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Fall 'geddon 2008 - Recap Thread

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#1 Falcon


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Posted 20 September 2008 - 09:59 PM

Alrighty, I'll let you in on our little joke.

This year's Armageddon was less-than-the-usual-Effeminate. The turnout wasn't astounding, none of our old vets from the last era of So-Cal nerf came (save AnjaSeijin), and just generally lacked what makes a good 'Geddon.

Today's war, Fall CAFF, was expected to be a massive war for a CAFF. Even then, it exceeded our expectations. At the height of the day, we exceeded 30 participants (though how many were present at the time of the huge group photo we took, I'm not sure...we'll see when someone posts it) and we played TONS of rounds. I managed to keep things running from one round into the next (which even surprised me, frankly) and we minimized between-round chatter, while keeping things fun.

That being said, if you're reading this and wondering why it's been named "Fall 'Geddon 2008", you can look in the 2008 war schedule, find the Armageddon planning/recap thread, and you'll see that the thread itself has been changed to "Midsummer CAFF 2008". Tee hee.

It was funny at the time. Anywho...

I have countless highlights from my day, and the 30+ of those who drove from all over So Cal will add tons more, I'm sure. I'll kick it off with just a few to get things going. When you have a chance, feel free to posts pictures/video/whatever you have here in the thread. There was a lot of photography going on, especially early in the day, so I'm looking forward to seeing that hopefully pop up soon.

>Getting a call at 10:03 (as I was getting in my car for the 2 minute drive to the school) from Apollo256 asking where I was because there were already 15 people there and he didn't know any of them.
>Arriving to find people already moving from the parking lot to the staging area.
>Getting a round going less than half an hour after the posted arrival time, even though several high-profile nerfers hadn't arrived yet.
>Having a second round already going with the full complement of nerfers within the hour.
>A grand total of three 30+ nerfer deathmatch games before lunchbreak, followed by six awesome CTF rounds, another deathmatch, AND a four team squad deathmatch round to wrap things up.
>Breaking the splitfire pump on my crossbow setup during a successful run with the flag in a CTF round, only to drive home and replace it with another Splitfire's pump and return to the war site. Total time away including drive and repair time: ten minutes.
>Seeing TONS of new faces.
>Not breaking anything else on my setup.
>Playing CTF with "Ribbon Dance" flags. Awesome.
>Having one of the most fun days So Cal nerf has seen since 2005. Not because of the size, but because the people I was playing with, though only three from my clan actually played today, were ALL FRIENDS. Welcome to SCUN, gentlemen.

Alright, now I wanna hear ALL about all the stuff I didn't see going on elsewhere on the field, I wanna hear ALL about Effeminate feats of bravery, failure, and success, and I wanna hear ALL of everyone's ridiculously exaggerated accounts of how awesome they played today, and how untouchable you all were.

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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#2 Icespartan 1114

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 10:21 PM

Didn't this war happen a while ago?

EDIT: never mind didn't see it on the war schedule.

Edited by Icespartan_1114, 20 September 2008 - 10:28 PM.

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QUOTE(Zaxbys @ Mar 2 2009, 02:08 PM) View Post
I won't be there til about 1-2...

Church... gotta soak up that Jesus!


#3 Watari



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Posted 20 September 2008 - 10:27 PM

Ha, that was funny, when I read that title....I was like "huh? this wasn't 'geddon...I went to 'geddon!"
Well anyways...I HAVE PICTURES !!!
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My Ultra-cool vulcan w/minimized absolver attachment
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Alright, now I wanna hear ALL about all the stuff I didn't see going on elsewhere on the field, I wanna hear ALL about Effeminate feats of bravery, failure, and success, and I wanna hear ALL of everyone's ridiculously exaggerated accounts of how awesome they played today, and how untouchable you all were.

