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As And Pb Vs Nerf


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#26 Jangadance



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 07:32 PM

To clear something up... I'm assuming we are still talking to Nerfornothin. Right, nerfisgreat01?

You said "it's just foam"... obviously you haven't done any research into this subject. So, go get shot without eye protection with a gun like the SM5000 after it has been modified to shoot homemade micro darts. I really don't see why it's worth your time to sit here at a Nerf modification forum if you're not interested in nerfing.

Also, I'm not sure if this is something that you can appreciate, but men like 'projects'. Maybe they have an old clunker of an automobile in the garage that they like to work on, maybe their project is home improvement, who knows. My roommate is a guitar tech, he gets paid to 'modify' guitars. My other roommate works on high-performance cars and motorcycles. Now, if you have this instinct to take something that doesn't work right and make it better, nerf can be a lot of fun for you. You take something that's originally a crappy piece of plastic, I will admit, and make it into a weapon capable of dishing out pain. And, a lot of the time, you're working off your own problem solving and creativity.

You may or may not understand/accept this, but I thought it might help if I explained.
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#27 six-hungry-ducks



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 07:33 PM

Wow, this guy's a dick. Hey you know we really don't care what you say about nerf, because you are just a preppy little shit and you are probably spoiled, because a civilized and sophisticated human being wouldn't sign up for a forum to try to say how much better another hobby is than ours. Only fags do that. We don't care what you think we are just saying what we think. Oh, and we think Nerf is fun, that's why we do it. You think paintball and airsoft are fun, why can't we think nerf is fun, fuck-face? How would you like it if we signed up to a forum that you were part of and started making fun of you, you stupid prep fuck?

Okay I think I made my point. I hope this guy sees this.

fuck you.
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#28 ItalionStallion



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 07:42 PM

I cant take these faggot paintballers anymore. They say the same thing over, and over, and over again.

All this BS about how nerf is pussy and what not. I swear to go i wish i could go right to this kids house and punch him right in the face. I wish i could punch every paintball or airsoft faggot who says nerf is pussy.

THis brings me to something, if your so badass than why do you wear protection? I dont see any nerfers wearing huge masks with chest and knee pads.
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#29 nerfisgreat01



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 08:07 PM

Wow, this guy's a dick. Hey you know we really don't care what you say about nerf, because you are just a preppy little shit and you are probably spoiled, because a civilized and sophisticated human being wouldn't sign up for a forum to try to say how much better another hobby is than ours.

there it is folks, ignorance at its finest.

first of all, fag, i didnt come here to post about how gay nerf is. second of all, a "civilized and sophisticated human" wouldnt be all gay about a subject and not even bother to discuss it thinking rationally and open-minded

edit: i am not nerfornothin
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#30 Jangadance



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 08:44 PM

nerfisgreat01, if you want to discuss this rationally, please ignore six-hungry-ducks, and respond to mine and ItalionStallion's posts. Thanks.
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#31 LDM



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:02 PM

Comparing range really means nothing. I mean are you* seriously going to hit someone from 153 feet away? I doubt it.

nerfisgreat01, I don't care if you're not Nerfornothin, or if you're not George Bush. What matters is that you just stop arguing and stuff and calm down. This is a forum, not a debate hall.

Will the flaming just stop? I know there's only like one person doing it, but still. I think we've had too many mini terrorist-attacks like this. It's gotta stop.

Nerf on, fuck off, or marry the queen of England (preferably the first).

*you meaning the flamer.
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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:20 PM

I airsoft, Ive got about 4 guns, and shoot myself in the foot on a regular bases. I realy feel like shoving my CZ-75 up your ass right now...

Nerf does take tactics, you must really suck at it, OH wait, youve never done it, my bad. Nerf is a hobby. Dumbfuck. Youve never modded, or attemped to, mod a gun, and hopefully, never will. Half of us Nerf becuase we love modding guns. I know thats my excuse. But you. You, dont have an excuse for having no friends...have you? You social outcast fucking retarded basterd. Fuck. Knowing that I can come up with my own mods to shoot 100+ feet to shoot extremely accurate, I really feel much better knowing that you cant.

I was planning on taking up paintball, i was going to get a crappy brass eagle, put an 18 inch loser barrel, 200 ct. hopper, make a HOMEMADE stock for it, and own. I decided against it after my mom grounded me for BREAKING glass with my MODDED nerf gun.

Airsoft got boring, but still fun imagining me shooting you in the eye, one clips worth, putting in another clip, doing it again, then take my other pistol, putting in a few burst shots into your eye, and then throwing them at you, Ill take my custum a2tk rifle, and take your eye out at 128 fps, from a nerf gun. You my friend(dipfuck) have never seen a homemade gun, a modded gun, or any gun that can take an eye out...ever Look around before you act like a Jackfuck.

