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I'm An Idiot

and switching from kazaa to emule

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#1 wtrent10



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Posted 23 October 2003 - 06:54 PM

on emule when you've selected a file to download how do you start downloading and stop waiting???
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#2 Daedarus



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Posted 23 October 2003 - 07:04 PM

This might not help, but you should try LimeWire. It takes a little longer to download, but it is ALOT more organized.
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#3 Doogie



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Posted 27 October 2003 - 01:09 PM

This might not help, but you should try LimeWire. It takes a little longer to download, but it is ALOT more organized.

However, the free LimeWire installs spyware and LimeShop on your computer and it's near impossible to get rid of.

Also, a lot of people (like me) just dislike Java programs (like LimeWire).

You're waiting because (in my experience) P2P is usually slow. It's not like you're doing anything wrong necessarily, but that you're in a queue of people who are also waiting to get the file(s) you're trying to get.
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#4 NerfManiac



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Posted 27 October 2003 - 08:28 PM

You should not do those music-sharing programs at all! They ( That music industry thingy) is starting to file a crap-ton of lawsuits against those who use them! I know that the possibility of that happening to you isn't very good. But, the highest lawsuit filed so far was about 30,000 dollars.... Against a 13 or 14 year old! I would just rather not take the chance.
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#5 Grinch



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Posted 27 October 2003 - 08:29 PM

You should not do those music-sharing programs at all! They ( That music industry thingy) is starting to file a crap-ton of lawsuits against those who use them! I know that the possibility of that happening to you isn't very good. But, the highest lawsuit filed so far was about 30,000 dollars.... Against a 13 or 14 year old! I would just rather not take the chance.

Furthermore, you are downloading directly from another person's computer, which means if they have a virus, you get it too.
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#6 Talio


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Posted 27 October 2003 - 08:37 PM

Not to mention, your a fucking THEIF! Where's Lars and James when you need him. If James set himself on fire, he'll have no problem burning a few teenagers at the stake.
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#7 Doogie



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Posted 28 October 2003 - 06:24 PM

Not to mention, your a fucking THEIF! Where's Lars and James when you need him. If James set himself on fire, he'll have no problem burning a few teenagers at the stake.

Napster BAD!

It's not necessarily stealing, Talio, because it can be a try-before-you-buy method. Which is excellent in preserving quality music, unlike Metallica. But your mileage may vary (YMMV).
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#8 Talio


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Posted 28 October 2003 - 06:46 PM

In other words, stealing, that was real fancy.
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#9 Alexthebeast



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Posted 28 October 2003 - 07:07 PM

Not to mention, your a fucking THEIF! Where's Lars and James when you need him.  If James set himself on fire, he'll have no problem burning a few teenagers at the stake.

Napster BAD!

It's not necessarily stealing, Talio, because it can be a try-before-you-buy method. Which is excellent in preserving quality music, unlike Metallica. But your mileage may vary (YMMV).

Yah, I saw that like 3 years ago.
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#10 MissouriKid



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Posted 29 October 2003 - 09:06 PM

They normally only sue people who have thousands of songs on their hard drive. For those of us that only have a few, its ok.
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#11 JSkater



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Posted 30 October 2003 - 09:21 AM

Yeah, as of now I have about 130 songs on my hard drive, which mostly were downloaded by my sister. Once they announced it illegal, we promptly stopped using Kazaa.
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#12 Stefan



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Posted 30 October 2003 - 12:58 PM

You should not do those music-sharing programs at all!  They ( That music industry thingy) is starting to file a crap-ton of lawsuits against those who use them!  I know that the possibility of that happening to you isn't very good.  But,  the highest lawsuit filed so far was about 30,000 dollars.... Against a 13 or 14 year old!  I would just rather not take the chance.

Furthermore, you are downloading directly from another person's computer, which means if they have a virus, you get it too.

That lawsuit was against a 12 year old girl in government subsidized housing in New York.. Nice one, RIAA. They just ensured that I'm keeping Kazaa on full time.

As to the virus - wrong. The only way you can get a virus is by running an executable or various types of scripts from an infected source. MP3 and most image/video formats are immune to this - it's just a bitstream that gets piped to your video/sound outs. If WinAmp hits a program execute command, it'll just come out as either garbage noise or it'll crash the application. HOWEVER, I think some of the newer MS Media Player formats actually allow inline execution of shit.. I believe it was an ASF file or a WMX that I once played and it triggered a couple of popups.. Beware. Actually, don't beware, just don't use proprietary formats. I think I also once read that a species of image file can run its own scripts, but that was ages ago and nothing came of it.