I don't think anyone got it on video,It's on video, yet you don't see it clearly, but the proof is that I high-5 Falcon...when I had a Magstrike (we were still at Cullen) and there was a person behind the building that got barrel tapped, then right after that... "bapapapapa" took 'em out... Also, at Ole Hammer, the CTF games were great...just the "non-pink" team kept losing...and I was always on the "non-pink" team...
EDIT: Also, when SorrowX got all those sword kills, even though he killed 2 "zombies"...
EDIT #2:

Dayum that was a War to remember... I dare say it's what I'd call one of the most Effeminate days in SoCal nerf history.
"Where the heck is your flag?" "uh... we don't know" "wait? what!?"
"three Too one NOT IT!!!" "What?" yeah... watari... you were sooo it. good times

I remember that flag part...for those of you who weren't there, well...we played CTF, they "other" team rushed us...and when they got to our "base" they couldn't find our flag 'cause it was farther back, and no one knew who moved it...
Also, all I heard was, "NOT IT!!! ...so I responded with what?!?" which led me to being team captain...which I sort of liked (not really 'cause I didn't know anyone)

Edited by Watari, 20 September 2008 - 11:56 PM.

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#4 soccerdog813



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Posted 20 September 2008 - 10:53 PM

Today was AWESOME!!!!! I had a lot of fun. Saw a lot of new people which was nice.
Finding out that my pump shotgun turned out pretty well.
Getting my first few head shots (5 to be exact).
Only losing one round (other than CTF).
Not losing many darts.
Getting to see the SOF trailer which was beyond awesome. Well done Bags.
Having a great start to the last weekend of my summer.
Having the cops called on us twice and not caring. Once before we even started the day.

A lot of my friends bailing on me and not coming with.
Watching Tony's LBB break and then his pump shotgun break.
Having my LBB break.
Not getting to play Team Powerball.
Jamming my thumb trying to grab the "Ribbon Dance" flags.

Overall it was an amazing day. I had a lot of fun and so did my brother. Can't wait til the next war where we might finally get to play Team Powerball.

Edited by soccerdog813, 20 September 2008 - 10:56 PM.

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#5 Axelion burnout

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Posted 20 September 2008 - 11:13 PM

David(Soccerdog): Your LBB breaking is probably the best example of Karma I have ever seen.

Here are the only 2 good ones of my 7 pictures all day. That means I was having so much FUN I didn't have time to take out my camera, plus these were in between rounds.

First one: Truly shows how Effeminate-sauce the turnout was as we pick teams for our 6 rounds of CTF!
Posted Image

Second one: Total field devastation after playing the aforementioned 6 rounds of CTF! So many darts....
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Now onto my recap!

-Getting to see plenty of new faces, and also getting to play with Pilz and George again.
-Kicking freaking ass with my Hulk Pump Shotty!
-Getting about 5-6 crotch shots with said Shotty. (I swear, my darts just go there) 0 head shots... (Unless you want to think like a perv)
-Not getting my hands injured, thanks to my new pair of gloves.
-Bringing my computer skillz to real life and playing well (as always) with my Photoshopped Supermaxx1500.
-Dance ribbon CTF for the FREAKING WIN! Plus I scored once.
-Only one of my guns being semi retarded!
-Bags whipping out his Highlander foam sword and going to town on us when the dead arose.
-Eating at The Hat. mmmmm
-Getting shot in the face only once!
-Tony and Bags hitting me with their balls... good work!
-Seeing the Season of Foam trailer, excellent work! I cant wait to see the finished product... or wait for next year-ish when that kicks off!
-Seeing a someone with a Vulcan hit someone... I swear, God must have intervened.
-Getting some of our local crew up there.
-Wearing Falcon's bendy Manta Ray as a helmet when he left to go fix his Splitfire. Sorry... all I could think was, "would that fit on my head?" It does.

-Getting a glove tan...
-Being like 20 mins late, but nothing got started. So it didn't matter.
-Getting shot in the face!
-No team powerball.
-My left arm is now stronger than my right because of how ridiculously hard it is to pump my Shotty.

All in all, just about the only thing I can say to express how I feel is... FUCK YEAH!!

Edited by Axelion_burnout, 20 September 2008 - 11:31 PM.

