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High Rof Tactics?

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#1 Langley


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Posted 11 December 2003 - 05:06 PM

Most of the people I've nerfed with have prefered high powered long range weapons like the max shot, cross bow, and sm5k over guns with less range but greater rate of fire, such as the RF20, blastfire, splitifre, etc. They usually compensate for this with funky integrations that require you to keep two or three pumps pumped, or the place the various triggers in awkward places. Does anyone prefer to use a gun that has a higher rate of fire, and a much lower reltative range over a single barrel gun with much higher range? What do you like to do to take full advantage of your high ROF gun? What do you do to compensate for it's range?
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#2 Famine



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 05:37 PM

The only person I know to have successfully used a Rapid-Shot weapon against the standard long range affairs is Spoon. And I use the term "successfully" loosely. From what I've seen, one of two things needs to be possible for a rapidshot to beat a longrange:

1) Significant height advantage w/cover. If the person with the rapid shot can get up onto some sort of fortified tower or overhang then you can squeeze a little more range out of your gun while limiting the range of your targets on the ground.

2) Force the conflict into closed quarters. If you can get into firing range without your opponent seeing you then you can negate their distance advantage. The rapidshot weapons also are great for ambushes or surprise rushes; the loud sound along with barrage of fire will help to disorientate some Nerfers.
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of Mag-7
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#3 MissouriKid



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 05:52 PM

I normally use high ROF weapons like the Blastfire and PC, but the majority of my nerf wars are indoors, so a long range weapon isn't as useful.
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#4 Langley


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Posted 11 December 2003 - 05:58 PM

But let's say that the guy with the range fires his weapon and misses the opponent with the Blastfire, or the rf20. What if the opponent doges the dart? Even if the guy with the crossbow has a sidearm, like a tech target or LnL or whatever, the high ROF opponent now has much more equal range, but the opponent still has several more shots before reloading. And you haven't even considered the place of high ROF in a team with proper support.

Edit: this post was directed at famine. Missouri kid posted while I was writing my post.

Edited by Langley, 11 December 2003 - 06:11 PM.

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Posted 11 December 2003 - 07:11 PM

The only way to use a multi shot weapon is to run in zig zags until your close enough to fire, the only way to dodge a multi shot weapon is too run in zig zags, you dont need any complicated explenations, if you can dodge a dart you can use a multi shot weapon.
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#6 cooldood31



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 08:34 PM

I double load my cpvc'd misile storm and it dishes out great cover-fire, as soon as i pull it out, even those who know they're out of range take cover.
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#7 Famine



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 09:17 PM

But let's say that the guy with the range fires his weapon and misses the opponent with the Blastfire, or the rf20.  What if the opponent doges the dart?  Even if the guy with the crossbow has a sidearm, the high ROF opponent now has much more equal range, but the opponent still has several more shots before reloading.  And you haven't even considered the place of high ROF in a team with proper support.

First, let me say that you're completely justified in saying that I did not address the issue of placing the ROF in a properly equipped team. If I were able to hand pick a permanent squad I would WITHOUT DOUBT OR HESITATION put a high ROF player on my team. I had assumed though, that in this instance the person using the ROF would be put into a random team such as we do at the Nerf Out's here in Jersey.

As to your first point: while they would both have equal range in this instance, the person with the sidearm would still have a more accurate weapon. It's not just the range but also the accuracy that makes a single shot weapon to me appealing. Also, any intelligent Range shooter up against an ROF should know to start retreating immediately should their first shot miss as to afford themselves the 3-4 seconds needed to reload (I can reload my crossbow in under 3 seconds but my gun isn't spec'd for range).

Edited by Famine, 11 December 2003 - 09:19 PM.

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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
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#8 Sacapuntas Cabesa

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Posted 12 December 2003 - 06:35 PM

Just wait for them to reload. Don't rush at them the first time they reload, either. Head to cover closer and closer to them, until you are close enough so that you can pelt them right after they fire.

OR you can just have a long range gun AND a high ROF gun, which is what usually happens, unless you have enough people to cover your butt whilst losing.

NEVER try to rush a loser with an automatic next to him. You will eat foam.
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#9 Famine



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Posted 12 December 2003 - 09:17 PM

Just wait for them to reload. Don't rush at them the first time they reload, either. Head to cover closer and closer to them, until you are close enough so that you can pelt them right after they fire.

Again, I have trouble recommending that as a reliable tactic. You would have to be the "King of All Fucktards" to not only; repeatedly miss your opponent with an accurate Range weapons, sit there like a dumb fuck while he works his way into ROF range, and not have someone to back you up during reloads. If any of you should ever encounter such a Range Shooter, please let me know so that I can mail him his King of All Fucktards crown.

You can't go into a game with an ROF expecting your enemies to just let you "work your way into range". Also, any Range shooter worth jack-shit is going to have a good aim, that's the whole point behind using a Ranged gun, they shoot far and they hit what you aim at, so you don't want to give him the time or opportunity to take multiple shots at you.

