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Disk Shot Vs Nite Finder?

I'm considering both.

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#1 Trevor



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 01:02 PM

Hello I'm new here, and New to (modding) nerf guns, I've played with them since I was young, but I've recently started modding, and stuff. The first gun I've modded was a longshot (which from what I've heard was a bad idea for a newbie) and I was successful, so I think I've got a knack for this.

Now I'm going to make a Nitemav, but I was looking at Nite finders in my local target, and I saw this gun called the Disk shot, I've heard very little about it, and all of the mods I've seen are very similar, I cant really find a review, so I'm wondering what you guys think about it. I might just buy a disk shot, and a Nite finder so that I may try both. but am I just wasting my money?

Which gun has more potential? I'm asking this because I might consider making a 'Disk Mav', because from what I've heard the internals are very similar.

Thanks in advance.
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#2 The Shadow

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Posted 12 February 2008 - 01:05 PM

They are both very similar but I believe in my own experience (I own both) that the Nitefinder is just a bit more powerful. However the disk shot is smaller and therefore easier to carry, I think its a term of preferance in regards to whether you like the look of the gun or not because they're practically the same thing. I'm not speaking for everyone just myself. I also think the disk shot is more durable than the Nitefinder but I could be wrong.

Edited by The Shadow, 12 February 2008 - 03:28 PM.

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I'm just concerned that NH could be held liable when Ted inevitably ties this kid up and sticks him in his trunk for safe keeping. Seriously, Parkway, you might want to think about carrying a tazer.

#3 lionhead333



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 01:49 PM

Internally, they're the exact same, except for a different spring.

Neither of them are easily pocketed unless cut down. Some think a cutdown NF looks like a luger.

A cut down Disk shot, if you ask me, looks kind of like a raptor. Here are my two for comparison.
Posted Image

It may be my mod, but I can squeze about 5 feet more out of my DS than my NF (72 vs. 78). Personally, I think that my DS's seal is probably just a bit better.

The nitefinder's laser is only good to about 25 feet, if that. Less in sunlight. A diskshot has that bulky ammo holder, but like I said, you can just minimize both of them.

A NF is $8. The main DS is $25 on clearance, while the expansion is $12.
There's my two cents.
I think I'll clean up that cut on the disk shot today.

Edited by lionhead333, 12 February 2008 - 02:16 PM.

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If I were you, I wouldn't mess with the mods, or make stupid mistakes like misspelling their names. I mean, CAVV is really tough on that kind of thing

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#4 Bomberman



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 02:07 PM

Personally, I think the NF is practical, but looks kinda gay unless painted. (that's just my opinion) The disk shot on the otherhand, is about the best pistol ever. You can squeeze good range out of it, (It's got 5 freakin' ammo holders for crying out loud!) and it looks nice, and is practically the same as an NF. I would choose the DS over the NF anyday. The only problem with the disk shot is that you either buy the whole shabam, (the disk shot set, with the disk shooter), or you buy the "expansion pack", which is $13, vs. $6 for the NF.
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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#5 Liam



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 02:53 PM

I have a very strong bond with the disk shot. I definatley would take the disk shot over a nitefinder in pretty much every situation. Stock, I find that the disk shot has more power than a nitefinder, and modded I find the same thing. Personally I think the DiskShot also looks alot cooler (when cosmetically modded). Here's a picture of my disk shot, maybe you can see why I love it.

1) The cpvc scope I made actually works and the gun is insanely acurate.
2) I added a NF spring to the stock DiskShot spring and replaced the barrel with cpvc and I'm getting about 74ft flat with it.
3) I cut off the ammo holders and integrated the remote for the disk launcher

Posted Image

All in all, the disk shot is my favorite pistol and I would take it over a NF anytime.
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#6 Trevor



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 03:48 PM

OK, thanks everyone, I was leaning towards this Disk shot because of its cosmetic looks, but I might just end up buying both and using the NF internals for a Nitemav, and using the disk shot as a standalone sidearm.

Thanks everyone!
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#7 PointBlank



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 04:48 PM

The disk shot is good but nothing can beat the feel of the nf and how it melts into your hand.
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#8 z80



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 04:53 PM

You can buy two nightfinders for one diskshot, and they are the same gun.
Therefore, just get the nightfinder, they'll pretty much look the same when minimized.
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#9 Green Riptide

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Posted 12 February 2008 - 05:03 PM

I've recently discovered that minimized Disk shots look amazing, so I may have to get one.... however, NF's are 5$. The choice here is obvious.
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#10 Bomberman



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 06:26 PM

The disk shot looks awesome, but I mainly like it because it fits in my smallish hands.

EDIT: I'm sorry for posting my opinion again, and it was quite uneccesary. Sorry.

Edited by Bomberman, 12 February 2008 - 07:27 PM.

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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#11 frost vectron

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Posted 12 February 2008 - 06:32 PM

A quick 20-second search will find you well over a dozen topics with a lot of information about the disk shot.

