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Stampede Select fire modification how-to (very image heavy)

Using an arduino and an automotive power relay to add select fire

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#1 darthskids



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Posted 22 September 2014 - 12:58 AM


Almost entirely re-wrote the code running the blaster. Quite a few improvements, changes are documented on the updates post.
Also re-wrote a bit of that rambling crap I posted down there.

Full sized images are linked to at imgur.

There is a parts picture specifically for people who don't read electrical schematics. It includes both pictures of the actual part, and the symbol that represents the part on the schematic and in some of the guide pictures.
Please let me know if you spot mistakes or have any corrections. This is the largest how to that I have made and I am by no means an expert electrician or computer programmer. Or if you know of a better way to rework the code, by all means, post your own changes to it.

Video demonstration of modification (you tube).

Parts list:
1 stock stampede

1 Arduino Nano w/mini-usb (approx. $7 off le bay. Total project cost shouldn't be more than $20-30)

1 12v SPDT automotive relay (NTE R51-5D40-12)
1 SPDT ON-OFF-ON rocker switch

1 2n3904 NPN Transistor
2 1n4007 diode
1 100UF electrolytic capacitor
1 220 ohm 1/4 watt resistor
1 10k ohm 1/4 watt resistor

Approx. 4ft 18 gauge solid core wire
Approx. 5ft 22-24 gauge solid core wire

Heatshrink wire wrap
Hot glue or plastic epoxy

Optional parts:
Stackable header pins - Used to eliminate wired connection between the blaster shell halves
1n4007 diodes - Needed for >12v battery setups
Helping hands - The best $10 you can spend if you do much soldering

Multi-meter (Must know how to use if you miswire anything)
Hot glue or Devcon plastic weld
Dremel or drill
Wire snips / cutting tool
Wire strippers
Size 0 phillips Screwdriver
Electrical tape

Estimated time to completion:
4-8 Hours depending on experience.


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Arduino Setup:
Go here http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/HomePage
Click on your operating system
Follow the instructions to connect your arduino.

You'll download an installer file, run it, and follow the instructions on the website. Windows will not load the correct drivers automatically but they are included in the installation files. The website will guide you through the process.

Once you have the arduino IDE opened up, test it via File -> Examples -> Basics -> Blink. Clicking that loads up a simple arduino test program that blinks the onboard LED light on and off at half second intervals. Upload this to your arduino first and observe the light to insure that it is functioning correctly.

Now... Copy the source code from the code snippet at the bottom of the page and paste it into the arduino ide.
Click the upload button (right pointing arrow icon in the top left corner of the window)

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Once the program has successfully uploaded, disconnect the arduino and set it aside.

Open up the stampede. Remove battery tray, unscrew all shell screws.

Left side modification:

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Right side:

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Put battery into it and test before reassembling!

Here is the sketch for the arduino:

// Stampede select fire mod program
// Version 0.5 10/4/2014
// Written by darthskids.  Feel free to do whatever you want with the code.
// Current version is a complete re-write from the original program posted on nerfhaven.
// Debouncing has been completely redone and improved.
// The program is now more easily expandable and able to run alongside LED and OLED 
// screen drivers as well as with other sensors.
// Jam detection is implemented based on the timing of the boltsled and will require
// cycling the blaster off and on to reset the jammed status.
// Drift reduction has been implemented.  The blaster now calibrates itself
// via the first dart fired after being turned on.
// The mechanism has been tested with 7.2v, 9.6v, and 11.1v battery packs.
// Planned improvements:
// Saving drift correction data to static ram
// Taking an average of the boltsled travel time to improve correction accuracy
// Writing in hooks for LED / OLED display to add feedback displays / lights
// for ammo count, status of blaster, battery level, etc.

//                               //
#define SEMI_CNT      1          // = How many darts will be fired in semi automatic mode
#define BURST_CNT     3          // = How many darts will be fired in burst mode
                                 //   These times control jam detection.  They should be good for 90% of blasters
                                 //   however if you have a very very slow firing blaster a jam may be detected before
                                 //   any darts are fired.  If the blaster begins to fire and then shuts down the motor
                                 //   before a dart is fired, then increase the JAM_ENGAGEMENT time in increments 50
                                 //   until it fires properly.
                                 //   If you have a particularly high ROF, it may continue firing for a brief moment (50-100ms)
                                 //   before being able to detect a jam.  If you wish to calibrate it to detect more quickly
                                 //   then subtract in increments of 50 from the JAM_ENGAGEMENT time until the blaster will not
                                 //   fire.  Then add +50 back to it.  Then follow the same procedure for the JAM_RELEASE.
#define JAM_RELEASE    350       //   The values have been tested from 7.2 to 11.1v with rc high performance nimh and lipo packs
#define JAM_ENGAGEMENT 200       //
#define DRIFT_ADJ  80            //   Drift adjustment is a percentage that should range from approx 70 to 99.
                                 //   This value is only being used until I have more time to test the new code re-write.
                                 //   However, if you want to play around with it, a lower value will stop the boltsled motor earlier
                                 //   and a greater value will stop it later on the last round fired of the current activation.

