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Maverick Mod Failure....

Yes, I am a noob.

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#1 forsaken



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Posted 02 April 2008 - 11:27 PM

I've loved nerf guns ever since I was a child and coming across this site by chance sparked an interest. After reading a lot for a couple weeks... I decided to try to mod a nerf gun myself.

Yes, I read multiple times about the unfriendly mod-ness that is the Maverick Rev-6... but for some reason, probably because I'm stubborn, I figured I could give it a go and make it successful. Plus, I like the high RoF.

Anyway, I did the basic AR removal, but then two of the chambers shot out worse than stock. I also added one of the springs from the ARs to the tip to push the barrel against the plunger.

So, I glued the area where the ARs were to try to create a better air seal, and that seemed to fix the problem. Now... all the barrels shoot out about stock distance, maybe even a little worse =\

I'm thinking I might of over dremeled the AR's so that their is space between them and the chamber where the dart goes, and that the glue only did so much to help. Is that possibly the problem?

Or does the maverick seriously just suck that much and I really should have just left it stock.

Eh, either way, I'm just gonna continue modding it it, probably just take out the AR caps I dremeled and try to do some cpvc barrels to see if that will actually give me an increase.

Also, was removing the ARs still necessary if I am only using stock darts? I really don't even want to start trying to make stefans any time soon, if at all. Or is that something you only do if you want to use stefans?

Any tips to actually get the most out of this gun? Thanks.

Edited by forsaken, 02 April 2008 - 11:29 PM.

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#2 CaptainSlug


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Posted 02 April 2008 - 11:35 PM

Why did you dremel anything? You just have to take the turret apart to remove the air restrictors. The pegs can be clipped or cut off to leave the discs which you need to seal the two turret halves.

The Maverick is still not likely to shoot very far after doing all of the above. Even if you use stefans.
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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#3 Crimmy



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Posted 02 April 2008 - 11:37 PM

Woah woah woah wait... you glued where the AR's were? wouldn't that block.....the air flow...? what exactly did you take out? are you sure it was the AR's
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#4 forsaken



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Posted 03 April 2008 - 12:43 PM

Well, I guess I drilled them out more than anything.

I took the turret apart and removed the 6 orange circles with the pegs that the darts slide onto. I more or less removed the pegs and the immediate surrounding area so that only the part that fits over the back of the turret case were left and I put those back on, glued that area, and then screwed it shut. I did not glue the entire thing, just the part that makes contact with the turret.

Basically, I tried to do what is shown in this youtube clip:

Though without much success since the gun now only shoots stock distance at best, and possibly a little worse.

What I was asking was that in 1:32 of the clip, you can see all 6 drilled ARs, and i was saying that I thought I might have over done it and that they are no longer making a good seal with the two halves of the turret, which is why I glued it and that seemed to have helped some.

At 1:36, you can see the area I glued, which is just the edge of each orange circle.

So are you saying that I didn't need to drill a bigger hole like seen at 1:32, all I needed to do was just cut off the pegs?

Edited by forsaken, 03 April 2008 - 12:45 PM.

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#5 Bomberman



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Posted 03 April 2008 - 01:52 PM

Hmm.. Well, I know for a fact that for the Mav, you don't need a dremel, drill, etc. All you need is a screwdriver, the glue of your choice, and some barrel material if you are replacing the barrels. I think you just did a bit too much, but you got lucky. When some people (such as myself) mod their mavericks, the darts don't even leave the barrel. But look for the guns you have in the modification directory, and there is at least one write-up on how to mod the gun. Or, since you have a dremel, you could do the nite-mav, the ROF of a maverick, but the cocking mechanism and distance of a nitefinder. This is the mod directory. And just a heads up, don't try to clip-fed guns. (The LongShot, the Recon.) But the first step to modding a maverick: Throw the Maverick in the garbage. The mav is dissapointing. Go for a gun like the Airtech 2000, or the Nitefinder. The AT2K gets very good range for size, is easy to mod, and you can integrate it in a lot of guns. And the Nitefinder is a good, cheap, reliable, versatile secondary.
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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

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