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Hornet Help

Air chamber leak?

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#1 Davey



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Posted 30 November 2007 - 10:34 AM

Right, so I bought a Hornet off ebay a bit back, and it was all working fine. I didn't even bother to remove the AR's and it was working pretty good. But then the top two barrels were flung off when I used the shot gun fire, which I thought was strange as I'd read on NF that the barrels weren't removeable (well, without possibly damaging the gun) and most people drill them out. So me and my friend took the AR's and barrelposts out of the back of the barrels and pushed the barrels back in, they're still easy to remove, which is strange (if anyone wants a photo, just ask).

Anyway, after alot of force, a vice and a mole wrench later I came to the conclusion that the other barrels wern't gonna budge. So I just drilled them out (i'm from England, ask someone over here what a dremel is, and they'll probably point you to the nearest dentist). And still everything was working fine, but there was bits of the backs of AR's still in the barrel, so I tried to break them up with drill, to get them out. No such luck, so I tried fireing agian, and the gun would no longer pump up. I've now figured out that sometimes some of the barrels work, but the majority of the time they don't. But, if I cock the slider bit so only the bottom two barrels are used (becuase it's the next one up that I think is damaged) they work fine, everytime.

Any ideas, sugestions?

Thanks for the hlep in advance.

PS: If any mods are reading this, please, please, please validate my account (username and displayname: Wisey!) so that I continue to use this forum.

At the moment I'm using my friend David's account (who stoll my name "!" thing...) and thus, may take a bit to reply. Thanks.

Edited by Davey!, 30 November 2007 - 12:50 PM.

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#2 Kenpachi Taicho

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 10:50 AM

I could definitely help if I had some pics. I had kind of a similar problem with my firefly after I modded it, sometime the gun would fire and sometimes it would only sound like it's firing. The problem on my gun was that the rotation mech wasn't properly re-orientated to the gun after re-assembly. Once I fxed that problem, the gun worked flawlessly.

You're right in saying that the barrels aren't supposed to come out, they should be fastened to the turret.

Email me some pics.

Penguin has the right idea, post the pics up here.

Edited by Kenpachi_Taicho, 30 November 2007 - 11:09 AM.

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#3 penguin807



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Posted 30 November 2007 - 11:04 AM

Right, so I bought a Firefly off ebay a bit back, and it was all working fine. I didn't even bother to remove the AR's and it was working pretty good. But then the top two barrels were flung off when I used the shot gun fire, which I thought was strange as I'd read on NF that the barrels weren't removeable (well, without possibly damaging the gun) and most people drill them out. So me and my friend took the AR's and barrelposts out of the back of the barrels and pushed the barrels back in, they're still easy to remove, which is strange (if anyone wants a photo, just ask).

Shot...gun...fire? What kind of Fire Fly did you get? If I read corectly, this was already done to your FF right? I'm very confused on how your barrels flung off if they're inside the turret.

Instead of emailing Kenpachi_Taicho some pictures, why don't you post 'em on here so we can all try to help you.

Edited by penguin807, 30 November 2007 - 01:17 PM.

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#4 Davey



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Posted 30 November 2007 - 12:55 PM

I cannot believe how stupid I was. I acctualy meant Hornet. Not Firefly. :( Yeah, I don't really deserve my account now do I...

That probably makes alot more sense now that I've renamed it. I'm sorry for being such a thick s***. Thanks for your help, dispite it being a bit useless, since I'm a dumbass.

EDIT: As for photos, I cannot see a hole or anything broken. But if asked for, I shall put some up. Particularly of the barrels and air tanks.

Edited by Davey!, 30 November 2007 - 01:09 PM.

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#5 penguin807



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Posted 30 November 2007 - 01:28 PM

I thought you meant the restrictor pegs, as they're sometimes called barrel pegs, and I thought you held your FF upside down to make it pump action, and for some reason you were calling it "shot gun fire". Yeah, it makes alot more sense now. I haven't owned a hornet in some time, so I can't really think of what's wrong off the top of my head.
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#6 Davey



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Posted 30 November 2007 - 02:20 PM

Haha, bit of an aweomse imagenation there.

