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Nerf Gun Malfunctions/breakages

Tell us all about your misadventures with nerf guns

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#26 madmax



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Posted 29 April 2008 - 08:19 PM

My ls had a stock spring, but yes, my friend is an idiot, thats why he is no longer able to touch my guns.

I thought of another funny experience, my friend had a pump gun of some kind, i forget witch, but he pumped it up too much. When it exploded, it was the loudest thing i have ever heard. he hasn't opened up the shell yet, but i assume it looks like a grenade went off.
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#27 oodalumps



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Posted 29 April 2008 - 09:05 PM

  • Super glue in my SM1K air tank
  • LS chewed up it's plunger tube
  • Parents stepped on my 1992 Just Toys crossbow.

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#28 nat



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Posted 29 April 2008 - 09:22 PM

I dropped my tek 10 down 20 stairs and some green part in the gun Broke. I fixed it though, but the range got cut in half :D
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#29 doubleshot



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Posted 30 April 2008 - 01:19 PM

I don't even remember what I did to my LS, but it's now in my junkpile. I tried making an RFR a good gun, it's now in the junkpile. I've messed up my fair share of at3ks and titans. I'm up to 3 mavericks. But on the other hand, I have a really nice ABBB now. Working on a doomsayer whenever the gun comes in the mail.
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#30 ultra920



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Posted 30 April 2008 - 02:50 PM

Let me see.
  • screws are rusted on my DTG
  • One of my 3k's wont hold pressure
  • When i was opening my mav, the cocking mech exploded
  • there is a marble down the barrel of my other mav.
  • BBB like gun exploded(had a huge plunger tube too :( )

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#31 Ambience 327

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Posted 30 April 2008 - 03:16 PM

  • When i was opening my mav, the cocking mech exploded

You didn't by any chance have it cocked when you opened it, did you?

  • there is a marble down the barrel of my other mav.

Couldn't you just open 'er up, open up the turret and push the marble back out from the back?
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#32 ultra920



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Posted 30 April 2008 - 04:59 PM

  • When i was opening my mav, the cocking mech exploded

You didn't by any chance have it cocked when you opened it, did you?

  • there is a marble down the barrel of my other mav.

Couldn't you just open 'er up, open up the turret and push the marble back out from the back?

I stopped caring about the mav, so i will just leave it.

I have a feeling it might have been cocked, or it was worn out and pulling on it when i opened it made it snap. It was a while ago.

Edited by ultra920, 30 April 2008 - 05:00 PM.

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#33 sam



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Posted 30 April 2008 - 06:03 PM

1 Nitefinder- I had a buddy of mine mod it before I felt comfortable modding, he put the wrong size screw in the back and I couldn't get it out, luckily I was able to use it for parts.
1 Maverick- I forgot to remove a screw, so I ripped it in half. Who cares, its a maverick
1 AT3K- The check valve in the pump messed up, I suppose its not really my fault though.
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#34 BendyStraw



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Posted 30 April 2008 - 11:00 PM

After removing the air restrictors in my maverick, the cocking bar tore out of the slider after four shots. It is now a pile of parts in my room. I never looked back.
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#35 Zudikas



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Posted 31 May 2008 - 10:12 PM

Well I was working on my Tek 4 turret and some guy over at NHQ told me to cut the nob that holds the turret just a little shorter so there is more pressure. So I did so and it worked for a while (like an hour) then just completly shredded the plunger tube and permanently ruined the turret. So to repair it, I singled it with make the gun way better. So I'm happy.

Ha, that shows that noobs are using and regulating nerf hq.

Edited by Zudikas, 31 May 2008 - 10:23 PM.

#36 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 31 May 2008 - 10:51 PM

Toy Shitgun.
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#37 BustaNinja



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Posted 31 May 2008 - 11:03 PM

Opened up a firefly, decided it was shit, threw it at a wall.

I also had a plunger tube shoot out of a PPKed NF and go about 30 feet. That was cool.
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#38 A side of nerf

A side of nerf

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Posted 01 June 2008 - 12:25 PM

I was modding an old tech target gun that only shot those really old, big darts. I attached a CPVC barrel. I closed the gun up, shot it about ten times, and then decided to make sure it was fit before I gave it to the customer. Next thing you know, I pull the trigger and hear a loud snap. I opened it up to investigate and I found that the plunger tube was snapped in half. Immediately I start to think of how to fix this. So I put the two halves together using hot glue, then try to reinforce it with e-tape and liquid nails. I put the gun together and success, it works. 8 shots later and the whole thing is broken beyond repair. I tell my friend what happened and he said it was probably brittle from laying in his attic for three years. So I let him take whatever parts he needed, and now I'm stuck with a tech target shell and 8 screws.
-A side of nerf

Edited by A side of nerf, 01 June 2008 - 12:25 PM.

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#39 NERFcountersniper



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Posted 01 June 2008 - 06:25 PM

I was just testing ranges on my modded magstrike when I heard a hissing noise and a pop. I soon found out that it might be a broke tube.So i opened it up only to find out that a tube was broken and the bladder had like 5 rips in it.

