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My Longshot

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#1 Gordita Crunch

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Posted 15 June 2008 - 03:34 PM

I started with your regular longshot and ended up with this:

- Angels breach
- BBB, stock spring, and LS spring combo
- Re-enforced catch
- Extended outer barrel
- Uncollapsible stock
- Foam filled every open spot that wouldn't interfere with a moving part

And I made a front hand guard where the old bipod used to be and a working red dot site for a better look on the gun. Along with a white paintjob, I couldn't really think of any other color I really wanted so I thought white will do and it'll work as a base color for any color I want after.

Side railes are also ready to be put on, just waiting for some free time to throw them on.

The ranges are just your basic ranges, around 100ft without wind.

You can also pull back the front pins and the whole front half peels back to reveal the longer front barrel, pictures on that will aslo be posted sometime soon.

Posted Image

Posted Image
(The front looks alittle off set, it is, but only because I didn't put the front bolt pins in before my camera died)

More pictures when I get my camera batteries charged.

Ebay link for those of you who want to see the new changes and/or buy.


Edited by Gordita_Crunch, 16 September 2008 - 05:34 PM.

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Posted 15 June 2008 - 04:02 PM

Cool. But shouldn't this go in the mod-paintjob thread?
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#3 Lynx



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Posted 15 June 2008 - 04:05 PM

We've been over this before and it has been decided that it was okay.

Anyways, I have a question: Why use pvc?

Otherwise, very nice mod. I really like what you did to the front. It just isn't to helpful in a war situation, but I think you already knew that.
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#4 Gordita Crunch

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Posted 15 June 2008 - 04:21 PM

We've been over this before and it has been decided that it was okay.

Anyways, I have a question: Why use pvc?

Otherwise, very nice mod. I really like what you did to the front. It just isn't to helpful in a war situation, but I think you already knew that.

I gave it a brass barrel but I put PVC over it to protect it.

And yes, I know it wouldn't be helpful in a war situation, but it was only ment to look better so it did its job.
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#5 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 16 June 2008 - 11:44 AM

Nice mod; I like the white but not that much of it. You might want to try a black trim -- since the scope is black -- or I might do a dark red, especially if you take the scope off.
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#6 Banshee



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 12:37 PM

Very nice, its like the heavenly brother of my rifle (hence mine is all black). The only thing you're missing is a sick looking barrel tip! like the flash hider from a .50cal rifle. Sweet gun though!
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#7 chefdave



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 01:52 PM

That thing is sweet, but this probably should of gone in the modification/paintjob thread.
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QUOTE(VACC @ Jul 21 2009, 08:13 PM) View Post
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It's a distinct possibility. But seriously, that's all you could come up with? You are a terrible Troll.

#8 Bomberman



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 01:57 PM

I really like it. The color bugs me a bit, though. I would have put black and red, but you are right, white is a good base color. But I would have taken the pictures indoors, because the sunlight reflects off of the white PJ, and it makes some features harder to see. Since it is now so long, I acually would have kept the bipod. And with that heavy load of springs, you did reinforce the plunger tube with some sheet metal, right? BBB spring are VERY strong.
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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#9 Ambience 327

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Posted 16 June 2008 - 02:29 PM

I like the idea of the flip-open front, but is it purely cosmetic, or is it meant to allow you better access to the barrel or some of the other internals?

The white is nice and bright, and reminds me of an Imperial Stormtrooper. If I were you (which I'm not) I would add a few small areas of black trimwork to heighten that effect, then throw an Imperial symbol on there somewhere.

I agree with Bomberman on keeping the bipod - with that long of a gun, and with a red-dot sight, it may have actually been useful for stabilising while lining up a shot. However, I don't think you'll suffer too much from having removed it.

And finally, a bit of an OT rant:

That thing is sweet, but this probably should of gone in the modification/paintjob thread.

It isn't SHOULD OF, it is SHOULD HAVE or at worst SHOULD'VE. That is one of my biggest pet peeves!!!!!

(This isn't directed at you personally chefdave - more of a general commentary to get it off my chest. This is one area that really bothers me - people often put an "of" where "have" should go. "Should of", "would of", "could of". It isn't correct, and it makes me want to smash my head against the wall!!!!!)
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#10 Maeric



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 03:39 PM

9 times out of 10, that "flashhider" will be a muzzle brake.

I love the look of your LS, but the solid white kind of annoys me, try you hand at detailing some. Its fun and it makes your gun look so much better.
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#11 Banshee



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 03:58 PM

Wait. how would adding a piece of PVC on the barrel for looks break the muzzle?
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#12 Ambience 327

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Posted 16 June 2008 - 04:02 PM

It won't "break the muzzle", it is a "muzzle brake"

From www.reference.com:

Muzzle brakes and recoil compensators are devices that are fitted to the muzzle of a firearm or cannon to redirect propellant gases with the effect of countering both recoil of the gun and unwanted rising of the barrel during rapid fire. Muzzle brakes are very useful for combat and timed competition shooting, and are commonly found on rifles firing very large cartridges (often big-game rifles), as well as some artillery and tank guns. They are also commonly used on pistols for practical pistol competitions, and are usually called compensators in this context.

