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what do YOU play?

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#1 bobafett109



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Posted 08 February 2008 - 10:48 PM

I thought we should have a thread where we take videos of us playing one of our favorite songs, or at least parts of them.

For starters, here's me playing the intro to sweet child O' mine, by Guns N' Roses, on my electric violin. I did this by ear, so I might have a couple notes off.
Sweet Child O' Mine
I'll learn the rest of it, when I can find a version of it in trouble clef. I only can find it in guitar tab, and I can't read that. I'll post a video of me playing a Metallica song soon. It will most likely be fade to black, but I'm not sure.
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QUOTE(Carbon @ Feb 17 2008, 10:17 PM) View Post

QUOTE(FoamSniper @ Feb 18 2008, 12:08 AM) View Post

You're probably all wondering how to get a range of 95' from a mech 20

I was figuring you threw it.

#2 Carbon



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Posted 08 February 2008 - 11:34 PM

I gotta say, that's pretty cool, and pretty accurate for by-ear. Good intonation, too. make Get yourself in a band and jam out!

This is a song I wrote a couple years ago, and finished recording a few months ago...I'm playing everything (electric and acoustic guitar, bass, midi drums and vocals).

I Won't Follow
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#3 Green Riptide

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Posted 09 February 2008 - 12:52 AM

Time to Say Goodbye

I'd be the one in the green bucket hat towards the end. I should mention this was absolutely the worst we've ever played that song, mostly because of the botched trumpet solo. ._.

Edited by Green Riptide, 09 February 2008 - 12:53 AM.

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#4 sn1per



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Posted 10 February 2008 - 03:28 PM

I thought we should have a thread where we take videos of us playing one of our favorite songs, or at least parts of them.

For starters, here's me playing the intro to sweet child O' mine, by Guns N' Roses, on my electric violin. I did this by ear, so I might have a couple notes off.
Sweet Child O' Mine
I'll learn the rest of it, when I can find a version of it in trouble clef. I only can find it in guitar tab, and I can't read that. I'll post a video of me playing a Metallica song soon. It will most likely be fade to black, but I'm not sure.

Dude, i can play the intro to sweet child o' mine and One (a mettalica song) on my electric guitar! I know more, too, also i have a guitar tab music editor that turns TAB into sheet music, so i could convert it if you want me too. If so, just PM me.

Edited by sn1per, 10 February 2008 - 03:28 PM.

QUOTE(Scotch @ Feb 3 2008, 05:47 PM) View Post

sn1per I appreciate your humor, that made me laugh literally out loud.

"It's a free country, UNDER MY DICTATORSHIP!!!"

#5 bobafett109



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Posted 10 February 2008 - 04:57 PM

When I play metallica songs, I use the music from apocalyptica. They're a band that is four cellos, and plays metallica songs, though I think they're writing their own music now. Good thing, that the guitar solo's are pretty high, so their in trouble clef. I can play in bass clef, but I end up a couple octaves higher than it's supposed to be.
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QUOTE(Carbon @ Feb 17 2008, 10:17 PM) View Post

QUOTE(FoamSniper @ Feb 18 2008, 12:08 AM) View Post

You're probably all wondering how to get a range of 95' from a mech 20

I was figuring you threw it.

#6 sam



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Posted 10 February 2008 - 06:49 PM

Yeah, Apocalyptica plays their own stuff. They have one album where they cover Metallica songs. They are quite awesome.
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#7 Team Slaya

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Posted 10 February 2008 - 10:51 PM

Carbon, that song's pretty damn good. Great job. Reminds me of U2's 'I -will- follow' in places, actually. ^_^

So, contribution. My band has a couple of really rough cuts that we did on a whim one day at my place with a random mic hooked up to Audacity. This was back late last year, and lots has been changed since then. I'm on bass/vocals, and then two of my friends friends are on guitar and drums. We're doing more recording this weekend, so maybe we'll have good cuts with vocals then. Here are two songs without vocals.



Edited by Team_Slaya, 12 February 2008 - 04:45 PM.

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#8 Falcon


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Posted 11 February 2008 - 12:20 AM

I play a number of instruments...and I'm quite thrilled by the Metal direction this seems to be going in right now.

