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#2806 750 Mod Results

Posted by rawray7 on 31 March 2003 - 01:42 PM in Modifications

one: what ammo are you using? two: if the barrel is tight, don't sand it out, get a new one. three: make sure that the ammo slides easily in the barrel. four: make the barrel longer. five: you might have a leak.

#2807 Nerf War Stories.

Posted by rawray7 on 31 March 2003 - 01:46 PM in Site Feedback

i've never really found that reading war stories is very fun. maybe it's just me, but how many people actually read those? war videos and pictures on the other hand are a lot more interesting, and aren't exaggerated, like many of those war stories.

#2944 Hey! New Here!

Posted by rawray7 on 03 April 2003 - 10:08 PM in Off Topic

boy, 3 days and this thread has already turned into 'let's all hit on the nerf chick'. although that seemed to happen on NO also, so i am not that surprised. well JT, i'm glad to see you've come back into the nerf spotlight.

on a side note: this *wink wink* *flustered* smiley business can't be healthy for you people.

#2956 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 03 April 2003 - 11:30 PM in Nerf Wars

i post here this evening to inform you of some sad news concerning the upcoming YANO.

today, while riding a Razor scooter, i hit a small bump. it did not help that i was laughing frantically miliseconds prior to the incident. after my front wheel was lodged in the concrete, i was flipped head over heels onto the pavement. the back of my left knee suffered some scrap damage, along with my hands. the biggest casualty of all was my eyes. no, i have not directly damaged my pupils, but something much worse...

it was not a sunny day, and i found my hip pink sunglasses (featured in the YANO gallery) of no use. putting them in my pocket was the biggest mistake of my young life...

the sunglasses were in my pocket when the horendous accident occured, and i am afraid they are no longer among the living. Doctors worked around the clock to repair the snapped right side and the cracked lense, but to no avail.

me and those glasses when back along way, and i am sad to see them go. to make a long story short: umm....i will be not be wearing my pink glasses to YANO, and unless i can find a trendy substitute, i am afraid my nerfing qualities may not be up to par.

with deep sorrow,
commander ray: over and out.

#2991 Carpoolin

Posted by rawray7 on 04 April 2003 - 10:54 PM in Nerf Wars

welcome to nerfhaven and such. two things: one, talk to neonerfer. go into your control panel. and then go to send PM. send this question to neonerfer. he is your best chance at a ride up to YANO. i haven't heard from him in a week or two, but maybe he has spring break. two, put this in the nerf wars section next time.

#2992 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 04 April 2003 - 11:04 PM in Nerf Wars

well...i'm glad you guys thought the story was funny. i have never had so much fun posting until that story. i was really trying to make it seem like i had been blinded or something, i guess it worked. seeing the upset this has created among socal nerfers and the upset in my heart as well, i think i am going to try to repair them with some pink tape or something.

i think my YANO count is still at about 5.

~commander blop: signing out~

#3072 Girls...

Posted by rawray7 on 07 April 2003 - 05:46 PM in Off Topic

Women, feel free to heckle me.

HA! i am going to heckle you anyway. you have just helped to prove my theory: AIM will take over the world. i mean, c'mon switchblade; you hit off a classic 'middle school relationship' (which are the oddest of things anyway) over AIM. you mind as well type "*gentle kiss on the cheek*" to her next time you see her and send her an ether-rose (~~~~~~~@) for her birthday.

i am not saying that i don't use AIM, because I do, and i am online for probably 4 hours everyday; but one thing i have learned over the years is that you really shouldn't say anything personal or important over AIM. now, i could be one of those policemen people and say things like "you know that everything you type in AIM is saved on your computer and the computer of the person you send it to" or "unless you are a hax0r, you really can't be sure of who you are talking to"; both of which are true. but i won't. i am just going to say this: use AIM to talk to people that you don't go to school with, like your grandma on the AOL commercial or one of your fellow nerfers. if you do talk to people you live with on AIM, try to make it talk about things that you aren't afraid to say in person, and preferably topics you have already discussed in person. i hate AIM.

