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Marvelous Salvo

Starring: Big Big Blast

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#1 imaseoulman



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Posted 21 March 2008 - 08:19 PM

Click Here for a detailed write-up by ChiliPepperFender on the Marvelous Salvo

So, in preparation for tomorrow's NERF war, I decided to throw together a few new guns. One of them uses an idea I have dubbed "Marvelous Salvo." I originally came up with this idea when designing Arachnophobia III. There are two guns that I really like to use for integrations:
1) Big Salvo (See Arachnopobia)
2) Spiderman Vs. Venom Dart Tag Blaster (See Arachnophobia II).
I like the Big Salvo because of the amazing range it gets. I like the SMDTG's for the trigger system. The downside of one is the strength of the other (Big Salvos have sucky triggers and SMDTG's get crappy ranges) so I decided to take the good parts from each one and put them together. I called the result "Marvelous Salvo." ('Marvelous' because Marvel Comics created Spiderman and 'Salvo' because, well that's obvious).
It is very easy to integrate the "Marvelous Salvo" into any gun. Simply cut off the SMDTG blast chambers and attach Big Salvo blast chambers and then then glue the trigger mech to the shell of the gun to be integrated and put the barrels/blast chambers wherever you want them to be.

I've done this to a couple guns and I'm very pleased with the results. Here it is done to my Big Blast, which I have dubbed "Big Big Blast" (Big Salvo + Big Blast = Big Big Blast):
Posted Image
You're probably wondering how the pump is connected to the "Marvelous Salvo." If you're not, you should. I simply drilled a small hole in the Big Blast's air tank (on the big part between the three posts), trimmed down the end of the tubing and shoved the tubing into the air tank.

The trigger is unbelievably comfortable! I dremelled a small groove on the shell of the gun where the SMDTG push-button trigger is to make it fit my finger just perfectly. The SMDTG trigger is high enough that while I normally grip the gun handle/trigger I can't tell there's anything there. However, with just a slight readjustment of my trigger finger, I'm ready to fire off the Big Salvo rounds.
Posted Image

The whole gun takes about 24 pumps. If I just fire off the main barrel, it only takes the regular number of pumps to refill the Big Blast air tank. The Big Blast barrel gets, of course, ridiculous ranges and the Big Salvo rounds get around 100' flat. Oh yeah, and I'll probably shorten the Big Salvo barrels about 2" to maximize range.

I highly recommend slapping on a "Marvelous Salvo" to your favorite primary for excellent back up shots. The range and accuracy are great and this mod is very easy to do! (Usually you don't have to drill into an airtank for this to work, but that's not very hard either).

Hope you enjoyed your introduction to "Big Big Blast."

Edited by imaseoulman, 28 January 2009 - 09:32 PM.

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#2 NerfCrazy



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Posted 21 March 2008 - 08:40 PM

That is awesome and I want to make it now but unfortunately don't have either of those guns. :lol: And personally I think it looks cool with the tubing on the outside.

Edited by NerfCrazy, 02 April 2008 - 07:30 PM.

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#3 ChiliPepperFender



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Posted 21 March 2008 - 08:46 PM

So this is basically a Big Salvo combined with a SMDTG to make it shoot three barrels and the range of a Salvo? Also, what is the barrell on the bottom for? Is it the Big Blast one?
Anyway, I think this gun is absolutely awesome! Nice job!
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#4 keef



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Posted 21 March 2008 - 08:51 PM

Holy shit! I love the position of the tank types!

It looks awesome!

Can you post the plans to use the Spidey assembly for other guns? My SMDTB doesn't get ranges that I'd like, and I want to hook up 3 2ks in it or something. I read the description, but would like a better view.

Why did you drill a hole in one of the cylinders of the SMDTB assembly?
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#5 Quilan Fett

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 08:55 PM

You can't use a normal airtank. You have to use a blast tank like on the hornet.
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QUOTE(pokemaster @ Mar 3 2009, 04:18 PM) View Post

hasbro in a nerf war!!!!! dude the will cancel it and confinscate are guns

#6 imaseoulman



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Posted 21 March 2008 - 10:20 PM

So this is basically a Big Salvo combined with a SMDTG to make it shoot three barrels and the range of a Salvo? Also, what is the barrell on the bottom for? Is it the Big Blast one?
Anyway, I think this gun is absolutely awesome! Nice job!

Yeah, it's basically swapping out the SMDTG blast chambers with Big Salvo blast chambers and then integrating into a different gun. The bottom barrel is one of the three Big Salvo barrels. The Big Blast barrel is in the center.

Holy shit! I love the position of the tank types!

It looks awesome!