I play Trumpet, Keyboards, Uilleann Pipes, Pennywhistle, Bodhran, Scottish Tenor Drum, and a few others.

As for my style...I'm a huge Nightwish fan...we'll start with that, mmkay?

My Band can be found here: http://www.myspace.com/bardsofsuburbia

BEAR THIS IN MIND: All of the music up there is NOT live recording. It's all electronic sounds I've exported from Finale. Distorted guitar sounds HORRIBLE coming out of Finale. Just listen to the CONTENT, and ignore the general crappiness of the sounds. We're recording over easter weekend, so I'll let you know when we've updated things.

The first chart up (Call to Arms) is my latest chart for the band. The second song is only a short demo because we'll never be able to perform it without a female vocalist. Still working on a prospect. I sing, but I didn't write it to be sung by a guy, and it wouldn't sound right if it were. The third song up there is a joke cover. If you've seen Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, you'll get it. If you haven't, don't worry about it, but you must see it before you die.

Our current trumpet player plays on a Bach Strad, our bassists (trumpet player doubles on bass) play on a Fender/Ibanez hybrid, and an Ibanez, respectively. Our guitarist plays on a customized Gibson Les Paul on a Marshall Short Stack. Drummer is in the process of buying a new pearl set (we're not sure of the details yet...but we're REALLY excited) and I cover the bulk of the orchestral elements of the music on a KORG TR-61 Workstation. We're on the market for a new French Horn player, and we MAY have picked up a new violinist to complete the group, but we're not sure on that.

Fett...you wouldn't happen to live anywhere near So Cal, would you? I'm too lazy to research beyond Kamino. Unless of course they could clone you there and have a fully developed and skilled player to us by next weekend...
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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#9 Diablo



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Posted 11 February 2008 - 05:09 AM

Fett: First of all, I like the topic. As far as the music goes, sounds good! From a musician's perspective, my only critique is to work on your timing a bit. It seems like you speed up parts of the intro; that could just be me though. Excellent job nonetheless.

Carbon: That was really good! It was really well recorded too. I really like how you fit the midi drums in perfectly. When I first read that you used them, I was expecting a generic drum loop. It sounds really good.

GreenRiptide: Sounded good as well.

TeamSlaya: I only listened to "Song 1" and it didn't seem too bad. Kinda rough around the edges, but I'm sure it'll sound better with a higher quality recording.

Falcon: Very amazing. It's going to be fun to listen to when you get a live recording up. Until then....you said you liked the metal?


That's the band I currently drum for. Not to make excuses for myself, but my drumming did not come out exceptionally well in our basic recording process. I really like how the guitars recorded though. We're still looking for a singer so we haven't started playing out yet, but should have another song up on our Myspace on Thursday.

Hope you like the tunes.
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#10 Carbon



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Posted 11 February 2008 - 12:55 PM

This thread is turning up some pretty diverse music...I like it.

Green Riptide: Drum Corps rock. I did marching band, but I've always like the kind of power that they have. I actually saw the Glassmen at a DCI competition in Madison...'course, that was some time ago.

Slaya: I thought the "slow song" seemed a bit slow to develop...but song 1 has a great riff. Of course, they'll probably both change a lot with vocals. Interested in hearing that...

I also didn't know about that U2 song....I'm actually not very familiar with them, outside of the songs everyone knows. You've got me curious.

Falcon: Looking forward to hearing that with live instruments....and are you in a celtic band as well, or are those instruments just for yourself?

Diablo: Yeah, your mix was a little mid-heavy, but it sounded pretty tight. I'm biased, but you could have a little more bass in there as well (I'm primarily a bassist), but that could just be my crappy headphones at work....overall, you have a good sound. Good tracks, even without vocals.

Drums have been a bane of my recording for a long time, but I'm finally happier with my results. I'm using a velocity sensitive keyboard and actually playing the basic lines, after recording the song to a loop/click track. I'm then cleaning up my MIDI notation. I'll quantize here and there as well. It helps give the drums a much more "human" feel.

Edited by Carbon, 11 February 2008 - 12:55 PM.

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#11 Falcon


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Posted 11 February 2008 - 06:41 PM

Falcon: Looking forward to hearing that with live instruments....and are you in a celtic band as well, or are those instruments just for yourself?

