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#144403 A Halo Plasma Rifle Made From Pc/magstrike?

Posted by n-Lord on 09 March 2008 - 04:46 AM in Modifications

The magstrike sort of looks like a plasma rifle, but perhaps if you just took a Powerclip and added some pointy pieces off the back like a plasma rifle and painted it, it might look convincing.

Just wondering are you sure your not thinking of the Needler form halo?


#133380 Integrations, Post Them Here!

Posted by n-Lord on 22 December 2007 - 08:02 AM in Modifications

HOLY $#@% Frost does jaws have the ability to take down a helicopter

#130147 All Aluminum Paintball (and Nerf) Bolt-action Rifle

Posted by n-Lord on 19 November 2007 - 02:56 AM in Homemades

I thought to fix the feeding problem you could just put some flexible hose on the feed. The only problem i forsee is the tube bending sideways when it comes to bend up the slope.

#127506 Arr!

Posted by n-Lord on 26 October 2007 - 08:11 AM in Homemades

Good point i picked up some inherit flaws with that 6mm semi design anyway.

#127475 Arr!

Posted by n-Lord on 25 October 2007 - 11:04 PM in Homemades

I have been ducking in out reading the updates on this project and i was recently looking at the original idea of having the ram push forward to seal the barrel rather then retract and thought why use th ram to seal the barrel why not have the air flow through it, i was then reminded of a project i saw on spudfiles here

#120973 C.s.h.g.

Posted by n-Lord on 24 August 2007 - 01:39 AM in Homemades

Ok no neen for it then.


#120887 C.s.h.g.

Posted by n-Lord on 23 August 2007 - 06:39 AM in Homemades

Hello Captain Slug i have a question that may help or simply add more to your work load, but i think it will help.

I was just wondering if you are still using the plungers running on the helical track if so i was wondering if you have some way to maybe disengage the helical track after use on account of that fact that when you switch this beast off 2 plungers will still be resting on the track. adding say a bolt handle to the helical track could work just switch of the gun pull the handle on the track up to unlock it then push forward. Adding something like this would releave the two plungers on the track thus reducing metal fatigue.

I just thought i should bring this to your attention im sorry if someone has already mentioned this.


#117081 M.p.p.v.p.g. (mass Producable Piston Valve Pneumatic Gun)

Posted by n-Lord on 25 July 2007 - 12:56 AM in Homemades

This is a great project im actually working on a piston valved homeade myself (Even with the... metric PVC sizes) and i have found that most piston valve homades have a small equilizing hole in the piston it self so as you pump the gun pressure builds up behing the piston or neoprene washer and some leaks directly into the tank and as you pump the pressure on both sides pretty much equilizes regardless your idea is brilliant i hope it gets finished soon oh and if anything is not quite clear in my explaination dont hesitate to ask



#116708 M.p.c.bar (mass Producable Clipped Bolt Acton Rifle)

Posted by n-Lord on 21 July 2007 - 06:12 PM in Homemades

I recently had a thought on how you could keep the ammo in (a bit late i realise) this idea could be used for a later project

Ok basically all you would have to do is make 2 mag clips and attach them to the magazine itself not the gun this means that in order to put the mag on the gun you must squeeze both mag clips down feed the mage in an release the clips now onto the ammo problem when thw mag isnt in the gun the mag clip down the ammo in via 2 tiny nails breaching on the mag.

Ok thats my idea if you dont quite understand what im getting at please ask



Crude picture to help explain

Posted Image

Sorry pic is tiny you have to click it then in the window that pops up click it again sorry

sorry ive edited this like 5000 timnes (Maybe a little less) just trying to get image to work

#105018 My First Homemade

Posted by n-Lord on 11 May 2007 - 06:26 PM in Homemades

Thanks that would be great.

#104969 My First Homemade

Posted by n-Lord on 11 May 2007 - 04:05 AM in Homemades

I realise this topic will soon be moved but i would just like to know, Jaffe what kind of spring are you using.