//State machine definitions
#define ST_W4_ACTIVATION   0
#define ST_READY_TO_FIRE   1
#define ST_FIRE            2
#define ST_W4_ENGAGEMENT   3
#define ST_W4_RELEASE      4
#define ST_DRIFT_ADJ       5
#define ST_W4_BOLTSLED     6
#define ST_BRANCH          7
#define ST_W4_T_RELEASE    8
#define ST_JAM             9

#define SEMI      0
#define BURST     1
#define FULL      2

#define FULLA_CNT 1

// Definitions for debounce code
#define DB_SAMPLES   10
#define DB_INTERVAL  100

// function prototypes
void initDbPin(int pin, bool def, struct DBPIN &dbpin);
void runDb(struct DBPIN& dbpin);
bool readDb(struct DBPIN& dbpin);
int  getSelectorState(void);
int  hackAdjustforBoltsledDrift(int time);

// User defined types
typedef struct DBPIN
  int pin;
  int current_reading;
  unsigned long time_last_read;
  bool readings[10];

// Constants
const int pinTrigger = 10;
const int pinBoltsledSensor = 2;
const int pinMotor = 5;
const int pinLed = 13;

// FmOne == LOW then firing mode = semi auto
// FmTwo == LOW then firing mode = full auto
// FmOne == FmTwo == HIGH then firing mode is burst
const int pinFmOne = 12;
const int pinFmTwo = 3;

// Glboal variables
int gBlaster;
DBPIN dbpinTrigger;
DBPIN dbpinBoltsledSensor;

// Function runs once at startup of arduino
void setup() {
  // Activate the serial connection

  // Input sensor pins
  pinMode(pinTrigger, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(pinBoltsledSensor, INPUT);
  pinMode(pinFmOne, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(pinFmTwo, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Outputs
  pinMode(pinMotor, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinLed, OUTPUT);
  // Set outputs low
  digitalWrite(pinLed, LOW);
  digitalWrite(pinMotor, LOW);
  //Set our state to waiting to fire
  gBlaster = ST_W4_ACTIVATION;
  initDbPin(pinTrigger, HIGH, dbpinTrigger);
  initDbPin(pinBoltsledSensor, LOW, dbpinBoltsledSensor);

// Everything inside the function loops from beginning to end until the batteries run out or the power is shut off.
void loop()
  // Holds the value of the fire mode switch
  static int fireSelectSetting;
  // Holds the value of how many darts are left to fire
  static int numDartstoFire;
  // Holds trigger pressed / released status
  static bool triggerReleased;

  // Used for estimating time to shut down the motor
  // due to bolt sled drift on higher powered batteries
  static unsigned long timeStart = 0;
  static unsigned long timeEngaged = 0;
  static unsigned long timeReleased = 0;
  static unsigned long timeStop = 0;
  static unsigned long jamRelease = JAM_RELEASE;
  // Upgraded debounce code
  // Lets the state machine know if the trigger has been released anytime after a firing event
  if(readDb(dbpinTrigger) == HIGH)
    triggerReleased = true;
  // blaster state machine
    // W4_ACTIVATION:  Checks if the trigger is currently pressed.
    // If so, then print to the serial monitor, check the fire mode switch for it's current setting (semi, burst, full)
    // and let execution continue to the next state.  ST_READY_TO_FIRE
    // If not, then revert control back to the loop() function and allow any other code to execute
    case ST_W4_ACTIVATION:
      // Check if the trigger has been pressed
      if(readDb(dbpinTrigger) == LOW)
        // Trigger is pressed
        Serial.println("Trigger activated");