Edited by Ambience 327, 16 June 2008 - 04:02 PM.

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Foam in the Fort IV
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#13 Banshee



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 06:53 PM

looks wise, whats the difference? its just something to stick on the end of the barrel for looks. i really don't think a silencer, muzzle break, or a flash hider has any kind of functional purpose in Nerf, so it shouldn't matter what its called.
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Posted 16 June 2008 - 07:09 PM

i really don't think a silencer, muzzle break, or a flash hider has any kind of functional purpose in Nerf, so it shouldn't matter what its called.

1) Wrong. Functional or not, it still has a name, and it can still be put on a gun (even just for looks). Not calling something by its name makes you look ignorant and/or stupid. Also, silencers do have a "functional purpose" in Nerf, particularly during some situations in assassins games.
2) Try hitting the Shift key while you type the letter I by itself and when you type the first letter of a sentence. Use apostrophes when needed.

As for the gun, it's a nice piece. A bit too white for my tastes, but I'm not the owner. Next time, post something like this in the mods/paintjobs sticky unless there is a detailed explanation of something new you did or improved on.
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#15 MithMorchaint



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 07:15 PM

I rather like the white paint job, for whatever reason. Nice and simple.

While the flip-open front and extended barrel may be unnecessary, it certainly is cool looking. Ultimately, it comes down to what personal preference is. I like it, others don't, whatever. It was creative and well executed.

(This isn't directed at you personally chefdave - more of a general commentary to get it off my chest. This is one area that really bothers me - people often put an "of" where "have" should go. "Should of", "would of", "could of". It isn't correct, and it makes me want to smash my head against the wall!!!!!)

I am a Linguistics major in college, so I feel as though I can comment on this and maybe help clear this up for you : Language is always changing, always. This is just one of many aspects of modern English that is currently shifting. Deal with it. While there is a prescriptively "correct" form of English as written in grammar books, there is almost nobody who speaks that English in everyday usage. You yourself violated grammar rules with the sentence " 'Should of', 'would of', 'could of'." It happens. Not everybody speaks and writes the same way as you.

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#16 Banshee



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 07:19 PM

I'm not here to argue with anyone, but in a lot of cases its kinda hard to tell the difference between a flash hider and a muzzle break. Whatever you want to call it, i think his gun needs one. It distributes attention all the way down the gun. And as for silencers, most of the sound Nerf guns make comes out of the internal mechanisms, therefor you must silence the gun from the inside. Putting a silencer on a Nerf gun is ultimately impractical in a lot of cases. Some guns have rarities, but for the most part silencers are useless. They may help suppress the sound a bit, but not enough to make you "stealthy".
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#17 MithMorchaint



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Posted 16 June 2008 - 07:25 PM

I believe the conclusion arrived at some time ago in regards to silencers was that they are only noticably effective when used on compressed air guns (Titan, etc). As you said, in a spring-powered gun, most of the noise comes from the internals.
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Posted 16 June 2008 - 08:21 PM

It is assumed that someone who builds and attaches a silencer to their gun knows that it only works for stored-air weapons. Silencing a gun by stuffing it full of foam works to some extent on spring guns. But this is off topic.
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#19 Gordita Crunch

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Posted 18 June 2008 - 01:29 PM

Thanks for all the comments.

To awnser some of the questions:

Yes, im planning on putting more colors into it, I just couldn't decide at the time so white was what I chose. Right now i'm planning on adding some grey and black to it when I get around to it. The foam and the 'muzzle break' was a shot at silencing the gun to a point, I already knew that it wouldn't totaly cancel out sound. I've been doing this long enough to understand that. As for the bipod, i'm in the process of making one that attatches to one of the rails that i'm adding. There will be two rails lining each side of the gun and one on the bottom. And with the gun being able to open up at the front, it does allow me to acess the barrel easier, and it allows me to adjust it as needed. Also, to the whole re-enforcement, I did re-enforce many parts inside the gun to prevent any damage they might do, along with some extra unesesary re-enforced areas just to make sure it wouldn't explode under the spring power.

As for the pictures, right now I haven't had the time to go to the store so I haven't been able to get glue to put the rails on or get paint, so no new imporvements have been made. But when they do i'll put up more detailed pictures.

I don't think i've said this either, but the gun is still able to open up to get to the internals without haveing to break anything open or anything like that. I was just sorta amused with myself that I was able to do that cause most of the time when i'd do a mod i'd make it so once the gun was closed the only way to open it back up was to break a piece I made for it.

Also, I don't know if I mentioned this, I also made a shortened clip for this gun, around 3-4 rounds, and it is virtually invisible when it is loaded in the gun, making it look alot nicer to a point.
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#20 GuerillaMan557



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Posted 18 June 2008 - 02:44 PM

looks like a barrett
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#21 Ambience 327

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Posted 20 June 2008 - 01:51 PM

I am a Linguistics major in college, so I feel as though I can comment on this and maybe help clear this up for you : Language is always changing, always. This is just one of many aspects of modern English that is currently shifting. Deal with it. While there is a prescriptively "correct" form of English as written in grammar books, there is almost nobody who speaks that English in everyday usage. You yourself violated grammar rules with the sentence " 'Should of', 'would of', 'could of'." It happens. Not everybody speaks and writes the same way as you.


