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Arrowstorm Modification


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#1 Coop



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Posted 09 September 2008 - 07:41 PM

I won an eBay auction, and one of the main reasons I went for it was this Arrowstorm. I've seen very little on the Arrowstorm on NerfHaven, and it's especially difficult to find pictures of the internals. I've heard it's difficult to modify, and I am going to have to disagree. There are very few parts and they all go together very easily and snug. Even if this isn't good enough to be a write up, hopefully someone can catch it in the search bar if they are looking for Arrowstorm internal pictures.On to the write up...

Stock Arrowstorm (very used, as you can tell by the worn down stickers)
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The first step is to take off the black grip part. There will be 6 screws you need to take out, then it pulls right apart. There will be two small plastic pieces inside that with springs on them, you will need to keep track of these.
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Next you need to take apart the main shell. There are 5 screws holding this down. When you open it, the spring may move, but the other things should stay still. It should look like this.
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Just a close up on the turret
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I'd like to point out how massive this spring is. I haven't modified many guns, because I just started, but this spring is enormous!
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Ok, now on to the turret modifications. You will need to cut out your PETG to the size you want. I originally cut them to 6" each, just to keep it even because I bought it in 1' intervals from OMC. 6" is too long without a spring upgrade. I went with about 4.5 inches each, and that brought me to the rim of the original barrels.
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You need to put some electrical tape around the part that will be in the tip, so measure where you need that place, and put 1 or 2 layers around. (sorry for the blurry picture!)
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Next, before you put the PETG in, we will be making it rear loading! Drop a permanent marker down the barrel for the rear loading slot. (Just like FA_24 did with his Doomsayer) This idea was not mine, and I would not have thought of doing it to this gun without the Doomsayer write up. So thank you Angel!
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It should look like this.
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Next, you will need to Goop the PETG into place. Make sure to have a bit covering in between the PETG rim and the extra room in the original barrel to eliminate air leaks. You can also put a little bit of hot glue on the PETG near the electrical tape to hold that side in place.

A combo picture of the turret (Note I did shorten the barrel length to the size of the original barrel, and suggest doing the same unless you plan on upgrading the spring)
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The plunger tube head's seal is not very tight. You can help this by putting a few wraps of electrical tape around it. Make sure to keep the angle on the head. If it's flat, then the seal will not be as tight.
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Now put it all back together the same way you took it apart, and you're done!
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I've also modified another after this. I used 17/32 brass barrels and it worked great.]
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The ranges aren't as good as I thought I'd get with a spring that large, but they will work as a back-up. I think I want to carry this on a sling of some sort (like that amazing one by Falcon) along with a longer range blaster.


The ranges are inconsistent along with the accuracy due to the way the gun is fired. It is difficult to pull the back grip backward while keeping the barrel pointing at the target perfectly. It will be a nice gun to spray 6 darts off pretty quickly from a descent range.

I'm glad I did this modification, and like my Arrowstorm much more now that I've done it.

Questions or comments?

Edited by Coop, 08 September 2009 - 05:51 PM.

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On the other hand, the guy who posted before me used the word 'fuck' a lot so he probably knows what he's talking about.

#2 Soothsayer



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Posted 09 September 2008 - 07:57 PM

Love the rear loading. I suppose you could mount a 2k or 3k tank on this somewhere for a long range shot, I wouldn't though. It's a cool gun and all, but doesn't seem like it'd make a fantastic primary. If you added a REALLY sturdy stock to this thing, it wouldn't definitely increase accuracy.
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yeah I'm that guy who made that cool thing with the cool paint.

#3 Nova



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Posted 09 September 2008 - 07:58 PM

Well i have no experience with an arrowstrom at all but i do know how they work. It's a good mod you have there and wil be a decent gun fro outdoor use. Although, it's probably more spray'n'pray than aim'n'shoot. I can't imagine the reloading times being too amazing since you have the barrels gooped in there.

Just a quick mildly off-topic question: What are the differences between an arrowstorm and a missle storm, other than the obvious barrel differeneces.

Good job,

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#4 Coop



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Posted 09 September 2008 - 08:08 PM

Soothsayer: I do have an extra SM3k tank and pump laying around, but it wouldn't look nice. Plus, I like for all my integrations to be internal. Or two guns together with their own shells protecting them. I don't like internal parts on the external part of my blasters, it's just asking for problems.

Nova: I was planning on using it as a back-up on a sling for "spray and pray" use, haha. I just didn't want to say that, I don't know if it's looked down on in Nerf. (I'm new)

The rear loading works great. I only put the goop on the outside of the PETG, and just a very small amount around the rim to keep the air from going around, but the biggest challenge is being able to reach into my pocket, while holding the gun, and then using two hands to advance the turret. I will be adding two more loading holes on the other side to increase the speed, so it won't be too bad

I've never owned a missile storm, so I have no idea...
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On the other hand, the guy who posted before me used the word 'fuck' a lot so he probably knows what he's talking about.

#5 badger


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Posted 09 September 2008 - 09:02 PM

The Arrowstorm had large barrels that were easy to incorporte alternate barrel material, as seen here in this thread. The MissileStorm used small tubes as the barrel posts. To mod this blaster, you have to do alot more cutting into the rotator.

