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Shotgun Canisters

Final Version, the SC-40

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#1 AssassinNF



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Posted 03 July 2008 - 03:43 PM

The SC-40, otherwise known as the Almond Bomb:

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To make one, cut off 1/2" from the bottom of an Almond/Cashew/Peanut/Whatever container:
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If your stefans are shorter than mine, you should probably cut the canister shorter. Your darts need to stick out of the canister just slightly.

These are extremely cheap and easy to make, and can be very effective if used correctly.

How to throw them:

First, load them with 38-42 darts, depending on your stefans. To work correctly, they need to fit loosely enough so that you can turn the canister upside down and they'll fall out easily.

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Hold it like this. Make sure your fingers are covering the darts (covering meaning making sure they don't fall out), and throw it backwards, darts facing you, making sure you use your fingers to put the force of the throw into the darts and not the canister. If done correctly, the canister will flip around in mid-air and release all the darts in the direction you threw it. For best results you should throw it slightly upward.

The harder you throw it, the farther it goes. The difference between this and just throwing a handful of darts is that all the darts fly in the same direction, and you get the maximum range out of the power of your throw.

From elevated positions, I have been able to rain foam on people 80' away. Under normal circumstances, an upward throw can fling darts 50-60 feet, acting as kind of a nerf-mortar. From 30', these can be used as a last-ditch effort to spray a rusher with foam. They are very useful indoors as well, and can be thrown around corners.

The only problem is carrying them. As you can see, these are fairly large, about the size of an RF20 turret. If you intend to carry them on you in a war, you should take a longer piece of FBR, and shove it in the side of the SC, acting as a 'pin', forcing the darts tightly together to keep them from falling out. To throw it, simply remove the pin.

If anyone tries these, please review them in this topic. Questions are of course welcome, and if there is still confusion as to how to throw these, I will try my best to explain more clearly. I will also try to get a video of these posted, but I'll make no promises about that.

I will keep the original topic below for refference:

The original topic:

I honestly have no clue how I stumbled upon this idea, but somehow I was messing around with pipe insulation and came up with this:

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This is a Shotgun Canister. The one in that picture is the smaller, 3-dart version. This basically throws 3 darts in a nice, focused spread in the direction you throw it. It's the same effect as just throwing darts by hand, except the darts fly straight and don't flop around in random directions. It's not exactly a grenade, but it's useful, compact, and simple as hell to make/mass produce.

Let's get started:

Materials: 3 Dart Shotgun Canister

Scissors / Utility Knife
1/2" Foam Pipe Insulation
1" Foam Pipe Insulation

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First, cut 3/4" of 1/2" Foam and 3" of 1" Foam

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Then stick the 1/2" Foam in the back of the 1" Foam so that the back is as flush as possible. My foam fit together tight enough that no glue was required.

It's that simple.

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To throw it, You throw it backwards. Seriously. Hold it like this, making sure that you have a finger (or two if you have small fingers) on the three darts. Then throw it, making sure you push off of the darts with your finger(s) at the end of the throw. The Canister turns around in mid-flight and releases the darts with all of the force of your throw. The Canister then falls to the ground in front of you. It's really not hard at all to do once you get the hang of it.

The range depends on how hard you throw it. I've got all three darts to fly 80'+ with angled throws, but it also works at ranges under 20'.

After I made and tested the 3-dart SC, I loved it, but three darts wasn't very impressive, so I decided to come up with a larger model:

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That is the larger and much more useful 9-dart SC. It performs the same as the 3-dart SC, but with 9-darts.

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For the 9-dart SC, Start with 3/4" of both sizes of Foam and 3" of a large cardboard tube. I used one that fit nearly perfectly over the 1' Foam and was sturdy enough to hold together. I'm sure rolled paper or some other material would work in place of the cardboard, as long as it is fairly light weight. Squeeze both sizes of foam into the back, as flush as possible, and you're done. If the Cardboard/Paper/etc is too loose and the foam can easily slip out, you can glue/staple the foam in place:

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Hold it like this and throw it the same way as the 3-dart SC.

You're Done! If you like them, make some more, if not, you only wasted a few cents worth of foam.

These designs are for use with tagger darts. I don't know if this would work with stefans, but I'm pretty sure it could if the canister were shortened to fit the stefans.

If anyone makes stefan compatible ones, post them in this thread. Also feel free to experiment with this design to come up with different sizes, etc. I'f you discover anything interesting, feel free to post it here :)

Also, here's a little sneak peak at my current project:

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That's a very old picture, and the actual gun is currently near completion. I'll make a thread on it when I finish it.

Edited by AssassinNF, 22 September 2008 - 11:02 PM.

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#2 Bomberman



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Posted 03 July 2008 - 03:48 PM

This is cool. Pretty simple, and one of the cheapest "grenade" like mechanisms I have seen. Good Job.
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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#3 AssassinNF



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Posted 03 July 2008 - 05:06 PM

Thanks! I have yet to try them in an actual war, but they looks very promising. I just need to find a good way to carry them. If they perform well in an actual war, I'll make about 10 more of them and come up with some type of belt to carry them.

