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New Game

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#1 Cennipe



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Posted 28 February 2008 - 05:54 PM

To my knowledge, this is a new game. Here are the rules that I have come up with. They where typed in a fashion that my friends can understand, so that is why there is so much capitalization etc. If you have any ideas please post them.

TEAM SPLITTING: Team numbers are split according to the number of people playing.
There are always two teams, team A, also known as Team Alpha or Lone Wolf, and team B known as The Hunters or Beta Force.

Number of People Playing Number on Team A Number on Team B
3 ................................................1................................2
6 ................................................2................................4
7 ................................................2/3.............................5/4
8 ................................................2/3.............................6/5

OBJECTIVE: Each team has a very specific objective. They are as fallows;

TEAM A: The smaller team has to locate a specific item, known as “The Object.” They will be disclosed the location of this object in their mission briefing, which we will discuss later. Once they have the object in their possession, they need to make it to the end, known as the extraction point.

TEAM B: The larger team’s goal is to locate and tag* the other team, or locate the object first.

*All tags must be landed on the head or torso. One hit elimination. Modifications: * Change number of hits.

MISSION BRIEFING: Each team will get a mission briefing. Team A’s mission briefing will contain the exact location of the object and the extraction point along with a suggested path to take. Team B’s Mission briefing will contain an approximant location of the object along with an approximant location of the extraction point. These will be handed out to each team before the game begins and will be in an oblique envelope. Each team will need to keep a close eye on these because they don’t want the other team knowing what they know and it is their only means to know where everything is.

EQUIPMENT: Each person will be issued a BDU jacket that must be worn at all times. This sets you apart from the rest of the public. The point of this is so you can ask bystanders if they have seen another player walking around, distinguished by the BDU. If you do ask someone you must give a short summery of what you are doing, as to put him or her at ease. APROCH BYSTANDERS AT YOUR OWN RISK. THEY MAY NOT APROVE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND ASK YOU TO STOP OR ASK MORE QUESTIONS. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH THESE, THEN DON’T ASK THE BYSTANDERS. DO NOT USE THE WORD “GUN” WHEN CONFRONTING PEOPLE, USE BLASTER. Along with your BDU, you will be issued a Nerf NiteFinder and five Nerf darts. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE ALL EQUIPMENT MUST BE RETURNED. PICK UP YOUR DARTS. Modifications: *If you are playing with people over 16, you may consider letting Beta Force have use of a car. *Give each player more than five darts. *Use different Nerf guns.

RULES OF ENGAGMENT: Team Alpha MUST avoid confrontation at all cost. Run before you shoot. Beta Force can shoot whenever they want. DO NOT POINT NERF BLASTER AT NON-PLAYERS.


1. Teams are chosen.
2. Each team is handed its pre-prepared envelope with their mission briefing in it. Each team looks at it and Team A take the object and places it in the designated location. Then Team A returns to the drop zone (starting point). Team A is given a 10-minute head start. Modification: Change the amount of time Team A gets as a head start.
3. The game continues until one team completes their objective or is completely wiped out.


Sorry if a game like this has been posted, it is hard to search for games you have never heard of.

Edited by Cennipe, 28 February 2008 - 05:57 PM.

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"Man, a being in search of meaning" Pluto

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#2 bobafan



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Posted 28 February 2008 - 06:19 PM

I don't think BDUs would be a good idea.
Not everyone has them and bystanders will be more likely to think random militant delinquints are running around
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Posted 28 February 2008 - 06:22 PM

Possibly dart tag vests? This looks good, but I think something more substantial than a nf, and WAY more than five darts.
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#4 Eboreg



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Posted 28 February 2008 - 06:23 PM

Whoo yeah. I like the idea of spec-ops action. However, there is a thread for this kind of talk. Also, you might want to consider the idea of dart tag vests instead of BDUs. Heck, you could even wrap a strip around your heads.

Edit: dang. P.C. III beat me to it. Although Cennipe did leave some ambiguity for the gun and amount of darts. I like the idea of team A having light armament because this encourages Metal Gear Solid action

Edited by Eboreg, 28 February 2008 - 06:26 PM.

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#5 Cennipe



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Posted 28 February 2008 - 06:37 PM

Sorry, I wasn't sure if that thread was to encourage us to think of new ideas or to post new ideas there. I understand the BDU thing, I wear one as a light jacket though. I like the handkerchief around the head thing too. Supply of BDU's isn't a problem for me I have two and my friend has one. I will pick some more up over the summer and I never planned for my games to get to more than four or five people. Giving team A light guns, pistols and such, also discourages team A to shoot first.

Edited by Cennipe, 28 February 2008 - 09:24 PM.

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"Man, a being in search of meaning" Pluto

My user name is pronounced "eat shit." I know that losing is looked down apon in nerf, but, what ever.

