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Reckoning 2004

NJ Winter War

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#101 Talio


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Posted 16 January 2004 - 11:52 PM

Ok, first off, I already realize that if I say next week, and we go next week, I will labeled a pussy for the rest of my life. This will not do for the viking terrorist. Now although I do have concerns about the weather, if it's going to be 41 I say lets do it.

Now, my real concern is this wintery mix thing. I'm not nerfing in the rain, in 41 degree weather. This doesn't mean I won't come, but when it's raining, I'm either A.) going to stay under the pavilion, or B.) go home. It's going to be cloudy all day. The question of course is do we want to chance next week and loose some players. It would suck, but it would also suck to drive 3 hours and then have to turn around.

My other concern is that it is not just me I am responsible for this time. I am responsible for a 15 year old whose parents would kill me if anything happened to him. Now most likely if I do come, he won't be able to come. His folks won't want him running around in it.

Basically, I will go along with whatever you guys can work in.

Hersh, can you check like tommorow about your schedule? If so that could clear up some stuff.

Now something else to think about. Monday of course is MLK day. Most of us will have off, and the weather doesn't look so bad for that day. Will this work for you guys. I'd be fine with it, if everyone else is.

So far I'm in, but honestly, if we could get everybody to get their schedule to work out, next week might not be a bad idea, although I think waiting till Monday may be an option to concider.

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#102 Famine



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Posted 17 January 2004 - 01:38 AM

The Horsemen more or less are equally available for both weekends. It'll be cold no matter what but I'm not down with this "Wintery Mix" shit. If it's raining, snowing, or some sort of bastardization of the two Sunday morning, my ass is not getting out of bed.
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of Mag-7
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#103 Talio


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Posted 17 January 2004 - 01:58 AM

Ok, I've made a decision. I am showing up this sunday. If we nerf, awesome. If we don't, we postpone it and I'll come back next week. I know Hersh can't make it, and Phils nephews are out, but I figure you LCM guys might not mind meeting me for a small war even if it's just me and you. Unfortunetly, Josh can't make it next Sunday either. But this is a win, win situation. If the weather sucks, I'll hang out for the day with my best Jersey friends and come back next week. If the weather is ok, we're on. I know some people will be screwed, but this is what I'm doing, I hope it works to what everyone else has planned. Weather is a bitch. Fuck the Socal guys.

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#104 GunnedDown



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Posted 17 January 2004 - 02:09 AM

Cold shit fuck bitch fuck shit COLD DAMNIT.

In all of my years i've never seen the thermometer go below zero.

In all my years i've never seen the pipes in my house freeze.

In all my years the skin on my face hasn't been so peely and shit.


I dunno guys. It's really going to be a last minute decision. Really. Last year we were tortured. The roads around my dad's house are pretty bad. We almost spun the fuck out until he whipped the motherfucker into 4wheel. Nothing is melting.

I'm a dartless dude with a shitload of guns that he needs to repair.
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#105 One Man Clan

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Posted 17 January 2004 - 09:33 AM


.....nah its just too easy.......

Yea so i will be there tomorrow, come hell or high water. I may be able to make an appearance next week as well, but for certain im coming tomorrow. I will work out during the week if i can have off and if u guys are lookin for another play date for the softer side of the LCM. Faggots
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#106 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 17 January 2004 - 10:06 AM

I can go regardless.
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#107 Talio


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Posted 17 January 2004 - 10:47 AM

Ok, Hersh, yes I know it sucks, and your pissed off about the weather. But it's simply going to rain, snow or possibly both. I just watched the weather, and I've looked at your forcast in Toms River, and we're really not going to get to nerf. Now I will show anyway, like Hersh said, but I'm not coming with the intention to actually have the war. I'm coming to bullshit and then maybe if it clears up here and there we'll get in a few battles.

The high is going to be 41, which is still kinda cold to be running around soaking wet, and I have too much stock in school and work to get sick again. Langley has told me a number of the LGLF are already sick. We can be assured the Horsemen aren't coming.

So I say we show up and nerf if it clears up, and plan to have Reckoning next week. What happened to Monday by the way? I'm guessing it didn't work for anyone.

Now this is something that needs to be said as well. I'm going to be driving through freezing rain to get there. This may not be the best idea. I could take turnpikes up the entire way, but basically, the roads could suck, and my car does ok in it, but if it gets too bad, I'm going to turn around and come home.

So personally, Reckoning will be next week for me, unless the weather man is playing some kind of cruel joke and we wake up looking at blue skys.


Edited by Talio, 17 January 2004 - 10:49 AM.

