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#1 Spectre2689



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 03:39 PM

Hey guys, I just registered on these forums (obviously...). My friend (Sylent_Blade on the forums) got me into Nerfing, and damn is it fun. I'm trying to successfully mod a Blastfire, but so many freakin things have gone wrong that I think it's posessed. If you want a full list of the wrong-goings, lemme know and I'll get back to you in a couple days.

My interests include playing the guitar, watching old people on icy sidewalks, cheese and penguins (together or seperate), and chewing glass shards. I enjoy long walks on the beach, but only if the sand isn't burning and there's an angry pitchfork-wielding mod following me.

Other than that...I really don't know what to say. Accept me? Please?! AAACCEEEPT MEEE!!!
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#2 Sylent Blade

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Posted 11 December 2003 - 04:38 PM

You dumb shit... by watching me, you should've figured out by now that people here won't accept you for who you are, only who they want you to be. Sad, but true. Okay, enough about that, welcome to NerfHaven you screwhead. Follow in my footsteps if you want to be hated... so basically, don't be like me. Have fun, and read through the forums first, and keep ontop of things too.

Ask the question, idiot.
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Sylent Blade


#3 Groove


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Posted 11 December 2003 - 04:47 PM

Just to let you know I hate both of you equally...and that would encompass the hatred of a thousand burning suns combined. Maybe squared. Shit, let me get my telescope.

Welcome to the boards. Stay away from Spoon if he offers candy, puppies, or "lube" in his van.
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#4 Sylent Blade

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Posted 11 December 2003 - 04:49 PM

Take what GrOOvE said to heart... but not too deeply. I fell for the basket of kittens, and I'll NEVER be the same.

Edited by Sylent_Blade, 11 December 2003 - 04:49 PM.

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Sylent Blade


#5 Ares



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 04:50 PM

And if VACC asks you to help him mod anything in his garage, just say "NO." Look what happened to Evil! Evil is secretly possessed, i tell you! He brings about the apocalypse! wait? didnt he open a can of whoop-hiney at apocalypse? hmm. Welcome to the boards. DOnt mind getting flamed. Have fun. Never defend anything or get into any flame wars. Dont post opinions. Leave no mark and you have no people trying to poison your water supply. Enjoy your time here.
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#6 cxwq



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 05:01 PM

Spectre, your interests make you seem so different from everyone else... What a fucking rebel you are! Bitch.

Sylent_Blade, you post too much. Way too much. Shut up.

Groove, where's my money? You know I don't put out for free...

Sylent_Blade, see, you posted again! Aaaaargh!

Ares, in my opinion you suck.
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Posted 11 December 2003 - 07:14 PM

Im interested in you Blastfire, Ive succesfully modded 3(and that includes redoing the mod each about 3-4 times) and im sure I can help you. Tell me what you did.
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#8 Sylent Blade

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Posted 11 December 2003 - 08:04 PM

Since I did the mod with him, I can explain.

We originally wanted to do a barrel replacement with copper, because brass is unavailable to us, and it's expensive. We tryed to fit the copper into the barrel stubs, and found they wouldn't fit. I came up with cutting off the whole thing, down to the little stubs, that are about 1cm tall. We tryed to fit the copper over that, and it didn't work. I then came up with jamming the copper into 1/2 in. PVC and then fitting the stubs into the PVC. It worked, and we plumbers gooped it, and hot glued it. We added lots of tape, made the barrels straight, and since we couldn't fit the barrel tips over the copper, we tossed them.

After putting it all back together, we we dissapointed with the results, and went back and redid some things. We were dissapointed again with out new results, and have yet to fix our problem fully. There is not power or range to the gun, and we can't figure out why... maybe we damaged something.

If you can help, that would be cool.

Oh, and Cxwq, what crawled up your ass? He's my friend, I'm allowed to make fun of him and post in his topic, as far as I know. You don't need to tell me to shut up for welcomeing him in my own way. And about posting too much, alot of my posts are legitimate posts either asking or answering questions... what's wrong with that?

