The war is at 1:00 AM, which corresponds to late evening college time, or EST the middle of the night. I understand that this will prevent a lot of people from being able to come, but it was the only time available.
We're expecting a lot of people this year ā last year we had over fifty. This means that we'll mostly be playing team rounds with respawns, largely CTF. We'll try to throw in some more game types to keep things interesting.
Since most of the attendees will be very casual nerfers and may not be wearing eye protection, they're having me strictly limit the power of the guns. Last year's rules was "nothing that can shoot through a box of Cheetos". I'd rather set a range limit ā say, 120 feet. This means, roughly speaking, no singled Titans, SM5Ks, 4Bs, et cetera. Crossbows and AT2Ks are in sort of a grey zone. Bring something weaker just in case. Additionally, regular glue-tipped stefan darts will not be allowed. I'm allowing soft-tipped homemade darts, such as matchsticks or CS-style felt-tipped stefans. If you're not sure, please ask.
In addition, no realistic paint jobs (duh), no converted paintball or airsoft guns (state law), liability waivers (signed by parents if under 18), et cetera.
Without further ado, Student Union eye candy.

Edited by Thom, 22 March 2008 - 12:50 AM.