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Nerf Guns

Are they wussed down?

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#1 DarkCow



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Posted 13 February 2003 - 07:43 PM

Nerf guns suck NIB. But modded they are good. But you guys remeber the commecials. The guns rock on those things. Awesome. Do you gus think HAsbro makes good guns at first and then wusses em out?
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#2 NerfManiac



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Posted 13 February 2003 - 07:57 PM

No, I think they show a picture of the gun then throw the darts to make the gun look really cool.
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#3 SniperWolf



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Posted 13 February 2003 - 08:03 PM

I recall the Secret Shot comercials. The had the stock guns shooting a trash can lid from like 50 feet away. Then, they showed the secret barrel shoot a good 20 feet and nail some kid...

False Advertising my friend <_<
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#4 freakymist



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Posted 13 February 2003 - 08:33 PM

Hasbro is doing the same thing to soakers as they are to nerf guns...there getting weaker every year... <_<
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#5 DarkCow



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Posted 13 February 2003 - 10:41 PM

If thats true, how the heck are they shooting those darts. They cant throw those darts that well. So Hasbro must know how to make at least most of their guns well. Maybe even the''p''' word......
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#6 ItalionStallion



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Posted 13 February 2003 - 11:23 PM

I prtty sure its called "special effects".
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#7 neonerfer



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Posted 14 February 2003 - 02:24 AM

No, just effects. There's nothing special about throwing darts around.
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#8 Evil


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Posted 14 February 2003 - 06:25 AM

I also would like to remind you guys that they are just trying to sell something, and if you had to integrate trick photography into your commercials to sell your product, chances are you wouldn't hesitate when it came down to doing so.
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#9 Langley


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Posted 14 February 2003 - 10:37 AM

Yeah, I'm sure they're real stock guns, but they shoot from angles that make the distance the dart travels look farther. They probably also shoot the gun a point blank in shots where you only see the dart hit something.
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#10 ItalionStallion



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Posted 14 February 2003 - 05:47 PM

No, just effects. There's nothing special about throwing darts around.

Effects, special effects same thing.I dont think they would throw them like evil said they shoot from different camera angles and really fast to make something thats 25ft look like 50ft.
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#11 Puddle of Foam

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Posted 15 February 2003 - 11:34 AM

Nerf guns suck NIB. But modded they are good. But you guys remeber the commecials. The guns rock on those things. Awesome. Do you gus think HAsbro makes good guns at first and then wusses em out?

I still think YakMan's theroy holds true. Nerf makes their guns excellent at the beginning, and they begin to think, hey, if some 6 year old shoots another kid with this gun in the eye or something, we might get sued. So instead of re-making the guns, they change the design by adding air releases and such. I mean COME ON, how many mods DON'T involve plugging a hole of some sort?
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#12 DarkCow



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Posted 15 February 2003 - 04:39 PM

YOu would think Hasbro could make a much better gun with performance better than any gun we could mod. We should complain. And besides, it says on the box not to shoot at anything. Why dont they just make it more powerful, blame the kid for not reading the label when he pokes his friends eye out. But that would almost mean and end of modding weapons, and thats not good.....
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#13 superadaquabat



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Posted 15 February 2003 - 06:30 PM

its not that simple, putting don't aim at anyone to avoid being sued. People sue for the stupidest stuff an Win, even though there were warning and things.
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#14 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 21 February 2003 - 05:18 PM

Well what I think is that Hasbro makes these guns, and tests them out. They always add some stuff to weaken the gun (air restrictors, etc.) and make sure they don't get sued by making a too powerful gun without modding.

Take the SM5k for example. Just simply rip off the air restrictor and the thing shoots 70ft. at least

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#15 Raecroft



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Posted 22 February 2003 - 04:34 PM

People sue for the stupidest stuff and win

Thats true, there was once a case were someone robbing a house got locked in the garage and lived off dog food and a case of coke he found in the garage, he won half a mil is his case, for his suffering.
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#16 Famine



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Posted 22 February 2003 - 06:47 PM

Also, did it ever occur to anyone that some of the designers in Nerf might be making simple safety measures on purpose? To think that Nerf isn't aware or the NIC and of modding is naive. Now I'm sure the corporate overlords would love to eliminate all possibility of modding, make all guns super safe, super cheap (but still charge $25), and sell millions of them. The designers though, I'm sure take some level of pride in their work and want to see what they're capable of accomplishing within the parameters set by their employers. But, while the gun may only perform at one level, why not give it the potential to perform at another? Sure, out of box, it may shoot 30', but just cover this one hole, or flip this one valve, and like you said the range can double or triple. I've suspected for some time now (at least since the Larami/Nerf merger) that some of the designers might be on our side. Hell, at least it's been a while since a gun was made in the shape of a monkey or amazon rain beetle or some shit. Since the hypersight and megablitz lines Nerf has begun to have a little more of a serious look.