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#6 baghead



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Posted 20 September 2008 - 11:32 PM

Dayum that was a War to remember... I dare say it's what I'd call one of the most Effeminate days in SoCal nerf history.

Absolutely Amazing Attendance
Making Falcon and I Pick teams for nostalgic purposes....only to realize we didn't know/remember a huge percentage of the people there today...
Pilz's Paper Clip "sight" on his new maximizer
Having NARFERs show up the Black Knights in attendance... a SoCal First.
The awesomeness that is my new Ball Cannon "Thwump"
Getting far more kills than one would expect from a Ball Gun
Playing At Ole Hammer again... missed that place.
realizing that by half way through the day I was developing salt deposits from sweat on my shirt
Watching T.O.N.Y. run around with a Ball gun...because his primaries broke
Barely having enough Loaner guns... yes that's a good thing in my book.
Randomly running into NightWing(of the Black Knights) on his lunch break from work...when we Broke for lunch...unfortunately we couldn't get him to join us.
Doc Holiday Status "denying" Slayer during CTF... literally as he tried to advance at my team, I was like "no" and got him before he even knew what happened followed naturally with a flashy spin of the gun and a return of it to my pocket.
Making far to many Ball jokes over the course of the day
surviving though to the end of several rounds ... how the heck did that happen?
"Where the heck is your flag?" "uh... we don't know" "wait? what!?"
"three Too one NOT IT!!!" "What?" yeah... watari... you were sooo it. good times
Getting to yell "you cannot win! I have the High Ground" while standing at the top of some playground equipment.
Running around like a crazyman with my giant Foam Sword during the NECRO-Rush
Having to say "There's Too Many people to play Team Powerball" ...because the attendance was that big...never expected it
Giving an "Advanced Screening" of the SOF Pitch Reel to those in attendance at the end of the day
Tony's Storytime in front of Greg's House while we waited for him and Pilz to finish recording some audio... Pajama Sam goes to the moon for the win
Adam coming to the realization on the way home that Tony's van's AC smells like the Pirates of The Caribbean Ride and the discussion of D-land for the rest of the drive home.
Getting home and Showering

Not Getting to unveil The might that is TEAM POWERBALL... due to high attendance.
Tony's guns breaking
Getting Shot in the nose from waay too close by Apollo's BBBB Boomstick
Having to nullify roughly 10 kills from Sorrow's Sword...because he didn't listen to the fact that he was hit.... over the course of the day
Nearly Losing my Effeminate-awesome comb like three times
Falcon getting his keys locked in his trunk during lunch
Forgetting to USE the sunscreen that I brought...
Backpedaling into that metal/Concrete grate/electrical cover thing and falling on my arse...
Falcon and I Effeminate failing to find a way to Quick Fix Tony's LBB

all in all it was an extremely awesome day... and anyone who wound up not making it really missed out. I look forward to seeing a bunch of the new faces we had come today join us at our next couple of wars.


Edited by baghead, 24 September 2008 - 11:49 AM.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#7 Falcon


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Posted 20 September 2008 - 11:55 PM

I can only imagine what would've happened today if I had actually REMEMBERED to contact the other 12 members of the Knights a week earlier...

Next YANO, we're gonna break So Cal attendance records.

Edited by Falcon, 21 September 2008 - 12:13 AM.

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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#8 Axelion burnout

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Posted 21 September 2008 - 12:07 AM

Any ideas on when that's happening, because I know that David and I are planning a "Christmas in Huntington Beach" war, but that isn't for a while.
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#9 Falcon


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Posted 21 September 2008 - 12:12 AM

Well, Sorrow's supposedly hosting a war in October, but that's around Halloween.

