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Not a kids film after all.

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#1 Philote



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 10:15 AM

I was recently dragged to this movie by my younger sister, and be the dismal introvert that I am, complained about seeing. However, thats not what I got, but it's what the younger kids did not get. This movie was a HUGE metaphor for environmental conservation. The world is over run with trash, and none of the humans in space know this, or even remember what earth is at all, until the RECYCLING robot Wall-e shows the, rather portly, people of earth that it is. After that, the humans rush back to earth to find earth in ruins and they do everything they can to make the world a better place. Damn hippies. Oddly enough I found it entertaining enough for the Little'uns, yet it is advertised as a kids movie, but my sister, now in 6th grade, didn't even understand it.
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#2 Commander Cody

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 10:36 AM

Yeah I agree with you completely.

The movie definitely was multi-tiered in its interpretation.
Overall I found it highly entertaining, and, amused with the love story b/t Eve and Wall-e. (Can robots be like humans too?, maybe like the whole Ghost in the Shell concept if any of you guys have watched that)
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#3 analogkid



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 12:50 PM

I think that a lot of kids are going to miss the message. The movie had a lot of deeper themes (environmental conservation, human reliance on technology, obesity, when are machines going to become more human than humans). I personally really enjoyed it, more than the other movie I saw that weekend, Wanted, with Angelina Jolie.
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#4 Quilan Fett

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 01:51 PM

I found this movie very depressing. The way it makes you cringe at the humans. I would not have liked this as a little kid.
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#5 Split



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 01:59 PM

I think that a lot of kids are going to miss the message. The movie had a lot of deeper themes (environmental conservation, human reliance on technology, obesity, when are machines going to become more human than humans). I personally really enjoyed it, more than the other movie I saw that weekend, Wanted, with Angelina Jolie.

Thank you. I was trying to write something like this, but I just got mad and closed out of it. There are a ton of themes in this, but the environmental one is just soo blatant, no offense of course. Was a visual/audio masterpiece though.
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#6 Bomberman



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 02:01 PM

I went to see it with one of my friends, and my brother and one of his friends. I acually really liked it. Wall-e was annoying as hell, when he said eve's name. But I totally got the message to it. It really made me think about the world, and that seems like a good prediction of what is going to happen. I mean, there probably will not be some company like Buy and Large that takes over the world, but I mean, the human race is getting fatter, we are putting more trash out on the planet, and we are destroying the Earth. Not even that slowly at all. I mean, think about it. There are really enough plastic bottles in the ocean, that were thrown away, instead of being recycled, that it could COVER the cotinental United States. I think that says something about the human race. The only part I hated about the movie were how the humans looked. I mean, even the BABIES, newborn BABIES were fat whales of humans. I could'nt eat any of the popcorn I had gotten once I saw the humans. Posted Image

Edited by Bomberman, 23 July 2008 - 02:05 PM.

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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#7 SirTofu



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 03:09 PM

I personally enjoyed the not-so-subtle political commentary.
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#8 A side of nerf

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 03:28 PM

I mean, there probably will not be some company like Buy and Large that takes over the world,

Wal Mart
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#9 Lynx



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 03:38 PM

It was a good movie with multiple themes. It is almost more of a statement than a film, but it was consistently entertaining.

My favorite theme was innocence. It was funny how nothing was said about the people who DIDN'T make it on to the Axiom. Another thing was Eve's name. It was a little kiddie joke that EVERYONE chuckled/laughed at every time it was used.

My bottom line: See it before it hits Pay-Per-View.
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#10 zaphodB



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 04:45 PM

yeah, it was only a little less subtle than hitting you in the face with a shovel. But, it was beautifully done, so I don't really care. One of the best movies ever to be made.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#11 Watari