As to RIAA - they don't apply to Canada!
AND, furthermore, our latest anti-piracy laws actually have a loophole that allows us to make backups and whatnot of our data.. A LOT of lawyers are using that law to legitimize P2P file sharing. So until Uncle Sam gets really goddamn mad at us, we'll pretty safe up here.
That says nothing, of course, about ISPs potentially ganking our service.
I believe the law was Bill C-6.. Some 'Nuck go check it. I think it's hilarious.

Oh, and:
use newsgroups. They've been around longer than everything else on the net (Anybody remember Echomail? FidoNet?) and it's more or less anonymous. Pay servers or good ISPs have excellent retention and you usually see new releases on Usenet before anywhere else.

Ok, I, the thieving bastard, am done.
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#13 Mantis



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Posted 30 October 2003 - 03:23 PM

Could you explain the newsgroups thing a bit more, Stefan? I heard them mentioned before, but the guy got was killed before he could say much.
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#14 Stefan



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Posted 31 October 2003 - 01:55 PM

Ok, Usenet is one network that uses the nntp protocol to transfer data.. As far as I know, it's the ONLY news network that isn't intra-company etc..
Much like http regulates sending data to web browsers, and ftp regulates sending files, nntp regulates how to transfer data to and from a news server. All that really means is you need a separate program to access newsgroups.
Don't use Outlook (Express). I still use Forte Agent (http://www.forteinc.com) although there are several competing and probably better readers out there, like Xnews and NewsReactor.

Usenet is arranged into "groups" in a hierarchy, much like a directory tree on your computer. A few of the "main" nodes are:
alt (pretty much anything in here, including alt.binaries, which is all the files)
comp (comp sci related topics)
fido (old fidonet groups)
rec (hobbies and recreation stuff)
As you specialize your way down the hierarchy, you get closer and closer to specific topics. For example, if we want 70's MP3s, it looks like this:
alt -> binaries -> sounds -> mp3 -> 70s
or, the way it's usually read: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.70s
Your news reader/client will read groups that way.

alt.binaries is the one we're interested in - virtually every other group outside this is used for text messages only, from rec.aquaria to alt.atheism.
So first get yourself a news client and set it up.. The first thing it wants to know is what your news server is..
Now Usenet is arranged like this:
A "message" is unique - only one exists on Usenet and ideally, that message exists on EVERY news server on the (inter)network. Obviously this isn't always the case because some servers are better than others at getting all the data - an explanation why isn't necessary nor interesting.
As to where the servers are - pretty much EVERY ISP in the world has a news server. Many censor them or have some poor retention that a group only has 100-1000 articles in it at a time before the new ones overwrite them. Consider that a single file is usually split up into over 50 parts in a single message, then that's really not a lot of files you're maintaining on a shitty server.
So all of these servers share the data with one another, and some are better than others at holding binary data... Pick your ISP's news server and try it out.
Example: if my ISP is shawcable.net, I access my mail through mail.shawcable.net and newsgroups through news.shawcable.net... See if you can access yours that way. If not, try your ISPs support site for setting up newsgroups and you should find the entry there. You shouldn't need a login/password to connect to it.
Once you connect, you can get all the group names.. There's over 40,000 on a well-stocked server, so be patient. Once you have all the names you can search for a group you like, such as alt.binaries.cd.image.highspeed, which usually has cd images posted in a short bit of time for DSL/cable users to download.
You can "subscribe" to a group you like, and then it keeps track of which articles you've already seen so that every day you just download the latest ones.
If you see a post you like (some may span dozens to hundreds of files), you can save/download/decode it to your computer... assuming there aren't too many missing parts.
If parts are missing, sometimes you can request a section or complete file fill from the poster, or else use a PAR/PAR2 utility to fix the damage.. Or else your news server just isn't good enough.
There are many pay servers out there asking around $10/mo for basic service. They have almost perfect retention and are pretty fast. There's a group called alt.news-server.comparison or something like that where people talk about it. I can think of easynews and usenetserver off the top of my head.

That's about all you need as a primer. If you need really basic instructions on how to get on, check your ISPs support site and you should get a pretty dumbed-down walkthrough.
Remember that Usenet is NOT policed. It is extremely prone to spam and viruses. NEVER POST YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ON USENET!
However, despite all this, it has most of the stuff you want first, and it's extremely unpoliceable at the current time.
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#15 Mantis



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Posted 31 October 2003 - 02:21 PM

I see.
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#16 waspy



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Posted 31 October 2003 - 06:56 PM

haha in canada there not suing people.
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#17 taita cakes

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Posted 14 November 2003 - 07:05 PM

well u could use DC++ which can be found at www.dcplusplus.sourceforge.com **i do not take resposibility for use of this product** coz its hub based and theres share check bots and u fuck them over with a virus or fake files they send around a messsage saying block this ip.... to all the other hubs.... not that i;ve ever used this prgram.... ;)
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#18 wtrent10



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Posted 15 November 2003 - 11:16 AM

stefan likie typie.
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


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