As of two years ago, I typically Host a Turkey Day war around thanksgiving (though not usually Thanksgiving weekend.) It varies depending on family schedules during the break from school that week. We might find a day during vacation time that everyone can make it out to, or we may shoot for the weekend before or after. I'll throw up a thread soon so we can work out vacation times and whatnot.
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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#10 Watari



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Posted 21 September 2008 - 01:04 AM

I didn't want to do a double post, but yet, I wasn't sure if people would notice my "edit" well anyways youtube is uploading/processing my video right now...so let's see if I can edit this post before 12 tonight...if I did then I at least gave you a video before the day ended...(edited and all)
EDIT #1:
Uhh, I just wanted to tell you guys something in advance...
0:33 Weird editing glitch
1:26 Magstrike kill(s)
1:44 My friend trips
1:55 SorrowX does something amazing
2:06 Ole Hammer change
2:51 Short view of our Ribbon Flags
And the edited version of the song sucks 'cause it's 44 minutes before 12 and I was too lazy to change everything
with the music...so I took a 2min song and made it about 4mins...
EDIT #2:
The video is currently still uploading...yeah, I know the video doesn't have to be "awesome" just to be able to show what happened/stuff we did that day, and the massive attendance...and no I didn't cut the sound in half...I basically cut and pasted parts...so they play over again...but some are noticable...some aren't....well...kind of...but the ones that are "noticable" just "stick out" if you get what I mean...hopefully it'll upload/process in 27 minutes...rawr my goal is to get this before 12.....I doubt I will...if I don't then expect like a 1:30 in the morning update...oh well it'll be a surprise in the morning.
P.S. Falcon you're still up!? I thought most people would've went to sleep already, other than me 'cause I got's som'tin' ta do

EDIT #3:
Well as you can see...Falcon beat me to it...I just wondered how long it'd take for that video to upload...I could've waited another hour and a half, but since i've uploaded many, it usually takes a long time so I decided to get some sleep...oh well hehehe

Edited by Watari, 21 September 2008 - 11:05 AM.

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#11 Falcon


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Posted 21 September 2008 - 01:22 AM

Not to worry. Just do what you can. The point isn't to put together an awesome video, so much as it is to let us watch ourselves all acting like idiots and enjoying ourselves.

Just please tell me you didn't actually time stretch the song to be double it's normal length. Or rather, if you did, tell me so I can turn my speakers off so I don't have to suffer through anything played at 1/2 speed...

EDIT, in response to Watari:
I got back from the war wired on a later-than-necessary consumption of dew, and decided I needed to relax myself with some dartmaking. Now I'm sitting at my computer playing my pennywhistle, since I'm still far too wired to sleep. Figure I might as well see this through to the end, though I know I'll hate life in the morning when I have to get up at 6 to play in my horn in my church orchestra. *sigh* Oh well. The war was worth it. Maybe I'll go do a more permanent fix on my Splitfire while I'm up, and see about tweaking my internals a little...

Oh goodie! Vid's up!

Edited by Falcon, 21 September 2008 - 02:55 AM.

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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#12 SorrowX



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Posted 21 September 2008 - 03:54 AM

Oh yes, crossbow+sword+nitefinder combo rocks. By the end of the day, i probably had more that 25 hits with the sword alone. In the video, I kinda scared myself watching how well I pulled that off(getting the sword out of my shirt with Effeminate awsomeness, for me)
this war was awesome.
- Going nuts and rushing with a crossbow and a sword and seeing everyone run in fear(which is quite satisfying, actually)
- Seeing my crossbow do well in its first war
- the totally Effeminate turnout
- getting Falcon in the jewels a few times(Really, i don't mean to aim there)
- bouncing a ball with my sword and getting a hit on someone with it
- new parts that would have been otherwise hard to get my hands on(thanks a bunch, guys)
- seeing my friend run around in not only a paintball mask but an optimus prime mask too
- and i'll edit anything in later

- having my LS break the night before the war(still got some good ranges with a cracked plunger tube, amazingly)
- getting shot in the face with a crossbow at point blank range
- leaving a total of 52 taggers upon discovering the time
- getting my hand cut up by someone's LS
- Leaving the bandanna I got from Bags' at the june 14th nano back at cullens( i think its by the dumpsters)
- getting lost on the way home and having to use a map from 1991(Hey, it said updated edition) to get home.
- forgetting a ton of stuff at home and on site

Also Bags', before I left I put your bungees into the ark, just to let you know. And hopefully many of you can make it to Halloweeno '08, because if you like cullens and ole hammer, you are going to love smith-murphy and beatty.