Edited by Sylent_Blade, 11 December 2003 - 08:55 PM.

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Sylent Blade


#9 IronRhino



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 08:27 PM

Oh, and Cxwq, what crawled up your ass? He's my friend, I'm allowed to make fun of him and post in his topic, as far as I know. You don't need to tell me to shut up for welcomeing him in my own way. And about posting too much, alot of my posts are legitimate posts either asking or answering questions... what's wrong with that?

Uh, yes they are crappy posts. You registered here little more than a month ago. You have friends?

Edited by IronRhino, 11 December 2003 - 08:30 PM.

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#10 cooldood31



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 08:29 PM

Copper sucks. Try 1/2" cpvc, I used that on practicly all my guns and it works great (it's cheap to).
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Posted 11 December 2003 - 08:58 PM

Ok, wow, thats a very...different :mellow: mod... Rip off your pvc barrels. Why do you put hot glue and duct tape, it'll only make it worse, plumbers goop is strong enough, just let it sit for 72 hours and its very solid.

Ok, If you like how pvc attaches to the peg then get some cpvc, and hammer it into the pvc barrels, then just reglue your barrels on without the tape and hotglue...it should work, if cpvc is to tight for your barrels use crayola barrels and glue them in the pvc, I did that with my machine BF and it gets 50 very easy with really awsome accuracy..if you know howta aim.

Actually, SB has recently started giving smart posts, dont flame him...SB, they dont forgive the past ^_^ so its tough love as sparkboy says... Just come up with a new mod/homemade and gain some respect.

Edited by THIRST, 11 December 2003 - 08:59 PM.

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#12 Sylent Blade

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Posted 11 December 2003 - 08:59 PM

Oh, and Cxwq, what crawled up your ass? He's my friend, I'm allowed to make fun of him and post in his topic, as far as I know. You don't need to tell me to shut up for welcomeing him in my own way. And about posting too much, alot of my posts are legitimate posts either asking or answering questions... what's wrong with that?

Uh, yes they are crappy posts. You registered here little more than a month ago. You have friends?

Yeah, I do have friends, you stupid shit-fuck. What kind of a question is that? I've known mike for four years, dumbass. Why would you make assumptions about some one you don't even know? I don't even know the word for people like you, and I'm too fucking lazy to think of an adjective to describe you right now, mostly because I don't care. I don't care about what you think of me, because your thoughts and words have no bearing on my life what-so-ever. So just shut the fuck up, and keep your dumbass attemped cheap-shots to yourself.

EDIT: Wish I could've seen THIRST's post before I posted this. Thanks for the support, but don't get too into this, I don't want you to get "in trouble" for being on my side sorta. These people still haven't learned how to be mature, and it's sad. thanks for the tips on the BlastFire. We will try it.

Edited by Sylent_Blade, 11 December 2003 - 09:02 PM.

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Sylent Blade


#13 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 09:05 PM

Yeah, I do have friends, you stupid shit-fuck. What kind of a question is that? I've known mike for four years, dumbass. Why would you make assumptions about some one you don't even know? I don't even know the word for people like you, and I'm too fucking lazy to think of an adjective to describe you right now, mostly because I don't care. I don't care about what you think of me, because your thoughts and words have no bearing on my life what-so-ever. So just shut the fuck up, and keep your dumbass attemped cheap-shots to yourself.

EDIT: Wish I could've seen THIRST's post before I posted this. Thanks for the support, but don't get too into this, I don't want you to get "in trouble" for being on my side sorta. These people still haven't learned how to be mature, and it's sad. thanks for the tips on the BlastFire. We will try it.

Dude, calm down, I swear your like another freaking majin. Half your posts or more are flames, or defense from flaming. Oh wow, four years...thats a really short time, most of my friends I've known for 7-11 years, and just from nerfing I've known people at wars for four...sheeshhh and try using words other than swear words for once. I can see at least 10 in your ONE bloody post, try being language literate for once.