#3080 Horsemen On G4?

Posted by rawray7 on 07 April 2003 - 08:00 PM in Off Topic

don't feel stupid, i have an equally stupid question. what is arena on G4?

#3137 Matrix Reloaded

Posted by rawray7 on 08 April 2003 - 09:03 PM in Off Topic

Strange, I get away with wearing all black all the time.

that's the way it should be. i've found that LA in general is very good at staring down people who wear anything half-conspicious. my theory: the air here is so bad, they can't think straight.

#3138 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 08 April 2003 - 09:12 PM in Nerf Wars

alright, i'm sorry to dissappoint everyone, but it doesn't look like there is going to be much barricade action this saturday. i've only finished one. it will be a miracle if i can get more than that before saturday. the most i could possibly do would be three, that's all the material i have. they really don't take that long, but my agenda this week is about as busy as it gets. i have baseball and fencing 5 days a week, i was sick yesterday so i have a lot of make-up work, i have an alumni concert at my old school, a baseball game friday, and yeah. i'm sorry i hyped it all up and never really delivered. hopefully i will be able to make them by the next YANO.

secondly, this is the week of tragedies. not only did my wonderful sunglasses break, but i think i broke my thumb today, up at the plate in baseball practice: inside pitch going about 87 right into my left-hand thumb. i doubt i will be able to use my sidearm. oh well, you guys won't mind, it will keep alive the short lived tradition of "when ray fires, i want everyone on our team to rush their base".

#3151 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 09 April 2003 - 12:52 AM in Nerf Wars

i fence foil. i started this december, so i haven't really been at it all that long, but i am decent. um...regional events: i fenced a Y14 tournament in sacramento with 67 people. last weekend i fenced a Y14 tournament at beverly hills fencer's club, i did about as well as i would have expected. The only other regional thing i have done was a pre-tournament warm-up at something like southern coast fencing down in tustin. the club i am with is Fortune Fencing, in pasadena. their website isn't that great, but i really like the club environment.

well...anyhoo, aboot YANO. one more update if anyone cares: i will probably be bringing either 3 people or 5. all depends, again, on my friend's planning skills. all of the littlier ones i have brought in the past (i.e. Paul, Luke etc..) aren't going to be able to make it, because they all have Baseball games and team pictures. it will probably just be Me, casey (can't find a pic. ski goggles and 5k) and Kevin (valiantly charging with Spoon and I)(i think we re-named him Ted at the last YANO)

boy, digging up those pictures has got me hyped!

#3196 All Ammo Barrel

Posted by rawray7 on 09 April 2003 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

well...you put one pipe into another. then that into another. what is your question?

#3198 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 09 April 2003 - 08:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Do they still have unranked tourneys at Chaminade HS?

yeah, my mom has fenced a few epee tournaments over there.

you will probably hate us though because we're kids, and that hurts my feelings

mason, chill out. we haven't even started hating you, and your sad.

and on a side note: in a perfect world with less to do, i could have 2 AT3K's modded and in use for people without guns. possibly an AT2k or two. oh, and guys: please make some decent ammo!!!!!! i am pretty low, and the only other people i can look to for good ammo are CXWQ and Spoon. and i am sick of being shot with darts i can't use. stop with the 400-stefans-per-hour quality level.

#3217 The Unlimate Nerf Arena

Posted by rawray7 on 09 April 2003 - 11:29 PM in General Nerf

the ultimate arena (impossible) would be an arena like that of the battlerooms in Ender's Game. the ultimate arena (possible) would be a war in a medieval castle. that would just be sweet.

#3219 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 09 April 2003 - 11:34 PM in Nerf Wars

(Oh, and ray, you don't really hate me do you?)

No, i don't hate you. you are a cool guy. i've known you since forever, you are a cool guy, i was just annoyed at your posts. chill out about the war, don't be nervous, if you are really nervous about it, you can be on my team for the first few, and stick around me if you want. paul won't be there, but it'll be fun.