Edited by SorrowX, 21 September 2008 - 04:01 AM.

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You may have the balls, but I have the lack of morality!

#13 Falcon


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Posted 21 September 2008 - 10:03 AM

Anything you left behind I'll pick up today.

Edited by Falcon, 21 September 2008 - 10:04 AM.

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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#14 nerfboi



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Posted 21 September 2008 - 01:01 PM

Fak is all I can say.
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#15 raw shrimp

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Posted 21 September 2008 - 02:46 PM

Yeah, you did miss a good war. I have a question though, I have all these pictures from the war, and the only way I know who to upload them is through photobucket, and I don't want to up[load them individually, Is there a way to do them all at once?
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#16 SorrowX



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Posted 21 September 2008 - 03:14 PM

Yeah, you did miss a good war. I have a question though, I have all these pictures from the war, and the only way I know who to upload them is through photobucket, and I don't want to up[load them individually, Is there a way to do them all at once?

flickr, and imageshack
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You may have the balls, but I have the lack of morality!

#17 Axelion burnout

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Posted 21 September 2008 - 03:53 PM

Photobucket works fine for uploading multiple images at once, all you have to do is select more than one when it brings up what you want to select. Just click the top photo and hold down shift as you click the last photo you want to upload.

Posted Image

You could also try to bulk uploader.
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#18 Cannonball



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Posted 21 September 2008 - 09:58 PM

That was was truly the greatest! The soreness I feel in my legs now is worth it.

- headshot right off the bat first round of the day. 3 in total for the day. Not bad I guess.
- Getting sworded only to realize I'm still in because everyone on my team hit that dude when he ate it jumping the barrier. Sorry bud, nice try.
- being within range of Sorrow's vulcan only to have it jam on him so I can pull out my nitefinder and return fire. perfect timing huh?
- Being there to witness the little kid with the blowgun inch up to the other team's flag and take it. They did not notice until I started yelling at him to run. It was the greatest moment of the CTF games in my opinion.
- Seeing the look on Pilz's face when he shot his barrel out.
- having a little kid on the other team taunt me and pilz while we were shooting at him. It was even funnier when Tony (I believe) took him out while he was dancing around.
- Seeing old and new faces
- seeing one of my team mates hose three other guys with his vulcan. It was amazing.
- Bags eating it, but still getting a hit on someone else.
- Performing the flying V formation with great success.

- Not being able to hit Axelion once the whole day.
- The amazing aerial acrobatics of some of the darts I picked up and shot. They were fun to watch, but they didn't go where I wanted them to.

I really can't think of any other Cons right now. It was an amazing day so that's probably why. I'm glad to be a part of the madness that was fall 'geddon '08. Looking forward to many more in the future. Bags, Falcon, you guys did a great job of keeping things together and going smoothly. The war was just splendid thanks to you guys. Major props.
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#19 nerfboi



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Posted 21 September 2008 - 11:18 PM

Yeah, theres directions. I think you have to highlight them all(hold Ctrl and click I think) and click upload. It will take a while though. It took me a minute to upload 3 pictures one time.

EDIT: Whoa, I just completely missed the whole second page.

Edited by nerfboi, 21 September 2008 - 11:19 PM.

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#20 PILZ



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Posted 22 September 2008 - 12:38 AM

Man o' Man ' man!!!!!!!
Dude...all i can say is that its great to be back Nerfing with the Maximizer Mk. II "Hellkitty"
Bags, you got your money's worth since i still owe you for that gun. lol.
(plus streetlight tix)

so ahem!!!!! heres my highlights fellow nerfers!

