hell, if you are really a super geek you could post the amount of power a springer gets in relation to its draw length and spring strength, and post it up here. :P .


Edited by UpperHand, 11 October 2008 - 06:25 PM.

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#9 Banshee



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 07:16 PM

Take a powerful-assed air-gun, maybe a water gun, and do it with a couple mod. Then use different barrel lengths as your variables. or do number of pumps, because I know my water gun sucks up to 6 pumps and gets better as it goes up to 13, then after 13 it goes down hill from there.
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#10 Noodleownz



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 09:42 PM

I recall something in our school hand book about no projectile launchers. Of course that's my school, but most schools I know of are anti-gun/anything resembling a gun.

In my area, one kid brought a water gun on a bus to school, thinking he would get a few laughs out of it. Lets just say the bus driver went ninja on him...
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#11 Split



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 09:51 PM

What the fuck is wrong with all of you. Loki is the only one with a worthwhile post here. The rest of you need to fuck off. Dead's post is alright too, but jesus christ you don't all need to start flaming this guy. I can search back to all of your first posts and pick out the stupid shit you said, but you got straightened out not by being flamed out of your mind, but by having someone calmly explain the problems.
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#12 Foam Shooter

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Posted 11 October 2008 - 09:51 PM

I would suggest barrel length to dart distance. It would be very simple, even if you have stayed back.(joking)
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#13 Shrub



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 09:59 PM

I'm in 7th grade and I'm 13. ALOT of kids are 13 in my class. Maybe it's just where I live and go to school.

Edited by Longshot Wielder, 11 October 2008 - 10:00 PM.

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#14 Lynx



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 10:43 PM

You can do humidity vs distance.
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#15 Guest_fadinglight4_*

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Posted 12 October 2008 - 12:09 PM

Dude I am in 7th grade and I am 13. But anyways, there is a button in the upper right corner called "the button that you find shit with." Use it and find a cool homemade and make it. Make sure it isn't too difficult too, or wait never mind, you are a Super-Geek.
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#16 super geeK

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Posted 12 October 2008 - 01:31 PM

any good ones yet?

Edited by super_geeK, 13 October 2008 - 10:08 AM.

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#17 imaseoulman



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Posted 12 October 2008 - 02:07 PM

Second, for a project, I would reccomend (as has been suggested elsewhere) doing an experiment with barrel length.

Coupler mod your NF and then make barrels of different lengths starting with about 3" and increasing them in 1/4" or 1/2" increments until you get to around 6". You'll need to fire 30 shots from each barrel and record the results of each dart as accurately as possible. If possible, you'll probably want to do this range test in grass to prevent dart skip (how far the dart travels after it has hit the ground). You'll also need to have some way of assuring that each shot is fired from the same angle (most of us here would appreciate it if it were a level shot) and height. Yes, it will take some time to fire this many shots, but 30 shots per barrel will ensure an accurate result.

A little hint from someone who has taken college level statistics that will help your project immensely. If you graph the results of each barrel on one graph where the x-axis (or bottom of the graph) indicates barrel length and the y-axis (the left side of the graph) indicates the average range of darts fired from that barrel, you should have some sort of curve shape (provided you used enough different barrel lengths). The top of that curve will show the maximum range from the optimal barrel length and the far left and right of the curve will show the maximum range of the worst possible barrel length, too short (length of the dart) or too long (if the barrel is long enough, the dart won't even leave the barrel).

Again, please revise your post above to remove the immature insults and follow through with this or similar project and you will be warmly welcomed to our community.

Edited by imaseoulman, 13 October 2008 - 06:00 PM.

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#18 TantumBull



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Posted 12 October 2008 - 02:09 PM

How about using that gray mush in your cranial cavity to search for a mod to do?

i was thinking more along the line with like bullets and comparing..or anything that does NOT have to do with building a gun..lol

You know what, never mind. Your in 7th grade for fricks sake, you shouldn't be doing something this complicated.
Go watch some more of your spongebob and come back when you actually have intelligence.

HA! you make me laugh you pathetic piece of shit! get a life fuck-face. if you dont like it then fuck off and dont bother looking at this post.kill yourself know.do us all a favor you little prik

Well, I found one thing to do. Im thinking of using the Nerf Nitefinder. and projects with that?

Still trying to understand what you mean by "kill yourself know."
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#19 deaddumpster



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Posted 12 October 2008 - 04:18 PM

You people are hilarious.

Just stop posting, take a deep breath, and let an admin ban this little fucker.
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QUOTE(VACC @ Jan 15 2009, 01:55 PM) View Post

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. A good nerf gun is like a good woman. It shouldn't require extra lubrication.

#20 nerfer9



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Posted 12 October 2008 - 11:28 PM

How bout' what barrel affects darts the most because of friction?
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#21 super geeK

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Posted 15 October 2008 - 08:05 PM

Thank you all for your wonderful ideas, and i apologize for the immaturity reactions to some of your post. i hope this will make it up.
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#22 roboman



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Posted 15 October 2008 - 09:43 PM

Dude, I wouldn't do anything that involves weapons in your science fair project, especially if it means showing pictures of you holding a nerf gun, or God forbid, actually have your model include a nerf gun! Seriously, if your school is anything like mine, they'll think that you're planning the next Columbine. I would do something about the aerodynamics of stock darts (think wind tunnel testing), but that's just me.
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#23 pizlo



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Posted 21 October 2008 - 02:13 PM

You probably aren't still looking, but if you are I built a nice air powered potato guna while backand put a nerf barrel on it. I measured the FPS of the dart at differnet pressures to see if they were a direct variation. Got me all the points, and left some nice dents in my garage door from teh suctions. what do you expect from foad at 350 feet per second? Always aska teacher first, I was even allowed to bring in the gun teachers didn't know its capable of shooting ball bearings through frying pans...
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#24 Wes7143



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Posted 21 October 2008 - 04:44 PM

Guys, just let this topic die. This kid's project is probally all done by now, given that it's been 10 days, and teachers give you little more than a week at the most. This topic also has almost nothing to do with nerf gun modificication. It is also an "idea" thread, which we do not like here. I'm not trying to be an admin, but come on guys, just let it die.

And just incase super_geek is wondering, science projects are about the scientific method, not which student did the coolest project.

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