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Spring Caff Recap

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#1 sasquatch



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Posted 26 May 2008 - 10:54 PM

Yay, I actually get to start one of these threads for once. Anyways, toady was awesome. We tried some new kinds of game. Decided Spawnball needed some work (I'll let Bags explain why, after all, the game was his idea), and did a 5v5v4 team deathmatch, which was a lot of fun. The principle at Sellers was a bit of a tard, but we moved on with our lives, took it day by day.

-Micah blocking by barrel tap, the proceeding to shoot me. I felt so inadequate after that....
-As mentioned before, the 3 team deathmatch was fun, and I think we'll see more of those, with possibly more teams later.
-The huge turnout that actually showed up on time was awesome. It didn't take us 'till 11 to move out of the parking lot. And seeing all the new faces is cool too, nice to know we're not the only crazy people around here that like little kids toys.
-The cops, yet again, not caring that we were there.
-Putting a megaphone up to car speakers and blasting music (which brought the cops, as mentioned before...)
-And yea, just an all around good day.

And I have to apologize to the guy I shot at like point blank. I feel bad cuz I forgot his name or even what kind of gun he was using, but sorry either way. If he's not on the forums, if someone could let him know I'd appreciate that. Cuz I'm sure that really hurt a lot.

Do we know when pictures can be posted?
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#2 Cannonball



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Posted 26 May 2008 - 11:08 PM

Cheeseboy is probably going to put those up because he is the only person I saw running around with a camera.


being the only person around at first to flee from that huge "undead" swarm

not getting shot in the head today

Rushing a couple guys on the other team while the rest of them were doing the same thing to us on the other side of the building

bad memorable moments:

getting hit in the leg with the ball titan when I thought that dude was out. He was just standing there with some of my guys walking by. Could have fooled me.

the principle douche bag kicking us out while a bunch of skaters were tearing it up like 5 feet away from him

watching my darts fly crazy to the left or right because they didn't work in my barrel.

All in all, it was a good day to nerf.
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#3 Axelion burnout

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Posted 26 May 2008 - 11:26 PM

Yeah, that was Raw Shrimp's friend, I didn't see it but I heard it.

  • Seeing and meeting some new people, always nice.
  • Eating at "The Hat" for the first time, delicious!
  • Hearing "AMERICA FUCK YEAH!!!" blasted over the megaphone and then having the cops show up 10 minutes later. Not to mention the cops short shorts totally reminded me of Dangle from Reno 911.
  • Seeing Micah riding a bike around during the second team deathmatch with a Nerf Fencing Sword getting melee kills.
  • Playing Spawn Ball for the first time, and while everyone went for the ball Bags captured the other teams flag.
  • Using my Manta for the first time and effectively blocking a shot with it and getting a few kills when we rushed during CTF.
  • Capture the Flag was amazing, I wish we got to finish it.
  • SM1500 performing exceptionally
  • Playing in a cement environment was really different for me, but fun.
  • No one got too seriously injured.
  • My Max-Shot being a piece of crap the whole day.
  • Getting shot in the hand by PILZ
  • After said capture of the flag in Spawn Ball, Bags blew chunks everywhere...
  • Having the longest drive out of anyone, but still worth it.
  • Asshole principle
  • Soccerdog813 couldn't join me on the ride.
Although completely tired now, it was Awesomesauce!

Edited by Axelion_burnout, 27 May 2008 - 06:03 PM.

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#4 Falcon


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Posted 27 May 2008 - 12:59 PM

The guy who got shot point blank was Matt; the first timer who came with Raw Shrimp. I talked to him shortly before the two of them left, and he said he had a great time, so no worries.

To ALL of the first-timers who came out with the recent additions to So Cal nerfing:
Thank you all SO much for coming! Our attendance peaked at eighteen yesterday, which we've found in the past to be just about perfect in terms of team size and such.

Some quick little highlights from my end of things:
Screaming "ZERG RUSH!" with Micah, and having my entire team of nine, INCLUDING EVERY LAST FIRST-TIMER, rush with us, and KEEP GOING. That's not common; newcomers are usually hesitant, and the rushers end up getting hung out to dry. But all day, even as we were all getting tired, you guys kept up with us, kept rushing with us, and enjoyed yourselves. Despite the immense amount of new blood yesterday, it was the most competetively challenging day of play So Cal's seen this year.

My crossbow being assembled and fully functional. Yeah, that was nice...
Blasting Nightwish's "Ghost Love Score" as I pulled into the Sellers parking lot after lunch.
Having a robust attendance from the Knights' end of SCUN again.
Seeinng nearly all the new faces from the last NANO come again. Guess we didn't scare anyone off, Bags...
Getting nailed midair MULTIPLE times throught the day by tons of the newer guys. Axelion, Cannonball, Raw Shrimp...heck, even Cheese-boy, his brother etc....you guys are awesome.

Beta test of completed crossbow setup went well. I certainly can say I need to grab some of my guys and have a few more small impromptu wars to get myself back on the ball aim-wise with the xbow, as you all saw I'm clearly not used to it anymore. But it went well anyway. As I expected, the ONLY two parts on the entire gun that I didn't used JB Weld to hold together, didn't last, and cracked loose. Not even the point with the most stress on it that I glued with JB last night came off, and I was technically using it BEFORE the 15-hour dry time was up. Already re-glued the loose bits today, and by tomorrow and/or this evening, it'll be back up and running. Then I get to play the paintjob touch-up game, and it's (finally) posting time.

Alrighty...that'll do for now.
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#5 Cannonball



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Posted 29 May 2008 - 06:56 PM

so when can we expect the pictures to be up?
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#6 baghead



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Posted 30 May 2008 - 02:49 PM

so when can we expect the pictures to be up?

I have all of mine as well as Cheese-Boy's ready to upload, just gotta find the time to do it.

Should be up later today, along with my personal Recap.
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#7 sasquatch



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Posted 04 June 2008 - 03:39 AM

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#8 baghead



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Posted 04 June 2008 - 12:16 PM


2 words:

finals week.

4 more words:

I'm Working on it.
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#9 sasquatch



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Posted 05 June 2008 - 12:53 AM


2 words:

finals week.

4 more words:

I'm Working on it.

Gotchya. I sometimes forget that other people actually study and care about school, since I don't. At all. But props to you for being responsible like that. And in case any of that came across as sarcastic, it wasn't.

Edited by sasquatch, 10 June 2008 - 01:59 PM.

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I'm big and hairy, that's how you'll remember if you see me. My name's Sasquatch for a reason

#10 sasquatch



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Posted 10 June 2008 - 01:59 PM

Bump so that Bags remembers pictures once he's done with finals. I'm sure there's a great possibility he'd remember anyways, but it couldn't hurt.
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I'm big and hairy, that's how you'll remember if you see me. My name's Sasquatch for a reason

#11 Cannonball



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Posted 13 June 2008 - 01:21 AM

I don't know when bags and them get done with finals and such but I'm sure we are all still antsy to see those pictures from the war. Just a friendly reminder, even though I'm sure you guys are cooling your brains after the cram-o-rama study sessions and what not.
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#12 raw shrimp

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Posted 14 June 2008 - 07:47 PM

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#13 baghead



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Posted 14 June 2008 - 09:24 PM

there were some 70 pics of decent quality... do you know how much time it takes to upload those?

There's too many for me to just post them, so go to this url


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