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#33 nerfisgreat01



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:20 PM

I cant take these faggot paintballers anymore. They say the same thing over, and over, and over again.

All this BS about how nerf is pussy and what not. I swear to go i wish i could go right to this kids house and punch him right in the face. I wish i could punch every paintball or airsoft faggot who says nerf is pussy.

THis brings me to something, if your so badass than why do you wear protection? I dont see any nerfers wearing huge masks with chest and knee pads.

okay, if this is supposedly a rational post, thats pathetic

"I wish i could punch every paintball or airsoft faggot who says nerf is pussy. " i never said anything like that.

"THis brings me to something, if your so badass than why do you wear protection? I dont see any nerfers wearing huge masks with chest and knee pads."
its not being a badass not wearing protection. not wearing protection is just plain stupid
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#34 GunnedDown



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:23 PM

I want to shoot him, in the eye, point blank, with a brassed 5k.  Any objections?

I doubt it would hurt, i mean, its only nerf, what can foam do?

I was shot from about six inches away on a crappily modified SM5K (Brass), with a nice stefan, in It left a small scar. It didn't hurt that bad, though it did cause me to do a wee bit of twitching (hit a nerve :/).

Why do we even bother being rational with trolls? They're always hypocritical and ignorant. ALWAYS. Except for the ones who state so little you can't really determine either but you know they are.
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"The occasional hell or damn is ok,
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#35 nerfisgreat01



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:24 PM

THIRST, your sadastic
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#36 six-hungry-ducks



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:25 PM

Hey nerfisgreat, How about you shut the fuck up. We don't care what you said, all I know is that you are gay and you are obviously stupid if you don't know what I meant when I said sophisticated. If you are sophisticated, that doesn't mean you can't have hobbies you faggot fucker. Yes you are right not wearing masks is stupid but so are you. Oh yes and reply to Jangadance's post.

Oh, and hey THIRST has some good points and you don't so shut the fuck up. good job thirst

Fuck you
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#37 Groove


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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:26 PM

I cant take these faggot paintballers anymore. They say the same thing over, and over, and over again.

All this BS about how nerf is pussy and what not. I swear to go i wish i could go right to this kids house and punch him right in the face. I wish i could punch every paintball or airsoft faggot who says nerf is pussy.

THis brings me to something, if your so badass than why do you wear protection? I dont see any nerfers wearing huge masks with chest and knee pads.

You're just making yourself look just as bad as nerfornothin. Let the topic die, if someone registered on a board just to trash talk or put down the people behind that board, then that says alot about that person in general. Don't stoop to that level by calling them names like that...c'mon people, you're better than that.
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#38 nerfisgreat01



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:27 PM

i love you too, six-hungry-ducks
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#39 six-hungry-ducks



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:29 PM

Well I hate you and so does everyone else so how about you go fuck yourself.
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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:29 PM

Nerfisgreat, Im sadistic. Your a fucking retarded bastard fuck jackass bitchshit with no friends. I rest my case.

Sorry for stooping to his level. Had to let it out.
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#41 nerfisgreat01



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:32 PM

To clear something up... I'm assuming we are still talking to Nerfornothin. Right, nerfisgreat01?

You said "it's just foam"... obviously you haven't done any research into this subject. So, go get shot without eye protection with a gun like the SM5000 after it has been modified to shoot homemade micro darts. I really don't see why it's worth your time to sit here at a Nerf modification forum if you're not interested in nerfing.

Also, I'm not sure if this is something that you can appreciate, but men like 'projects'. Maybe they have an old clunker of an automobile in the garage that they like to work on, maybe their project is home improvement, who knows. My roommate is a guitar tech, he gets paid to 'modify' guitars. My other roommate works on high-performance cars and motorcycles. Now, if you have this instinct to take something that doesn't work right and make it better, nerf can be a lot of fun for you. You take something that's originally a crappy piece of plastic, I will admit, and make it into a weapon capable of dishing out pain. And, a lot of the time, you're working off your own problem solving and creativity.

You may or may not understand/accept this, but I thought it might help if I explained.

" I really don't see why it's worth your time to sit here at a Nerf modification forum if you're not interested in nerfing. "

Just an interesting topic, i never heard of a more advanced level of nerfing, and, granted, i did only play with guns that shot 30 ft. Which may or may not be ignorance on the subject. The reason i registered for this forum is to see y people would pay to nerf rather than paintball or airsoft. Cause i would like to know, maybe nerf is a completely different sport, id never know about it.
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#42 six-hungry-ducks



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:32 PM

Nerfisgreat, Im sadistic. Your a fucking retarded bastard fuck jackass bitchshit with no friends. I rest my case.

