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Learning From Mistakes

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#1 karpenter63



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Posted 10 June 2008 - 05:20 PM

I was unsure where to post this idea, as it is part modification and part article. But since I was scared to post in articles (it seems so...I don't know...forbidden) I am posting this in modifications.

Today I was talking to my friend about how nerrf guns don't look realistic. He was sort of against this, I, however, don't mind this. But it did give me an idea, and so I trudged over to the local Rite-Aid to see what I could see. I didn't see what I was looking for but I did see a sort of cool looking dart blaster for $7. Since it was 25% off because of some summer sale, I said what the hey and bought it for $5.61. I knew that the gun would be ridicously weak straight out of the box, especially with its crap "jelly dart" darts and I was right. The stock gun had a range of aprox. 4".

So I modded it and I ended up getting around 30'. Now the point of this post is not to right up this gun, because it is a piece of shit even modded. No, the point of this post is to show that the best learning can come from a mistake. Buying this gun, even though it was only $5, was not the best use of my money. However I was able to use this gun, which I did not care about, and practice performing certain modifications, such as AR and a Barrel Replacement.

So what I am trying to say in thia post is that it may be in your best advantage if you are a self-proclaimed "noob nerfer" to go out buy one of these crap guns and mod it using new stratagies or techniques you've never used before. Trust me that you will learn much more by doing then asking people from all over the world on an internet forum how to do what you want to do. If you are afraid of trying something on you LS, or your X-bow, why not try it on a piece of shit gun first?

So I challenge each and every person who reads this article to go out and buy a gun from the local thrift store, mod it and get back to me. Post in this topic an picture of the gun stock, a picture of it modded, a list of modifications you performed, ranges, and, this last part is optional, and little insight on what you learned by completing this mod.

I'll go first:


Posted Image

  • Air Restrictors removed
  • Brass barrel added
  • Took spring from other barrel and added that to the one
What I learned:
See above

EDIT: I will resize pic size when I return...but I gotta run.

Edited by karpenter63, 10 June 2008 - 09:49 PM.

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#2 Ubermensch



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Posted 10 June 2008 - 05:26 PM

Well, it's good advice to start out on easier and simpler guns, but I'm pretty sure most people already did that.

On a slightly related note, "jelly darts"?!

Edited by Ubermensch, 10 June 2008 - 05:26 PM.

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#3 Bomberman



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Posted 10 June 2008 - 05:32 PM

Have you tried the darts on toast?
And what do mean by "other barrel?" Was there like a secret barrel in the handle or something like the Secret shot? I notice those holes in the handle and the trigger guard-were those where the secret barrel(s) came out?
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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#4 Captain



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Posted 10 June 2008 - 05:37 PM

5 dollars? I think the money would be better spent on a nitefinder, which I think is around the same price (cheaper?), and obviously higher quality. Or you could go to Target and buy one of those $1 TTG knock offs.
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#5 Bomberman



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Posted 10 June 2008 - 05:47 PM

5 dollars? I think the money would be better spent on a nitefinder, which I think is around the same price (cheaper?), and obviously higher quality. Or you could go to Target and buy one of those $1 TTG knock offs.

I think your missing the point. You should do this once you've already done something simple, and are not yet ready to go for the big guns, (a longshot, recon, etc.) and you still want something simple, that is also unique. His point is to take a chance on something, and just try it out. And if you break it, damn, but oh well. It was only $5. And those TTG knock offs are pieces of shit. I got one, and I ripped the plunger head off, and pulled the plunger rod out of the gun. This was the first day I got it, without modifications. I had taken it out of the box around an hour previously. This was about a week ago. Someone was talking about it on NHQ yesterday or the day before.
EDIT: And Karpenter, how do you cock this gun?

Edited by Bomberman, 10 June 2008 - 05:48 PM.

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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#6 Silencer



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Posted 10 June 2008 - 05:49 PM

The reason he bought the gun was to learn from his mistakes, as stated in the title. He could have bought a NF but he didn't because he wanted to learn.

Edit: Bomberman just said what I was trying to say.