- actually getting 1 member from Narf who hasnt nerfed in ages to show up (Jade), Jade you're awesome
- riding in T.O.N.Y.s van aka. the tour bus while listening to a 1920's jazz mix plus mr. frankenwrieter
- Pulling the "Han Solo manuever", thats right, falcon and I decided to charge a bunch of people, i dunno if he was yelling or not but i was screaming at the top of my lungs while charging at 5 ppl methinks who started to make a break for it right when they saw us. we chased them from one corner of the map to the other. Just like star wars he he he
- for the record im bad with names, but im stoked i shot someone in the cheek
- getting shot point blanc during a necrocide
- the awesome success of said "paperclip sight", when somebody asked me if it worked and i shot someone in the foot replying "apparently...lol."
- me and cannonball trying to pick off "that little dude" who taunted us relentlessly and then tony shows up outta nowhere and nails him like nothing.
- having to play director during the photo shoot
-seeing jade sport "shtinky" with pure awesomeness worthy of the Shwa archives

- seeing tony get so pissed when he almost scored a bounce hit on me.
- its crazy but for some odd reason when i yell "i got you covered" while seeing someone charge at a teamate, i actually score a hit on said charger,,,awesome possum!
- actually getting to hang out with the S.O.F. crew alltogether
- playing at Ole park god knows what, brings back memories of my 4k
- shooting tristan in the face only to realize that i left him with a nice parting bruise
- having the enemy ctf team assault our base only to realize we had no idea where i flag was...
- having all the other younger nerfer's complain that ive shot them in the neck lol.
- having bags waltz all the way to our base only to point out he made it that far and nobody has shot him yet.
- doing a pointless vulcan charge only to have the damn thing jam on me...lol
my obsaervation concludes that the vulcan is probably not the best thing to haul around during a rush
- nicknaming the guy who brought the chain guns "Vulcan Raven" [for all you MGS fans]
- having a alamo session behind the bench while recieving a hail of darts only to realize im fending off about 4 ppl
- seeing bags scream " i have the high ground!"
- getting rushed in the jungle gym only to get stuck in the slide and get barrel tapped
- having the most awesome sleepytime in tony's van
- seeing falcon have ProTools on his pc. or whas it mac?
- having that SoCal first of bringin more ppl than blacknights...
- being aquianted with el guapo!

ok heres my cons, not many but a few pointers....

- getting sniped by a blowgun from the trash gate...thats a great hiding spot
- telling everybody to fall back during necrocide..my bad..
- having my barrel fall off every now and then when i fire my gun lol....
- having to play Sarge during CTF...yeah i like flyin solo but its hard to coordinate a defense when nobody knows where our flag is..lol.
- seeing tony lose his primary.
- hurting my neck for some odd reason
- chargin at the ctf base and having my barrel fall down + getting chased down by tristans dad and almost getting shot in the face by bags

dude overall i had a blast and would like to thank everyone who showed and had fun!
It was great seeing a bunch of new faces and some old ones.
Cant wait to see you all again so rock on y'all!
i need to hang out on these forums more often..laterz
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Whats the situation guys!

#21 raw shrimp

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Posted 23 September 2008 - 06:07 PM

Soooooo, I think I have the picture thing down, lemme know how this works. Here's the link to see all of them

Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

I know this kinda sucks but it's as best as i know how to do. And not all of them are there.

Edited by raw shrimp, 23 September 2008 - 06:24 PM.

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#22 Falcon


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Posted 23 September 2008 - 06:11 PM

It's set to private, and asks for a password. I'd suggest you set aside some time and just post them here if you can, but there may be just plain too much. Dunno...
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Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#23 Cannonball



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 08:10 PM

I cant click on them and view a larger version.
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#24 Falcon


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Posted 08 October 2008 - 06:30 PM

Forgive me for bringing this back to the fore...thankfully, it hasn't been all that long.

Does ANYONE have a copy of the group photo? There were at least two cameras used...Raw Shrimp, I'm pretty sure your camera has some of them on it...if you could post that photo by itself at a reasoable size (larger than the photos you posted earlier--like 600 pixels wide at least--that would be awesome. The bigger the better.
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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

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