Edited by NERFcountersniper, 01 June 2008 - 06:26 PM.

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I can dream, though, can't I? No, I can't any more...Why must you crush my dreams? Why?!?!

#40 NerfCrazy



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Posted 07 June 2008 - 11:47 PM

I don't know how this happened but I was shooting my friends stock maverick and the cocking bar shot out at my friend we then noticed that it had somehow bent.
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#41 Retiate



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 12:12 AM

Can't believe I haven't posted this yet...
Dumbest thing I've ever done:
So I was re-gluing the CPVC breech handle for my Angel Bow because it was coming real loose. I figured quick set super glue would be best to hold it in place for a dose of plumbers goop. So I give it a nice coat of super glue and it sticks real well... Too well. The super glue got everywhere and glued my breech shut. I've tried sanding, acetone, and straight force, nothing works.
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#42 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 12:37 AM

nothing works.

Sorry to hear mate. The only thing I would recommend is Zippo lighter fluid.
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#43 Philote



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 08:15 AM

My ill-fated LS was a my first, and most likely last futile attempt at having a high powered gun. After three test fires, plunger assemble broke apart and severed my spring in half.
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#44 Split



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 11:00 AM

Stripped every single screw on my maverick, and broke both cocking handles on one of my Manta Rays, and when they got pulled back in, it shattered the plunger tubes and cracked the bottom half of the shell. God that sucks. My dad (I know this makes me sound like I'm 10, but I'm actually 18) trashed it before I could fix and or scrap it. I found one of the springs though. Beefy little bitches.
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#45 Dayko



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 03:11 PM

I tried to turn a DS into an air powered blaster. Alas, it didn't work. I couldn't find a way unless I spent about 30-40 dollars in parts.
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#46 Tehmandude



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 11:47 PM

On 2 of my Longshots, I always messed up the bolt, it's moved to the left and it's broken (Ouch, 70 dollars is a lot for me).
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QUOTE(umdlancer @ Mar 25 2008, 04:29 AM) View Post

If you accidentally clock somebody with a doubleshot, then you're more liable to break the doubleshot than you are to cause serious injury.

PM me if selling a NIB or LNNB LnL.

#47 Bomberman



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 11:28 AM

This is'nt mch of a malfunction/breakage, but a couple days ago, I was shooting my brother from across the yard with my titan, and he had a tommy twenty, that only had 5 darts. I shoved a suction-cup dart down the barrel, (a buzzbee one), and it got stuck. Most of the time nerf sticky darts slide fine down the barrel, but buzz bee ones don't for some reason. So anyway, it was stuck, and I tried firing it out, and it fired the barrel out of the coupler, about 35 feet. My brother sat laughing for about 10 seconds, then rushed me.
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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#48 PC III



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 11:49 AM

This is'nt mch of a malfunction/breakage, but a couple days ago, I was shooting my brother from across the yard with my titan, and he had a tommy twenty, that only had 5 darts. I shoved a suction-cup dart down the barrel, (a buzzbee one), and it got stuck. Most of the time nerf sticky darts slide fine down the barrel, but buzz bee ones don't for some reason. So anyway, it was stuck, and I tried firing it out, and it fired the barrel out of the coupler, about 35 feet. My brother sat laughing for about 10 seconds, then rushed me.

Put the barrel back on then shoot him with it.

Brakeages? I left an nf outside accidentally, then repeatedly ran it over with a 4weeler.
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QUOTE(ultra920 @ May 19 2008, 06:18 PM) View Post

Don't want to shove balls in tight spaces. Trust me, bad idea.

For sale: Vintage WWII French rifles. Dropped once, never fired.

#49 Bomberman



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 01:04 PM

Nah, that was a couple days ago, and I got the dart out. I just pushed it out the back with a pencil. But another thing that happened. I was nerfing with my friend in my front yard, and my brother and my friend stole my guns and put it in his base, and I was alone with an SSPB, and 5 darts. I shot all the darts, and I just hucked the SSPB at him, but it missed him, (god I have terrible aim) and rolled into the street. Then my neighbor backed out of his driveway and ran over it. Suprisingly, most of it was intact. Just the shell and keyring part shattered. I have had like 3 guns get run over by cars/dropped out of vehicles. One of those was an NF that I dropped off of my bike and landed in the street. I was playing nerf drive-by with my friend. It's so fun.

Edited by Bomberman, 09 June 2008 - 01:05 PM.

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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#50 ultra920



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 07:04 PM

This is'nt mch of a malfunction/breakage, but a couple days ago, I was shooting my brother from across the yard with my titan, and he had a tommy twenty, that only had 5 darts. I shoved a suction-cup dart down the barrel, (a buzzbee one), and it got stuck. Most of the time nerf sticky darts slide fine down the barrel, but buzz bee ones don't for some reason. So anyway, it was stuck, and I tried firing it out, and it fired the barrel out of the coupler, about 35 feet. My brother sat laughing for about 10 seconds, then rushed me.

Realy? Same thing with my NF, only it hit the person. Best. Kill. Evar.
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