#6 d0nk3y k0n9

d0nk3y k0n9


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Posted 01 March 2008 - 02:09 PM

That definently reminds me of the TV show "Special Forces: Manhunt" on the military channel. That sounds like it would make such a cool game. I think it would get even better if you give team A an even further handicap to really make them want to rely on not being seen. For example, let everyone use their own guns, but team A gets only sidearms, while team B can use anything they have. That would make it harder for team A, which is the whole point. Just make sure that you switch up the teams periodically or some people on A will get tired of it.
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#7 Groove


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Posted 01 March 2008 - 03:59 PM

Coming from someone who has had to deal with many skeptical bystanders/onlookers as well as various law enforcement personnel, BDU's are definitely something you want to avoid when playing in any sort of public environment. I understand you're trying to evoke a tactical feel with the scenario, but in any game archetype you play you always have to take into account the possible misconceptions that will arise from any sort of spectator walking by.

Anywho, it sounds interesting, sort of like a one flag CTF deal, but also very location specific for it to be viable. I'm also not sure how you'd adapt it to larger groups of people.

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#8 d0nk3y k0n9

d0nk3y k0n9


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Posted 01 March 2008 - 04:04 PM

As far as location specific, all you need is a big area of woods somewhere in someone's backyard. Doing it in that kind of location also makes the BDUs actually work as camo and makes it so people don't get freaked out.
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#9 keef



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Posted 01 March 2008 - 04:06 PM

The whole point of it was to be in public.
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#10 themilkman



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Posted 01 March 2008 - 04:21 PM

As far as location specific, all you need is a big area of woods somewhere in someone's backyard. Doing it in that kind of location also makes the BDUs actually work as camo and makes it so people don't get freaked out.

I don't know about you but if I was walking along on a trail in the woods and someone jumped out of a bush yelling "don't step on my stefans!!!" I would be freaking out and yelling "Who is stefans?! Where is he?! Who are you?!"
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#11 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 01 March 2008 - 04:41 PM

I don't see how this could become a regularly used game type. It would be very fun to try it out once or twice as a nice switch from the conventional wars, but for the team with fewer people, their only chance at winning is in NOT engaging the other team, or at least trying to split up the opposing team. This would result in long, drawn-out, and frankly, boring rounds. This is the same tactic that is extremely erotic in multi-team wars, where one team decides to not engage anyone until the end of the round. Yes, it usually is a good strategy to win the game, but nerf isn't about winning at all costs, it's about having fun, and you don't have fun by hiding off in the bushes while everyone else is playing.

Again, I think it is a fun idea, as it adds a different tactical aspect to the game, but I cannot see it being exciting enough to justify its use on a large scale.

P.S. If this game is meant to be played in a neighborhood/suburban setting, I would strongly advise against this. If you're thirteen, and you wanna run around your neighborhood, that is one thing. But, when a mother looks out her kitchen window and sees high school/college-age people with guns crouching and hiding near her driveway, she is going to be much more nervous than if she sees the same people playing in a public park. Not to mention that the cops will be much less lenient when you are around families and their homes.

Edited by Kuhlschrank, 01 March 2008 - 04:43 PM.

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#12 Cennipe



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Posted 01 March 2008 - 05:41 PM

It was definitely meant to be played in a large park. I see your point about the BDU's. Now I am thinking that same color shirts or a handkerchief tied around your head would be better. In order to make the round less boring and long, you could have an "extraction time" and if team A doesn't meet the dead line, they loose. This game was never meant to be played with a whole ton of people. Originally, I thought 3-5 people would be best. It's not the kind of game that DCNO or other large wars would play. Just something else some friends can do.

Edited by Cennipe, 01 March 2008 - 05:43 PM.

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"Man, a being in search of meaning" Pluto

My user name is pronounced "eat shit." I know that losing is looked down apon in nerf, but, what ever.

#13 d0nk3y k0n9

d0nk3y k0n9


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Posted 01 March 2008 - 05:52 PM

Yeah I was thinking with the whole woods idea that it would be in one of the participant's backyards, since that eliminates a lot of the problems of public locations. Whatever, they both have their pros and cons.

I did an interesting gametype with one of my friends that sort of reminds me of this. However, my gametype only worked for 1 v 1 or 2 v 2 or so, and beyond that it was impractical. What we did was a normal deathmatch type game, except that rushing wasn't allowed at all, and we played in the dark. By in the dark, i mean in my basement with all of the lights turned off and every other miniscule light source blocked to the point where it was pitch black. We each got equivilant weapons (say a pistol each, or a longshot and a pistol each) and an equal number of darts, and the entire point of the game was to try to sneak up on your opponent after locating them in the dark and get off a good shot to kill them. Needless to say, it got boring fast if nobody did anything, but it could be fun if you expanded it and made a larger game with small squads of people sneaking through the woods to try to shoot each other in a stealthy manner.
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