        // Retrieve the current fire mode state
        fireSelectSetting = getSelectorState();
        // Note that the trigger has not been let up
        triggerReleased = false;
        // Set the state to ready to fire
        gBlaster = ST_READY_TO_FIRE;
        // Exit state machine and give control back to the loop() function
    // READY_TO_FIRE:  Preps a static variable for state machine use
    // numDartstoFire variable is set depending on the firing mode selected
    case ST_READY_TO_FIRE:
      // Set the next state to ST_FIRE
      gBlaster = ST_FIRE;

      // Which fire mode is being used?
        case SEMI:
          Serial.println("Semi-automatic mode selected");
          numDartstoFire = SEMI_CNT;
        case BURST:
          Serial.println("Burst fire mode selected");
          numDartstoFire = BURST_CNT;
        case FULL:
          Serial.println("Fully automatic mode selected");
          numDartstoFire = FULLA_CNT;
      // Turn on the motor
      Serial.println("Motor engaged");
      digitalWrite(pinMotor, HIGH);

    // Return control to the loop() function to allow debounce and other code to execute before firing      
    //ST_FIRE:  Activates the motor to fire
    // Sends a HIGH signal to pinMotor, which activates the automotive relay and begins firing
    case ST_FIRE:
      timeStart = millis();
      // Set the next state to waiting for the boltsled sensor to fully engage.
      gBlaster = ST_W4_ENGAGEMENT;
    // W4_ENGAGEMENT:  This state has two purposes.
    // 1)  Is to pause execution of the state machine until the bolt sled sensor is fully engaged moving forward to fire.
    // 2)  To record the time in milliseconds when the sensor is engaged
    // This state simply checks if the sensor has engaged, and returns control until it has.
    // Once the sensor has engaged, control will be transferred to the next state that will stall until the boltsled has returned
    // The time record is used to adjust for boltsled drift that can occur when the bolt sled sensor is not responsive enough
    // to shut down the motor in time.
    case ST_W4_ENGAGEMENT:
      // check if the boltsled has fully engaged
      if(readDb(dbpinBoltsledSensor) == HIGH)
        Serial.print("Boltsled sensor fully engaged HIGH at time: ");
        // mark engagement time
        timeEngaged = millis();
        // Next state is waiting for the sensor to release
        gBlaster = ST_W4_RELEASE;
      else if( millis() > timeStart + JAM_ENGAGEMENT)
        // Detected jammed dart when boltsled is rearward
        Serial.println("Jam detected on boltsled moving forward");
        gBlaster = ST_JAM;
    // W4_RELEASE:  Waits for the boltsled sensor to return rearward after firing.
    // Marks the time when a full engagement / release cycle has occured
    // and makes a function call that adjusts the timing of the motor turn off
    case ST_W4_RELEASE:
        if(millis() > timeEngaged + timeStop)
          gBlaster = ST_DRIFT_ADJ;
        gBlaster = ST_W4_BOLTSLED;
    // Try to figure out if we're firing the last round
    // If so, stop the motor early based on the stop time adjustment
    // If not, go back to reading the sensor at the ST_W4_BOLTSLED state
    case ST_DRIFT_ADJ:
      if(millis() > timeEngaged + timeStop)
        if( ( fireSelectSetting == FULL && triggerReleased == true ) || (fireSelectSetting != FULL && numDartstoFire == 1 ) )
          Serial.print("Shutdown via drift correction at time: ");
          gBlaster = ST_BRANCH;
          gBlaster = ST_W4_BOLTSLED;

    case ST_W4_BOLTSLED:

      // Check for jams first
      if(millis() > timeEngaged + jamRelease)
        // should have disengaged by now
        Serial.println("Jam detected on boltsled return");
        gBlaster = ST_JAM;