#3288 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 10 April 2003 - 11:41 PM in Nerf Wars

see here as the native Spoon once again abuses his tribal powers. now, to our special on the jackalope...

#3315 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 11 April 2003 - 09:16 PM in Nerf Wars

my count is down to three. i think i am going to have to pull an all nighter.

#3328 April Yano Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 12 April 2003 - 01:56 AM in Nerf Wars

midnight update: i refuse to pull an all nighter, and my dad wont let me use the powersaw. therefore: no barricades for sure. also, i am at a solid three people in my party. i won't have more than my usual arsenal (with an added 2k). and i am going to sleep, so the only thing i am aiming to accomplish before 7:30 tomorrow morning is to finish steve's barrel. my glasses are fixed, thanks to some duct tape. i am prepared to kick some ass tomorrow pending that i can sleep on the way there, and during lunch. end of the midnight update.

#3359 April YANO Wrapup

Posted by rawray7 on 13 April 2003 - 12:49 AM in Nerf Wars

that was one of my favorite wars of all time. i was having so much fun, i started busting out my matrix moves all over the place. my two favorites: 1) chasing down steve, he turns around to cap my azzor with a LnL, and i slide on the grass under the dart, and bust a double horizontal on his azz with my crossbow. 2) to cleat the middle intersection, i did a full sprint at a wall, then jumped and landed horizontally on the face of it, bounced back toward where i came from while shooting. so fun. Toj rocked: he was so good, at the end of the war he had four nipples. Jason gets shielded player of the year award; in his premier, he mastered the ways of the manta ray/ 2k combo. steve, as usual, is impossible to hit: from point blanc he dodged my xbow, with his patented spinmove. kevin is his team, 'nuff said. spoon nerfed like spoon always does, never let's his holster's buttbands get in the way. everyone unmentioned nerfed well. i didn't see too many people not into the hang of things by the end of the day. there was more fun on the grass this war than usual, too. with the exception of CTF, every war was great, even with steve picking horrible teams. in conclusion: the war rocked.

quotes of the day
"you promise?" - Jon asking Julie about his red neck
"do i have a nipple on my back?" - Toj.

#3383 April YANO Wrapup

Posted by rawray7 on 13 April 2003 - 01:43 PM in Nerf Wars

Most damage done- Jeff. He hit me at least 120 times every round, he’s awesome at altering the course of the dart with his mind. I think he hit 6 people with the same dart, on the same shot. It just kept bouncing off people and hitting others.

i agree. i am unofficially banning jedi mind tricks from future YANOs. also Jeff, don't make those stefans that go through walls and trees anymore, they 'hit' me way too often.

#3412 April YANO Wrapup

Posted by rawray7 on 13 April 2003 - 06:30 PM in Nerf Wars

the best nerf simily (sp) ever created: "it was like using a flame thrower in an Alien movie. " spoon, you should become an english major or a nerf war journalist.

#3416 Petg Tubing In Eab

Posted by rawray7 on 13 April 2003 - 06:47 PM in Modifications

yes, that is how it is supposed to be.

slow down mason. you've got five of the top five posts in the mods section. don't make the overposting mistake so many have made before you.

#3418 Petg Tubing In Eab

Posted by rawray7 on 13 April 2003 - 06:55 PM in Modifications

Posted: Apr 13 2003, 04:47 PM

Posted: Apr 13 2003, 04:51 PM

christ. do you have a jewel in your ear that says "rawray7 posted in your topic, get to the computer fast"? if you do, i want one.