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 05:12 PM

I saw this movie out of my own will, and of course...I was ok, and yes, I did get the message, but that partly made me angry because in a movie called: "The Andromeda Strain" (a 2 part event that I saw on A&E, which in total was about 4 hours long) which kind of had the same meaning. It's about:
Or you can freaking go here:
Before I tell you anything, this is one of the main points that I got...the president is going to mine in vents...or undersea vent mining...
A virus that comes to Earth when a satellite crashes in a remote area of the US (I think it was Ohio or something) and kills everyone in the city except for 2 people, a baby and a hobo type person...Anyways, the military sends in a team and they all die....etc. all that dramatic crap...anyways they find out that the virus grows via radiation, so right when they're about to nuke it, they don't, but then the virus manages to take over the plane and nuke itself (woah...a micro-organism that is intelligent...and from the future!...) anyways it nukes itself...grows, and begins to spread, they find out that bacteria from these vents (they find this out because nanomachines in the satellite that have molecules of potassium and robidium are arraged in an order which is binary code, they're computer decodes this and finds out all about it etc.) so they go and get a sample...grow it rapidly, and spray it around Ohio (or wherever this movie takes place) and it kills all of the strain and the movie ends...oh and birds randomly kill people throughout the movie like soldiers and stuff.
--Spoilers end--

So basically, it's about the environment, I watched a 4 hour movie...about the environment...I thought it was going to be chocked full of action, but it was like one of those 48 hour crime scene things...so yeah...a 4 hour long movie about...you guessed it...the environment.

Edited by Watari, 24 July 2008 - 09:08 PM.

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#12 keef



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 05:51 PM

Watch a real movie, like The Dark Knight.
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#13 CrazyIvan VI

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 06:17 PM

As awesome as the Dark Knight is, that's pretty harsh, keef.

Wall-e was a good movie, it did what it wanted to do. I went and saw it with my girlfriend a week or two ago. It was a cute romance movie/comedy/political movie, but nothing was overly stressed, and it was still an enjoyable movie to watch, I'll get it on DVD when it comes out. The Dark Knight IS indeed a real movie, but so is Wall-E.
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#14 analogkid



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 06:21 PM

If you didn't like it, just say so. No need to bash it. That just causes unnecessary flame wars.
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#15 ultra920



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 06:38 PM

Watch a real movie, like The Dark Knight.

Yep. I got the message in Wall-e, but it was to stupid. Wasn't really funny at all, more annoying.

Saw Dark Night today, best superhero movie ever.
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#16 Bomberman



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 06:48 PM

I know that The Dark Knight will be awesome, but on a scale from one to ten, how scary would you rate the Joker? Like one, being as scary as the Harry Potter Movies, and ten, being like piss yourself scary. I was wondering if I could scare the piss out of my little 9 year old brother and his friend.

Edited by Bomberman, 23 July 2008 - 06:49 PM.

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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#17 Split



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 06:55 PM

I saw this movie out of my own will, and of course...I was ok, and yes, I did get the message, but that partly made me angry because in a movie called: "The Andromeda Strain" (a 2 part event that I saw on A&E, which in total was about 4 hours long) which kind of had the same meaning. It's about:
Before I tell you anything, this is one of the main points that I got...the president is going to mine in vents...or undersea vent mining...
A virus that comes to Earth when a satellite crashes in a remote area of the US (I think it was Ohio or something) and kills everyone in the city execpt for 2 people, a baby and a hobo type person...Anyways, the military sends in a team and they all die....etc. all that dramatic crap...anyways they find out that the virus grows via radiation, so right when they're about to nuke it, they don't, but then the virus manages to take over the plane and nuke itself (woah...a micro-organism that is intellegent...and from the future!...) anyways it nukes itself...grows, and begins to spread, they find out that bacteria from these vents (they find this out because nanomachines in the satellite that have molecules of potassium and robidium are arraged in an order which is binary code, they're computer decodes this and finds out all about it etc.) so they go and get a sample...grow it rapidly, and spray it around Ohio (or wherever this movie takes place) and it kills all of the strain and the movie ends...oh and birds randomly kill people throughout the movie
--Spoilers end--

So basically, it's about the enviornment, I watched a 4 hour movie...about the enviornment...I thought it was going to be chocked full of action, but it was like one of those 48 hour crime scene things...so yeah...a 4 hour long movie about...you guessed it...the enviornment,

I'm guessing you didn't watch the movie. There's a virus taking over entire species and attacking mad stuff. Very awesome movie and very sciencey. You spelled environment wrong like 5 times. Along with arranged, except, and intelligent.

You say not enough action but the thing kills entire towns and groups of soldiers and drops nukes at its own will. I thought it was a kick ass movie. And not about the environment really at all. The theme was being careful about what we're doing, in any aspect.

