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#1 Guest_nerferdude_*

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Posted 20 November 2003 - 04:41 PM

Hello again, anyway i have aproblem. My parents don't exactly support me in the whole shabang of nerf. they don't even let me buy off the internet. where can i find guns?
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#2 cooldood31



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 04:47 PM

First of all, learn how to spell. Second, you don't need support, just cash. Third, your not alone, my parents said i'll be lucky if I get 2 things off the internet in a year!

(nerf guns are ussually found at toys r us or walmart)
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#3 MissouriKid



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 06:21 PM

Thrift Stores normally have older guns, guns that aren't made anymore. The only problem with them is that they don't always have anything. Here is a link that may be helpful!
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#4 Sylent Blade

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Posted 20 November 2003 - 07:11 PM

Ever since I was a kid, I had nerf guns. My parents were fine with it until recently, when I made my SM5K. After countless holes in the wall, my parents are regretting ever buying me my guns.

Like the other guy said, you don't really need support... rebellion is always good, to a certain extent.

On another note, it's hard to take you "seriously" if you can't even spell the word correctly. I don't want to needlessly flame... but please check spelling, or use a fucking dictionary if you really don't know. This site is helpful when you don't know how to spell a word, or if some one uses a big word and you can't comprehend it.

That's all I have to say.

SB is out.
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Sylent Blade


#5 Ares



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 07:20 PM

Know what's funny? You can't look something up in a dictionary to find out how to spell it unless you can spell it! Wahha........
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#6 Sylent Blade

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Posted 20 November 2003 - 07:22 PM

First three letters buddy... sorry to burst what ever bubble you were in. Oh, and don't forget keywords. And another thing, once you see it on a page, your brain can regognize the word, and viola, you know how to spell your mystery word.
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Sylent Blade


#7 Ares



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 07:49 PM


...further illustrating my point...
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#8 Sylent Blade

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Posted 20 November 2003 - 08:22 PM

Recognize... I'm terrbly sorry, the "g" and "c" keys are quite close, and when you type fast, sometimes you don't exactly catch every last error like that.

Am I supposed to do something here? Christ... yet another flame war, that some one is bound step into.

Can't we end this... I do beleive the topic was started by some kid wanting help? Not started over how to spell, and catch every error. I may sound like a Hypocrite, because I made a spelling error, but my point remains.

Put this bloody fight to rest. Move on, and would somebody please kill this stupid topic? Anyone who has to broadcast what their parents say to them about their hobbies, needs help, or something to do in their very abundant spare time.

SB is out.
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Sylent Blade


#9 Guest_nerferdude_*

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Posted 21 November 2003 - 06:19 PM

Sheesh, i did that seriously thing on purpose! i was in a big hurry. and YES! i do no how to use a dictionary!!!!!!!!!! oh, by the way, i wasn't asking for support, just suggestions, and about u being lucky if u get 1 gun off the internet a year.... im lucky if i get none off the internet in a year! just today my dad gave me a huge lecture on ..."Carlin, you don't need stuff, that's not what life is about! Blah blah blah blah..." when i meekly suggested that we might stop by toysrus on the way home to see if they had an Airtech 3000. See, ive got the cash, i need different parents
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#10 Sylent Blade

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Posted 21 November 2003 - 07:23 PM

Ever thought about walking to the store? Or is it too far for you? How old are you anyway? I mean, ride a bike to the store if you have to. Or, if you are 15, steal your parent's car. No wait, don't try the last one.
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Sylent Blade


#11 Guest_nerferdude_*

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Posted 22 November 2003 - 08:14 AM

Well, no. The store is too far from my house to walk. At least that's what my parents say. And about my age... I'm somewhere in between( I think I spelled that right,) 1 and 14 so no, stealing my parents car would be instant death. Besides, I don't want to drive a minivan, the old Taurus is gonna die on somebody real soon, and if I drove my dad's Honda S2000........I'd better have plane tickets to China or someplace else far away. And tht dictionary.com thing really insults my intelligence.
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#12 Guest_nerferdude_*

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Posted 22 November 2003 - 08:21 AM

I'm sorry I meant to say *that instead of tht.
And my name isn't

Some kid

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#13 Daedarus



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Posted 22 November 2003 - 09:02 AM

Most people would advise against this, but I would look in Toys 'R Us. I can still find NIB SM 5000's in there (dead serious). I would buy one, but I don't have enough money to support both airsoft and nerf.
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#14 Sylent Blade

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Posted 22 November 2003 - 01:30 PM

Most people would advise against this, but I would look in Toys 'R Us. I can still find NIB SM 5000's in there (dead serious).  I would buy one, but I don't have enough money to support both airsoft and nerf.

There is an SM5K in Toys 'R Us?!?! THERE'S A SUPER MAXX 5000 IN TOYS 'R US?!?! Oh my god. I am going out tonight. I'm gonna buy that store out... well, no. I'll get one. Thanks for the great news.