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#108 Evil


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Posted 17 January 2004 - 11:48 AM

I think we're going to have to put it off until next Sunday guys. Just got news we could get another 3-6 inches tomorrow. So Sunday, 25 of January.
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#109 Famine



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Posted 17 January 2004 - 12:42 PM

Ya know, if any of you faggotries had bother to check the Farmer's Almanac before hand you would have seen that it clearly said "Jan 16-19, More rain and snow" months in advance. THE ALMANAC DOES NOT LIE!!! SUCK IT BITCH!!

Oh yeah, if you still come up Talio and we're not Nerfing give me a call. I know Ash has off (although you've never met him) and we wouldn't mind just hanging out. Maybe we could all crash at Evil's and have a giant mod session. Or gang bang Evil's mom... or whoever has the hottest mom out of the LCM. I DON'T HAVE A MILF FIXATION!!! DON'T JUDGE ME!!. <--- (The period after the exclamation marks gives the sense of a sudden stop)
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#110 Evil


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Posted 17 January 2004 - 12:52 PM

Damn you mother nature! Damn you! See you guys next Sunday instead.
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#111 The Fred

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Posted 17 January 2004 - 01:04 PM

Langley and I have been talking about this over the phone since last night and we've decided that next weekend would be better for us, as well. Neither of our cars (most of you have seen my 1991 Maxima with half a front bumper) can handle snow, sleet, freezing rain, or plagues of locusts very well and the trip down there might be too much. We're trying to get rid of our commitments for next Sunday, but we're sure we'll be down there for war on the 25th.

This sucks, but so does the weather.

The Fred
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#112 Evil


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Posted 17 January 2004 - 02:31 PM

Apparently the Horsemen will be at school next weekend. Fuck. So. I guess the LGLF/LCM rivalry will the the focus of Reckoning.

Anyway, we could always have a spring war. But until then. Reckoning is January 25. See you guys there. Same time(s).

11AM to 5ishPM. Dress warm.

I don't care if the sky shits ice chunks next weekend we're warring.

Edited by Evil, 17 January 2004 - 02:32 PM.

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#113 Ares



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Posted 17 January 2004 - 02:47 PM

most of you have seen my 1991 Maxima with half a front bumper

It's better than a 16-year-old "Voyager." I'm serious. My dad brought my brother home from the hospital in that car, and now my brother can legally drive it. THAT'S an old car. It has a forklift engine, so it'll NEVER die. Yet the rest of hte car is awful. My dad wants to take my bro to college in the same car that he brought him home from being born in. Then we'll trade it in and get $3 for it. We'll prolly not even get the worth of the materials used to make it as they are all rusted and stuff too. BUT THE CAR JUST SIMPLY WON'T DIE! Gagggghhhhhhhhhhhh

P.S. Whoah. My first post in the "Wars" forum.
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#114 Howard



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Posted 17 January 2004 - 03:42 PM

who's still in for a possible war tomorrow?
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#115 Evil


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Posted 17 January 2004 - 05:46 PM

Fuck it everyone go. The pussies can stay home.

Everyone, Reckoning is TOMORROW. Forget everything else.

Horsemen, see ya there. Hersh, see ya there. Everyone go! Tomorrow 11AM-5PM. No questions asked. Dress accordingly and don't bitch.
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#116 Howard



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Posted 17 January 2004 - 07:03 PM

it's about time someone took the plastic wrap off of their testicles.

Talio - if you have to, Greyhound it here biotch. There's a hooker in it for you if you come.
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#117 One Man Clan

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Posted 17 January 2004 - 07:17 PM

Hell yea, I'm down. I'll try and make it next weekend too, but more on that as time draws near.
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#118 Talio


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Posted 17 January 2004 - 10:19 PM

Ok I have to ask. Can we still nerf next weekend? Cause I'll tell you now, if I do come it will be to hang out, not to nerf. It's already snowing here, and the front coming through is the size of a mack truck. The two hour drive I have to make in the morning is going to suck. It's dangerous and probably a bit irresponsible.

First off, you guys aren't going to nerf tommorow. It's going to fucking rain and shit. You guys are going to get two rounds in and get pnuemonia.

Second, if your doing it for the horsemen, fuck off. Famine already made it clear that if anything is coming out of the sky, they are out. And clearly it's going to be doing something, snow or otherwise. Hence the basic logic will lead you, that the horsemen are not showing up.

Basically, I have to keep alot of stuff in mind. Not to mention Evil chisseled into the slab that it's next week, only to turn around and change it on me, after I changed everyone's plans and didn't make darts. So I'm dartless, my gun is fucked up, the horsemen aren't coming, the LGLF would prefer it because a couple of them are sick, and for what? Two rounds in fucked up weather with a bunch of cold misserable guys. I really don't know. But it's not looking good for me.