Oh and Spectre, welcome to the boards have a good time come to wars and make some friends eh? But be careful about sylent he's pms-ing right now.

Lol, and now I see your edit, he won't get in trouble for helping you. Try being mature yourself for once eh? You need to give respect to earn it, the same thing goes for maturity, be it don't act it.

Edited by ShatteredDreams, 11 December 2003 - 09:07 PM.

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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#14 Sylent Blade

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Posted 11 December 2003 - 09:15 PM

How about instead of jumping into things and telling people how to act, stay out of other people's battles. How does that sound? Sounds good to me. I can swear if I want to, you aren't my mother. When people are mad, they use words to get a point across, so before you tell me to be "language literate" evaluate the senario. I really don't care about how long you've known your friends, I have 10 year friends, and a 14 year friend, whos parents went to school with mine. And you are telling Mike to be careful of me? Who the hell are you trying to kid? We find this funny sometimes, watching you people try to be clever.

I also can't earn respect from you people anyways, so what is the goddamned point? No matter how reasonable I try to be, something offends masses of you, and it gets you all against me. So just like with everything else, I don't know if I can care anymore. Maybe just stay the hell out of things for once, it'll save your time, and save my eyes the strain of reading your posts.
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Sylent Blade


#15 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 09:22 PM

How about instead of jumping into things and telling people how to act, stay out of other people's battles. How does that sound? Sounds good to me. I can swear if I want to, you aren't my mother. When people are mad, they use words to get a point across, so before you tell me to be "language literate" evaluate the senario. I really don't care about how long you've known your friends, I have 10 year friends, and a 14 year friend, whos parents went to school with mine. And you are telling Mike to be careful of me? Who the hell are you trying to kid? We find this funny sometimes, watching you people try to be clever.

I also can't earn respect from you people anyways, so what is the goddamned point? No matter how reasonable I try to be, something offends masses of you, and it gets you all against me. So just like with everything else, I don't know if I can care anymore. Maybe just stay the hell out of things for once, it'll save your time, and save my eyes the strain of reading your posts.

Actually I am your mom....but we'll get back to that in a few years sonny. Maybe people would respect you if you stopped bringing up the fact that you were hated once, I dont hate you man I was just commenting on what you wrote and refrencing to a member of the past who hopefully died in a "accidentle" car explosion. Another reason I had commented on what you said earlier, was because you "jumped down Kevin's throat" (that sentance tickles my fancy) after he greeted Spectre his own way. If you want to be allowed to welcome your friends your own way, more power to you, but allow other people to do it to.

And, ah, I wasn't trying to be clever.

But I will admit you were reasonable before the hole jump down crap, and if you wish your eyes to not be strained, then don't read posts or respond, because you have to read what you write. Anyways, you have been know to help some people, and contribute a little, but to most members on this forum, I believe the bad and annoying still outweighs the good. Good luck with whatever.

Sceptre, sorry you had to be introduced under a flame war, but these things
happen ya know?

And back to the swearing thing, I don't care if you cuss, personaly I think it can be mildly entertaining and amusing, but it can get completely redundant after a while. Use complex words to confuse people is what I meant, it'll be more fun to see them scramblin around for a dictionary to see what you meant.

Edited by ShatteredDreams, 11 December 2003 - 09:27 PM.

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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#16 Sylent Blade

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Posted 11 December 2003 - 09:33 PM

How about instead of jumping into things and telling people how to act, stay out of other people's battles. How does that sound? Sounds good to me. I can swear if I want to, you aren't my mother. When people are mad, they use words to get a point across, so before you tell me to be "language literate" evaluate the senario. I really don't care about how long you've known your friends, I have 10 year friends, and a 14 year friend, whos parents went to school with mine. And you are telling Mike to be careful of me? Who the hell are you trying to kid? We find this funny sometimes, watching you people try to be clever.