Can you post the plans to use the Spidey assembly for other guns? My SMDTB doesn't get ranges that I'd like, and I want to hook up 3 2ks in it or something. I read the description, but would like a better view.

Why did you drill a hole in one of the cylinders of the SMDTB assembly?

I didn't drill a hole in any of the cylinders of the SMDTB assembly. If you're referring to the little black dot on the trigger assembly in the picture, that's just a mark that was there when I took it out of the case.
I did, however, drill a hole into the Big Blast air tank and pushed tubing into the hole which now connects to the SMDTG trigger assembly where the pump use to connect (it's the tube w/ the check valve). I did this so I didn't have to attach another pump to the gun. When I pump the Big Blast, it fills the Big Blast's air tank and the Big Salvo air tanks.

You can't use a normal airtank. You have to use a blast tank like on the hornet.

Qui'lan Fett is right on the money. You have to use a blast tank that is triggered by back pressure, such as the BlastFire, Hornet, Big Salvo, Triple Strike, and the like. When air is pumped into the blast tank a valve is pushed up against the barrel opening. The trigger system (through various methods, distinct to each gun) allows the air in the blast chamber to rush out the back (via the same tube air is pumped in) and the pressure sucks the valve (the one that was pushed against the barrel opening) back against the tube opening, thus allowing air-flow out of the barrel opening and firing the dart.
The Secret Shot II and the Lightning Blitz also operate on similar valves, but the triggers do not let the air come out the same way it goes in. This means that the air coming in is not directly behind the valve that moves back forth and that is why it takes more air/faster pumping to create the seal on an LB or SSII.

Hope that helped!
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#7 jwasko



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Posted 22 March 2008 - 01:10 AM

Did you change the tubing that directly attaches to the SMDTG trigger, or is that the stuff that came with it?

Also, what size/type of tubing fittings did you use?

And, finally: nice job.
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#8 imaseoulman



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Posted 22 March 2008 - 07:05 AM

Did you change the tubing that directly attaches to the SMDTG trigger, or is that the stuff that came with it?

Also, what size/type of tubing fittings did you use?

And, finally: nice job.

No, I didn't change any of the tubing that directly attaches to the SMDTG trigger; it's all original.

My tubing is 1/8" ID w/ 1/4" OD so I use 1/8" tube fittings (barbed connectors). 1/8" connectors fit perfectly inside the stock SMDTG tubing (and most other tubing as well). Hope that helps!

Edited by imaseoulman, 14 August 2008 - 11:15 PM.

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#9 OfAllTheNerf



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Posted 22 March 2008 - 10:48 AM

Very nice. You make some insane airpowered stuff. I'll need to do this if I ever get a spare smdtg trigger.

My god I'm fucking stupid.

Edited by OfAllTheNerf, 22 March 2008 - 09:39 PM.

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#10 Peter



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Posted 22 March 2008 - 02:01 PM

Very nice. You make some insane airpowered stuff. I'll need to do this if I ever get a spare smdtg trigger.

Also, you said that you'd shorten the Big Salvo's barrel's to 2", I think that's a typo =\. Just a headsup.

As opposed to a nerf gun not powered by air?

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#11 Thom



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Posted 22 March 2008 - 04:21 PM

Very nice. You make some insane airpowered stuff. I'll need to do this if I ever get a spare smdtg trigger.

Also, you said that you'd shorten the Big Salvo's barrel's to 2", I think that's a typo =\. Just a headsup.

As opposed to a nerf gun not powered by air?


As opposed to a springer.
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#12 Dayko



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Posted 22 March 2008 - 05:35 PM

Nice mod. Vary clean.
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#13 imaseoulman



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Posted 22 March 2008 - 09:37 PM

Very nice. You make some insane airpowered stuff. I'll need to do this if I ever get a spare smdtg trigger.

Thanks. I definitely prefer "air powered" guns over springers. I think they're easier to mod and perform slightly better.

Also, you said that you'd shorten the Big Salvo's barrel's to 2", I think that's a typo =\. Just a headsup.

No, I didn't say I'd shorten them to 2". I said I'd shorten them 2" (i.e. make them two inches shorter).

Also, this functioned very well today in the war we had. It gets great ranges and people don't want to rush you with three fairly long range back-up barrels.

Edited by imaseoulman, 22 March 2008 - 09:39 PM.

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#14 Peter



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Posted 22 March 2008 - 09:56 PM

Very nice. You make some insane airpowered stuff. I'll need to do this if I ever get a spare smdtg trigger.

Also, you said that you'd shorten the Big Salvo's barrel's to 2", I think that's a typo =\. Just a headsup.

As opposed to a nerf gun not powered by air?