Joker: scary? not really. Awesome acting. He's not supposed to be "Boo!" scary, just "Holy Crap that guy is psycho who knows what he'll do next" scary. 9 year olds are not really prone to that kind of scary I think. I love how accurate his character in the movie was to the comics. No chemical spills, fights with knives, etc. I don't want to give too much away about it. Great movie, highly recommended.

Woot for this being hijacked from Wall-e to other [better] movies.

Edited by Splitlip, 23 July 2008 - 06:57 PM.

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#18 slowguitarman



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Posted 23 July 2008 - 10:48 PM

Better is very, very subjective. I could easily say that Pirates if the greatest movie ever made. No, I am not talking about Pirates of the Caribbean. Wall-e is a completely different kind of movie than The Dark Knight. I liked both, personally. Neither is better. Wall-e is good as a funny/cute movie, and The Dark Knight is action-packed, edge-of-your seat kind of movie.
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#19 zaphodB



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Posted 24 July 2008 - 07:44 PM

Better is very, very subjective. I could easily say that Pirates if the greatest movie ever made. No, I am not talking about Pirates of the Caribbean. Wall-e is a completely different kind of movie than The Dark Knight. I liked both, personally. Neither is better. Wall-e is good as a funny/cute movie, and The Dark Knight is action-packed, edge-of-your seat kind of movie.

Wow, that's a hell of a reference. Hands up who got that.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#20 g-force



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Posted 24 July 2008 - 08:40 PM

I just told this little kid what wall-e was really about and he was a very confused little child.
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My god, you actually built it. To that, all I can say is, "bravo".


#21 Watari



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Posted 24 July 2008 - 08:59 PM

I'm guessing you didn't watch the movie. There's a virus taking over entire species and attacking mad stuff. Very awesome movie and very sciencey. You spelled environment* wrong like 5 times. Along with arranged*, except*, and intelligent.*

You say not enough action but the thing kills entire towns and groups of soldiers and drops nukes at its own will. I thought it was a kick ass movie. And not about the environment really at all. The theme was being careful about what we're doing, in any aspect.

*=I was too lazy to look up the words for the correct spelling, but I guess laziness has no place on this forum.

Anyway, I didn't want to spend all my time talking about all this crap about the movie since this is on the thread "Wall-e" and not "The Andromeda Strain." Yes, the virus does kill people and turn people into crazies...with all the complex stuff...I just didn't want to get into it. And Yes, I did watch the whole movie, I recorded the first part, then the next day, I spent 4 hours staring at the TV.....(I think this is before I got into nerf...or at least before I started modding...wait, this came out in May, so I probably was not that into modding e.g. AR removals were the most complex thing I did) Anyways, If you want to know more about the movie or you don't have to time to watch it or whatever...you can look here:

I thought it was a cool movie too, it's just...weird...i'll go fix my spelling errors now. I found all the environment ones, and the intelligent and the except, most of which were spelling accidnets e.g. typing really fast, but where did you find arranged?

Edited by Watari, 24 July 2008 - 09:08 PM.

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#22 slowguitarman



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Posted 25 July 2008 - 12:04 AM

Better is very, very subjective. I could easily say that Pirates if the greatest movie ever made. No, I am not talking about Pirates of the Caribbean. Wall-e is a completely different kind of movie than The Dark Knight. I liked both, personally. Neither is better. Wall-e is good as a funny/cute movie, and The Dark Knight is action-packed, edge-of-your seat kind of movie.

Wow, that's a hell of a reference. Hands up who got that.

I do my best. I wish everyone would understand how funny the reference really is. Kudos to you.
To everybody else: go to blockbuster and rent Pirates. It was in the action-adventure section in my store.
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#23 zaphodB



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Posted 25 July 2008 - 02:02 PM

To everybody else: go to blockbuster and rent Pirates. It was in the action-adventure section in my store.

Another play on words? Nice. Also, Pirates does have many awards to it's name. It's the most decorated movie in it's genre.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#24 slowguitarman



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Posted 25 July 2008 - 02:25 PM

To everybody else: go to blockbuster and rent Pirates. It was in the action-adventure section in my store.

Another play on words? Nice. Also, Pirates does have many awards to it's name. It's the most decorated movie in it's genre.

Quite right. I was being serious about it being in the action-adventure section of blockbuster, though. It may have been a joke for the employees, but even if it wasn't, I found it hilarious.
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Your dreams were tight like a baby

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