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A Warning On A Paint

Problems with a Krylon paint

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#1 Zatoichi



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Posted 27 May 2008 - 05:03 PM

I just finished modding the front gun for my LS and I was tossing a paint job on it when I noticed something worth reporting. I was a tad sloppy with Krylon Fusion For Plastics and a few drips went into the screw sockets. After about 20 minutes, I took a look and saw that the paint had melted or otherwise softened plastic of the screw threads and the tip of the well. In retrospect, I'm sure this is likely on account of whatever agent gives the paint its "Bonds to Plastic!" magic, but I am no stranger to spray paint - if I could make this mistake, I figure others might too. Fortunately, it wasn't my LS. So, anyway, be aware.

Side Note: I know everyone finds the LS front gun pretty much useless, but if you're throwing one away or not using it, I'll gladly pick up shipping.
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#2 Split



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Posted 27 May 2008 - 05:25 PM

Pictures would help a hell of a lot. I don't quite know what you mean by "the paint made for plastic melted the plastic". Did it actually make it boil and crackle or what? Also, how did you know it was softened? The plastic the stuffs made out of (as I'm sure you realize) isn't all that stiff to begin with. Can it be like bent in now or what?

Like I said though, pictures would help.
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#3 Blacksunshine



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Posted 27 May 2008 - 05:26 PM

I've never had this problem. however it sounds like maybe your can had a high amount of acetone or was not shaken enough. hard to say. the worst thing I've had krylon do is not adhere and turn into dust that was easily wiped off. I attributed this to applying it in too cold of temp and not shaking it properly.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#4 Zatoichi



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Posted 27 May 2008 - 06:13 PM

Firstly, all apologies for the grammar earlier, I think I was still fuzzed from the paint fumes. Back to the issue at hand; my camera is elsewhere but I think I can describe the result fairly clearly. Looking closely, the acetone hypothesis seems most reasonable; there were no flames, sizzle, smoke or the like, merely a softening of the plastic into a gelatinous goo. The tips of the plastic adhered to the paper they were resting on, leaving fine threads behind when pulled up, similar to hot glue. It is possible I failed to properly shake the can. I have worked with spray paint a significant amount however, so while I cannot recall exactly how much time I spent shaking, I doubt that I did not shake it at all. It may be that these paints require extra agitation. It is also possible I picked up a bad can. I will admit that I was sloppy in that I allowed the paint to accumulate in the well and sit for a spell, perhaps it was the result of a combination of these factors. I am presently testing the paint on some scrap Nerf parts. I will post the results as they become available and try to track down a camera.

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#5 Zatoichi



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Posted 27 May 2008 - 08:22 PM

After a little testing, it looks like a combination of user error and the product. When I am careful to keep correct distance, rate, agitation, and angle, everything is fine. However, if I tilt the can more than about 45 degrees, I can see a clear liquid along with the pigment which, if allowed to sit, produces the same result as the one I initially posted. I could have picked up a bad can (I am not in a rush to go out and pick up another) but it seems likely that the paint's softening agent is meant for brief, rather than prolonged and isolated exposure to the plastic and if the mixture isn't properly aerated, it just eats away at the plastic. So, in the end, if you use this product, be exceedingly cautious. I have used Krylon products for some time and this is the first issue like this I have had, so I am not going to slam the brand; just be mindful of a smaller than usual margin for error.
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#6 bogboogalars



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Posted 27 May 2008 - 08:27 PM

Just for future information and for your own health please try not to double post if you need to add something and you were the last person to post then just use the handy little edit button at the bottom of your post window.
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