There is quite a difference between a volatile language and simple spelling/grammar mistakes. When the words "cool" or "bad" came to mean "something I like or think is interesting", that is an example of language changing. When someone types "Your going to pay for that." it is simply incorrect. (It should be "You're going to pay for that." - "your" being a possessive form of "you" as in "your hat" or "your dog", while "you're" is a contraction of "you are".

So when people type "You should of seen that." when they should really type "You should have seen that." or at least "You should've seen that." it gets on my nerves and should be pointed out for education and edification - these kids might want to apply for a job some day, and if they put something like "I could of worked for NASA." in their resume, it isn't going to get them any points with the interviewer.

Back on topic - have you put any more work into the paintjob on this yet? That clean white base has me anxious to see what how nice it looks when you finish it.
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Foam in the Fort IV
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#22 MoonMaster



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Posted 20 June 2008 - 02:48 PM

There is quite a difference between a volatile language and simple spelling/grammar mistakes. When the words "cool" or "bad" came to mean "something I like or think is interesting", that is an example of language changing. When someone types "Your going to pay for that." it is simply incorrect. (It should be "You're going to pay for that." - "your" being a possessive form of "you" as in "your hat" or "your dog", while "you're" is a contraction of "you are".

So when people type "You should of seen that." when they should really type "You should have seen that." or at least "You should've seen that." it gets on my nerves and should be pointed out for education and edification - these kids might want to apply for a job some day, and if they put something like "I could of worked for NASA." in their resume, it isn't going to get them any points with the interviewer.

If you really want to get technical and proper with grammar, you should have offered a correct replacement for "your going to pay for that." A corrected version of that sentence could be "you are......" but not "you're". Contractions may be "okay" but are technically not gramatically correct. There are so many stupid rules of the English language that every sentence of this post is probably somehow incorrect. My point is that if the point gets accross, exact grammar and spelling do not mean very much.

Seriously though, nice Longshot! It looks like you really put a lot of time into making that beast.

EDIT: I even had to edit the original post to fix a grammar error.

Edited by MoonMaster, 20 June 2008 - 02:49 PM.

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#23 CROW



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Posted 20 June 2008 - 07:04 PM

Thats a prety nice loser rifle man, but you really should consider a new paintjob.
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#24 Gordita Crunch

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Posted 06 July 2008 - 11:35 PM

Okay, so my camera batteries ended up going bad, so I go to a few stores and no one has the right batteries in stock right now, so I decided forget the waiting. The picture quality isn't too great do to having to use my phone, but they are good enough to tell whats going on for now till I get my camera on again.

On another note, here's the new gun:

- I fixed that anouying front end opening problem by place two longer screws on the front, they also have easy twist knobs at the end so you can get them in and out easy.
- Put in bottom rail
- Put in a rail on the left and right side
- Put on a top rail
- And got alittle color on there

Posted Image
(Full gun, pushed up on 4 clips below)

Posted Image
(Top rail, fits most scopes. It is off of a cheap airsoft gun so you can put your standard red dot or whatever you want on it)

Posted Image
(The side rail I put on, it's surprisingly strong. It is off of a LS along with all the other rails so I can use all those great nerf accesories... Not. I have a few clamps from LS scopes that i'm planning on mounting some descent items on)

Posted Image
(Bottom rail so I can mount my new project under, pictures of that soon as well. And the front screws that I was talking about to hold the front completly together now)

Posted Image
(This is the low cap mag I made for my LS. It holds 3-4 rounds, and when in the gun you only see 1/4 of an inch of it. A standard LS mag is next to it for size comparasin)

Now the gun still isn't fully finished. I'm planning on putting a front shroud or silencer of some sort (of course it'll be just for looks), my new project that will be shown soon, a bi-pod, a heavier coat of white along with more color, and some other little cosmetic things just for the heck of it.

I can make a write up for the low cap LS mag, but i'm sure it's self explainatory. If not, I can easily make one for those of you who want a nice looking addition to your LS or Reacon.
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#25 MithMorchaint



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Posted 07 July 2008 - 02:39 PM

There is quite a difference between a volatile language and {snip} points with the interviewer.

You're wrong, and I can explain why if you'd like. If you'd like to pursue it, PM me or start a topic in the Off Topic area. Otherwise, let us be done with this.

That gun is looking very nice. I'm particularly fond of the side-mounted accessory rails, I might see if I can put one of those on one of my larger guns (though it would require the destruction of the rail portion of another gun, sadly).

If I may ask, what is the practical value of the low-cap mag? I mean, it has a smaller size, clearly, but I don't see how that is really practical. The 6/7-dart clip is not terribly large and I don't find that it gets in the way. As far as I can see, the size reduction from the low-cap one is not a large enough benefit to reduce the amount of darts in the clip. That's just me, though.
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