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April Georgia War

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#1 Nerfomania



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Posted 17 February 2013 - 01:39 AM

Now I know I hardly ever get any responses on this site but I think it is appropriate to post anyways. :)



Date: April 20th

North Mt. Carmel Park
307 North Mt. Carmel Road
Hampton, GA 30228

Posted Image

10 AM- When we get tired (IE: The sun starts going down)

What to bring:

A ) DARTS. Our pink darts are almost depleted, so we will not be lending out any. Make your own, please. I recommend at least 200 per person (more if you are using hoppered springers).

- I would prefer not to to see a ton of scavenging off the field (again our pinkies are starting to get worn out).

- The only restrictions on darts I am placing is No Slingshots, and darts must have at least a inch of foam and no exposed metal.

- #6 Slugs are preferred on all accounts.


B ) BLASTERS. You need 1) a couplered primary, 2) a spring pistol, and 3) an awful (shoots 15 feet or less).

- If you find yourself lacking on any of these blasters, other attendees may be willing to lend you some.

- You may carry as many blasters as you wish.

- DO NOT bring anything crazy overpowered. We will still allow the normal singled BBBBs and the like (Please use slugs with these). If your primary is deemed to be too much, we will ask you to put it down.

- No all-black painted blasters.

- Blaster hits DO NOT count, this however does not mean you can strap a large shield to your blaster. Be smart, or I will ban it.



- There is no limit to the number of melee weapons you can carry.

- Melee weapons MUST be covered in foam. If it is deemed unsafe to be hit by, it will not be allowed.

- A melee weapon applies as both a blaster and a dart. You MAY block darts. You MAY throw melee weapons. You may even attempt to block a melee weapon with your blaster.

- HOWEVER, melee weapons that hit/skid/bounce on the ground before hitting someone DO NOT count as hits. If a thrown melee weapon hits a blaster, it is considered dead and will not count if it ricochets.


Other things to bring:
- LUNCH. I would NOT LIKE to see people running off for a 45 minute lunch break. I personally think it is much more efficient to just bring one with you. It's not my fault if you miss out on Nerfing because you were gone too long.
- WATER. Bring lots of it.
- SUNSCREEN. Just in case.
- EYE PROTECTION. It doesn't matter how old you are, YOU WILL BE WEARING THEM.
- A fold-able chair, these make resting in between rounds so nice (if you have one/can fit one)
- Something to lay your blasters out on/in, unless you don't mind them laying in the grass
- Money/blasters for trading, we like to do a lot of this down here, so bring what ya got.
- Intelligence, Don't be an idiot.
- A good attitude, if you act like a crybaby we will escort you off the premises as a crybaby.
- Bring a loaner/backup blaster if you got one, stuff happens.
- Do not bring any open alcohol, illicit drugs, or real firearms to this event. Or you will be escorted from the premises.


Deathmatch (primary or pistol)
Freeze Tag (primary)
Wingman (primary or pistol)
FFA (primary or pistol)
Wildcard (primary)
No-hoppers rounds (primary)

The final round will probably be a 5:15 Deathmatch.

Any gametype rules will be explained at the event if needed.

Anyone under 13 MUST have a parent present, we are not here to babysit you.


- We are Nerfing on public property. Be respectful. Don't shout obscenities too loudly. .
- There are Porta Pottys on-site (as of last time we were there)
- Again, being smart and having a good attitude is KEY. Do not touch someone's stuff without their permission.
- If I or ANY of the Senior members start yelling, it's because we're trying to get your attention. Please pay attention to all rules/war explanations.
- We do dart sweeps every few rounds. I recommend getting one of those pole-magnets to save your back some pain.
- I will be there before 9:30. Be there before 10 if at all possible.

We will be having a raffle after the last round. Everyone's name will be entered if there is enough raffle items. If you submit a raffle item, it MUST be Nerf-related, IE: blasters, barrels, springs, etc. No Nutella or broken/garbage stuff.

DINNER! If you are awesome you will attend dinner with us at a nearby Restaurant (we should decide beforehand).

-Flying Chicken+?
-LordDrac + EoC?

-Spud Spudoni

Edited by _Nerfomania_, 21 February 2013 - 06:39 AM.

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20:45 Talio I'll have the talk with you
20:45 Talio penis in vagina
20:45 Talio fin

#2 Nerfomania



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 06:41 AM

Updated the Attendance lists.
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20:45 Talio I'll have the talk with you
20:45 Talio penis in vagina
20:45 Talio fin

#3 Modded Brain 115

Modded Brain 115


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 01:59 PM

I may be going.
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(+'.'+) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your profile to help him gain world domination.
(")_(") (yes i found this on another profile)

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