Here's one in particular that compares the disk shot to the nightfinder:

http://nerfhaven.com...11&hl=disk shot

Please use the search function more often. The link above will tell you almost all you need to know about the technical aspects of the disk shot and two versions of the nitefinder.

Also, there's no reason to post your opinion TWICE in one thread without adding anything useful.
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#12 Blasphemy



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 07:32 PM

frost vectron, that thread compares a Disk Shot to an old-version NF which I believe is more powerful than the new-version NF due to a larger plunger tube. I think he would most likely be going for a new-version NF if he were to buy one for cheap. Anyways, I prefer the DS, I think it is just as comfortable as the NF, slightly easier to modify in some aspects, and it has very good aesthetics. You can find one on Amazon for $13 each which is a bit cheaper than the $15 in your local Wal-Mart, I suggest you buy two and get free shipping.
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#13 penguin807



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 08:06 PM

PointBlank hit the nail right on the head. The Disk Shot's handle is nothing compared to the NF's. An aspect that hasn't been addressed is the triggers. I might just be a little picky, but the Disk Shot's trigger is too thin. The trigger pulls are different, but have equally satisfying results after you pull it.

Buy the NF. It's more comfortable, has the same range as the Disk Shot, and is cheaper.
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#14 keef



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 08:21 PM

How they fuck is the NF so comfortable? One mod says it melts in your hands and now everyone says it. So unoriginal.

The Tech Target is WAY better in range and looks. Its also way quieter and eaiser to cock. Its around 15 bucks, but you could buy one from someone here for less.

If you want a great primary PM me, I have a Airtech 3000 that is totally stock.
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#15 OfAllTheNerf



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 08:27 PM

I personally like the NF. It has a bigger handle than the TTG and a slightly thinner Disk Shot. I'm probably just used to it though (not to mention they are cheap and are available in abundance).

How they fuck is the NF so comfortable? One mod says it melts in your hands and now everyone says it. So unoriginal.

I agree, but the melting thing has too much of a Candy Shop sound to it... Yeah...

Edited by OfAllTheNerf, 12 February 2008 - 08:28 PM.

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#16 joeyaglr444



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Posted 13 February 2008 - 01:07 AM

Better weight balance is in the diskshot. I prefer the Diskshot over the night finder its 2x more accurate and with a spring replacement it becomes a Sexy Foam Machine of...Foam.
If you could find the oldest Nightfinder make get that one (doubt you will).

And with the Handle ergonomics that really depends on the persons hand, how they hold a sidearm and really thats it.
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#17 Trevor



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Posted 13 February 2008 - 11:14 AM

A quick 20-second search will find you well over a dozen topics with a lot of information about the disk shot.

Here's one in particular that compares the disk shot to the nightfinder:

http://nerfhaven.com...11&hl=disk shot

Please use the search function more often. The link above will tell you almost all you need to know about the technical aspects of the disk shot and two versions of the nitefinder.

Also, there's no reason to post your opinion TWICE in one thread without adding anything useful.

I actually did search, and read that topic before I posted this one, that is comparing the old NF to the new Disk shot, I know for a fact that the old NF is more powerful than the new NF, I'm comparing the -NEW- NF to the Disk shot, The internals are similar between the old NF and the Disk shot, but I do not know of any comparisons between the new NF and the Disk shot. ambushbug (the author of that topic) said himself that he would like to be able to do a comparison between the 3 guns, but wasn't able to. I actually have the quote here.

Anyhoo, there it is - now if anyone had all three (old NF, new NF and the DS), it would be great to see the differences and, ideally, see some actual quantification of these differences that people often claim.

Now, before you tell me what I've done wrong, maybe you should do a bit of reading yourself. ;)

As for people posting their opinions, this is a topic is asking for a comparison between the guns. Pretty much any answer to that does not have any technical or numerical data would be an opinion, and would be justified in this topic. I've read the rules, and I don't recall anything written that said you couldn't post an opinion. So long as he/she is contributing to the thread, its allowed.

It seems like somebody has had a bad day, maybe you should go take a nap.

Edited by Trevor, 13 February 2008 - 11:19 AM.

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#18 frost vectron

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Posted 13 February 2008 - 08:39 PM

I suppose I shouldn't post in topics like these anymore since I simply cannot fathom one's inability to understand the mechanics of a nerf gun once internal photos are posted. I also can't imagine not having the ability to extrapolate potential differences given rough estimates of modified ranges.

I'm done with this thread, but hope you found your answer, regardless.

EDIT: I'd also like to add that a spring replacement would pretty much close up any non-aesthetic differences between the guns.

Edited by frost vectron, 13 February 2008 - 08:56 PM.

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#19 Blasphemy



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Posted 13 February 2008 - 08:57 PM

Now, before you tell me what I've done wrong, maybe you should do a bit of reading yourself. :mellow:

As for people posting their opinions, this is a topic is asking for a comparison between the guns. Pretty much any answer to that does not have any technical or numerical data would be an opinion, and would be justified in this topic. I've read the rules, and I don't recall anything written that said you couldn't post an opinion. So long as he/she is contributing to the thread, its allowed.

