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How Far Does You Nf Shoot?

I'm curious?

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#1 Banshee



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 12:58 PM

Most of us, if not all of us own at least one Nightfinder. I have like 3 or 4 and I just re-modded one of mine and I'm getting very good ranges. Higher ranges than I've heard of from a NF. But I'm not sure, so I want to know how far does your Nightfinder shoot? Angled or flat, doesn't matter, just let me know which one.

I'm curious to see who's got the most kickass Nightfinder!
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#2 analogkid



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 01:17 PM

Most of us, if not all of us own at least one Nightfinder. I have like 3 or 4 and I just re-modded one of mine and I'm getting very good ranges. Higher ranges than I've heard of from a NF. But I'm not sure, so I want to know how far does your Nightfinder shoot? Angled or flat, doesn't matter, just let me know which one.

I'm curious to see who's got the most kickass Nightfinder!

Thank you for my title...about 100 ft please and thank you. Link is right...

VVV below this line.

Edited by analogkid, 13 July 2008 - 01:17 PM.

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#3 BustaNinja



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 01:21 PM

Most of us, if not all of us own at least one Nightfinder. I have like 3 or 4 and I just re-modded one of mine and I'm getting very good ranges. Higher ranges than I've heard of from a NF. But I'm not sure, so I want to know how far does your Nightfinder shoot? Angled or flat, doesn't matter, just let me know which one.

I'm curious to see who's got the most kickass Nightfinder!

Thank you for my title...about 100 ft please and thank you. Link is right...

VVV below this line.

Um... I think my double nitefinder gets better ranges. less then 5 feet is amazing range. i mean, I can barrel tap people from farther away, but.
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#4 analogkid



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 01:24 PM

Is that a case of internet sarcasm? Its hard to tell.

EDIT: In response to the following post, 100ft is level. And I have no idea what I meant by that, I was just fooling around.

Edited by analogkid, 13 July 2008 - 02:58 PM.

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#5 Banshee



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 01:26 PM

Thank you for my title...about 100 ft please and thank you. Link is right...

VVV below this line.

Ok, is that 100ft level or angled? And what do you mean by "Thank you for my title..."?
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#6 badger


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Posted 13 July 2008 - 02:01 PM

I know you meant well by this thread Banshee, but range boasting threads never end well. All this dick wagging and at least one person always posts bullshit ranges, like analogkid has just done. It has been discussed way too many times in the past and no one has EVER gotten a NF to shoot 100' level. It can't be done! Did you ever post your mod so we all can see how you broke the 80-foot barrier? I'm thinking no, you have not. Has any of the much more experienced modders like FA_24 or CS achieved 100 feet? No.

There was a user from last year named precisionnerfer that said he had gotten his NF to shoot 100 feet. He even sent it to me to test it and verify or disprove his ranges. Suffice it to say, it shot about 75 feet average, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE'S NF CAN!!! He let me keep the gun and to this day, it shoots what I tested t to shoot.

Unless you have definitive proof analogkid of your gun shooting 100 feet level, I highly suggest you just stop now before you embarrass yourself further.

May an admin see this quickly before it spirals out of control like every range thread before it.
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#7 Banshee



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 02:16 PM

I know you meant well by this thread Banshee, but range boasting threads never end well. All this dick wagging and at least one person always posts bullshit ranges, like analogkid has just done. It has been discussed way too many times in the past and no one has EVER gotten a NF to shoot 100' level. It can't be done! Did you ever post your mod so we all can see how you broke the 80-foot barrier? I'm thinking no, you have not. Has any of the much more experienced modders like FA_24 or CS achieved 100 feet? No.

There was a user from last year named precisionnerfer that said he had gotten his NF to shoot 100 feet. He even sent it to me to test it and verify or disprove his ranges. Suffice it to say, it shot about 75 feet average, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE'S NF CAN!!! He let me keep the gun and to this day, it shoots what I tested t to shoot.

Unless you have definitive proof analogkid of your gun shooting 100 feet level, I highly suggest you just stop now before you embarrass yourself further.

May an admin see this quickly before it spirals out of control like every range thread before it.

I understand what you're saying here. And this is the reason why I started this topic because I knew no one would believe me if I told them I broke the 80ft barrier. I wanted to see if anyone has. I can get video proof of me shooting my night finder that can get a 96 foot level shot. I know it sounds crazy, so thats why I started this thread.