Edited by Silencer, 10 June 2008 - 05:49 PM.

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#7 Kid Flash

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Posted 10 June 2008 - 05:50 PM

those TTG knock offs are pieces of shit.

Others have had great results such as myself with them... You just got a bad one, along with blacksunshine.
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#8 Bomberman



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Posted 10 June 2008 - 05:51 PM

those TTG knock offs are pieces of shit.

Others have had great results such as myself with them... You just got a bad one, along with blacksunshine.

Well, that's probably why they're 2.50!
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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#9 Blacksunshine



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Posted 10 June 2008 - 07:34 PM

those TTG knock offs are pieces of shit.

Others have had great results such as myself with them... You just got a bad one, along with blacksunshine.

Correction I got 3 bad ones. But I had great results with 2 of them. But then again as bomberman mentioned. This is why they are only 2.50. Honestly I wouldn't waste my time with the gamble. Time materials and effort are worth something too. And I think I learned a lesson this weekend. And thats not to put too much time and effort into cheap guns because you cannot rely on their quality. In the end your effort can be for naught when the gun breaks the first time you go to use it.

So yes a cheap gun might be good if you are seriously new to nerf and not very mechanically inclined. But I mean most mods are pretty straght forward. So I think as someone else mentioned had he modded a NF he'd still have paid about 5-7 bucks and had he done the same mods he would be left with a much better gun along with the gained exp.

So I think the key for a new modder to be successful is to research some guns before going to the store and buying one. they should go to the store knowing what their skill is and how certain guns function that way they can make an educated guess about what gun is best for them to mod. After you've gotten the whole basic concept of modding down should one pick up random guns and experiment. Such as the cheap ass guns. I see the cheapos as a challenge to see what I can pull off with crap. Not because I need practice doing certain mods.

Newbs should stick to published mods. Things they can follow along with a write up so if they get confused they can have pictures and text to guide them thru the steps.

Edited by Blacksunshine, 10 June 2008 - 07:36 PM.

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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#10 karpenter63



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Posted 10 June 2008 - 09:56 PM

On a slightly related note, "jelly darts"?!

Posted Image

Jelly Darts

Have you tried the darts on toast?

Posted Image

Yes, and they are quite scrumptious! XD

And what do mean by "other barrel?" Was there like a secret barrel in the handle or something like the Secret shot? I notice those holes in the handle and the trigger guard-were those where the secret barrel(s) came out?

Posted Image

The other barrel was originally directly below the one still in the gun. Those holes you noticed are from where I chopped off a sort of "hand guard" that was a little annoying.

EDIT: And Karpenter, how do you cock this gun?

Posted Image

Like so.

Newbs should stick to published mods. Things they can follow along with a write up so if they get confused they can have pictures and text to guide them thru the steps.

Yes I agree with that. However, I think that it would be a good idea for noobs to go out and try to come up with something on their own. You know, contribute to the community. Even if all they are doing is taking crap guns and making them less crappy.

I see the cheapos as a challenge to see what I can pull off with crap. Not because I need practice doing certain mods.

That is definitely another way to say what I am trying to say. You try to squeeze every ounce of potential out of these crap guns and you feel good when you get something that is a remarkable difference, even if it still isn't that good. (4" to 30' is a high percent increase. 9000% increase to be exact.) I remember when I first started modding I tried to mod a Maverick and I never was able to get the seal tight enough. This made me feel like shit because I took a gun that got maybe 20' stock and once I was finished with it got about 4". (a 6000% decrease). So what I'm trying to say is, start small and work your way up. I still would like to see more crap guns turned "meh" on the forums.

Edited by karpenter63, 10 June 2008 - 10:04 PM.

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#11 BoOogers



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Posted 11 June 2008 - 04:07 PM

Captain, I think this guy probably knows what he's doing. He would have bought the nightfinder if that's what he wanted. He's just experimenting with non-nerf guns. And that's not even a mistake. Probably worth the few bucks he payed for it.

And it's still quite an accomplishment to get 30' out of a dollar store dart gun. Kudos, Kerpenter.

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