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Do You Think We Kind Of Have An Anarchy?

Forsaken is lame

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#26 Cmdrmack



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Posted 25 October 2007 - 11:10 PM

The only people who throw their weight around like the own the place in my experience are the Founders...

Because they do, in fact, own the place.

Forsaken Angel is a brillian Modder, and while some of his mods could have been thought of by other people, they either didn't, or didn't post a write-up, or he did it better.

Forsaken throws his weight around, but he worked long and hard to earn his reputation, and when he speaks/posts, people listen not out of fear, but out of respect.

People like me have garnered a little respect in their time here, but if Forsaken says something is a bad idea or won't work, he generally accompanies that reason with an explanation as to why it won't work. He's just a nerfer like the rest of us, but we respect him, along with Captain Slug, Evil, Groove, Carbon, and others because they don't post unless they have something worth reading to contribute.

To attack anyone on these forums is ludicrous. Judging someone's popularity outside of this forum based on the Youtube account is, well there's not much to say about that, I figure it would be pretty self evident.

Otherwise, mrtreldon1 is gone, he might come back and if so, I hope he's learned a lesson. If you don't know what's going on, don't say anything until you figure it out.

Also, in reference to the mask, music and over-the-top videos. I like it. If I were trying to be "cool" this would not have been my first stop. Taking this hobby to the extreme is part of what we do here. We're here to have fun, not to make a social statement. The videos, the mods, the mask, they're all part of that experience.

Mrtreldon1, until you give us a reason to put some stock in your opinion, keep it to yourself.
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QUOTE(Predalien_Ro @ Apr 7 2008, 10:24 PM) View Post

Oompa: FECES!? Who in their right mind would try that shit!?

Bigger Salvo


#27 Groove


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Posted 26 October 2007 - 12:01 AM

Posted Image

I have nothing else significant to add. Cmdrmack and OMC pretty much summed it all up fairly well.

Since I've met and Nerfed with Forsaken, I can legitimately say the guy could very well eat you. I mean, literally consume you. He's a body builder, I'm pretty sure he could use the extra protein.

I might not post mod write-ups or update the strip these days, but I do my fair share of Nerfing. And I have nothing but respect for the guy, he's done much more for the community than most people have. I think the fact that he wears a mask in his videos or what music he listens to is more or less irrelevant here.


P.S. ~ I'm by no means defending Mrtreldon1 here, but some of the stuff you all are writing is absolutely ridiculous.
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#28 CaptainSlug


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Posted 26 October 2007 - 12:16 AM

Anarchy? No I'm pretty sure this forum is an Oligarchy. Or at it's worst a Despotism with some carefully chosen hand-puppets.

Edited by CaptainSlug, 26 October 2007 - 12:17 AM.

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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#29 Kenpachi Taicho

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Posted 26 October 2007 - 09:49 AM

I agree with CaptainSlug, in that this site most definitely not an anarchy. I also think that you're an idiot for using anarchy to describe a system by which there are few that rule over many. By etymological definition, anarchy means "without leadership". I think what you meant to say, which would also be an inaccurate description of this community, is something more like "Stalin-istic communist state". I think the way this site is run is amazing, the more knowledge and contributions, the more respect.
Putting your inaccuracies of description aside, as well as not being nice, fuck you. FA24's contributions are not only very numerous and of a HIGH level of quality, they also inspire others to work harder at something that makes them happy. I think anyone with an IQ over 40 recognizes FA24 as a brilliant, out-side of the box thinker, who is able to apply his thoughts into the manufacturing of nerf weapons of mass destruction. Also, you claim to be using your "freedom of speech", to slander the music FA24 listens to? How hypocritical can one person get? It is FA's "freedom of speech", to pick whatever music HE fucking wants for HIS videos!
Lastly, if you think that FA's videos and write-ups are such garbage, then don't watch/read them. Not viewing his material, would be much better than viewing it, then complaining like a little bitch, and would be FAR less detrimental to your health!

Edited by Kenpachi_Taicho, 26 October 2007 - 09:51 AM.

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#30 jwasko



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 11:37 AM

Anarchy? No I'm pretty sure this forum is an Oligarchy. Or at it's worst a Despotism with some carefully chosen hand-puppets.

I was going to correct him on this, too...then I decided it wasn't worth it. But since you guys are doing it, and I'm bored right now:

To Mrtreldon1:

This site is anything but an anarchy. The dictionary says that anarchy is "lack of authority; disorder and confusion; the absence of any purpose or standard." I'd say that, aside from noob threads like this one, NH is quite the opposite of "absence of purpose," and the standards that our members our held to are quite strict (see: why idiots like you are banned). In addition, you yourself described this site more as being an authoritarian state than an anarchy.

And you know what? It is an authoritarian state. Yeah, Angel, Groove, Piney, and OMC can be pretty rough. But they're the elite for one reason or another, and that gives them the right. CXWQ may act like he owns the place, but that's because he (surprise!) actually does.

And for the record, the Bill of Rights protects individuals from the government, not other individuals.

So this is me, not being affected by your first amendment rights: Shut the fuck up and do something with your life.

And no, insulting others doesn't count.
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-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#31 Pineapple


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Posted 26 October 2007 - 01:07 PM

There's no problems at NerfHaven.

Only uptight members and trolls from airsoft and paintball who want to prove something, somehow, by messing with the normal members' minds.

No fences or walls holding any of us in. We are free to leave if we don't like how things are done here.

