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#103134 Hey Guys, Aussie Newbie Here

Posted by vaders pet on 30 April 2007 - 02:08 AM in General Nerf

I would love to get into this alot deeper than i am right now, But unfortunately Due to the Gun restrictions we have in Australia, i was actually quite lucky to get the L.S in. Any suggestions on what my next move should be on starting on something small?

Jwasko, the armour itself was not the expensive part, having someone paint it for you is the Expensive part. PM me if you would like the details of the guy that did it.

#102925 Hey Guys, Aussie Newbie Here

Posted by vaders pet on 29 April 2007 - 07:36 AM in General Nerf

The paint job on the thing is pretty tight. There are plenty of topics on modding the LS various ways. Spend some time in the mods forum and search around. You should be able to find hat you need.

I can't offer more specific help because 1, I'm to lazy to search myself, and 2, I'm by far the last person you want to ask about modding that thing. I have one, and I modded it, but it was a pain in the ass for me. I'm a simple minded creature who really can only mod basic stuff. Opening the LS was like staring at a quantum physics book.

Thank you One Man, i felt exactly the same way upon opening my rifle and havng a completely alien interior stare back at me.

I already bought a proper scope for it, and am in the process of painting it. I was just wondering if i might get some help from you guys on modding the internals of the rifle, i am really after some punch when i fire this thing, and some range. I was told the two main things to do is replace the spring, and remove the air restrictors.

To be honest i have only had experience on putting things together that do not have moving parts in them, so would i be able to ask someone to help me replace the above mentioned two items?

Hey, I like your Mando paintjob.

Are you looking for physical help, or writing advice?

I assume you know of Cartoons writeup

And the Longshot directory

I found those tremendously helpful.

Samurai, i had been previously given these links but could not comment or ask for help with their interpretation until my account had been activated. I will go over them now and try to make sense of it. Because i am all the way over in Australia, i am not sure i will be able to get much help with this outside the board, as i don;t think it would make it past customs looking like it does now. Being down here makes it very hard to get anything that resembles a cool looking rifle prop.

Thanks for the help so far guys, i will look up the threads and hopefully i will be able to do this myself. ^_^

Cheers, Matt

#102924 Welcome New Comers

Posted by vaders pet on 29 April 2007 - 07:11 AM in News

Thanks for letting us in, appreciate it ^_^

#102910 Hey Guys, Aussie Newbie Here

Posted by vaders pet on 29 April 2007 - 03:33 AM in General Nerf

Hi all,
just introducing myself, my names Matt, and im from Sydney, Australia. I'm part of a couple of star wars costume groups, including the 501st, i'm sure there are some members floating around on here. I just imported one of the CS-6 longshots with the intention of modding it into a Mandaloiran rifle for my custom armour i'm building.

I already bought a proper scope for it, and am in the process of painting it. I was just wondering if i might get some help from you guys on modding the internals of the rifle, i am really after some punch when i fire this thing, and some range. I was told the two main things to do is replace the spring, and remove the air restrictors.

To be honest i have only had experience on putting things together that do not have moving parts in them, so would i be able to ask someone to help me replace the above mentioned two items?
any help would be great, thanks a bunch in advance guys,

P.S, all my work on my LS and my armour can be found at the following link. Thanks for looking guys ^_^
http://s11.photobuck.....Custom Mando/