#3426 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 13 April 2003 - 09:31 PM in General Nerf

Well...i've decided that i have way too many cool tactical nerfing ideas that aren't really possible or practical, so i am going to make a movie. it's going to be a complete jon woo/matrix ripoff, but with nerf. i think the premise of the story is going to be something along the lines of Hasbro's Engineer's vs. the general nerf populace. a storming of the Hasbro Headquarters with much indoor/urban warfare. i've got lots of ideas for scenes, but i realized that 1) i don't have enough interested people in my neighborhood or at my school to make a decent film. 2) i don't have the arsenal to create the scenes i want. (i.e. - i want some manta ray action, some dual LnL pimpation, and some wildfire storms.) i think that if i were to get around to this at all, i would host a filming session somewhere in the LA area, for anyone interested, and it would probably last morning to night. this would only be possible during the summer, and it would mean i would have to write a script/caste prior to the event. i'm thinking that the movie won't exceed 20-30 minutes, seeing how hard it is to get a bunch of nerfers together for more than one day. i know people with the hardware and the software, who would love to film it for me. well...right now i am just looking for ideas/comments/volunteers. casting wise, i would probably need 20 different "actors" and i can find a teenage camera crew in a flash. in the story, there will probably be about three main characters: Me, steve(if he wants to, casted only because he looks so badass), and one other person. if we were to follow the matrix closely, i might be able to get a girl to do the job, but that would mean putting a nerfer out of a main spot. i think spoon's squad would be perfect for the characters of the Hasbro workers. Cxwq could be a Morpheus type person if he's up for it. spoon could be the main bad guy. an army of halfling nerfers could come in handy (i.e. my good friends brian, kyle and mason). well...tell me what you guys think.

edit: in the casting of the third part girl possibility, i had forgotten all about Julie and Steph. i think Steph would make a better engineer/fed, but Julie could make the third person if she was dying to be that character. i was trying to set up an old vs. young thing (with the exception of Cxwq as morpheus), but that may not work. we could always make captain suave morpheus and Cx can be co-leader of the Hasbros.

#3430 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 13 April 2003 - 09:54 PM in General Nerf

julie, you can be that part if you want to. if you don't, then you can take pictures or be a Hasbro engineer, or whatever. i'll try to figure out enough jobs/characters for about 25 people.

#3437 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 13 April 2003 - 11:11 PM in General Nerf

ash: yeah, that plot's pretty dumb, i was trying to think of something with a smaller army vs. a bunch of 'feds', and then i read the post about 'hasbro engineers modding guns'.

spoon: yeah, i think it will be very tongue-in-cheek, using that plot or not. i forgot you were the supzor film student, i'll let you be the voice of reason. i wasn't planning on making the day with all of the socal nerfers the only filming day. i was planning multiple days of filming with less people, for things that won't require everyone. 25-30 minutes is ridiculously long, seeing as how i can't have a week of shoot days. i think 15 minutes is the highest it will possibly go. this whole thing was sort of on a whim of mine since YANO, so i really haven't thought everything through. my filmmaking experience isn't much, so i will need your help a lot. right now i am working on ideas for specific scenes, and how to pull them off. later this week i am going to write a script. i am going to try to stay away from a lot of talking, because i can just imagine it turning out horriblely lame. i want to stay away from the "hey, there's some aliens" "we better go have sex with them" type things. (that's from norm mcdonald's 'dirty work', by the way, in his parody 'men in black: who like to have sex with things'. maybe you have to see the movie for it to be funny) anyhoo, yeah, right now i just want to pull off some sweet matrix-type scenes, the plot can change dramatically for all i care.

#3457 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 14 April 2003 - 06:35 PM in General Nerf

i'm up in pasadena. batman, i'll work out dates when i get everything else figured out. spoon, i kind of like the idea of everything possibly just revolving around one big fight scene. right now, i am thinking that the first scene is going to be somewhat of a drive-by nerfing. basically, the good guys come over to the bad guys building, and bust a drive by on the guards on the outer perimeter. LA is full of parking structures to pull this off in. my friend matt already signed onto the movie, and he's got a white volvo five seat sedan that would make a great good-mobile. plus, since he wants to film, he'd let me drive it. i've had a few other people say they'd help me out too. the fight choreography is going to be super hard, and that's mainly what i am concentrating on right now; mostly designing cool moves, how to film them, and where to film them. Groove, write me plot if you want, i can't promise i'll use it, but it would be greatly appreciated.

blackblade: i want to see your gangster movie when your done. i doubt their will be much gangster in my movie, all though i might have to throw in some "shizzle"s or "bitch, nah"s for the hell of it.

whatever the set up is, i would really like the good vs. evil to revolve around older people vs. younger people. and the really young ones possibly as minions of the bad guys. the older people will probably be outfitted like businessmen.