Or, we can show you the door...that method usually comes with lots of fanfare, sometimes quite silently.

No problems.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#32 One Man Clan

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Posted 26 October 2007 - 01:29 PM

For the record, FA is not an admin/moderartor. He is a highly respected member of our community and has been given a "contributor" status here. The only ones with our fingers on the button are CX, Vacc, Death, Talio, Groove, TIS, Piney, and Me. (I may be forgetting one or two...)
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I hate you.

#33 nerfer34



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 01:54 PM

You can't complain about a guy who has literaly picked up NH and carried it on his back( with a few others). I do agree with a few of Renegade's statements. FA_24 may be a little cocky but he is ALLOWED to be. Like Randy Moss, TO, Chad JOhnson.

Edited by nerfer34, 26 October 2007 - 01:59 PM.

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<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God Damn it Groove, you stole my kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->-OMC

#34 BustaNinja



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 05:46 PM

If this is what I think it is then its not worth your time flaming him. People do this alot on other sites. Join say an airsoft site just to say that all airsoft sucks balls, play a real game, on the king of airsoft sucks. Flaming him only increases his ego about how well he can piss on shit. The only real answer is back tracking names an IPs to get to his house, then forward it to Forsaken to have this kids destiny be fulfiled. To piss his pants at the end of a nerf gun... then promptly be comsumed by a certain peckish foam selling bodybuilder.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#35 angrscottishkid



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 05:52 PM

I agree with bustaninja, it's immature to flame him because thats what he wants us to do. However id have to say this: mrteldon, you are a cockeating douche bag with a gaping mangina, and I would like to see your pathetic shitty attempt at creating a mod better than any of angel's.

Hope you get gangraped by bears,


Edited by angrscottishkid, 26 October 2007 - 05:53 PM.

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In the words of colonel Sanders, I'm to drunk to chase this chicken.

#36 precisionnerfer



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 07:00 PM

I think this has been blown way out of proportion. A noob came. He yelled at FA24. He was banned. So what? Have ya'll noticed FA24 has not even posted here yet? Maybe that's because he's a humble guy and isn't going to come out and say he could beat the snot out of the poor kid. He might not even care! Let's just let the thread die before someone else comes up and just agrees with everyone else, I guess giving you a warm and fuzzy feeling? The guy is long gone let's just forget it.
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"Good character is something you cannot fake. And it always comes full circle at the end."
"It is amazing what a bit of conversation can do, as apposed to just *^$(*#*^ about it."

#37 angrscottishkid



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 07:16 PM

i agree, but post like these are good ways to vent anger.
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In the words of colonel Sanders, I'm to drunk to chase this chicken.

#38 jwasko



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 09:47 PM

Well, Precisionnerfer, it's kind of like this: If someone insulted your close friend/loved one right in front of you, would you just walk away, or would you punch the offender in the face? Now, maybe Angel isn't a close friend, but we do have a lot to thank him for, including his mods and FBR sales.

Unfortunately, we can't punch the guy in the face. However, moderators can ban him until 203X, and the rest of us can insult him.

Or maybe we're all just really angry people. Yeah, one of those two.

...mrteldon, you are a cockeating douche bag with a gaping mangina, and I would like to see your pathetic shitty attempt at creating a mod better than any of angel's.

I laughed at "gaping mangina." :rolleyes:
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-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#39 precisionnerfer



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 10:17 PM

The only reason I am responding is because I was asked a question. We should kill this thread though.
Anyways, it depends. Coming from a noob that is banned like him, I would just say, "Haha, what a pathetic little fart! Who cares what he thinks?" If he wants to insult forsaken he can; as long as he does not make personal threats, I have no reason to be upset because we all know he is being blatantly retarded and has no clue what he is ranting about. However even if he did make a personal threat on FA, from what I hear, I probably wouldn't care then either, except maybe about who was making the threat.
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"Good character is something you cannot fake. And it always comes full circle at the end."
"It is amazing what a bit of conversation can do, as apposed to just *^$(*#*^ about it."

#40 baghead



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 10:40 PM

This whole thread is retarded.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#41 Cannonball



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Posted 26 October 2007 - 10:50 PM

There's no problems at NerfHaven.

Only uptight members and trolls from airsoft and paintball who want to prove something, somehow, by messing with the normal members' minds.

No fences or walls holding any of us in. We are free to leave if we don't like how things are done here.

Or, we can show you the door...that method usually comes with lots of fanfare, sometimes quite silently.

No problems.


hey hey, not all of the airsoft trolls are douche bags, or am I the only exception?
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#42 Team Slaya

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Posted 26 October 2007 - 11:01 PM

Let's just let the thread die before someone else comes up and just agrees with everyone else...

i agree

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#43 Forsaken angel24

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 01:36 PM

Well, How can I respond to all of this.

Well, I respond to these as I would the same with dumbass youtube comments.
I either ignore them or delete them.
If you think you can come up with original mods and the like I would love to see them.
I really would, because then we would have more write ups to more guns and a larger modification directory and more creativity on the boards. In a nutshell what would this mean? One happy Angel.

Its a shame you decided to come on here and cast judgement instead of contributing something and proving that you beleive my work is simple and easy.

For the record, I never had slipknot in my videos. For anyone who doesn't like my choice of music, Turn the volume off or down.

I would prefer if nobody posted in this thread and to let it die and be forgotten just like 90% of all dumbass youtube comments.

Admin Edit: I agree, and would be happy to oblige. *click*
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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

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