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#6 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 09 September 2008 - 11:36 PM

VERY nice write up. Your going to fit in pretty well here.

If you added a REALLY sturdy stock to this thing, it wouldn't definitely increase accuracy.

I'm pretty sure you mean would increase the accuracy, but if you didn't, I thought I should point it out.
But I would have to say that a stock would be a very wise addition to this specific gun. I have used this gun before and It's mega inaccurate for that reason. I should try that sometime........
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#7 Falcon


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Posted 10 September 2008 - 12:36 AM

Well done. VERY well done. *applause*

I've been wanting an Arrowstorm for a long time. I'm talking to one person about it right now, and I've spoken to several in the past, but been outbid on most, and I personally dropped the ball on one. This just makes me want one more.

I agree that a strap could be beneficial (and am pleased that you liked my recent design) but I must say, for those who are suggesting a stock, I don't see that being as beneficial as you might think. Sure, it'd stabilize the gun, but there are SO many things you lose when a stock is added. When you peek around a corner with a stock-less gun, you can have the gun perpendicular to your body, and only show enough of your face to view a target, and just enough of the gun to fire. If your gun has a stock, about 70% or more of your body has to enter your opponent's view to be able to fire at them around said corner.

Arrowstorms have been off the main nerfing circuit for so long (courtesy of the Supermaxx and Airtech lines) that the proper means of shooting them has dwindled. It used to be a well-known technique, but now it seems to have become lost. To put it simply, any gun such as the Arrowstorm, Chainblazer, etc. that fires when a pulled arm reaches a certain point, is fired in the same way, and can be fired quite accurately so.

When you're pulling it, don't pull it all the way back immediately. Get used to where the pull is at its greatest length, and then STOP your pull there. You'll feel the resistance of the mechanism. Pull it back to there, and THEN allow yourself a moment to acquire a target. It won't last long; just pause at "full draw", and THEN slide through the catch. It'll be FAR more stable, and your Arrowstorm will become far more formidable. So simple a concept, but SO useful.

Again, great work. Hopefully, I'll join you as an Arrowstorm owner soon.
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#8 Coop



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Posted 10 September 2008 - 05:45 AM

Thanks for the compliments and suggestions!

Badger: Thank you for the pictures, I've never seen a missile storm in my life, haha.

Renegade: I have no intention of making a stock of any kind. This will be on a sling most of the time, so a stock would get in the way most of the time. And I'm not so sure a stock would really help anyways. It's not like a normal trigger gun, I don't think there would be a way to shoulder the gun and pull the rear handle backward smoothly and accurately.

Falcon: I did realize I could just hold the gun primed but not fired a few minutes after I started playing with it, and that's how I did the range tests and everything. When I would just keep pushing and pulling I didn't push the handle all the way in to rotate the turret, or prime the gun, so it doesn't work very efficiently.
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On the other hand, the guy who posted before me used the word 'fuck' a lot so he probably knows what he's talking about.




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Posted 10 September 2008 - 10:57 AM

This mod also does well with triple loaded darts as a shotgun as well.

5 darts a barrel is a bit too much though... **sigh**

I did the barrel portion of this awhile back on mine.

Not a perfect gun, but REALLY fun to use.

I actually was using swappable PETG loaded with darts.

You just seal up the back of the turret to the width of the PETG, and then when you swap em out, you push them all the way back.

Foam in the back makes for a great temp seal as well.

Edited by AJAQ, 10 September 2008 - 10:59 AM.

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#10 Coop



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Posted 10 September 2008 - 06:50 PM

This mod also does well with triple loaded darts as a shotgun as well.

5 darts a barrel is a bit too much though... **sigh**

I did the barrel portion of this awhile back on mine.

Not a perfect gun, but REALLY fun to use.

I actually was using swappable PETG loaded with darts.

You just seal up the back of the turret to the width of the PETG, and then when you swap em out, you push them all the way back.

Foam in the back makes for a great temp seal as well.

Well that sounds like a good idea. But, I don't like removable barrels on guns that I know will not be primaries. When this was on a sling most of the game, it would get annoying caring about not shaking the barrels out. And I would rather have a pocket full of darts for rear loading over a pocket full of barrels restricting movement.

I did just try to shotgun load mine, and it didn't work out that well. The darts went about 5 feet, haha. I could only fit 2 darts in because of the barrel length, but I will be sticking to one dart per barrel.
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On the other hand, the guy who posted before me used the word 'fuck' a lot so he probably knows what he's talking about.

#11 Ubermensch



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Posted 10 September 2008 - 08:08 PM

I've been wanting to get one of these too.
Partly because I felt it was underrated and therefore might be underpriced.

This topic will help "fix" both. ^_^

I did get a deal on a bunch of new-old-stock arrows (like 40+ of them!)
Now I guess if I can't use them when they arrive, maybe I'll start a sale topic.

Actually, according to NerfCenter and other sources I have read, it was once a Nerf staple and considered one of the greatest of all guns ever made. So not exactly underrated.
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