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The Nerf Warrior System (nws)

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#1 flamingwindows



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 11:35 AM

Imagine you're at Deal, playing at resurrection forest, and you need something with a little more ROF to get those last few kills. You need a longshot, but all you have on you is your trusty crossbow. Or you're at Ocean Gate, and a stalemate occurs. You need something with a little more range to pick off some enemies, and that longshot surely wont do. You need a 3k or a national geographic gun, but all your stuff is back at the meeting place, too far away to go without exposing your team. Before now, the only way to remedy this was the awkward solution of straps attaching multiple guns, or large bags weighing you down. But just imagine yourself like Master Chief, pulling out guns at will. That is the NWS (Nerf Warrior System).

One day, z80, CD-R and I were all sitting around discussing stupid ideas for guns and Nerf things. CD-R mentioned having a large steel plate with magnets on your guns to attach them. We thought it was a terrible idea, heavy, clunky and bound to not work. (boy were we wrong) Two nights ago, Al and I were fixing some Nerf guns for NJNO, and got pretty bored. I remembered Robbie's idea after playing with some hard drives. We decided “Why the hell not?” We ran to the garage, got some random metal (the top of a broken router and the top of a shitty CD-Rom drive) and got to work. The base was a Nerf vest. We attached magnets from hard drives to some of his guns, and surprisingly only two magnets would hold most guns just fine. We brought it to the game yesterday, and it worked surprisingly well. I could have my 3K for hitting long range, then pull out my max shot when people got close, or vice versa. We also attached Velcro to some of my barrels, so I could attached them to his vest. It was good, but we decided it could be better. It could be more comfortable, lighter, and nicer looking. Thats what we decided to do last night, and z80 has a nice little write up.

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#2 z80



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 11:38 AM

There are three main components to the NWS. First is the vest or backpack portion. For our first one we used a Nerf vest. (the ones with the DTB's and Magstrikes) The newer version uses one of Flamingwindows' old backpacks.
Next is the Metal part. The original time we used random scraps of metal. This time we used an old baking sheet. Basically anything made of steel will work.
The last are the magnets. We used rare earth metal magnets from old hard drives FW had. You can buy them also online. Just make sure they are strong enough to prevent your gun from sliding off.
You also need random other things. We had foam to make our backplate a little more comfortable, and you also need duck tape and hot glue to attach things.
Step 1: Cut the backpack
You need to cut the backpack so that it doesn't have anything but the straps and the back part.
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Just like that.

Step 2: Prepare the baking sheet.
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Baking Sheet
What we did with the baking sheet was attach the foam to the back, so that there is more back support, making it more comfortable. Just cut the foam into strips about as long as the baking sheet is wide.
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Then glue them on like this
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Step 3: Attach the baking sheet to your backpack. We used glue around the rim, and then taped around the edge.
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That's pretty much it for the back plate. You can add different things as you see fit (we added a strap around your waist to stabilize it) and ammo holders/barrel holders wouldn't hurt.
The next part, the guns. Heres how to remove the magnets from the Hard drive.
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The hard drive
Step one: Unscrew the hard drive. You probably will need a torx screwdriver to open most hard drives. There also might be screws under labels, so if you can't open the HD, that may be why.
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Torx Screwdriver
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Step two: Take out the magnets. You may need to unscrew some other things first, but they will come out pretty easy.
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The inside
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The magnets
Step Three: Take out the pretty, shiny platters. They look really cool, but you don't need them for anything.
In order to attach them to the guns, you just glue them on, then put tape over the top. Most primaries require two magnets, stuff like the longshot or magstrike need three, and most pistols and sidearms need one. Try to attach the magnets straight to each other, but attaching a ruler to both (if it's not flat, the magnets wont stick as well.
And then have fun. It actually works better if you reach under your arm, rather than over generally when grabbing guns. Two guns is about the limit on our current set up, though if you added a front plate, you could get up to three or four (I don't know why you would, but you could) I am also thinking of making things like holster plates, just a small plate on your hip for a sidearm.
Improvements could be made on this. I would like to find a more constant source of magnets, that would be more consistent. I would also like to find other things to attach to the magnets/metal, such as barrels, other guns or ammo (if you have steel weights, you can actually lightly attach darts to the magnets) Any suggestions, comments, or criticisms would be appreciated.

Edited by z80, 21 April 2008 - 11:44 AM.