As opposed to a springer.

He said air powered, all traditional nerf guns are powered by air.
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#15 imaseoulman



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Posted 23 March 2008 - 12:29 PM

Very nice. You make some insane airpowered stuff. I'll need to do this if I ever get a spare smdtg trigger.

As opposed to a nerf gun not powered by air?

As opposed to a springer.

He said air powered, all traditional nerf guns are powered by air.

This is the sort of arrant pedantry up with which I will not put! --Winston Churchill (maybe)
I wasn't going to respond to this, but I used the term "air powered" in my other thread, so I thought I'd post this here before I get flamed in my other thread.
These "that's-technically-incorrect-debates" are pointless and unnecessary and not to mention annoying. The point of communication, and even technical communication, is to share ideas and be understood. I don't think anybody was confused by OfAllTheNerf's "airpowered stuff" comment. Sure, springers utilize air to propel darts, but it's not hard to figure out that OfAllTheNerf was juxtaposing blasters that use air tanks and blasters that utilize springs and plungers as the primary method of propelling darts.

Now, don't get me wrong; I'm all for improving post quality here at the Haven. I don't enjoy reading 1337 $p34k or other annoyingly over-abbreviated phrases. The administrators have done a great job of making this a haven and I appreciate their time and effort. Many members, however, in their overzealous attempts at striving for technical accuracy have promulgated these semantical debates that amount to nothing more than pedantic one-upmanship.

I'm not trying to offend anybody; I'm just stating that as long as grammar is appropriate and the posts are understandable, leave it be.

Oh yeah, just so this post contains something on topic:
I've noticed the trigger pull on the Big Blast is very hard. This is the firt time I've modded a Big Blast (I've done several Blast Bazookas, but this is my first Big Blast) and I'm wondering if this is typical? Have any of you guys had problems with this?

Edited by imaseoulman, 14 August 2008 - 11:21 PM.

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#16 chalywong



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Posted 23 March 2008 - 01:53 PM

I saw captain slug reinforce his trigger and I've seen other mods tape some more plastic onto the trigger for a better pull I think. i don't know if this is just so the trigger doesn't snap or if it actually improves the "hard" pull. Check out the Big Blast mod in the directory on the homepage if you want to see what I'm talking about.
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#17 keef



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Posted 23 March 2008 - 02:10 PM

The trigger is defiantly hard to pull, ask Jlego when he tried mine. It threw off my aim a couple shots. I gooped a bent angle iron onto the broken trigger and dremeled the insides of it to fit it. Last night when I got home, I hot glued some foam on it.
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#18 imaseoulman



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Posted 23 March 2008 - 03:16 PM

Thanks guys. I had heard that the trigger broke easily and I wasn't sure if it was because it was so hard to pull or just a really poor design...I think it's a little bit of both. I think I'm just going to reinforce it with some epoxy putty (I'm of the opinion that the only good use of the stuff is structural support) and hopefully that will be enough to prevent any breaking. Preventing is always easier than fixing.
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#19 pustulio



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Posted 02 April 2008 - 06:57 PM

that is truly a monster... how does it shoot (range)
Quote from mysefansdontflystraight
That thing looks like a do-it yourself abortion kit from the 1960s. I bet you hook it up to an air-tank.

#20 Kid Flash

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Posted 02 April 2008 - 07:06 PM

that is truly a monster... how does it shoot (range)

The Big Blast barrel gets, of course, ridiculous ranges and the Big Salvo rounds get around 100' flat.
That is a little segment you would have seen if you had read the first post...
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#21 pustulio



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Posted 02 April 2008 - 07:12 PM

that is truly a monster... how does it shoot (range)

i meant how ridiculous are the ranges?
Quote from mysefansdontflystraight
That thing looks like a do-it yourself abortion kit from the 1960s. I bet you hook it up to an air-tank.

#22 keef



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Posted 02 April 2008 - 07:18 PM

At least 100 feet. BBBB's range from 85-130 feet. I know mine gets at least 90 feet with 1/2" pvc, and Skitzo's around the same range, if not more.
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#23 imaseoulman



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Posted 02 April 2008 - 07:42 PM

With the perfect barrel/dart combination (which I am convinced is 1/2" CPVC w/ half length converted taggers weighted with 1/4" steel slingshot ammo) I'm guessing it hits around 150'. With PETG, it hits around 120'. Brass performs similarly to PETG. Again, this is all subjective due to environmental factors. I achieve my ranges at over 5,000' elevations, so I have no idea what the ranges are down low. This is why I don't usually post ranges.

Edited by imaseoulman, 02 April 2008 - 07:42 PM.

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