It seems like somebody has had a bad day, maybe you should go take a nap.

Really, there is no reason to be rude to someone like that, especially any seasoned member of this site. Your point had already been posted, if you were going to do it again, you could've at least done it politely. Frost vectron was only pointing out a relative comparison.

Edited by Blasphemy, 13 February 2008 - 09:00 PM.

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#20 Trevor



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 04:25 PM

I suppose I shouldn't post in topics like these anymore since I simply cannot fathom one's inability to understand the mechanics of a nerf gun once internal photos are posted. I also can't imagine not having the ability to extrapolate potential differences given rough estimates of modified ranges.

I'm done with this thread, but hope you found your answer, regardless.

EDIT: I'd also like to add that a spring replacement would pretty much close up any non-aesthetic differences between the guns.

Thank you for your input, I appreciate it. :)

Really, there is no reason to be rude to someone like that, especially any seasoned member of this site. Your point had already been posted, if you were going to do it again, you could've at least done it politely. Frost vectron was only pointing out a relative comparison.

Frost Vectron came into this thread with a negative tone. This forum has perfectly fine moderators, and I sure they don't need him. If you cant say anything nice, don't say anything at all, his post didn't even contribute to the topic at hand. However I didn't come here to point fingers at people, or to start fights with anyone, I apologize if I have offended anyone, I did not initially intend to do so.

Once again, I would like to thank everyone who has posted in this thread, you input is very much appreciated, and will be considered the next time I go to [insert toy store here].
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#21 OfAllTheNerf



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 08:37 PM

Oh my fucking god.


Sorry for making everyone's eyes bleed.

If you were asking which we prefered then we answered that question. The ranges will be the same with either gun, unless you're talking stock. But if you were talking stock why are you a member of this forum?

If you really need to know all the little differences go buy both.

Also, don't go around insulting people when you have five posts.

Edited by OfAllTheNerf, 14 February 2008 - 08:43 PM.

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#22 Captain



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 09:05 PM

Well, I had the chance to compare both side-by-side one time. My friend got the new NF and I had just got the Disk Shot pistol. We opened them up and did a basic air restrictor removal on both, and we both observed the ranges. The disk shot pistol shot a few feet farther.
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#23 One Man Clan

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Posted 14 February 2008 - 10:19 PM

Frost Vectron came into this thread with a negative tone. This forum has perfectly fine moderators, and I sure they don't need him. If you cant say anything nice, don't say anything at all, his post didn't even contribute to the topic at hand. However I didn't come here to point fingers at people, or to start fights with anyone, I apologize if I have offended anyone, I did not initially intend to do so.

Trevor, I'll give you a pass on this for 2 reasons:
1) You can post coherently (a skill which one would think comes naturally, but alas, it does not).
2) Since there is no "guide to the NIC," and all you had to go on was Frost's member number, you probably didn't know he's been around longer than most, including MYSELF.

http://frostvectron....s.com/index.htm - check this out for proof. (sorry if you were hoping that site never came to light out of embarassment Frost).

Apologies are not necessary. Consider it lesson learned. This is still a good topic for discussion.
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#24 Cannonball



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 11:17 PM

discussions like these are really tough. First, you've got all kinds of claims in which people state the accuracy or range of said gun. You can't really determine reliably which one is better due to the fact that everyone for the most part doesn't modify guns the same way. Some one can say "oh, my nf is way more accurate than my diskshot." Who's to say the barrel on the disk shot is crooked as hell?

I think considering that both are so very similar that any difference in stock range could possibly be very unnoticeable and even really not that important. I think if one were to get like just a tad farther that it really doesn't matter. I have never handled a disk shot though so I don't personally know the similarity. I can't say the nf is more comfortable in hand than the diskshot either.

Since the TTG was already mentioned I thought I'd give my two scents about the feel of it. I personally like the feel of the nitefinder in hand better than the TTG. looks wise, I would put the TTG above though.
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#25 benjcozz



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Posted 22 March 2008 - 02:53 PM

Hello I'm new here, and New to (modding) nerf guns, I've played with them since I was young, but I've recently started modding, and stuff. The first gun I've modded was a longshot (which from what I've heard was a bad idea for a newbie) and I was successful, so I think I've got a knack for this.

Now I'm going to make a Nitemav, but I was looking at Nite finders in my local target, and I saw this gun called the Disk shot, I've heard very little about it, and all of the mods I've seen are very similar, I cant really find a review, so I'm wondering what you guys think about it. I might just buy a disk shot, and a Nite finder so that I may try both. but am I just wasting my money?

Which gun has more potential? I'm asking this because I might consider making a 'Disk Mav', because from what I've heard the internals are very similar.

Thanks in advance.

You should get the nite finder. I have modded both and i found that the disk shot was unstable (had mis -fires and low accuracy) when heavily modded, but the nite finder was 10 times as stable.
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