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Cardboard Armor?

Sorry if it's been asked before...

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#26 Richomundo



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Posted 21 March 2008 - 06:25 PM

I don't see the need for armor of any kind. The only welt I've ever received was from either spoon or vacc's / titan or longshot at Geddon 07.

I wasn't there and spoon hasn't used a nerf gun capable of leaving welts in years.

.....someone give this kid a hug, stat!

maybe i should lay off the peace pipe... it was a short guy running around with his shirt off. wasn't spoon now that i think about it.

well, it's assumed that armor is useless in a war, especially with Bags's guns. i have seen it break cardboard and still maintain a good speed (almost breaking a second wall). But if it's a case of dressing up and looking like a fool on purpose, confusing the enemy, like Captain said, in neon bright colors, i might as well run into battle with my Link (zelda) Cosplay ( http://i6.photobucke.../zeldaalex6.jpg ). i'll be sure to make a Hyrulian Shield Manta (currently in pre-production...)

nice shoes.
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