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#3 Thom



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 11:50 AM

That's… creative. I'd like to see it in action.

As far as magnets go, you can get some pretty nice magnets from United Nuclear that might be a bit stronger than the hard drive ones.
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#4 Cmdrmack



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 12:07 PM

That a really cool idea, but I have a few questions:

1) How much does it limit your mobility?
2) Do the guns fall off when you jump around?
3) Does the added bulk make tight spaces difficult to negotiate?
4) How difficult is it to remove the guns during combat?
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QUOTE(Predalien_Ro @ Apr 7 2008, 10:24 PM) View Post

Oompa: FECES!? Who in their right mind would try that shit!?

Bigger Salvo


#5 z80



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 12:12 PM

That a really cool idea, but I have a few questions:

1) How much does it limit your mobility?
2) Do the guns fall off when you jump around?
3) Does the added bulk make tight spaces difficult to negotiate?
4) How difficult is it to remove the guns during combat?

It makes it so running is a little more annoying, but not too terrible. The guns do not fall off the old version, but the new one is smoother, so they can slide off more easily. We plan to get a way around this. I don't know about the tight spaces, but it depends on the guns and the spaces. The guns are relatively easy to take off, you just have to get used to it.
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#6 Predalien Ro

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Posted 21 April 2008 - 12:35 PM

I've seen the guy who's building a exoskeleton armor called, "the trojan" use magents for his side arm pistols, maybe this can give you a few ideas for that side arm magnets.

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Toilet paper is for your ass, not your nerf gun.
Try craft foam if you want to add cushioning to the handle.

#7 eddieoctane



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 01:16 PM

This is pretty cool. It definitely makes switching weapons easier, although part of me would prefer the look of a regular thigh holster for your side arm.

I'll be honest. When I first saw the title of this, I though you had went and done something similar to the Land Warrior system. I was thinking "Digital cameras? Flip down sights to look around corners? Nightvision? I have to see this". The fact that the first picture had a hard drive in it got my hopes up further. While what you did is cool, I fell slightly let down. Oh well, guess that is somethign for me to work on this summer.
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#8 z80



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 01:19 PM

This is pretty cool. It definitely makes switching weapons easier, although part of me would prefer the look of a regular thigh holster for your side arm.

I'll be honest. When I first saw the title of this, I though you had went and done something similar to the Land Warrior system. I was thinking "Digital cameras? Flip down sights to look around corners? Nightvision? I have to see this". The fact that the first picture had a hard drive in it got my hopes up further. While what you did is cool, I fell slightly let down. Oh well, guess that is somethign for me to work on this summer.

Thats actually where I got the name from. We actually were going to work on building in more things, you know like walkie talkies or cellphone patches, but those really aren't needed for Nerf.
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#9 eddieoctane



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 01:34 PM

Well, I remember seeing a remote controlled car with a wireless camera on it. I may get 2-3 of those this summer and figure out if a "cross-com" type set-up is possible, with squad members switching between each other's cameras.

If you want, you can bounce ideas off of me. I do see potential in this. And if 3-4 guys show up at a war in black jump suits, armed and wired to the teeth, I think it would make for a pretty imposing sight. And yes, the black jumpsuit is fully necessary.
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#10 CaptainSlug


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Posted 21 April 2008 - 05:12 PM

Cute, but I'm in the camp that feels that if you're carrying more than one primary and one secondary then you're not really going to be any more effective.
Carrying more than one primary is going to compromise your ability to maneuver and dodge effectively.
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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#11 eddieoctane



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 06:21 PM

Cute, but I'm in the camp that feels that if you're carrying more than one primary and one secondary then you're not really going to be any more effective.
Carrying more than one primary is going to compromise your ability to maneuver and dodge effectively.

That may be so, but the magnets could potentially make switching from one gun to the other faster. Less time spent shuffling equipment around would make you more effective.

Eh. To each his own. For some, the sacrifice of mobility in favor of extra ammunition and weapons may increase lethality.
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#12 badger


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Posted 21 April 2008 - 08:47 PM

Cute, but I'm in the camp that feels that if you're carrying more than one primary and one secondary then you're not really going to be any more effective.
Carrying more than one primary is going to compromise your ability to maneuver and dodge effectively.

I actually saw this in action CS and it sees to be quite useful, though it would be alot of trouble on most of the fields we play on, like Mill Creek or the Resurrection Forest at Deal. The tress and bushes would greatly hinder movement.