      // Check if the boltsled sensor has fully disengaged
      if(readDb(dbpinBoltsledSensor) == LOW)
        // The bolt sled sensor is fully rearward
        Serial.print("Boltslend sensor fully disengaged at time: ");
        // Record the time it took for one complete engagement / disengagement cycle
        timeReleased = millis();
        // Function call sets the variable timeStop to a new estimated value to prevent boltsled drift
        timeStop = hackAdjustforBoltsledDrift(timeReleased - timeEngaged);
        // Send control to ST_BRANCH
        gBlaster = ST_BRANCH;
    // ST_BRANCH:  This state handles a branch in the execution of the program
    // related to the firing mode.
    // If the firing mode is semi-automatic then firing needs to cease
    // whereas Burst needs to continue for BURST_CNT # of rounds
    // and Full auto needs to continue until the trigger has been released
    case ST_BRANCH:
      Serial.print("Rnd ");
      Serial.println(" fired");
      // Full auto
      if(fireSelectSetting == FULL)
        // Check if the trigger has been released.
        // Either shut down motor, or let the firing continue.
        if(triggerReleased == true)
          Serial.println("Full auto ended.  Trigger released");
          // Shutdown motor
          digitalWrite(pinMotor, LOW);
          gBlaster = ST_W4_ACTIVATION;
          // Continue firing
          gBlaster = ST_FIRE;
      }  // Not full auto, check how many rounds are left to fire and either continue or shut down
        // One less round to fire
        // No darts left?
        if(numDartstoFire == 0)
          // Shutdown and go into a state that waits for the trigger to release if it has not been released yet
          // Basically, one round or burst per trigger pull.
          Serial.println("All rounds fired, turning off motor");
          digitalWrite(pinMotor, LOW);
          gBlaster = ST_W4_T_RELEASE;
          // number of darts to fire is still > 0, so fire another one
          gBlaster = ST_FIRE;
    // ST_W4_T_RELEASE:  Stall SM execution until the trigger has been released.
    // Should only be called by the semi and burst branches of code
    // since full auto already waits for the trigger to be released.
    case ST_W4_T_RELEASE:
      // Trigger released?
      if(triggerReleased == true)
        // Trigger was released, go back to waiting for it to be pressed again
        gBlaster = ST_W4_ACTIVATION;
    // ST_JAM: Currently turns off motor
    // Would be a good place to say update an LED or otherwise draw attention to the
    // user that the blaster is jammed.
    // Blaster must be cycled off and then back on to reset it.
    case ST_JAM:
     digitalWrite(pinMotor, LOW);
    // Return back to main code.  Do nothing until blaster is turned off and jam is cleared.
    // default:  Failsafe state in case an invalid state is entered.
    // by including a default it will prevent the program from crashing
      //set state back to starting state in the hopes of working again
      gBlaster = ST_W4_ACTIVATION;

void initDbPin(int pin, bool def, struct DBPIN &dbpin)
  dbpin.pin = pin;
  // set data to default
  for(int i = 0; i < DB_SAMPLES; i++)
    dbpin.readings[i] = def;
  dbpin.current_reading = 0;
  dbpin.time_last_read = micros();
  dbpin.readings[dbpin.current_reading] = digitalRead(dbpin.pin);

void runDb(struct DBPIN& dbpin)
  unsigned long time = micros();
  if(dbpin.time_last_read + DB_INTERVAL < time)
    if(dbpin.current_reading == DB_SAMPLES)
      dbpin.current_reading = 0;

    dbpin.readings[dbpin.current_reading] = digitalRead(dbpin.pin);
    dbpin.time_last_read = time;

bool readDb(struct DBPIN& dbpin)
  int cnt = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < DB_SAMPLES; i++)
    cnt += dbpin.readings[i];

  if(cnt >= DB_SAMPLES / 2)
    return HIGH;
    return LOW;

int getSelectorState(void)
  int state = BURST;
  if(digitalRead(pinFmOne) == LOW)
    state = SEMI;
  if(digitalRead(pinFmTwo) == LOW)
    state = FULL;

int  hackAdjustforBoltsledDrift(int time)
 return( ( time * DRIFT_ADJ ) / 100 );

Edited by darthskids, 04 October 2014 - 09:23 AM.

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#2 darthskids



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Posted 22 September 2014 - 01:00 AM

10/4: Complete re-write of the arduino sketch. Numerous improvements listed at the beginning of the code block.
9/26: Updated program. More aggressive debounce timing and added jam detection.

This thing came about from a post on /r/Nerf by Keiichirx7 about adapting an airsoft burst fire controller to use on a stampede. It was a pretty cool idea but I didn't like some aspects of it (Price and the way it relied on timing rather than sensors for operation) and thought I could do one up with an arduino for less cash and better results.

As a rough estimate, I've put around 20-25 hours into the project including the time to write up this guide.

How things work:

Switches and sensor pins
Well, I'll jump into the switches and pins on the arduino first. The arduino has 13 digital io pins that can be in one of two states (High or low). When a pin is high, it delivers 5 volts and up to 40mA of current. When it switches low it goes down to 0 volts. This behavior is used both to receive input by allowing an external signal to bring the pin high or low, and also to control other components by setting a pin high or low in the arduino software.