If you're curious as to how I did that, I nested a double shot spring with NF spring and banded it with a new Roseart marker barrel and AR removal. But I took out a tape measure and got 3/4 rounds over 90 feet with no wind. Don't believe me if you don't want to but I'm just trying to say, sometimes crazy ranges aren't all bullshit.
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#8 badger


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Posted 13 July 2008 - 02:50 PM

I still cannot believe it. If your gun got 90'+ in 3/4 shots, that is great, but without a posted mod as to how it is done and no proof of the ranges, it is very hard to believe.

The bigger issue I have with this and analogkid's range claims is that of the gun's longevity. Maybe now it gets the ranges, but can it continue to do so over time. There are people that have gotten their NFs to shoot over 80 feet, but only for so long. Eventually the gun breaks well beyond repair.

At least you had good intentions for this thread, but in the end, it is still in bad form as it brings trouble and alot of flaming. If you got the gun to do it, post a detailed mod and video of the ranges. No one will believe you otherwise.
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#9 analogkid



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 02:57 PM

Mine's easy to believe when you see how its done. And I posted it a few months ago, the link is in my signature, it still fires the same. My way's not really fair though, seeing as I replaced most of the stock parts. I could make a video if its still up for debate. I'm going to leave it at that.
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#10 Salmon



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 03:11 PM

Okay, going back to the original purpose of this thread. . .
My minimized NF that I got from Mod Man gets like 60' flat, like a good NiteFinder should. To be honest, though, springer sidearms really aren't my thing(besides the Over-Under). I prefer a brassed Splitfire or a shotgun Titan-Maverick integration IF I can carry it.

Edited by Salmon, 13 July 2008 - 03:12 PM.

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#11 Banshee



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 03:40 PM

I will post a mod and a video. But It'll take me some time as we all know. So you'll see it in a few weeks.
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#12 Bomberman



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 04:43 PM

Mine currently shoots 0 feet, on account of I killed it when I put in a super powerful spring I found in the hardware store. I have no clue what it was. It was more powerful than a handyman 9713, probably. The whole internal portion of the gun shot out. 5 feet.
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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#13 ultra920



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 05:12 PM

My NF shoots like 50 feet. not well modded, but for a pistol 80ft is overkill. At least I can fit it in my cargo pockets.

Badger: I'm not quite sure i would even consider analog kids NF much of a NF anymore. I was skeptical too until i saw he replaced the plunger.That thing's huge for a pistol. Now if someone says they got 90-100 feet outta a NF with a stock plunder, I'll guarantee that either A: he's lying or B: the thing would explode within 10 shots.
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#14 OfAllTheNerf



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 05:18 PM

This is a flamewar-in-a-can if ever I saw one.

Yeah, don't lie on ranges. Don't even post them please, people. No one is ever going to get 100' out of a nightfinder with stock internals (parts, not spring etc.) for more than 1 shot (if that), and if you do I'll personally fuck myself.

Badger ftw.


Edited by OfAllTheNerf, 13 July 2008 - 05:19 PM.

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#15 Banshee



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 06:09 PM

Yeah, I'd fuck myself too if someone showed me a Nightfinder with a stock plunder that can reach 100ft level. Mine can't do that, but if I banded it with like 8 large bands I might but I'm afraid of only getting a couple shots off like you said. I think my great ranges are due to my very good darts. stock taggers out of my gun only shoot about 75 feet. But as I said I'm going to do a mod and see If I can hit 100ft without replacing the plunger or damaging anything.

And please people, lets not start fighting. I asked a simple question that requires a simple answer. If someone is going to bitch another person out for making radical claims I'd call them childish and insecure. Let people exaggerate with their claims. If they can't prove it then consider them full of shit, but there is no need to tell them, they already know it. As for me, I'm going to see what I can do about hitting 100 feet.
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#16 biofreak2



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 06:48 PM

Analogkid's Nitefinder is anything but stock, the only stock parts in it are the trigger and trigger mech.
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#17 BustaNinja



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Posted 13 July 2008 - 08:26 PM

I would say my Nitefinder gets about 40-50s. Then again, I use Megas, so therefore, I get less range. But I get a more accurate 40-50 feet then most people with my side arm.
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#18 Rogue Warrior

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Posted 14 July 2008 - 02:10 AM

Mine gets 70' flat. But a long time ago, angel had a brassed nitefinder with a slingshot band on it that broke 100' flat.
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