I also can't earn respect from you people anyways, so what is the goddamned point? No matter how reasonable I try to be, something offends masses of you, and it gets you all against me. So just like with everything else, I don't know if I can care anymore. Maybe just stay the hell out of things for once, it'll save your time, and save my eyes the strain of reading your posts.

Actually I am your mom....but we'll get back to that in a few years sonny. Maybe people would respect you if you stopped bringing up the fact that you were hated once, I dont hate you man I was just commenting on what you wrote and refrencing to a member of the past who hopefully died in a "accidentle" car explosion. Another reason I had commented on what you said earlier, was because you "jumped down Kevin's throat" (that sentance tickles my fancy) after he greeted Spectre his own way. If you want to be allowed to welcome your friends your own way, more power to you, but allow other people to do it to.

And, ah, I wasn't trying to be clever.

But I will admit you were reasonable before the hole jump down crap, and if you wish your eyes to not be strained, then don't read posts or respond, because you have to read what you write. Anyways, you have been know to help some people, and contribute a little, but to most members on this forum, I believe the bad and annoying still outweighs the good. Good luck with whatever.

Sceptre, sorry you had to be introduced under a flame war, but these things happen ya know?

I really do hate posting like in a real-time chat, but it has to be done. All I can say is "pussy". I can tel you are backing down by the way you posted. I just want to point that out. I can't understand you people. How did I jump down Cxwq's throat? I was referring to his "list" of things and reasons why he doesn't like me. I don't care how he greets people, although I do believe his post was very cynical, and obviously sarcastic. Damn it, and you say you don't hate me. Don't lie to yourself, it's okay to be like everyone else. It's okay to fit in, it's okay to flame along with everyone else, rip off people's fronts, make the exposed. It's fine to point out everyone's flaws. It's great that you've chosen that path, good luck to you. I hope you are happy when you post with intent to flame, makes you feel so good inside, doesn't it? Fills you with satasfaction, doesn't it? I know it does, I've seen it many times before... I know how it all goes. Yeah, well, I think Sylent_Blade is just going to get stronger. I walk through your fire, and come out burned, scarred, and calloused... ready for the next time, when it won't burn as much. Remember that, because that metaphor means alot, and it has more meaning because I made it. Hope you have a great time trying to knock me off my pedistal that is my ego, it's not going to happen. Be like the rest, it's okay.

And back to the swearing thing, I don't care if you cuss, personaly I think it can be mildly entertaining and amusing, but it can get completely redundant after a while. Use complex words to confuse people is what I meant, it'll be more fun to see them scramblin around for a dictionary to see what you meant.

If you can't stun them with your brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. I believe thats how it goes. My father said that the best. I miss him.

Edited by Sylent_Blade, 11 December 2003 - 09:36 PM.

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Sylent Blade


#17 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 09:50 PM

I really do hate posting like in a real-time chat, but it has to be done. All I can say is "pussy". I can tel you are backing down by the way you posted. I just want to point that out. I can't understand you people. How did I jump down Cxwq's throat? I was referring to his "list" of things and reasons why he doesn't like me. I don't care how he greets people, although I do believe his post was very cynical, and obviously sarcastic. Damn it, and you say you don't hate me. Don't lie to yourself, it's okay to be like everyone else. It's okay to fit in, it's okay to flame along with everyone else, rip off people's fronts, make the exposed. It's fine to point out everyone's flaws. It's great that you've chosen that path, good luck to you. I hope you are happy when you post with intent to flame, makes you feel so good inside, doesn't it? Fills you with satasfaction, doesn't it? I know it does, I've seen it many times before... I know how it all goes. Yeah, well, I think Sylent_Blade is just going to get stronger. I walk through your fire, and come out burned, scarred, and calloused... ready for the next time, when it won't burn as much. Remember that, because that metaphor means alot, and it has more meaning because I made it. Hope you have a great time trying to knock me off my pedistal that is my ego, it's not going to happen. Be like the rest, it's okay.

If you can't stun them with your brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. I believe thats how it goes. My father said that the best. I miss him.

For an opening, sorry about the realtime chat, but I don't feel like doing anything other than procrastinating my homework right now, but back on topic...