Bards incorporates the Celtic stuff as well...just not in most of what we've got up there. In the slow introduction of Call to Arms, there's an upper-range melody line countering the overall progression and incorporating a fair number of grace notes and things...that's line's written for Uilleann Pipes.

As for your track, Carbon...I LOVE soundscapes/effects you've got mixed in at the start of the chart. I was glad to hear them continue throughout the rest of it. You developed your motif/theme well throughout the chart, and didn't stick to a standard 4 chord Pop format. BLESS YOU for that. Had enough variation throughout to keep me listening, but you didn't wander. Most people don't seem to get that you have to either stick to a single theme and possibly a counter-melody/secondary theme, or you have to tie it all back together at the end if you DO let your format wander. That's what I did with Call to Arms. The opening Gregorian-esque line on synth voices gets recapped at the end (and I'm working in a guitar solo in the middle that improvises around that theme as well to help tie it all together.) If you wander for too long, the listener will forget what the initial theme was, so they won't realize when you've come full circle. Excellent work. Hope to hear more from you!

Edited by Falcon, 12 February 2008 - 02:19 AM.

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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#12 joeyaglr444



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Posted 11 February 2008 - 11:50 PM

I wish i could play guitar. I sing!

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#13 Diablo



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 02:34 AM

Diablo: Yeah, your mix was a little mid-heavy, but it sounded pretty tight. I'm biased, but you could have a little more bass in there as well (I'm primarily a bassist), but that could just be my crappy headphones at work....overall, you have a good sound. Good tracks, even without vocals.

Thanks for the positive feedback, I'll be sure to let the other band members know. As far as the lack of bass, I agree to an extent. Our bassist is a pretty average bass player which inhibits him from playing anything too intricate. He's a great guy and very dedicated though, so we don't mind. In some of our other songs he does have some nice bass lines though. If we record one that has some more bass while this topic is still around, I'll make sure I let you know.
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#14 Lynx



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Posted 12 February 2008 - 07:16 AM

Play a little guitar (lost my touch (Pink Floyd FTW!)), play trombone, and you REALLY don't want to hear me sing...

FEMA contacted me telling me "Your singing help set off the levies in New Orleans".

That happened about 2 days weeks years after they broke...

Edited by Lynx, 13 February 2008 - 11:32 AM.

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#15 Thom



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Posted 13 February 2008 - 03:07 AM

I'll have to get my orchestra's recordings up after our concert. We're playing Verdi's overture to Nabucco and Mendelssohn's No. 5 "Reformation". I'm on Bassoon 2.
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#16 Ryan201821


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Posted 13 February 2008 - 04:27 AM

Yeah, Apocalyptica plays their own stuff. They have one album where they cover Metallica songs. They are quite awesome.

Wow, I thought I was the only one who knew of that band. Haha, they are pretty good I think.

The reason why I know them is because I play cello. I have been playing cello for about 8 years now. I can also play violin, guitar, mandolin, bass guitar, string bass, and last but not least, a didgeridoo. Most of you probably have no idea what that is anyway.

Our family has a lot of musical talent in it. My brother is also an avid guitarist and so is my cousin Zach who is amazing. Especially on Led Zeppelin covers. All his stuff is posted up on Youtube. This is my favorite...

Click Here

Carbon: Very impressive, I knew you were a talented musician but I didn't know you could compose your own music, keep up the good work.

To the rest of you...I liked it all, I really appreciate good musicians. It's a lot of work but it definitely pays off in the end.
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#17 Falcon


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Posted 13 February 2008 - 12:01 PM

Ryan...you play all of that AND didge? Seriously?

You don't happen to live in So Cal do you..? ;)

*sigh* If only...

Edited by Falcon, 13 February 2008 - 12:02 PM.

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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#18 Carbon



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Posted 13 February 2008 - 12:32 PM

Wow, didge...can you circular breathe? I can play rhythms, but not the long drones 'cause I've never gotten the hang of it...

I get the feeling we could make one helluva collaborative band...in addition to the ones from the track I posted, I also play trumpet, tuba, baritone, pennywhistle, recorder (sorprano and tenor), flute (open hole and silver), harmonica, mandolin and banjo.