Well THIRST, I think we got this guy figured out hehe.

Hey nerfisgreat: Fuck You
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"It's never the obvious..." -Me
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#43 nerfisgreat01



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:34 PM

congrats thirst on putting all the swear words in a single sentance, now everyone must praise u as their god!!!
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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:39 PM

No, no one is praising me, I dont want to be praised, and your lucky, I left out...Faggot. so no, I did not just put all the swear words in a single sentence.

Why do you still speak little one, this topic has no point or reason.
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#45 six-hungry-ducks



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:41 PM

Well at least we don't praise paintball as a god you faggot bastard. And besides, putting all the swear words in one sentence is easy: shit fuck damn ass hell bitch bastard.
You seriously need to go the hell away you fucking cunt. Oh, and congrats for being a cocksucking motherfucker.

Fuck you

yes this topic has no point except ot make fun of nerfisgreat
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"It's never the obvious..." -Me
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#46 merlinski



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:41 PM

Yeah, I'd have to go with groove here. Nerfisgreat is being sorta ignorant, in judging a hobby that he obviously doesn't know that much about, but you guys are being worse (by you guys I mostly mean six-hungry-ducks and THIRST).

Nerfisgreat, I don't agree with you, but I'd appreciate it if you'd ignore the retarded insults that people are throwing at you and try to recognize what the more, umm... polite people are saying about the hobby they have. That said...

Lets think about if an airsoft gun shoots a plastic BB 200 ft at 400 fps. The bb is extremely small compared to a nerf dart, and being circular tends not to have too much drag. Granted, it is light, but not light enough to be greatly affected by air resistance. Now, consider a nerf gun that shoots a dart which has a frontal surface area of at least 30 or 40 times that of a bb. The drag constant for such a projectile would be a good deal greater than that of the bb. Hence, the air resistance would be greater. Now, this nerf gun shoots 150 ft. To get 150 ft of range with greater air resistance, the initial velocity would need to be greater than that of the gun that fires 200 ft. I've never measured it, but I'd be willing to bet money that a brass barrelled gun will have an initial velocity of a few hundred feet per second. Granted, this will decrease faster as you get farther away, but it's still pretty impressive.

I'm basing my post on the hope that you're more receptive to people with different ideas than NerforNuthin.
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#47 nerfisgreat01



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:42 PM

what did i ever do to u six-hungry-ducks? all i wanted was a well thought out discussion but i guess fags like u cant do that.
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#48 nerfisgreat01



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:47 PM

merlinski, im glad some people on this forum can think.

i understand the fact that a dart has a more surface area, and it is impressive, im here to find out why someone wouldnt want an airsoft gun or a paintball gun....but i guess thats your choice.

well if im ignorant on the subject, then how is nerf played? if its played the same as paintball or airsoft, i just think of it to be aggravating to be going all around the field picking up darts, because they are expensive.
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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:47 PM

but you guys are being worse (by you guys I mostly mean six-hungry-ducks and THIRST).

:\ I was thinking the same thing, sorry, but that got my pretty angry, my bad. And nerfisgreat, callin us fags wont help your situation.

Nerf is played in a certain scenario such as a scool or park. Many people say that we fire our guns within 3 feet of eachother, and many of us do. Most of us dont. Anyone with a high powered gun will take the initial effort of pcking someone off at long range..Its more fun that way for me. Sometimes, we paly seige, capture the flag, speed"ball", or sudden death. Despite popular belief, it does involve tactics such as flanking, "losing", sorrounding, getting to the vantage point such as a hill, and being silent-i some situations.

Many of u do own airsoft and paintball guns, I chose Nerf over the other 2 for the fact that there is much more personilazation of the gun. Sure you can repalce the motor, clip, battery, and barrel on an airsoft gun, but anyone can do that. You can put loser barrles on your markers, get some fancy hopper, but its the same situation, you buy these pre-made and with nerf, you have to understand, figue it out, and create mods by yourself, for most of us. Then there are people who like copying mod of others, and although I dont support it, theres nothing wrong with it, and more often than not, i is always different in some way, and adding new elements is always fun...

Im sorry for being such a hypocritcal Jackass, but I hope you understand now.

also notice how wee no longer flaming nerfornothing, but nerfisgreat... :huh:
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#50 six-hungry-ducks



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 09:51 PM

It's more like what you did to us dumbass. Fags like you obviously aren't good at anything. I can have a well thought out discussion, it's just that I hate you.

-Okay I'll stop a little of the name calling too
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"It's never the obvious..." -Me
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"Hey I was watching that!" "It'll be on next Christmas" "Who the hell knows when that's gonna be?" -Peter Griffin

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