Wow I don't see how you could take my post with the EXACT opposite intent that I wrote it with, now thats baffling to me. And I'm not backing down, quite the opposite, I was standing up for some stuff you did, complementing you on some, and rebuking for different stuff, at the same time. But whatever take it how you will. Like you said, I can think what I think and "Join the crowd," and you can do the same.

On another note, I like your dad's qoute, and it's completely true, but there are kids on this site that are probably fairly young, and I don't think that they enjoy the cussing eh? I don't know what happened to your dad, but I'm sorry man, he sounded like a fun guy.

And now that I'm done with my "flaming" I better get to work on my french midterm studying, so no more real time chat, sorry :mellow: .
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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#18 N3maN



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 09:59 PM

do Not get angry with me
i do not hate cos i do not know. i am just gunna give you some FRIENDLY advice ok.

firstly, dont get so angry with people.
let them have their stupid little opinions about you.
i doesn't matter what the think, OK?
if people post shit about u just ignore it.

secondly, most people dont hate u. just a few.
so let those sad asses brood about you and get over it.

thirdly, like sum 1 said before. respect people.
respect their veiws, their ideas, and their opinions.
if u disagree that is fine. u can post your opinion too.
if people dont like your opinion, and flame u. who gives a fuk???

i just wanna say again i am not trying to be a smart arse or any thing. just givin my perspective. if u dont like what i have said, this is a time to put it into practice.
ignore the rage!!!!

and to everyone els. who cares if u dont like sylent for what he might have done in the past. accept the fact that he has a temper (dont get angry silent, calm thoughts) and try not to provoke him

all of u try to be a little bit more civilised

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#19 rawray7



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 10:07 PM

sylent_blade, you know i've been reading into psychology a lot lately and i think i've come up with a little guide that can help you out, based on quotes by none other than...you!

here is the problem:

If you can't stun them with your brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.  My father said that the best. I miss him. // I can swear if I want to, you aren't my mother//I'm too fucking lazy to think of an adjective to describe you right now, mostly because I don't care

now, from what i can see, you're definately having some parental issues. This may not be your fault, plently of people have problems with their parents. I think the best thing you could do right now would be to seek a new teacher, someone like a mix between Splinter from the Ninja Turtles and Mr. Miagi. this way, you'll get to learn more cool saying like your dad's, and you wont have any trouble keeping the swearing to a minimum, because splinter and mr. miagi don't allow that. those guys will definately keep your lazy factor to a minimum, and you'll definately learn more adjectives to decribe people, like "Cowabunga".

here's the solution:

It's okay to fit in, it's okay to flame along with everyone else, rip off people's fronts, make the exposed. It's fine to point out everyone's flaws. It's great that you've chosen that path, good luck to you. I hope you are happy when you post with intent to flame, makes you feel so good inside, doesn't it? Fills you with satasfaction, doesn't it? I know it does, I've seen it many times before... I know how it all goes. Yeah, well, I think Sylent_Blade is just going to get stronger. I walk through your fire, and come out burned, scarred, and calloused... ready for the next time, when it won't burn as much. Remember that, because that metaphor means alot, and it has more meaning because I made it. Hope you have a great time trying to knock me off my pedistal that is my ego, it's not going to happen. Be like the rest, it's okay.//Maybe just stay the hell out of things for once, it'll save your time, and save my eyes the strain of reading your posts

number one, you've got more ridiculous trash talk than Mike Tyson, and his style is impetuous and his defense is impregnable, praise be to allah. i think if you stopped victimizing your self with your little fire dance than you might be a pretty funny guy. being a rebel just doesn't quite work on these boards, at least not the way you define it, don't kid yourself into thinking that you don't "post with intent to flame", and anyway take a fucking chill pill. do you realize that your spilling your little emo kid bullshit out over a bunch of wires? no one wants to read your posts while you crucify yourself, so i suggest you follow your last little quote there, and get the hell out if you can't deal with the standards of this community. go cry in a corner and listen to Conor "Cry me a River" Oberst or something.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#20 Sylent Blade