In the case of this mod, the trigger switch and the fire selection switches both use what is called input pullup. For the trigger, pin 10 is set to +5v in software and has a 20-40kohm resistance on it so that very little current will flow out of it. The trigger switch is connected to ground so when the trigger is pulled, that little bit of +5v current on the pin is allowed to flow to ground and this drags the 5v current that the pin is supplying all the way down to near 0. The software can then detect that the trigger has been pulled by checking whether the pin is near 5 volts, or near 0 volts. The fire selection switch works in a similar manner but with two pins instead. Pin 3 and 12 are both connected to terminals on the switch and the pole (A pole is the connection that is always connected in the circuit. The pivot, basically) is connected to ground. When the switch is moved to either of the on positions, either pin 3 or 12 will then be connected to ground and the 5v signal will then get pulled down to 0v.


   result = digitalRead( pin ) //  Returns the value ( High or Low ) of the specified pin

   if( result == HIGH ) // if the pin is high, then we know which state the switch or sensor is in

The boltsled position switch was a little more problematic for me as I don't have much experience with micro controller programming. The first version of it had difficulties with bouncing. What bouncing means is that a switch will register both on and off over a very period of time (a few milliseonds, usually) immediately after it has changed state. It will eventually settle into reporting the correct position. However, if you don't take that into account then the program will read incorrect values and believe that the boltsled has already made a complete cycle forward and back.

To make sure the boltsled sensor has a very strong on/off signal, instead of using a pullup resistor, I connected it from the 5v pin on the arduino and attached a resistor to control the amount of current flowing through it. The 220 ohm resistor allows approximately 20mA of current to flow through the switch and I hope that it will give it a better on/off time than the 0.5mA or so that the pullup resistor pin would source. On the switch itself, pin 2 and ground are connected to the bolt sled switch so when the switch is not engaged, 5v is flowing to pin 2. And when the boltsled engages forward, current is allowed to flow to ground and brings the voltage down to near 0v on pin 2.

The transistor Q1
The last switch/sensor that I'm going to cover is the transistor on pin 5. Again, the arduino pins can supply about 40ma of 5v current. That's not enough to activate the automotive relay. That's where the transistor comes in. The arduino software turns on and off pin 5, and that little bit of 5v current is enough to turn on the transistor and it handle the 7-12v and up to 130ma that the relay coil will need to turn on.

There are also some other fringe benefits of the transistor. Coils are inductive loads. They create a magnetic field and when electricity is turned off, the magnetic field collapses and creates a voltage that is the reverse of the voltage going into it. The stock stampede had nothing more than simple switches, so no worries about it. But with an arduino, suddenly supplying a pin or pins with electricity can burn them out. The transistor acts as a sort of protection because it is now connected to the automotive relay instead of the arduino. If anything burns out from too much back emf/induction, the $1 transistor will burn out rather than the $7 microcontroller. The diodes are in the circuit for the same reason. Do not skimp on those. The two diodes are placed right on top of the two inductive loads (Motor and relay coil) so that any spike in current has a path back to it's source at the relay coil. This gives additional protection to the rest of the circuit.

The motor

Motor braking. When the motor is stationary, the voltage is the same on M+ and M-, so it doesn't move. But when the motor is turning and the relay is shut off, the motor continues to spin. This causes it to act like a generator. By connecting both motor terminals to the positive voltage line the electricity that is generated gets fed back into the motor and causes it to stop almost immediately. This technique is used in both the stampede and rapidstrike (In the dart pusher motor) to spin down motors quickly.

Tying it all together with the code

I think I've covered most of the components, minus the cap and the power switch. Hope those are fairly self explanatory.

Well, the code was entirely re-written and poorly commented. Feel free to read through the comments for exact information on it's function as I can only give a rough overview of how it functions.

First, the debouncing code. It has now been separated from any of the blaster programming and operates on it's own by being called from the main loop() every iteration. It checks the current status of each pin that the functions are called for, and records the status and time when it was checked.

The blaster functions now work in states. There is one global variable that stores what the blaster is currently doing, whether waiting for the trigger to be pulled, or tracking where the boltsled is, or any number of other functions that it needs to do. This variable is then referenced by a single switch statement (It acts like a hub, every state connects to this point) which directs the blaster programming to the section that handles what it's currently doing.

The big change by doing it this way is that the blaster programming can suspend what it's currently doing to allow other things like debouncing or hopefully in the future updating an OLED or LED display, or even maybe updating battle maps of a teams position via bluetooth and google maps on a cell phone.