That may be so, but the magnets could potentially make switching from one gun to the other faster. Less time spent shuffling equipment around would make you more effective.

Eh. To each his own. For some, the sacrifice of mobility in favor of extra ammunition and weapons may increase lethality.

Trust me, you don't want to lose mobility at a war. There were plenty of times at NJNO yesterday that I had to sprint away to avoid getting shot. Plus, his lethality didn't change at all. He got hit plenty of times and there was no change in how well he played compared to other times. More guns does not make you a better player.

Also, if I EVER see anyone with one of those remote-controlled wireless camera vehicles at a war, I will pick up the fuckin' thing, smile into the lens so you can see me, then see how far I can fling it. All you need to Nerf is a gun, some darts, and some targets....err, I mean some friends to shoot at. You don't need any electronic contraptions to enhance your play, in fact, while you are trying to find me with your cameras, I'll be taking you out of the round.

By the way z80, I had such a desire to sneak up on the guy that had it (can't remember his name), take one of his guns off of it, and shoot him with his own gun, but I'm not that stealthy.
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As Carbon once said,

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#13 biofreak2



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 08:47 PM

I did this today, and it works great for my BBB but I'm having trouble getting a Mav (I need a rapid fire gun to complement a single-shot) to stick to it.
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#14 eddieoctane



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 09:48 PM

Also, if I EVER see anyone with one of those remote-controlled wireless camera vehicles at a war, I will pick up the fuckin' thing, smile into the lens so you can see me, then see how far I can fling it. All you need to Nerf is a gun, some darts, and some targets....err, I mean some friends to shoot at. You don't need any electronic contraptions to enhance your play, in fact, while you are trying to find me with your cameras, I'll be taking you out of the round.

I wasn't talking about using the actual car. I was thinking about ripping the camera off the car and integrating it. Just because you don't think it is a good idea doesn't mean it isn't.
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#15 Cmdrmack



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 10:45 PM

A camera car could be useful for looking around corners, but not nearly as much as the good old fashioned head-check. Alternately, it makes a great distraction, allowing for you to potentially sneak up behind the opponent that's throwing said car.

Unfortunately, it'll only be good for that once.

On a more serious note, unless you have the same playing style as my brother, I can't see this being as effective as the simple hit-and-run tactic.

Incidentally, he abandons guns after he has emptied them, creating a need for a large loadout.
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QUOTE(Predalien_Ro @ Apr 7 2008, 10:24 PM) View Post

Oompa: FECES!? Who in their right mind would try that shit!?

Bigger Salvo


#16 flamingwindows



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Posted 21 April 2008 - 11:04 PM

I really had no problems with mobility, and i think that it will be very useful now that i have made my longshot compatible with it. The main reason that i dont use a longshot regularly is because it doesnt have the range i need. This will allow me to use a longshot and a maxshot simultaneously, which will help my playing stile out a lot.
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#17 ompa



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Posted 22 April 2008 - 02:10 PM

More guns does not make you a better player.

Clearly Badger, you haven't heard of Rambo.

But on a more off-topic note; for those of you who aren't using capitalization in this thread, start using it. It's required by the Code of Conduct.

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#18 eddieoctane



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Posted 22 April 2008 - 05:58 PM

More guns does not make you a better player.

Clearly Badger, you haven't heard of Rambo.

added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole.
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#19 badger


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Posted 22 April 2008 - 06:15 PM

More guns does not make you a better player.

Clearly Badger, you haven't heard of Rambo.

But on a more off-topic note; for those of you who aren't using capitalization in this thread, start using it. It's required by the Code of Conduct.


Oh I have heard of him. He refuses to be wrong about anything, even when he is definitely in the wrong. Got his ass handed to him at Apoc last year. He didn't even make it 30 seconds during Gunslinger Heaven. He carries alot of guns yet it helps him not one bit. Trust me, ompa, I know who he is. He acts like he is the shit when he is at a war, but in the end, he is just a sacrificial lamb that his team uses as cannon fodder. During the last round of Apoc last year, he was on my team with Forsaken and Skitzo. He was holding us up and his gun busted, so we left him behind to get taken out so we could escape.

Oh, he also got suspended for a month recently for mouthing off to VACC and some other people when he couldn't handle organizing his own war. They changed the venue location when he hadn't checked in for quite a while and it was less than 48 hours to gameday.

On a different note, maybe you should wait on sigging a quote eddie until you know what is going on.

