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[MI]Detroit Tagfest #3

Monday, July 1st

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#1 Darkdragon



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Posted 27 June 2013 - 10:17 AM

Hello all, Im going to attempt to host another war.. Its kind of short notice, but Im hoping to attract a few modders along with my usual, non-nerf haven group.

That said, before i even get into the rules, I want to make it clear that I am inviting some casual nerfers to try and get them interested in organized games. I wont ban homemades, but everyone should bring a stock, or modded, brand-name blaster. Many of the guests and casual-nerfers coming will be borrowing blasters from me, and I just want to give them a chance at winning a few games. Bring your Pumpsnaps, but keep in mind, at some point in the day please use something less beasty. :D

Okay. Basic information:

Monday, July 1st, 2013
11:00am - 3:00pm


Belle Isle @ Kids Row Playscape
Detroit, MI 48207

Directions to Belle Isle:


Playground location(I couldnt find it on Google maps! O.o ):



Red/Blue E-Tape to identify team members if we get a big turnout
Eye Protection (Anyone under 18 must be wearing some during rounds)
Lunch, if you want some.
Some friends
A Good supply of darts (Anything stock or homemade that has no exposed metal. Even better if its metal-free. If anyone could bring extra stock darts, you will be praised lol as we need them!)
Extra Blasters (PLEASE)


Real weapons
Narcotics or Alcohol
Singled Titans
A bad attitude
Homemade Airguns(If you ABSOLUTLEY want to use it, see me and Ill deem it safe or unsafe. Anythng that leaves welts is banned.)
Plugged pump BBBB (Or anything plugged that shoots anything smaller than a mega, the BBBB is just an example, man.)


Of course, our turnout will determine the games we can/cant play.

Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, and several variants, including "pistols only" and etc.
CTF? - Im not sure about this yet, it was fun last time but the rules we played with were shaky.
Seige the Fortress, 2 types(attackers vs. defenders and fort vs fort!) - Perfect due to the playscapes(forts)!
Wingman? - maybe
NrifBall - This is a gametype my cousin and I came up with, simular to Halo's Grifball, Rules explained on site if we play it. Dont look at me like that.. Its fun.
VIP - Never tried it! Want to this time.
MEATGRINDER - our warm up/derp/ cool down game.

So! Lets have fun, and post here if you are going to try and make it.

-DarkDragon, the Winged Nerf Warrior

Darkdragon + about 5-8 friends.

Some Guy

Edited by Darkdragon, 27 June 2013 - 04:47 PM.

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#2 Some Guy

Some Guy


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 10:56 AM

I can't commit, but put me on the maybe list.
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Proud maker of Fools Gold; 3rd and last rebuild of the famous FAR.

#3 Arvex



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Posted 27 June 2013 - 03:15 PM

Considering it.

I'm in Toledo, about an hour away from Detroit, but I'm short on money at the moment so gas is an issue. I'm see about going if I can find someone who wants to carpool with me and split gas costs.
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#4 Darkdragon



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Posted 27 June 2013 - 04:46 PM

Considering it.

I'm in Toledo, about an hour away from Detroit, but I'm short on money at the moment so gas is an issue. I'm see about going if I can find someone who wants to carpool with me and split gas costs.

Awsome! I appreciate your efforts to make it! I do hope it works out for you.
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#5 Arvex



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 10:04 PM

The other way I would be able to go is if someone wants to buy my spare Vulcan on site (which I bought with the intent to sell in the first place,) that would easily cover my gas expenses and I might have enough left over for lunch. It's completely stock, it still has the ammo box, tripod and a belt that I can fill with your choice of sonic darts or streamlines (not Elite.) I was going to wait until I got the battery cover back from its previous owner before I sold it. He sent me an e-mail saying he thinks he found it. If that's the case, I should be able to pick it up this weekend. If I don't have time to pick it up before this Nerf War, I'll throw in my Vulcan's battery door instead and tape mine in until I get the one he owes me.

EDIT: I should have said something about the price. I was hoping to get about forty for it. I was originally going to throw it on Ebay with a starting bid of about $20 (what I paid for it) and hope some bidding would have driven it up closer to my goal.

Edited by Arvex, 28 June 2013 - 10:07 PM.

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