I still say that you have to force the fight into closed quarters, you have to make sure that you will be in range of him at the same time he is in range of you and even if the Range Shooter tries to retreat he won't have enough clear room to do so quickly so that you can take advantage of his reload time.
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#10 Black Blade

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Posted 12 December 2003 - 09:36 PM

I really like a mix like a brass multi barreled airtech 2000.
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#11 Daedarus



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Posted 12 December 2003 - 10:13 PM

My friend is a fast runner, and always used his speed to chase opponents and shoot them, so I will use something like a Powerclip (he used to always use a BBB) and I would shoot like 3 darts and then yell something like "Damn!" and run away, faking reloading. He would run after me, and then I would jump out and mow him down.

Edited by Daedarus, 12 December 2003 - 10:14 PM.

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#12 J cobbers

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Posted 12 December 2003 - 11:10 PM

Daedarus makes a good point. The fastest sprinters are the people who should use ROF guns in an assult situation but I generally find automatics more useful for covering a retreat or as a support weapon rather than the bum rush. It is actually easy to dodge away from a hail of auto fire rather than into it.
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#13 Sacapuntas Cabesa

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Posted 13 December 2003 - 01:43 AM

Just wait for them to reload. Don't rush at them the first time they reload, either. Head to cover closer and closer to them, until you are close enough so that you can pelt them right after they fire.

Again, I have trouble recommending that as a reliable tactic. You would have to be the "King of All Fucktards" to not only; repeatedly miss your opponent with an accurate Range weapons, sit there like a dumb fuck while he works his way into ROF range, and not have someone to back you up during reloads. If any of you should ever encounter such a Range Shooter, please let me know so that I can mail him his King of All Fucktards crown.

I was assuming that it was pretty much 1on1, and the loser had a sidearm at most. As I said, the losers in our games usually have an auto to defend against kamikaze rushers. And the leap frogging technique isn't a surefire way to beat a loser, it just gives you a better chance. If you are any sort of nerfer, you can somewhat dodge darts at long range, and if you can tease the loser enough to fire at you when you are partially covered, you stand a chance of being able to rush in. Patience is the key.

The strategy here would also change a lot depending on whether you use East or West coast rules(I still don't know which is which).

And in any case, I don't see why you would only carry around an auto.
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#14 Langley


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Posted 13 December 2003 - 01:27 PM

West coast rules: You have a certain number of hits before you're out. Every time you get hit, you count to 15 or 20 and then yell clear, provided that there isn't anyone around within range. If there is someone else around, you have to move away from them and then clear.

East coast rules: You have a certain number of hits before you're out. You take the hits immediately and continue playing without stoping untill you are out.

If I missed something, let me know.

Edit: Note- Except in special situations, we play by West Coast rules in NJ. It really doesn't have anything to do with what coast you're on anymore.

Edited by Langley, 13 December 2003 - 01:28 PM.

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Posted 13 December 2003 - 03:20 PM

Alot of people just play 1 hit and your gone. I think its more fun this way, because it is easier to kill people, and the teams get small fast forcing you to really pay attantion to tactics and strategy...It keeps you more aware.
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#16 Fletch



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Posted 14 December 2003 - 10:27 PM

I normally use high ROF weapons like the Blastfire and PC, but the majority of my nerf wars are indoors, so a long range weapon isn't as useful.

In indoor wars there usually isn't as much running around, so a good choice of weapons might be a powerful, accurate, and long-range gun, with another gun on the floor beside you. Eventually you'll have to stop using the powerful guns indoor, because you might draw blood, break glass, or have some other unfortunate thing happen to you. We don't use powerful guns in our indoor wars now, because of both of the above. But still, a long range weapon will scare the shit out of your friends after you've made a couple of painful kills.
I'm not saying that a high rof gun is bad, I'm just suggesting an idea.
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#17 Guest_davboy88dc_*

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Posted 15 December 2003 - 07:50 PM

I perfer long range wepons too and usally have a rapid fire sidearm. That way there is a combonation of wepons. I'm getting a Switch Shot Max for Christmas and a load of other guns. On the switch shot there is a water blaster side and a four shot on the other. The end with the water blaster convert that to shoot stefans and there is a combonation gun on side for losing and the other has a good ROF.

I like playing one hit games as Thirst said it is more fun. In these games it is more challenging and you become more aware because one hit and your out. Sometimes I play free for all games just shoot each other and have fun no rules no nothing just run around shooting for ages and it's good excercise too. If we just shoot each other for fun I like very good ROF guns.
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#18 Famine



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Posted 15 December 2003 - 09:42 PM

Thank you both for contributing such insightful and detailed tactics. I'm sure all will agree that to further pursue the subject would be fruitless as the definitive tactic to be used with an RF20 or Powerclip has now been logged on these forums.
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

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