Can you imagine carrying 5-10 of the 9-shotters around? If someone rushes you, you just toss one in their direction and problem solved.
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#4 GMD



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Posted 03 July 2008 - 05:11 PM

great idea and nice wright up keep up the great work :)

P.S. great job on the brothers grim, dubble titan, and crossbow s.n.i.p.e.r im thinking of doing all 3

Edited by GMD, 03 July 2008 - 05:14 PM.

oh ya i have the medical condition dysgraphia and that means i have bad spelling and grammar and cant help it so please dont juge me, i try my best

#5 Salmon



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Posted 03 July 2008 - 05:25 PM

Nice idea, but my problem with it is that the darts seem like they would fall out of the foam/cardboard if you ran around much at all. You might want to think up something to keep them in firmly, but could be easily removed, like maybe a tinfoil cap/sleeve for it. I like how simple it is, though.
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#6 AssassinNF



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Posted 03 July 2008 - 07:23 PM

Nice idea, but my problem with it is that the darts seem like they would fall out of the foam/cardboard if you ran around much at all. You might want to think up something to keep them in firmly, but could be easily removed, like maybe a tinfoil cap/sleeve for it. I like how simple it is, though.

You're right. I thought about that, and I'm thinking of a solution. I definitely don't want to reach for one of these and just throw an empty canister at someone... A tinfoil cap would work, I'll have to try that. I'd like something a little more permanent, though, like a plastic cap or something, something reusable. Thanks for the suggestion!

P.S. great job on the brothers grim, dubble titan, and crossbow s.n.i.p.e.r im thinking of doing all 3

Thanks! I'm glad you like my work. I'll have a thread on my latest project up in a few weeks (when I finish it) The Last picture in the first post is a picture of the early stages of its conception. It's basically a nerf emplacement with an 8 barrel turret and a 4" diameter plunger tube. (those steel pipes are the barrels)

Good luck if you end up trying those mods :)
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#7 p-n-u-t-b-t-t-r



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Posted 03 July 2008 - 08:07 PM

Nice work!

It seems like you've come up with the best nerf "grenade" that i've ever seen.
Everybody elses seem to be way too complicated and a hassle to reload, or they just don't work either effectively or they don't work at all.

Now all I have to do is find that pipe insulation or whatever you called it, but as far as keeping them in I
think that foil will do fine.
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#8 AssassinNF



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Posted 03 July 2008 - 08:40 PM

Nice work!

It seems like you've come up with the best nerf "grenade" that i've ever seen.
Everybody elses seem to be way too complicated and a hassle to reload, or they just don't work either effectively or they don't work at all.

Now all I have to do is find that pipe insulation or whatever you called it, but as far as keeping them in I
think that foil will do fine.


The only problem is that it doesn't throw darts everywhere, like a grenade would. It throws a spread of darts in the direction you throw it. You can, however, throw it around a corner to get someone. :)

I can't wait to see what NerfHaven does with these.
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#9 laxtk88



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Posted 03 July 2008 - 11:35 PM

I must say this is the most practical nerf grenade I have ever seen. Good job.
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QUOTE(Sleebo @ Jun 12 2008, 07:23 PM) View Post

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#10 Salmon



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Posted 05 July 2008 - 11:39 AM

Haha, I just had a good idea. In addition to the tinfoil cap, put a rubberband towards the bottom to hold it in place. Then tie some string around the rubberband, and a key ring on the string, then to throw it just pull the key ring up. It should pull the rubberband up, which, because of the friction, in turn will lift the tinfoil cap off. A little complicated, yes, but a lot more fun to throw.

Edited by Salmon, 05 July 2008 - 08:07 PM.

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#11 AssassinNF



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Posted 05 July 2008 - 07:40 PM

Has anyone tried these yet? I'd like to hear some feedback from someone who's made their own.

I found an extremely simple and easy way to solve the loose dart problem. I'll post it after I've made sure it works.

Edited by AssassinNF, 05 July 2008 - 07:40 PM.

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#12 Kid Flash

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Posted 05 July 2008 - 08:04 PM

Why don't you just take a handful of darts and chuck em at the person? Same thing really... This just has a tube to hold them in.
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#13 AssassinNF



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Posted 05 July 2008 - 10:17 PM

Why don't you just take a handful of darts and chuck em at the person? Same thing really... This just has a tube to hold them in.

You're missing the whole point. Try actually throwing a handful of darts. Half of them fish tail and drop to the floor less than ten feet in front of you, and the rest don't go much farther than that.

The Canisters force the darts to fly straight, and they focus all of the energy of your throw into the darts, letting them go much farther than if you just grab a handful of darts and chuck them.

If you can throw a handful of darts consistantly 50-80 feet or more, then more power to ya.

EDIT: I've just made a 22-dart SC and a 4-dart SC. You can make these things out of anything. I'll post those along with the new "firing pins" that hold the darts in the canisters tommorrow.

Edited by AssassinNF, 05 July 2008 - 10:22 PM.