Gods do I hate this trend with people sigging everything, especially when someone sigs anything they see.

On topic however, the camera idea is still pretty lame. This system for carrying multiple guns is quite suitable for their playing style and I can't wait to see it in action again, but it isn't for me. All I need is a good ranged primary and a sidearm to do the trick.
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As Carbon once said,

"The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die."

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#20 eddieoctane



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Posted 22 April 2008 - 06:40 PM

More guns does not make you a better player.

Clearly Badger, you haven't heard of Rambo.

But on a more off-topic note; for those of you who aren't using capitalization in this thread, start using it. It's required by the Code of Conduct.


Oh I have heard of him. He refuses to be wrong about anything, even when he is definitely in the wrong. Got his ass handed to him at Apoc last year. He didn't even make it 30 seconds during Gunslinger Heaven. He carries alot of guns yet it helps him not one bit. Trust me, ompa, I know who he is. He acts like he is the shit when he is at a war, but in the end, he is just a sacrificial lamb that his team uses as cannon fodder. During the last round of Apoc last year, he was on my team with Forsaken and Skitzo. He was holding us up and his gun busted, so we left him behind to get taken out so we could escape.

Oh, he also got suspended for a month recently for mouthing off to VACC and some other people when he couldn't handle organizing his own war. They changed the venue location when he hadn't checked in for quite a while and it was less than 48 hours to gameday.

On a different note, maybe you should wait on sigging a quote eddie until you know what is going on.

Gods do I hate this trend with people sigging everything, especially when someone sigs anything they see.

On topic however, the camera idea is still pretty lame. This system for carrying multiple guns is quite suitable for their playing style and I can't wait to see it in action again, but it isn't for me. All I need is a good ranged primary and a sidearm to do the trick.

And if he was referring to John Rambo? The fact that he said "heard of" and not "met" points to the character and not the forum member being the intended reference. And in the case of any hero played by Stallone, Schwarzenegger, and similar actors, more guns always makes them more effective. So if Rambo came to a nerf war, he would be increasingly better with each gun he duct-taped to his body.

I added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole the comment based on that assumption and corresponding facts.
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#21 ompa



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Posted 22 April 2008 - 07:21 PM

Alright guys, that was my fault for derailing the topic, but let's try to not deviate from the topic any more.

I was in fact referring to the forum member RAMBO, who was known for carrying a shit-ton of guns, but I was doing so in a more sarcastic manner than anything else. However, I can see where the confusion set in, so I'm sorry I wasn't more specific Eddie.

Also, Eddie, don't piss off Badger. Why you ask? Well, let me assure you that you just do not want Badger pissed off. He'll make your stay here miserable. He also has a lot of respect here on the forums, and the people who respect him will also make your life more miserable. It's just not a pretty sight.

I would suggest attempting to attach the magnets another way; it seems with a light-duty glue and tape, the magnets would rip off eventually, if I correctly recall how strong hard drive magnets are. Since the magnet housing has holes in it, I'd suggest actually just screwing the magnets into the case itself, if you find the system effective enough for you to make it more permanent.

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#22 One Man Clan

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Posted 22 April 2008 - 07:22 PM

...if Rambo came to a nerf war, he would be increasingly better with each gun he duct-taped to his body.

I might sig that based on the fact you you thought they were talking about Stallone. It's funnier in your profile when you think that.

On topic. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Horsemen do this YEARS ago putting LnL's on Xbows?
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#23 ultra920



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Posted 23 April 2008 - 09:15 AM

The thing reminds me of MOLLE.

But, well, that stuff is designed for the military. Someone charges me with a Magstrike or even a DTG, i would be screwed with 5 guns on me and various tacticool shit that i don't need, especially if I'm in brush.

For the record, Stallone only needs a bow&arrow.(not the Nerf one, but that could be interesting)

OMC is right, just integrate some rapid fire gun into a longer range gun. It can be ALOT simpler and looks cleaner.
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#24 One Man Clan

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Posted 24 April 2008 - 05:31 AM

OMC is right, just integrate some rapid fire gun into a longer range gun. It can be ALOT simpler and looks cleaner.

Where/when the FUCK did I say that?
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#25 ultra920



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 09:46 AM

but didn't the Horsemen do this YEARS ago putting LnL's on Xbows?

About 2 posts ago. Isn't that an intergration? LNLs are more rapid fire than an Xbow.
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