Oh and "nerferdude", It was just a friendly reminder. No insult to your intelligence was intended. Just remember, spelling words right helps out alot when you are making a serious post, which should be the only post made on this forum... but sometimes that doesn't happen.

Goodluck with Nerf, I hope you figure out a way to make this work.
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Sylent Blade


#15 Daedarus



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Posted 22 November 2003 - 04:29 PM

I said there was an SM5K in MY TRU, not necessarily everyone's.
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The girlfriends are for the boobies. The girls who are friends are for the... boobies.

#16 Guest_nerferdude_*

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Posted 22 November 2003 - 06:33 PM

um this isn't insulting my intelligence but.... as VACC pointed out, my name is nerfdude and not nerferdude who, apperently is someone entirely different.
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#17 Sylent Blade

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Posted 22 November 2003 - 08:16 PM

um this isn't insulting my intelligence but.... as VACC pointed out, my name is nerfdude and not nerferdude who, apperently is someone entirely different.

Um, well. That makes no sense to me. According to your screen name, you are nerferdude. I don't know who nerfdude is, but my eyes don't have a history of lying, and they clearly see your name as nerferdude. I don't get what you are trying to say.

Could you clear that up, because right now, you are really annoying me with all these posts about this... it's pretty much over, wouldn't you say?
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Sylent Blade


#18 Famine



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Posted 22 November 2003 - 10:21 PM

Nerfdude is an old school vet from the Listserv days, when this newcomer chose the handle Nerferdude Vacc pointed out that the two were uncomfortably similar. What'd I'd like to know is how the fuck someone who's been here for less than a month has already accumulated almost as many posts as me.

I also find it funny that someone who's been here less than a month has the presumed to power to declare a topic "closed" and then try to discourage someone who not only; registered here before them, but who has also managed to keep their post count to a civilized number.

In an attempt to help a nerfer out: Many parents become uneasy when their children begin breaking out the shop tools to modify dart guns or, worse yet, start asking for trips to Home Depot so they can buy ball barings, duct tape, fbr, and hot glue. In this "Age of Terror" as I call it, parents have become overly sensitive and suspicious of this children's activities.

The first thing you need to do is disarm their fears and paranoia. Invite them to come watch you Nerf the first few times or at least meet anyone you might be Nerfing with. Tell them that it's not like paintball or airsoft where projectiles are being fired at 150+ fps, it doesn't hurt if you get hit. Also, if they're still concerned about your safety, tell them that you'll wear sunglasses or protective eyeware while playing.

Once they realize that Nerf itself is not dangerous or some sort of Israeli Terrorist Training Game they'll gradually become more and more accepting. Unless you're Amish, Asian, or from the Bible Belt; then you are fucked my friend.

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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#19 Sylent Blade

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Posted 22 November 2003 - 10:42 PM

Nice... really put it up there. I like your direct approch to giving me a piece of your mind... I would respect you more if it was more of a friendly shut the fuck up, than a nasty annoyed neighbour kind of shut the fuck up.

I agree on what you said about letting your parents into your Nerf experience. My dad helps me mod sometimes, and he has fun shooting my guns aswell. My dad was uneasy about me modding guns, but once he saw that it was constructive, and it kept me from bothering my sister, and her bothering me, he was acceptinf of it.

You should have FUN with Nerf, and your parents need to know that it is truely that... fun. Teach them the ways of Nerf, and show them that it's no more than something you love to do. Maybe after all of that... you'll get your ride to the store to pick up another gun.

No hard feelings Famine... didn't mean to aggravate you in such a way. I hope we can fix this disagreement? Or maybe not if you wanna act really badass, and don't wanna patch things up, and keep a grudge against me. Either way, it's your choice.

SB is out.
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Sylent Blade


#20 Guest_nerferdude_*

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Posted 25 November 2003 - 05:28 PM

I am not nerferdude, I am nerfdude. the one and only.
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#21 Guest_nerferdude_*

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Posted 25 November 2003 - 05:31 PM

oops, i mean,[SIZE=14]What the heck? [SIZE=1]I'll go change it back to nerfdude right away.
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#22 Guest_nerferdude_*

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Posted 25 November 2003 - 05:44 PM

actually i can only change it back if I knew how.which i don't
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#23 Sylent Blade

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Posted 25 November 2003 - 08:15 PM

Let me tell you something... you can't change your fucking screen name, unless you ask an Admin, and they allow it.
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Sylent Blade





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Posted 25 November 2003 - 08:18 PM

Israeli Terrorist Training Game

Whats that supposed to mean? :rolleyes:

And nerferdude, just tell your parents that if you become an engineer when you grow up, modding nerf guns will help you understand air pressure and physics.
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#25 rawray7



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Posted 25 November 2003 - 10:25 PM

I am not nerferdude, I am nerfdude.  the one and only.

are you dumb? do you see the part of my quote that says: "quote (nerferdude..."? you are nerferdude, so before you yell at people about how dumb they are for not reading your name right, how about you spell your fucking name right when you register.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

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