Do everyone here a favour and familiarise yourself with sites like G-Prime [a website that collects the best of the best in regular updates], Ebaum's World [everyone knows it] and others like Albino Black Sheep.
If you, after this, find something that is new or unique, feel free to post it. But, in the mean time, spare us.
Reply if you want, mind you, these will most likely be filled with other flash sites as well [probably along the lines of homestarrunner].
Oh, and by the way, no one person or event trigerred this, i just thought it was necessary. There are some great animations out there, its just some of these should be left alone in their ancient tomb.
Edited/Updated List:
Ebaum's World
Albino Black Sheep
Funny Junk
Stupid Movies
Flash Player Homepage
Abum [?]
Knox's Korner
N.B. Someone should sticky this, coz it's sexy.
Edited by taita_cakes, 23 April 2005 - 03:34 AM.