Just a thought.
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#17 Sacapuntas Cabesa

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Posted 22 February 2003 - 10:29 PM

Didn't we have an ex-Nerf Designer on here at one time? Maybe it was NO, I don't remember.
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#18 Zero Talent

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Posted 22 February 2003 - 10:40 PM

I've suspected for some time now (at least since the Larami/Nerf merger) that some of the designers might be on our side.

Exactly. We can bitch all we want, but if the engineers wanted, they could make these guns fully limited, destroy modification as we know it. Something so easy as a small compression chamber, a faulty pump (as on the Super Maxx 3000 [Blue]), or a switch to cheaper, weaker materials. It's very easy for them, and yet they give us these easily modified guns that, as Famine also mentioned, don't look like some random jungle creature.

Yeah, we had someone who claimed to be that on... NHQ, I believe. I'm probably wrong.
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#19 Dan Cromer

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Posted 23 February 2003 - 01:09 AM

I think we established this a LONG time ago. Are the engineers trying to help us? I doubt it. They make relativeley simple designs and then totally thwart their power with inexpensive air restricting devices Tanks are minimumly sized. It's only due to the fact that the desings for a nerf gun, particularly the cocking guns, are so simple we can modify them to be better.

But, yeah, Famine, I guess you could pretend the engineers and us are in cahoots if you wanted...
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#20 Zero Talent

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Posted 23 February 2003 - 02:13 AM

It's only due to the fact that the desings for a nerf gun, particularly the cocking guns, are so simple we can modify them to be better.

Well, they're either with us, don't care about us, or both. Because they sure aren't trying, with something so base as an air release valve...

I mean, they could always seal their guns closed. I'm sure that's cheaper than screws, and such an annoyance would certainly set us back a bit.

But the only thing they've "thwarted" our modifications with was the Piston valve system they use in their automatics: That, they do seal, making modification annoying.

And as far as I can tell, we never "established" anything. We never did ask anybody from Larami or Nerf about this... Did we?
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#21 VACC


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Posted 23 February 2003 - 02:23 AM

Didn't we have an ex-Nerf Designer on here at one time? Maybe it was NO, I don't remember.

When we were in the process of relaunching NO one of the multiple times we did that (Hal, Phelspar, X, and I), some guy contacted X and told him he had come accross the site for the first time. He claimed to be a retired Nerf Engineer with such guns to his credit as the Arrowstorm. Honestly, he seemed pretty legit at the time, but we lost contact with him, and eventually we we fell out of touch with X, who was the only one even moderately in contact with the guy..... and that was that.

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#22 Dan Cromer

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Posted 23 February 2003 - 03:09 PM

That's interesting, VACC, because apparently Mr. X a has an account according to the main forums page. I dont' know how many guys run around with the alias of "X", but that's kind of strange.

There was a topic over a year ago about this, either on NC or NO. Nerf doesn't have official engineers, they contract out with a company. I think it was the voweless one who dug the link up some time ago.

The air restrictor is there so the tank doesn't explode. That's not exactly safe.
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#23 One Man Clan

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Posted 23 February 2003 - 10:15 PM

Whether or not they have engineers, it's people like me (marketing majors) who will hold the R&D dept. Shindig and I talked about this over lunch at Reckoning. It's basically a struggle. Us marketing people only care about the bottom line. We are out to make the most money, and keep it by making shitty guns that won't break anything or anyone. Here's a point, the nerf boxes say not to aim at people or animals, but what if little Timmy aims the nerf gun at his parents priceless antique crystal vase. If that gun packed even the slightest punch, the vase could be knocked down and shatter, causing both human and monetary damage. The R&D guys want to put foam darts as far as possible, as accurate as possible. Unfortunately, as long as stupid fucking people win court cases for spilling coffee on themselves and other acts or brilliance, there will be crappy nerf guns thats to Corporate America and the Idiot Consumer Public.
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#24 Dan Cromer

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Posted 23 February 2003 - 10:21 PM

Unfortunately, as long as stupid fucking people win court cases for spilling coffee on themselves and other acts or brilliance, there will be crappy nerf guns thats to Corporate America and the Idiot Consumer Public.

That was an absolutely brilliant statement. I agree.
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#25 cxwq



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Posted 23 February 2003 - 11:29 PM

Yeah... I emailed a guy who worked (past tense, laid off) for the dude who invented the super soaker. It was a very small engineering firm that contracted work for Hasbro. They were responsible for the Super Soaker line, the BF, WF, RF20, PC, and one or two others. They were not responsible for the SM line. This leads me to believe that Hasbro has several firms that they contract new Nerf lines from. When you see a bunch of guns that's an obvious evolution (SM -> AT) you're probably looking at consecutive lineups from a particular firm.

He was pretty tight with the info. Didn't divulge the actual design specs that Hasbro supplied them with. Didn't divulge what was coming down the pipe. Did seem to have a special fondness for the RF20 which he apparently spent quite a bit of time working on.
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