Now I will go on with my plan and gladly show up next week if I can get two people to agree to it. I don't care when I nerf, but I want to nerf. Only, I think the course of action a few people have decided on was foolish. I understand most of you live within ten minutes of the park. Others are a stones throw distance. Meaning that if you whipe out or freeze your nuts off, you can go home in ten minutes cuddle up with your X box and call it day. Not to mention if you get there and end up deciding you don't want to nerf, you can walk home. I have 4 hours on the road in both directions. If I whipe out, and get soaked, I have to drive home like that. Granted I was planning on bringing an extra pair of close. This is all leaving out the premise that the roads could suck tommorow morning and I have the possiblity of getting in an accident. Either way, label me a pussy, but driving two hours in miserable conditions, in which there may be a chance of an accident for a nerf war that may or may only last an hour, doesn't sound like a pretty premise to me. So in that case, I'm going to call Hersh in the morning and see what the weather is doing up there. I may call back and show up later in the day.

But I'm in for next week just fine. I really don't care too much about that. Besides, I've already told my band of bitches to plan on next week. Which once again, is another reason I'm pissed as hell that a decision was made then changed. So next week, maybe tommorow, but I'll have to leave early. As soon as the sun goes down, the fucking roads are going to ice up like a bitch and I don't even want to think about crossing the Delaware memorial Bridge after that shit goes down. Sorry it had to be like this. But I'm on next week if anyone cares to nerf.

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#119 One Man Clan

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Posted 17 January 2004 - 10:24 PM

I'm pretty sure everyone is up for next weekend as well. HOWEVER we are still on for tomorrow. I may or may not make it for next week but i won't knwo for sure until mid-week. Until then, it's up in the air. See everyone tomorrow. This has become the 2 part Reckoning Fiasco.
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#120 Langley


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Posted 17 January 2004 - 11:05 PM

Well this is Lefty speaking for Langley, we are going to try and make it tommorow but you telling us it wasn't on and then telling us it was is affecting us. We aren't completely prepared but we will see what the day has in store for us.
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#121 Evil


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Posted 18 January 2004 - 12:14 AM

In a nutshell here's what happened.

A handful of people made me feel like I was forcing everyone into Nerfing tomorrow (Sunday). So, feeling like the bad guy, I pushed it back a week.

Since Reckoning was/is my idea, of course I had to say what had to be said. So under the notion that I was indeed forcing everyone into a snowy/cold Reckoning 2004, I pushed the date back.

Then, everyone else who intended on coming IMd or messaged me about tomorrow. Apparently most of you wanted it to happen, snow, cold, or what have you. So that's all. Sorry for the confusion.

Entirely my fault. I tried to do the right thing but got mixed up. See you tomorrow.

No hard feelings.
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#122 Howard



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Posted 18 January 2004 - 12:17 AM

How's about we have ourselves a 2 part war like someone above me said. Some can make it for date A, being tomorrow. Some can make it for date B, next Sunday. Some can make it for both. Some can make it for neither. It's completely understandable if you can't make one or the other, and even more understandable if you can't make either, because the weather and various wonderful elements have gone and fucked with scheduling issues. Having the two part war will get as many people as we can involved, even if we don't actually nerf more than two rounds tomorrow. If it gets too cold, and everyone plans on hanging around and bullshitting/modding/what-have-you we can all pack it in and relocate to the golden arches for amore hospitable place to park our asses.

Who knows, but i'm gonna be there for both weekends.

Hope to see you at Reckoning A, Reckoning B, or both.
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#123 The Fred

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Posted 18 January 2004 - 01:51 AM

The LGLF will be getting together at 9 am tomorrow in Middletown to take a look at the weather conditions, glue some darts, etc. If the weather is improved, i.e. if the snow that is coming down outside of our windows right now has melted, we're going to try to make it down there, but probably not until the second half of the war in a best-case scenario. If it is icing, snowing, or nasty out there we don't think we can make it, but we'll get as many of us together for a raindate next week.

I wish we had gotten a bit more notice to the sudden change of plans. We had already made contingency plans for next weekend, such as getting out of work and other commitments, before this happened. But whatever.

The Fred
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#124 Howard



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Posted 18 January 2004 - 02:33 AM

Blast. Come next weekend too. There's gonna be Reckoning B.
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#125 Mantis



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Posted 18 January 2004 - 09:58 AM

Yeah this new snow isnt anyone's fault, nobody saw it coming. Besides, it is NJ and all, the weather sucks more often than not, so we kinda have to always be ready for this, we've just lucked out in the past.
After all, this isnt Souther California, God damn it.
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