EDIT: i am also looking for three to four songs that can go with the movie. two or three should be action-movie type songs (preferably not overused) and one or two for the intro, credits and such.

#3465 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 14 April 2003 - 09:45 PM in General Nerf

Hrm.. How about a scene with two guys wearing trench coats and sunglasses walk up to each other, draw an LNL simultaneously, and put it to each other's head, all to the matrix lobby scene music, and then they shoot each other in the head. How about that for an opening scene. Yeah, like, one dude is running from the other in a park, and then after like a minute, he stops, and turns around, and then they do the LNL thing.


i agree with neo. A LnL-Mutalation-Duet doesn't sound very appealing. although, i think the intro scene could be something like a one on one chase scene through a crowded city or park or something.

for all you out-of-staters that want to help, just post or email (rawray7@hotmail.com) any of your comments, scene ideas, plot ideas, war choreography ideas, everything. i'll try to use as much of it as i can.

i'm really glad there is a large amount of interest in this, i'm going to need a lot of help.

#3468 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 14 April 2003 - 10:23 PM in General Nerf

Ray: We should get together in person then sometime, Pomona isn't too far away from me, like 30 mins.

I wonder if a nerf drive by wouldn't come off as just stupid....

This is going completely in the other direction but what if the film revolved around Nerf becoming the nations next spectator sport craze.  Improbable of course, but it would give a reason for everyone to be using nerf guns.

what does pomona have to do with anything? pomona is like 30 minutes away from me too, if that matters. i'm confused about the pomona deal.

the nerf drive wasn't planned on being a ghetto drive by, more of a means of busting into the bad guy facility.

the spectator craze thing sounds okay...but it doesn't really allow for as many riduculously outrageous and un-called-for stunts. also, i don't want to caste an arena of screaming people. i think that the fact that they are using nerf guns should stay completely un-explained.

#3470 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 14 April 2003 - 10:29 PM in General Nerf

Tell me what you think, honestly. If you don’t like this plot, I’ve got a few more.

dude, that sounds cool. unless i find anything better, i am going to start with that. the only thing i am going to change is the super weapon thing. it's going to be a super-nerfer that they have captured. someone not terribly popular with the nerfing community, someone unsuspecting. like captain suave, or ted, or mason, or superadaquabat(sp). this person, once freed, get's some cool rampage scenes.

#3497 Nerfers Database

Posted by rawray7 on 15 April 2003 - 07:26 PM in General Nerf

name, NH alias, main weapon, full arsenal, location (LA, OC, SD, etc.), 200x200 picture for ID purposes, web site (if you have one)

Ray (if you really need a last name, i'll PM it to you)
Crossbow, 2 PC's, 5000, 4 SM 750s, 2 Broken Crossbows, 2 SM 1500s, 2 AT 2000, 2 AT 3000, EaB, i think that's it.
LA, more specifically Pasadena
i don't have a pic or a website, but i am sure you have a picture of me.

#3526 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 16 April 2003 - 01:51 PM in General Nerf

okay...i've been working on it lately, and here's some of the things i've come up with:

number A. i think i am going to shy away from the nerfers against 'the man' type thing, because it is just ridiculous. the good/bad rivalry will be more like the rivalry in the movie hook. this allows for the same level of un-called-for violence, but without the suits and "manly" lines that will just turn lame.

