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Are All Pistols Created Equal?

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#1 LoneKiltedNinja



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 12:53 PM

Spinning off a Maverick mod issue from the mods forum, I'm now considering getting a pair or two of simple sidearm pistols to mess around with. I don't mind buying a little extra stuff I will never use just to get a better gun with it (the technique already got me my DTGs :) ), but I'm curious if there are any non-obvious differences between

the NiteFinder
the simple Dart Tag pistol
the Disk Shot pistol
and the Tech Target pistol

specifically in the realm of spring strength and modability.

I'm actually currently leaning towards the tag pistol or the tech target pistol since they seem the smallest/sleekest and I can just wear an ammo pouch on my belt if need be. While it's dirt cheap right now, the NiteFinder just seems a little clunky, and I'd probably never use the light.
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#2 BustaNinja



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 01:00 PM

The Crossfire, or Dart Tag Pistol, is the smallest, and therefore, has one of the weakest firing systems, smallest springs and lowest range, however, minimized, they can be a great back up pistol.

Nitefinders and Diskshots are the same gun, but the Diskshot has more ammo holders, no useless laser and is more expensive.

Nitefinders are obviously the cheapest, easiest to mod (diskshots are modded the same way) and you can easily cut off the crappy laser to make it more portable and smaller.

Then we get to the Tech Target gun. Depending on what it is, it is either the actualy Tech Target gun, or what is also known as a Scout. The Scout is much like the Crossfire mentioned earlier, and the TTG (or Tech Target Gun) is more like the Nitefinder. Testing with an old Tech Target, they feel like they have a stronger spring then the Nitefinders of today, but they are longer. You also dont have to contend with a laser.

Hope that helps.
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#3 analogkid



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 01:01 PM

EDIT: BustaNinja got there a minute faster...

Disk shot and Nightfinder have exactly the same internals. The dart tag pistol has a smaller, possibly reverse plunger, I can't remember if the plunger is infact reverse, someone else probably knows. But its definitely smaller, which equals less power usually. The difference between TTG and Nightfinder is widely disputed, some think that the TTG has a better spring I believe. I personally would go for the Nightfinder, a proper minimization can fix the issue of being "clunky" and it can get ranges equal to a TTG. Just my opinion though.

Edited by analogkid, 12 July 2008 - 01:02 PM.

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#4 Pebbles



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 02:44 PM

The TTG pistol and Disk Shot is also more prone to malfunctions and breakage, I've had two of both and all were funky. Out of 8 NF's modded, and a crossfire, I've never had any problems. Another gun to consider is the BuzzBee Single Tech and Lite Tech, both of which can get good ranges, better than a crossfire, but not as much as a NF.
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#5 Grenada



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 03:15 PM

Personal analysisThis may or may not matter to you, but the people forgot one little thing. Sound. Every nitefinder I have used sounds like some ones throwing bricks. The same is probably true for the diskshot pistol. The crossfire, if memory serves, is pretty quiet, imagine a pillow being dropped on a concrete floor. And my ttg, well, it gets nearly as good a range as nfs with less mods and it sounds like a feather dropped on the carpet

My opinion: ttg, unless you cant handle the 15 dollar price tag.
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#6 LoneKiltedNinja



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 06:15 PM

Thanks. So it sounds like I'm seeing if my local Target is currently stocking the TTG, or that failing, the diskshot. I'd rather pay a few extra bucks for a gun I don't have to chop up, and which may hold more ammo to boot.
At least now I know not to invest in the Crossfire tag set. Is the Mav spring any stronger than the TTG or diskshot, and is is the right size to be compatible for a mod? I have yet to find a non-internet source of decent compression springs ;)

edit: Yup. TTG seems to be worth it. Beats my modded (AR & spring) DTBs in range out of the box, and has quite a few simple improvements to be made with some hot glue and a drill. I can even store ammo in its slots without crushing the darts into poorly-sealing little cones :blink:
Grenada- I believe it's softer-firing after the AR removal because there's an additional air bottleneck in the 3rd piece back from the muzzle (just behind the AR). I can't wait to see what drilling that hole out a little bigger does to the range, even if it gets louder in the process.

Edited by LoneKiltedNinja, 12 July 2008 - 09:59 PM.

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#7 NerfMonkey



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 11:19 PM

You're not going to "have to" chop up any of those guns. The disk shot is bigger than a nite finder and you'd want to chop up each one about the same amount to make them reasonably small. Ammo holders are also overrated because you can just stick ammo in pockets or make homemade holders for the gun or elsewhere. Don't bother with a crossfire because it's a piece of shit. Tech targets are nice but not very comfortable to me, nite finders are much more comfortable for me and get about the same ranges and accuracy.

Also, noise doesn't mean anything, and I think grenada was comparing the guns stock. Modded they all sound about the same: like a piece of plastic and a spring bashing against more plastic. If that's one of your concerns either keep the gun stock or find a way to muffle it.

So I'd say get a nite finder, cut it up a bit and do some simple mods. If you don't like it you only wasted $7 but there's no reason to dislike it really. A pistol is a pistol, but don't bother with anything that shoots <50' with simple mods (ie crossfires, single teks, scouts, any gun with a slide cocking mech).
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#8 g-force



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 11:25 PM

I'd go with the disk shot or the nitefinder. Either is god but i like the disk shot looks better
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#9 Bullshit Dragon

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Posted 12 July 2008 - 11:39 PM

After a spring replacement and a rechambering, my NF is as good as my LS in terms of range (I seriously am getting the same ranges as my LS with it.) I certainly do agree with anyone that says the NF is the loudest of all sidearm type guns, but it's reliable as hell and has yet to break on me. Because of the new spring I put in my NF it sounds like firing a .22 in a concrete bunker, it's kinda cool.
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#10 Vincent



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Posted 07 August 2008 - 09:16 AM

I'd go with the disk shot or the nitefinder. Either is god but i like the disk shot looks better

You must really like the disk shots and NFs.
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#11 VACC


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Posted 07 August 2008 - 10:18 AM

I'd go with the disk shot or the nitefinder. Either is god but i like the disk shot looks better

You must really like the disk shots and NFs.

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#12 PC III



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Posted 07 August 2008 - 08:22 PM

Wile his thread is open, I believe the ttg spring is smaller than a nf or ds, and cannot fit a mav spring inside it.
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