And last things, again, I'm not an expert. I'm not even particularly good at programming or electronics so if you happen to be either of those, please do offer suggestions on improvements and fixes if you see any. I really want this guide to be useful and any bugs or errors could really fuck up anyone trying this if they don't know how to use a multi meter. And to anyone thinking about doing this or something similar, feel free to ask any questions you have about it.

Hopefully next up will be a 7 segment LED ammo counter, either on this thing or a stryfe. Not sure which way to go with it, but that won't happen for another week or two at least.

Edited by darthskids, 04 October 2014 - 07:38 AM.

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#3 Draconis


    I am not Lord Draconical

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Posted 23 September 2014 - 11:51 AM

I don't do this often, but holy crap. I am super impressed. I suspect that you could use a similar setup for Nitrons and Rapidstrikes, no? Sorta makes me wish I hadn't given up on Turbo Pascal.
  • 0
[15:51] <+Noodle> titties
[15:51] <+Rhadamanthys> titties
[15:51] <+jakejagan> titties
[15:51] <+Lucian> boobs
[15:51] <+Gears> titties
[15:51] <@Draconis> Titties.
[15:52] <+Noodle> why is this so hard?

#4 darthskids



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Posted 23 September 2014 - 07:28 PM

Thank you.

And yes sir. The RS and Nitron pusher motors would wire up almost exactly the same. If you want the RS to operate off of a single trigger pull then the flywheels have to be rewired a little bit though.

I tried a similar setup minus the arduino on a RS and the pusher motor was just too fast for the flywheels. The darts would get pushed in just a fraction of a second too early.

When I get another arduino in, my next project is to hopefully use it to control the rapidstrike so that it will spin up and fire with a single trigger press like that really bad ass TR-27 does.
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#5 Bobololo



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Posted 30 September 2014 - 03:37 AM

I <3 this so hard. I've never used an Arduino in a blaster before because I have zero programming experience or knowledge on how things work. I am looking for the parts online as I type this because this writeup goes over ev-ry-thing, and makes me feel comfortable in doing this mod. Excellent work on the stampede, and even bigger props for providing a great writeup!

Edit: What battery set up are you currently using on yours?

Edited by Bobololo, 30 September 2014 - 04:55 AM.

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#6 darthskids



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Posted 30 September 2014 - 08:51 PM

I have tested it with 7.2v, 9.6v, and 11.1v RC battery packs.

I haven't found any bugs with the 7.2 and 9.6 nimh's.

The 3s lipo has had problems with the bolt drifting forward slightly. It fires fine, however it drifts out just far enough to interfere with reloading.

There are a couple adjustments that can be made in software so I should have a fix in the next couple days.
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#7 Technician Gimmick

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Posted 30 December 2014 - 11:28 PM

Very nice. :)
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#8 Nemesis2



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Posted 02 January 2015 - 09:01 AM

I love your work an at this momment working on one, with the help from your sketch and diagrams. I am not program minded so it is a bit hard for me to get around the codes.
How has your work on the ammo counter going, got any further yet.
Thank you for sharing your work with everyone. :)

Edited by Nemesis2, 02 January 2015 - 09:02 AM.

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#9 ScrubSteve



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Posted 18 June 2015 - 02:41 PM

I <3 this so hard. I've never used an Arduino in a blaster before because I have zero programming experience or knowledge on how things work. I am looking for the parts online as I type this because this writeup goes over ev-ry-thing, and makes me feel comfortable in doing this mod. Excellent work on the stampede, and even bigger props for providing a great writeup!

Edit: What battery set up are you currently using on yours?

Hi Bobololo, I'm one of your subscribers and I have a stampede I would like to mod like this but most of this is very confusing and I see that you are interested in making this and it would be very helpful if you made a step-by-step video on your channel so I can get a better understanding of this and maybe even make this one day myself
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#10 ScrubSteve



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Posted 18 June 2015 - 02:41 PM

I <3 this so hard. I've never used an Arduino in a blaster before because I have zero programming experience or knowledge on how things work. I am looking for the parts online as I type this because this writeup goes over ev-ry-thing, and makes me feel comfortable in doing this mod. Excellent work on the stampede, and even bigger props for providing a great writeup!

Edit: What battery set up are you currently using on yours?

Hi Bobololo, I'm one of your subscribers and I have a stampede I would like to mod like this but most of this is very confusing and I see that you are interested in making this and it would be very helpful if you made a step-by-step video on your channel so I can get a better understanding of this and maybe even make this one day myself
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