number B. i kind of like VACC's idea about making other forms of violence impossible, and i came up with a great way to make it work. plastic. just about anything that can cause physical harm to people is metal. the movie could be based around somewhat of a futuristic world, not too far in the future (don't want to have to build sets for futuristic buildings). the premise could be something along the lines of: terrorism has gone off the charts (possible excuse: the U.S. has colonized the middle east.), and metal detectors have been installed everywhere. policemen have them, all buildings have them, they're everywhere. so, there are two rival nerf clans, they've each got bases (warehouses, garages, something like that), they've each got the technology connections (trying to hack each other, see where the other clan is going, etc.) so, the basis of the violence is that the older, eviler clan has found and captured a nerfing "prodigy" (played by either captain suave or toj or someone unsuspecting). at the start of the movie, a member of the good clan (i will make up names soon), is being hunted down by two members of the evil clan, because he found out about the capture of the prodigy. the good clan launches a massive assault on the bad guys base to retrieve the nerfer. most of the movie revolves around this battle scene. towards the end, the clans are in a bit of a stalemate, no team is really doing much better than the other, but the good team has penetrated into the heart of the base, and rescued the prodigy. with the help of the prodigy, the bad guys are mopped up easily, and all is good.

number C: i've been toying with some more specific elements of the movie also:

first: blood vs. no blood. steve really wants blood, but i don't think i want to deal with blood caddies, exploding ketchup packets, etc. also, i plan on hosting the movie on this site (if cxwq wants to, and the server is fast enough), and i think that having blood would sort of deteriorate from exemplifying the fun of the sport. i am still wondering weather people should even be allowed to die in the movie, or whether they should just run away or something after being shot.

second: i have been toying with is giving toj a funny part in the movie. either: he should be on the good team, be steve's bitch, and only by the very end of the movie prove himself a worthy nerfer. or: he should be the prodigy nerfer.

third: i need ideas for the names of the clans, the names of individual people. i think a cool name for the good clan would be "dragon army", a reference to the book 'ender's game'. the clan atmosphere i am really trying to get at is somewhat like the armies in that book.

Number D: here is a basic skeleton structure of the people that i would like to have in each part, this is subject to multiple changes:

good team - me, steve, ted, toj, ska boy, mark, sam, and more hopefully
bad team - cxwq, spoon, jason, steph, matt, jordan, julie, cam, and mario
the nerfer in the first scene (see groove's idea) - ska boy or jon
prodigy nerfer - mason, ska boy, captain suave, or toj (leaning more towards captain suave or toj)

that is the end of my post.

#3529 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 16 April 2003 - 02:57 PM in General Nerf

I think the clans should be called blodshot anmd hell bound. :D

HA! i can just imagine the film:
"Sir, the Alpha Zoolo Squadron of Clan Hellbound at our niner"
"Long live clan Blodshot!"

um...i don't think i'll be using those names. sorry blackblade.

#3531 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 16 April 2003 - 03:02 PM in General Nerf

dude, batman, you are definately on the good team. sorry, i forgot all about you. and if you supply the explosives, i'm sure we can find something for you to blow up. you can blow up the lock on the cell that the secret person is in, possibly.

okay, i may or may not keep the secret person a secret. i can't really keep who it is a secret until i know who it is, and who wants to be it.

#3540 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 16 April 2003 - 04:11 PM in General Nerf

i recommend pirating (did i just say that) a supreme video editing program off kazaa or warez

how do you get a editing program off kazaa??? and what's warez???

firstly, can i slap you both? okay, now that is out of the way: you can get an editing program just like you can get anything else off of kazaa. you search for it, then you download it. oh, and taitacakes, i am not going to pirate video editing software, seeing as how i know about five people at my school willing to help with my movie that all have different editing software, all of it premium grade (i.e. final cut pro, etc.)

#3552 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 16 April 2003 - 05:38 PM in General Nerf

So, what are you doing exactly? You lost me. Looks like you scrapped my suggestion and took a few parts from it, and threw some other shit in.

What's the whole, "the man" thing that you're avoiding?

