If your reverse plunger snapped in half, blew up, or was eaten by your demonic cat then this is for you.
Order some of this super-duper nylon tube from McMaster. 8628K64
Then cut it down to 4". Oh my you have a lot left over. You should break some more plungertubes, or you should've bought some from me *wink wink*
Then cut out a 7/8" circle from 1/4" polycarbonate, and sand it down till it fits snugly in the tube. Superglue it in so the front face is 1/2" away from the end of the tube.
Then add 3 screws to hole it down. Clip off the heads of the screws and file them down. Then superglue them in.
Add another ring of super-glue around the circle. We don't want that going anywhere.
Then sand that area down, and add e-putty.
Then goop over it just for that extra touch.
Then use pipe-cutters to cut off the front end of your plunger tube (stock one).
Dremel that out, and dremel the front of your new plungertube down. They should fit snugly in each other. Then use Fishin' Glue to secure it down.
While that's drying, get an arrowstorm and a sister, and unleash six arrows on your sister. By the time your done watching in horror as she rips the fins off your arrows the glue should be dry. Then add another layer of glue around the edges, and warm up your hotglue gun to fix the arrows. Once all the fins are re-attached everything should be dry again.
Throw it in your gun, and you're good to go (you might need a larger o-ring). Unless you have a deploy in that case you have to cut this piece down.
My mom is a bad cameraman.
As for durability of this it feels very sturdy. I don't think this will break unless you have a [k26] in your gun.
Only time will tell though.
Edited by louiec3, 16 May 2010 - 07:39 PM.