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#14 Kid Flash

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Posted 05 July 2008 - 10:30 PM

So you are saying these go perfectly straight and go 80 feet? I just tried it with a toilet paper roll and part of a foam noodle... It flew in a circle... imagine a ball rolling down a hill. Yeah. Didn't work. The one time I got it to work they went 30 feet (or around that... its about the same distance as a stock nf.)...
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#15 AssassinNF



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Posted 05 July 2008 - 10:45 PM

Are you sure you're throwing it correctly? Are the darts really tight in the canister? (because if they are it won't work) Were you using stock darts or stefans?

And yes, with the ones I have made, I've easily gotten 50-80 feet ranges with a fairly concetrated spread. From my back porch, the darts nearly hit my fence, which is at least 30 yards away, so I'd say 50-80' is accurate.

It really depends on how hard you throw it, too.

Try experimenting with the design a little.


I just tried it with a toilet paper roll and part of a foam noodle

Wait, did you use a whole tp roll? If so, then that's why it's not working. Use dimensions (lengths) similar to the ones I made.

Edited by AssassinNF, 05 July 2008 - 11:10 PM.

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#16 AssassinNF



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Posted 06 July 2008 - 02:41 PM

Here's the new 22-dart and 4-dart SC's

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The 22-dart SC is made of an empty tape roll jammed into a JIF peanut butter lid. After testing it and seeing the canister make a dent in my bedroom door, I added the foam to keep from hurting someone. The 22-dart is definitely for long range only. The 4-dart is just a piece of a Seran-wrap roll and some of the 1/2" Pipe Insulation.

The 22-dart SC is more difficult to throw, but it performs as well as the others. The 4-dart SC kinda sucks, which might explain why Kid Flash had trouble.

Here's my solution to the loose dart problem:

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I just took a piece of FBR and stuck it in there. It keeps all the darts in place, and when you're ready to throw it, you just pull out the "pin". I tried the foil cap, as well as a few other designs, but I wanted something that was as simple as the canisters, and this works fine. If you don't have any FBR, you can just stick in an extra dart or two.

I tried the 9-dart SC some more, and realized that 9 darts was a little too tight and it was only working half the time. When I used 8-darts instead, it worked perfectly.
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#17 Kid Flash

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Posted 06 July 2008 - 03:06 PM

I like the 22 dart canister more than the 4 dart one... I have one question that is very off topic... Where do you get white fbr? I heard it was better than grey...
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#18 AssassinNF



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Posted 06 July 2008 - 03:16 PM

I like the 22 dart canister more than the 4 dart one... I have one question that is very off topic... Where do you get white fbr? I heard it was better than grey...

I got mine here

It's the third item on the page.
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#19 needak



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Posted 22 September 2008 - 02:54 PM

THAT IS AWSOME!!!!. BETTER THAN THE BARRICADE BUSTER!!!! (sorry renegade). I'm unclear on how to throw them though, Could you post som pics?

edit: sorry about that, i didn't know how old it was. I can't remove the post but i apologize for breaking the code of conduct :( it wont happen again.

Edited by needak, 22 September 2008 - 03:04 PM.

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Why the fuck would you put a bullet in someones head when you can just pump the bastard full of stefans until he's got so many welts and goose-eggs he looks like blueberry with pimples?

#20 Ubermensch



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Posted 22 September 2008 - 03:01 PM

Needak, buddy, don't necro old topics. PM the original poster.
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#21 AssassinNF



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Posted 22 September 2008 - 10:40 PM

It's okay, this guy's post reminded me to add my new version of this project.

I'm going to edit the first post. I will also add a better explanation of how to throw them.

EDIT: First post updated. I present to you the Almond Bomb. :D

Edited by AssassinNF, 22 September 2008 - 11:07 PM.

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#22 Ner Commando

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Posted 23 September 2008 - 08:32 PM

Would this work if you were to shoot it out of a nerf gun or will it only work if you throw it?
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#23 AssassinNF



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 08:41 PM

Would this work if you were to shoot it out of a nerf gun or will it only work if you throw it?

It's funny you should ask, I'm currently working on a launcher for these.

I've been testing the shit out of these, and now I'm finding that with stefans, they work better when thrown forwards. They actually tend to somersault in the air and fling the darts forward when thrown this way, and they're also much easier to throw this way. Their newfound ability to be thrown forwards will make a launcher possible.

If you decide to make these, experiment with different throwing methods to see what works best for you.

Damnit, I'm bogging myself down with too many projects. Now I have the Marvelous Titan, two Homemades, a Doomsayer, a Vulcan, and this mortar launcher in progress at the same time. I need to get my shit together and prioritize these, so I can get something done.

Edited by AssassinNF, 23 September 2008 - 08:43 PM.

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#24 Daecu



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Posted 23 September 2008 - 11:29 PM

I hadn't gone lurking enough to find this thread, but I was actually about to make a shotgun attachment from a coffee can, similar to your almond tin piece. Nice to see its been done before, great work ^_^ I'll be tossing a titan behind it so it should prove to be pretty funny -_-
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#25 mind13



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Posted 27 September 2008 - 02:33 PM

I find it quite entertaining to throw such canisters at pests such as my younger brother and his freinds.

Edited by mind13, 12 October 2008 - 02:00 PM.

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Life comes at you fast yet a foam dart comes faster

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