Perhaps instead of capturing this Nerfing prodigy, you might want to have each side try to tempt or persuade him to join each repsected team...in any other case it would be like you're treating the prodigy as an object, not a human.

okay...to lay it out for you. i am using your idea with two modifications. one, there is a super person, not gun. two, one of the warring factions does not wear suits. by 'the man', i was referring to 'the government'. and what i was avoiding was a "nerf clan vs. the government's nerfers", because it just seems kind of lame. i agree with your idea on the prodigy. i wish i could upload the part of my brain concerning this movie onto the forums, i am not doing the greatest job explaining what i want to happen.

on that note: julie, only right now are things going to be so blatanly black and white. i am striving in the movie to make no 'good' or 'evil'. after reading your thoughts, i've decided to change how the prodigy thing happens. if you've read any of dune or ender's game, you might understand what i am trying to get at better: the prodigy is just a kid who recently got into nerf. he's been following the clans around from a distance, figuring out how things work. he allows himself to be captured by "the bad guys", because he knows that the "the good guys" will come looking for him. when he is rescued by "the good guys", he works in their favor to defeat the enemy (which doesn't necessarily mean wasting them all). all the while, this prodigy has plans of his own (which we won't see until i make a second movie).

#3597 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 17 April 2003 - 11:16 PM in General Nerf

GOD DAMN IT!!!!!! I really want to work on this with you guys.... When you make the sequal, make it close to chicago...

i am about to kill you, wtrent10.

vacc: well, as for real life: people are going to be their regular selves, no suave name-editing except for maybe a 'captain ray' here or a 'commander spoon' there. if i bring nerfhaven into the context of the movie at all, i don't think it will be as one of the teams. i mean, what would the other team be? NerfHQ? HA! yeah right, the NHQ team would be a bunch of eight year olds with 18-gun-integrations shooting themselves in the foot. i think Nerfhaven may just stay out of the whole thing, or at least never be specifically referred to.

#3598 Armageddon Planning Thread

Posted by rawray7 on 17 April 2003 - 11:29 PM in Nerf Wars

i should be able to make it. hopefully with a full car this time. is the war time going to be the usual 9-5, or the traditional extended daylight savings armageddon war time: 9-6? getting a ride should be fine, and i am really hoping that we can get some neighborhood driving participation besides my dad; but it should all work out fine by the war date.

VACC, i miss you. it will break my heart if you don't come out to Armageddon. Get up off your couch, give your tv a break, and come out here and war. i will do whatever i possibly can to see to it that you war with us in June.

#3623 The Physics Of Nerf

Posted by rawray7 on 18 April 2003 - 01:40 PM in General Nerf

i wish all the physics problems i've done were like that. that wasn't too bad of a problem either, i was fine with the kinematics, but i goofed on the vector angle. julie, were you given that to solve for a class, or did you just find it randomly?

#3624 Nerf Movie

Posted by rawray7 on 18 April 2003 - 01:55 PM in General Nerf

Ray, if the movie ends up long, Cafepress can distribute it for base price $4.99 per CD with no hassle. My guess is NH can host a trailer for you, but that's up to the admins.

yeah, i wouldn't ask NH to host anything longer than 5 minutes, and even that's going to slow things down quite a bit. i'm still really trying to see how much i want to put into the movie. whether it should just be 5 minutes of solely nerfing, or whether it should actually have a plot. i've got plenty of ideas, but i am realizing that 1) i really have one day max where i could get together a good number of socal nerfers to film. 2) plot means lines, and if there are too many lines, that will lead to a lot of mess-ups, which will take up a lot of time. 3) using the plot that i have, i am going to need to access to some sort of building that could be considered a base to film. although, i would need something like that without a plot anyways.

i am going to write an official script this weekend. if you guys have access to any buildings that would be good to film in, tell me about it. i think i've got about three people with cameras that would be willing to help, so that's covered, unless spoon has access to some sort of super equipment that he would be willing to use on a project like this. once i write the script, i'll post it for editing and such. then i'll start contacting people to see who will play what. then we'll figure out a date. also, if you guys have any good ideas for fight choreography(sp), either post them or send them. but if it has to do with two people shooting each other, at point blank, in the face, with two lock n loads; don't bother posting, it's already been tried.

when it's all done and edited, (and if the movie is long enough) i'll decide whether i want to do some sort of cafepress selling thing. it's probably easier than trying to distribute the movie through paypal payments. that's a while away though.