I'm currently working on piano...and oboe. My wife is very patient. There are two instruments that sound absolutely wretched in the hands of a beginner. One is violin. The other is oboe. It's why my attempts to learn violin have failed...I just couldn't do that to my family.
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#19 Ryan201821


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Posted 13 February 2008 - 06:42 PM

Wow, didge...can you circular breathe? I can play rhythms, but not the long drones 'cause I've never gotten the hang of it...

I get the feeling we could make one helluva collaborative band...in addition to the ones from the track I posted, I also play trumpet, tuba, baritone, pennywhistle, recorder (sorprano and tenor), flute (open hole and silver), harmonica, mandolin and banjo.

I'm currently working on piano...and oboe. My wife is very patient. There are two instruments that sound absolutely wretched in the hands of a beginner. One is violin. The other is oboe. It's why my attempts to learn violin have failed...I just couldn't do that to my family.

I can hold a drone for about 10 minutes. Circular breathing comes naturally to me for some reason. For some people it is impossible to do, but you just have to practice constantly.

I think we should collaborate and make our own Nerfhaven theme song.

If you can play all those instruments, piano should come easy. Piano is a lot of fun to play especially when you are good. I never took lessons but from playing multiple instruments I can play a few songs.

Violin definitely sounds bad if you are just learning how to play it, haha. It takes a while to get a good sound.

Ryan...you play all of that AND didge? Seriously?

You don't happen to live in So Cal do you..? happy.gif

*sigh* If only...

Seriously yes....

I really wished I lived in SoCal....Chicago is brutal.
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#20 Falcon


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Posted 13 February 2008 - 06:46 PM

I think we should collaborate and make our own Nerfhaven theme song.

I'll get back to you on that one. There may be legit chance for that sooner than you think.
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QUOTE(Ilùvatar @ 0000) View Post
Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music.

#21 Green Riptide

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Posted 13 February 2008 - 10:37 PM

hahaaa, circular breathing. I can do it, but not with a horn on my face. :(
mad props to anyone who plays didgeridoo.. i mean, how can you not respect that?
Do you do the whole beeswax-ring-seal thing? I think I wouldn't be able to get over that, since personally I scorn any sort of lip-balm type stuff.

Carbon- get yourself some backup singers and you'll basically have it made. It was kind of catchy, but but the similarity and length kind of dulled it down. Some variation in the vocals would help draw attention from the looping in the background- background singers one chorus, none the next, acapella, just mix it up.

Edited by Green Riptide, 13 February 2008 - 10:39 PM.

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#22 Ryan201821


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Posted 14 February 2008 - 03:06 AM

hahaaa, circular breathing. I can do it, but not with a horn on my face. <_<
mad props to anyone who plays didgeridoo.. i mean, how can you not respect that?
Do you do the whole beeswax-ring-seal thing?

Yes...Here is the one I bought...

Click Here

I bought one for myself and my girlfriend a while back. We were both intrigued by it so I got a pair of them. We make sweet music all the time...

If you don't feel like buying one, you can always make a cheap one out of PVC and a few odds and ends.
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#23 Diablo



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 04:45 AM

I like the idea of collaborating on some music via NerfHaven.

It looks like all of you have me beat musically wise, but I think I'm the only one here who said they play drums (I also play guitar and bass, but I'd have to say you guys are better than I am.) If you all wanted to get something going, I should be able to lend my drumming services.
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#24 Carbon



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Posted 14 February 2008 - 06:59 AM

If you don't feel like buying one, you can always make a cheap one out of PVC and a few odds and ends.

That's what I did. The nice thing about PVC is that you can make the didge tunable, and able to play in other keys. I make flutes out of PVC, too.

PVC! It's Not Just For Nerf Guns Anymore!®

Edited by Carbon, 14 February 2008 - 07:00 AM.

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#25 VACC


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Posted 14 February 2008 - 09:17 AM

My girlfriend has a masters in classical piano from NYU, whereas I am a talentless loser. Sad really.

Anyways, if you want a nerfhaven theme song to be adopted in any way I must approve it, and you should be warned that I am metal like the sun is hot.....collective hos.
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