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Posted 11 December 2003 - 10:13 PM

I don't know what else to do but defend myself. You put it nicely, N3maN, thank you for your thoughts. Your post was well written, and deserves some credit. I'm sorry for getting my back up, but this happens way too often. I need release sometimes, and this doesn't help. I never intended for this thread to go quite as far as it did, I meant only to welcome Spectre to the Nerf world. But seriously, no need to talk like a shrink, okay? :mellow: I'd be fine if I could IGNORE. I was born with a short fuse, and born with a desire to have the last word, to be right, and to stand up for myself. I am sorry for being me, it doesn't seem to help things that I have to be me. I'll try to change for you all, so maybe someday Sylent_Blade will be forgotten, and dead to us all... seems like the way it should have been a long time ago.

ShatteredDreams, I understand you... I'm sorry for lashing out, it tends to be what I do after a bad day. My dad isn't here, but his quote, and many others will stay with me, so I can honour him by using his wisdom. He was a very fun guy, and yes, what he said was so true.

I'm not asking anyone to forgive me, I know it won't and can't happen, but try to be sensitive of other people, taking a shot at me at every chance you get, isn't being the man you can be. for those of you out there who understand me, and can relate, thanks.

Sorry for all the trouble I caused by being here, Cxwq, just delete me if you realy want to, it would most likely be a cause for celebration, would it not? Thought so, so, if you want to free these forums of my obvious un-wanted influence, you have the power. If I am deleted, I leave here having learnt alot about the world... it's full of nice people, caring people, smart people... and jackasses. Thanks for this learning experience, it was worth it... fun while it lasted I guess.
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Sylent Blade


#21 Groove


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Posted 11 December 2003 - 10:34 PM

Wow...I'm going to say this once, post the pic, and leave. For old members, sorry you have to hear this same tune, but:

Posted Image

Arguing online is like winning the Special Olympics - even if you win, you're still fucking retarded. Everyone take a step back, pull whatever is stuck up there out - and resume normal life.

Edited by GrOOvE, 11 December 2003 - 10:38 PM.

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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#22 cxwq



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 10:35 PM

I was born with a short fuse, and born with a desire to have the last word, to be right, and to stand up for myself.

I think that explains much of what people have against you here.

In case you're curious, I wrote this about the Majin guy that a couple of people compared you to.

The problem isn't speaking your mind, it's always having to get in the last word, always trying to convince everyone you're right. As many have pointed out, if you'd just let people disagree with you, things would blow over. There is nothing to forgive, as long as you stop being so defensive.

I'm not going to delete your account because I like people with a passion for this sport and I truly want them to be able to fit in here. Your call.
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#23 Grinch



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Posted 11 December 2003 - 10:36 PM

The common ending of all flame wars...the flamee eventually gives up and writes a pathetic apology to redeem himself. Sorry buddy, it ain't working.

Groovy baby, thank you so much for enlightening me with these words...

Arguing online is like winning the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still fucking retarded.

Edited by Grinch, 11 December 2003 - 10:39 PM.

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#24 taita cakes

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Posted 12 December 2003 - 01:41 AM

i love Ares..... [not literally] only he could teach a new member not to get involved in flame wars and then get told that he just plain sucks and have a fire [flame war] start around him.......

GrOOve, i thought u would have got a much better pic from ebaums??? but i spose the mods strike down any who post them with lighning [sp] bolts.... but anyway that quote... is the funniest god damn message i have ever read .... and to the Grinch, i prefer to complicate a flame war just by posting completely aimless messages to change the mood [i.e. "sasquatch" and "purple banana"]

Edited by taita_cakes, 12 December 2003 - 01:48 AM.

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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#25 NerfManiac



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Posted 12 December 2003 - 03:20 AM

Damn this topic is really fuckin funny. Thank you all who made this topic possible. I have had my good laugh for the day.
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