Well heres some pic, dout they're any help, but there is the one with the barrels off (i'm sure i've read they don't come off on here...):

Sorry about the large sizes and blurred-ness. The capture button is broken on my camera, so I had to use a pen, resulting in unsteadyness. And I cba to resize them...

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

NOTE: I already know that the rod on the cocking bit is broken, it slots into the other side and thus still works. The barrel with the dart in is the completely broken one (I can't get the dart out...).

Edited by Davey!, 30 November 2007 - 02:22 PM.

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#7 J cobbers

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Posted 30 November 2007 - 02:22 PM

Sounds like you probably have some small plastic debris/dust/shavings that got into the valves after drilling out the Air restriction. You can try to vacuum it out or get the gun to blow it out. To get it to blow out what ever is in there, you'll need to get it to build air pressure in the effected air chambers. Cock the gun, and cycle through the working barrels (in your case the bottom 2). Then put your finger into the barrel of the next chamber in they firing sequence to seal it. Pump up the gun. You should feel pressure trying to push your finger out. This is good. Once you have a good deal of pressure, pull your finger out as fast as possible. This should release the air pressure and send some of the crap in the chamber out. Repeat until the chamber holds pressure by itself then move to the next barrel by pulling the trigger. Rinse, wash and repeat until you have a functional hornet again.
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#8 Davey



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Posted 01 December 2007 - 12:46 PM

Thanks for the help. You're right if I plug the hole with my finger, I can feel the air pressure build, and then I realease it, and the air comes out, but no crap... I've tried a good 20 - 30 times now, and it dosn't seem to be working. I'm guessing as a last resort I could fill up the broken barrel with hot glue and hope it holds.

Any other ideas? Unless I drilled to far... but I don't think I did.
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#9 Wisey



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Posted 02 December 2007 - 06:30 PM

Okay, so I've got my account validated now. Which is good. ^^

I've also figured that filling it up with hotglue won't work becuase the tanks charge up and realase sepparatly. So filling it with hot glue would work for a bit, but the tank may break... unless theres separte over pressure valves on each of the tanks, which I very much dout.

*is still in need of help*
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#10 jwasko



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Posted 02 December 2007 - 08:50 PM

Don't hold me to this, because I'm not sure if it would work or not...I would wait for a second opinion first...

You could just cut out that one air tank/barrel and then seal off the tubing that went to that tank.

In my mind, it should work...but I'm not 100% sure.
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#11 Wisey



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Posted 03 December 2007 - 12:57 PM

Humm, depends if it trys to pruessurise the v.short pipe. Shouldn't do though should it? Well, I don't think so.

I know, I'll find a small G-clamp and put it tight on the pipe and see if i can block the air, and see what happends then.

Thanks for your help I'll get back to you on what happends. =]
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#12 J cobbers

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Posted 03 December 2007 - 11:14 PM

Thanks for the help. You're right if I plug the hole with my finger, I can feel the air pressure build, and then I realease it, and the air comes out, but no crap... I've tried a good 20 - 30 times now, and it dosn't seem to be working. I'm guessing as a last resort I could fill up the broken barrel with hot glue and hope it holds.

Any other ideas? Unless I drilled to far... but I don't think I did.

If there isn't anything preventing the valves from sealing, then the valves themselves may be damaged? How far down did you drill past the white plastic covers? Anything past those you have risked damaging the valve seals. Which if that is the case you may be s.o.l. The only other thingsI would suggest is 1) spraying some silicone lubricant down there, and 2 if you can touch the end of the valves with something like a pencil or chop stick, see if you can wiggle them a little, they may have been bumped out of alignment while you removed the air restriction.

Once again good luck
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